Can you prove racism?

In light of Gracies reply maybe would should define racism.
For me...racism is someone who hates a specific skin color. Who thinks a different hue from their own is lower or higher than themselves, and then act on it. They don't see the person and what he/she represents as an individual person. They only see the color of their skin.

Hmmmm, yet Biden chose Kamala Harris as VP. But that's not racist.;) :D
He said he would choose a black woman. So when he does, he gets flack. If he didn't he would get flack as well. The problem is, he wanted to choose someone as a token only, not because that person would be more suited to the job. For me...that is racist.

Friend of mine is blonde, white, of norwegen decent. She married a black man. And I mean dark black...not mixed. She gets flack all the time by black women confronting her husband whenever they go out..dinner, shopping, whatever. So yes...racism IS BOTH SIDES.

Great points. I do believe we should always pick who is better fit for the job. But as we can see from these politicians, that is not what is done at all.
Skin color equals race. Racism is denigrating a race other than ones own and insisting a certain race of people ....ALL of beneath them. i.e. stupid, lazy, violent, ignorant, selfish. Many of those that do this are racist but is that a bad thing? Black power. White power. Fists or OK signs.

So the question that cannot ever be answered with proof or fact is the reason of WHY they think this way. Which comes to Thoth's comment that babies and children are not born thinking this way. They are TAUGHT.
There is racism. Both sides are guilty of it. Brown vs black vs white vs yellow vs red. Its in history books. It's in ghettos. It's in hoity toity predominately white areas like hollyweird. It has been proven because it will always be a part of who we all are whether we realize it, acknowlege it, or deny it. It

Trying to prove it to those who refuse to see is like trying to prove love exists. Or hate exists. Or even if God exists.
You are either comfortable with your stance, or you are not. I'm comfy with my stance. Am I racist? Probably to a certain degree. Mostly I want fairness from all sides. One color of skin is not better or less than another. But when the assholes on each side claim to be so....then that is what racism is.
No, both sides aren't guilty of it. There is racism and there is the reaction or response to racism. 2 different things caused by 2 different sets of curcumstances.

How is it racist, when he shot other white people? :D He was protecting himself, there is a difference between protecting your community from gangs and thugs then murder. Will you not protect your family when the time comes? Or are you just going to go down on one knee and take a boot to the face?
Just because he shot white people doesn't mean he's not a racist. You are a racist that assumes all blacks are thugs and gangsters. Whites pose a great threat to our security, we have 400 years worth of evidence that says so. So then should we excuse every act of black violence against whites as self defense? After all blacks would be protecting themselves against racist thugs. Would you not protect yourself against a possible white racist attack if you were black? Or are you just going to wait to get captured and hung from a tree?

So you are putting words into my mouth in which I have never spoken. I work in a prison and I have to study gang culture. There are gangs and thugs of all colors of skin.
What you fall for is thinking all white people are racist and you hold a victimhood attitude because that is what your MSM and Gov taught you to be like. Just by reading many of your posts it is obvious that you are someone that hates white people because you are still holding every white person in the world accountable for slavery, when the fact is every race has been a slave one time or another. And we are all still slaves brother!! Stop pretending to be a victim and start to hold yourself accountable for your own faults and stop blaming others because of the color of their skin.
No, you are wrong. I've got an advanced eduction in sociology. I've worked with the same populations you say you have and more. First off your dumb ass claims I think all whites are racists when I don't. You are, but the fact is there is a subculture in the white community that holds racist beliefs. While all whites have not practiced racism, the system was created to provide racial preference to whites. While all whites are not racists, there is a subculture in the white community that is. You do understand what a subculture is don't you?

This term means that all whites are not racists. I have gone past slavery and the every race has been a slave is just not an excuse I accept. I think that instead of trying to justify white racism, you begin to take all that accountabilty and responsibilty yourself. The color of skin is not the problem, it's the behavior. As long as whites like you are racists you will be held accountable for what your racism causes.

Now come back and talk when you can discuss intelligently how the lack of economic development in black communities due to racist public policy created gangs. Then explain why whites organized crime including controlling, the manufacturing and distribution of illegal substances and weapons yet blacks are blamed for crime.
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In light of Gracies reply maybe would should define racism.
For me...racism is someone who hates a specific skin color. Who thinks a different hue from their own is lower or higher than themselves, and then act on it. They don't see the person and what he/she represents as an individual person. They only see the color of their skin.
But that's not all racism is. It is a behavior or attitude of superority based on race. It is not the angry reaction to that behavior. Whites like you don't understand that. But all whites aren't you.
There is racism. Both sides are guilty of it. Brown vs black vs white vs yellow vs red. Its in history books. It's in ghettos. It's in hoity toity predominately white areas like hollyweird. It has been proven because it will always be a part of who we all are whether we realize it, acknowlege it, or deny it. It

Trying to prove it to those who refuse to see is like trying to prove love exists. Or hate exists. Or even if God exists.
You are either comfortable with your stance, or you are not. I'm comfy with my stance. Am I racist? Probably to a certain degree. Mostly I want fairness from all sides. One color of skin is not better or less than another. But when the assholes on each side claim to be so....then that is what racism is.
No, both sides aren't guilty of it. There is racism and there is the reaction or response to racism. 2 different things caused by 2 different sets of curcumstances.

How is it racist, when he shot other white people? :D He was protecting himself, there is a difference between protecting your community from gangs and thugs then murder. Will you not protect your family when the time comes? Or are you just going to go down on one knee and take a boot to the face?
Just because he shot white people doesn't mean he's not a racist. You are a racist that assumes all blacks are thugs and gangsters. Whites pose a great threat to our security, we have 400 years worth of evidence that says so. So then should we excuse every act of black violence against whites as self defense? After all blacks would be protecting themselves against racist thugs. Would you not protect yourself against a possible white racist attack if you were black? Or are you just going to wait to get captured and hung from a tree?

So you are putting words into my mouth in which I have never spoken. I work in a prison and I have to study gang culture. There are gangs and thugs of all colors of skin.
What you fall for is thinking all white people are racist and you hold a victimhood attitude because that is what your MSM and Gov taught you to be like. Just by reading many of your posts it is obvious that you are someone that hates white people because you are still holding every white person in the world accountable for slavery, when the fact is every race has been a slave one time or another. And we are all still slaves brother!! Stop pretending to be a victim and start to hold yourself accountable for your own faults and stop blaming others because of the color of their skin.
No Gracie, you are wrong. I've got an advanced eduction in sociology. I've worked with the same populations you say you have and more. First off your dumb ass claims I think all whites are racists when I don't. You are, but the fact is there is a subculture in the white community that holds racist beliefs. While all whites have not practiced racism, the system was created to provide racial preference to whites. While all whites are not racists, there is a subculture in the white community that is. You do understand what a subculture is don't you?

This term means that all whites are not racists. I have gone past slavery you dumb woman and the every race has been a slave is just not an excuse I accept. I think that instead of trying to justify white racism, you begin to take all that accountabilty and responsibilty yourself. IThe color of skin is not the problem you dumb woman, it's the behavior. As long as whites like you are racists you will be held accountable for what your racism causes.

Now come back and talk when you can discuss intelligebtly how the lack of economic development in black communities due to racist public policy created gangs. Then explain why whites organized crime including controlling, the manufacturing and distribution of illegal substances and weapons xyet blacks are blamed for crime.

You're an ignorant woman unaware that you support an ideology that sees you as an object..

I think your Woke. :D

In light of Gracies reply maybe would should define racism.
For me...racism is someone who hates a specific skin color. Who thinks a different hue from their own is lower or higher than themselves, and then act on it. They don't see the person and what he/she represents as an individual person. They only see the color of their skin.

Hmmmm, yet Biden chose Kamala Harris as VP. But that's not racist.;) :D
He said he would choose a black woman. So when he does, he gets flack. If he didn't he would get flack as well. The problem is, he wanted to choose someone as a token only, not because that person would be more suited to the job. For me...that is racist.

Friend of mine is blonde, white, of norwegen decent. She married a black man. And I mean dark black...not mixed. She gets flack all the time by black women confronting her husband whenever they go out..dinner, shopping, whatever. So yes...racism IS BOTH SIDES.
No, what you see from those black women is an attitude created as a response to the racism they have faced from whites. This is not an acceptable behavior but it is not as simple as you want to make it. Things have never been the same for blacks and whites so looking at how blacks react to racism from the frame of a racially challenged denial mindset has you trying to make things the same so you can avoid recognizing the consequences of 244 years of continuing racism by whites in America.

Prejudice is on all sides, but racism is not.

Now as for Bidens choice for VP, have wrhites like you ever considered how many millions of times whites have not been picked by qualification? Harris was qualified to be VP.
There is racism. Both sides are guilty of it. Brown vs black vs white vs yellow vs red. Its in history books. It's in ghettos. It's in hoity toity predominately white areas like hollyweird. It has been proven because it will always be a part of who we all are whether we realize it, acknowlege it, or deny it. It

Trying to prove it to those who refuse to see is like trying to prove love exists. Or hate exists. Or even if God exists.
You are either comfortable with your stance, or you are not. I'm comfy with my stance. Am I racist? Probably to a certain degree. Mostly I want fairness from all sides. One color of skin is not better or less than another. But when the assholes on each side claim to be so....then that is what racism is.
No, both sides aren't guilty of it. There is racism and there is the reaction or response to racism. 2 different things caused by 2 different sets of curcumstances.

How is it racist, when he shot other white people? :D He was protecting himself, there is a difference between protecting your community from gangs and thugs then murder. Will you not protect your family when the time comes? Or are you just going to go down on one knee and take a boot to the face?
Just because he shot white people doesn't mean he's not a racist. You are a racist that assumes all blacks are thugs and gangsters. Whites pose a great threat to our security, we have 400 years worth of evidence that says so. So then should we excuse every act of black violence against whites as self defense? After all blacks would be protecting themselves against racist thugs. Would you not protect yourself against a possible white racist attack if you were black? Or are you just going to wait to get captured and hung from a tree?

So you are putting words into my mouth in which I have never spoken. I work in a prison and I have to study gang culture. There are gangs and thugs of all colors of skin.
What you fall for is thinking all white people are racist and you hold a victimhood attitude because that is what your MSM and Gov taught you to be like. Just by reading many of your posts it is obvious that you are someone that hates white people because you are still holding every white person in the world accountable for slavery, when the fact is every race has been a slave one time or another. And we are all still slaves brother!! Stop pretending to be a victim and start to hold yourself accountable for your own faults and stop blaming others because of the color of their skin.
No Gracie, you are wrong. I've got an advanced eduction in sociology. I've worked with the same populations you say you have and more. First off your dumb ass claims I think all whites are racists when I don't. You are, but the fact is there is a subculture in the white community that holds racist beliefs. While all whites have not practiced racism, the system was created to provide racial preference to whites. While all whites are not racists, there is a subculture in the white community that is. You do understand what a subculture is don't you?

This term means that all whites are not racists. I have gone past slavery you dumb woman and the every race has been a slave is just not an excuse I accept. I think that instead of trying to justify white racism, you begin to take all that accountabilty and responsibilty yourself. IThe color of skin is not the problem you dumb woman, it's the behavior. As long as whites like you are racists you will be held accountable for what your racism causes.

Now come back and talk when you can discuss intelligebtly how the lack of economic development in black communities due to racist public policy created gangs. Then explain why whites organized crime including controlling, the manufacturing and distribution of illegal substances and weapons xyet blacks are blamed for crime.

You're an ignorant woman unaware that you support an ideology that sees you as an object..

I think your Woke. :D

View attachment 453770
I see no problem with being woke. I know you racists don't like it, but WGAF.
There is racism. Both sides are guilty of it. Brown vs black vs white vs yellow vs red. Its in history books. It's in ghettos. It's in hoity toity predominately white areas like hollyweird. It has been proven because it will always be a part of who we all are whether we realize it, acknowlege it, or deny it. It

Trying to prove it to those who refuse to see is like trying to prove love exists. Or hate exists. Or even if God exists.
You are either comfortable with your stance, or you are not. I'm comfy with my stance. Am I racist? Probably to a certain degree. Mostly I want fairness from all sides. One color of skin is not better or less than another. But when the assholes on each side claim to be so....then that is what racism is.
No, both sides aren't guilty of it. There is racism and there is the reaction or response to racism. 2 different things caused by 2 different sets of curcumstances.

Yes, let's absolve the negroes of all responsibility for their overt racism. You fuckin' blue-gums will never acknowledge your own failings, so we have to do it for you.

Fuck you, Sambo...
In light of Gracies reply maybe would should define racism.
For me...racism is someone who hates a specific skin color. Who thinks a different hue from their own is lower or higher than themselves, and then act on it. They don't see the person and what he/she represents as an individual person. They only see the color of their skin.

Hmmmm, yet Biden chose Kamala Harris as VP. But that's not racist.;) :D
He said he would choose a black woman. So when he does, he gets flack. If he didn't he would get flack as well. The problem is, he wanted to choose someone as a token only, not because that person would be more suited to the job. For me...that is racist.

Friend of mine is blonde, white, of norwegen decent. She married a black man. And I mean dark black...not mixed. She gets flack all the time by black women confronting her husband whenever they go out..dinner, shopping, whatever. So yes...racism IS BOTH SIDES.
No, what you see from those black women is an attitude created as a response to the racism they have faced from whites. This is not an acceptable behavior but it is not as simple as you want to make it. Things have never been the same for blacks and whites so looking at how blacks react to racism from the frame of a racially challenged denial mindset has you trying to make things the same so you can avoid recognizing the consequences of 244 years of continuing racism by whites in America.

Prejudice is on all sides, but racism is not.

Now as for Bidens choice for VP, have wrhites like you ever considered how many millions of times whites have not been picked by qualification? Harris was qualified to be VP.

How was she qualified?

By sucking negro dick to get ahead in politics?
There is racism. Both sides are guilty of it. Brown vs black vs white vs yellow vs red. Its in history books. It's in ghettos. It's in hoity toity predominately white areas like hollyweird. It has been proven because it will always be a part of who we all are whether we realize it, acknowlege it, or deny it. It

Trying to prove it to those who refuse to see is like trying to prove love exists. Or hate exists. Or even if God exists.
You are either comfortable with your stance, or you are not. I'm comfy with my stance. Am I racist? Probably to a certain degree. Mostly I want fairness from all sides. One color of skin is not better or less than another. But when the assholes on each side claim to be so....then that is what racism is.
No, both sides aren't guilty of it. There is racism and there is the reaction or response to racism. 2 different things caused by 2 different sets of curcumstances.

I presented a reality you don't want to face.
There is racism. Both sides are guilty of it. Brown vs black vs white vs yellow vs red. Its in history books. It's in ghettos. It's in hoity toity predominately white areas like hollyweird. It has been proven because it will always be a part of who we all are whether we realize it, acknowlege it, or deny it. It

Trying to prove it to those who refuse to see is like trying to prove love exists. Or hate exists. Or even if God exists.
You are either comfortable with your stance, or you are not. I'm comfy with my stance. Am I racist? Probably to a certain degree. Mostly I want fairness from all sides. One color of skin is not better or less than another. But when the assholes on each side claim to be so....then that is what racism is.
No, both sides aren't guilty of it. There is racism and there is the reaction or response to racism. 2 different things caused by 2 different sets of curcumstances.

Yes, let's absolve the negroes of all responsibility for their overt racism. You fuckin' blue-gums will never acknowledge your own failings, so we have to do it for you.

Fuck you, Sambo...
The truth absolves nothing. Do you think that blacks are just going to accept white racism and just take it? Seems the people who can't acknowledge their failures are you pink toes.
But that's not all racism is. It is a behavior or attitude of superority based on race.

That's not racism?

My God, Tyrone, that's the very definition of racism, yet you bend over backwards to dismiss it.

You're as big a racist piece of shit as they come...
In light of Gracies reply maybe would should define racism.
For me...racism is someone who hates a specific skin color. Who thinks a different hue from their own is lower or higher than themselves, and then act on it. They don't see the person and what he/she represents as an individual person. They only see the color of their skin.

Hmmmm, yet Biden chose Kamala Harris as VP. But that's not racist.;) :D
He said he would choose a black woman. So when he does, he gets flack. If he didn't he would get flack as well. The problem is, he wanted to choose someone as a token only, not because that person would be more suited to the job. For me...that is racist.

Friend of mine is blonde, white, of norwegen decent. She married a black man. And I mean dark black...not mixed. She gets flack all the time by black women confronting her husband whenever they go out..dinner, shopping, whatever. So yes...racism IS BOTH SIDES.
No, what you see from those black women is an attitude created as a response to the racism they have faced from whites. This is not an acceptable behavior but it is not as simple as you want to make it. Things have never been the same for blacks and whites so looking at how blacks react to racism from the frame of a racially challenged denial mindset has you trying to make things the same so you can avoid recognizing the consequences of 244 years of continuing racism by whites in America.

Prejudice is on all sides, but racism is not.

Now as for Bidens choice for VP, have wrhites like you ever considered how many millions of times whites have not been picked by qualification? Harris was qualified to be VP.

How was she qualified?

By sucking negro dick to get ahead in politics?
Figure it out white trash.
There is racism. Both sides are guilty of it. Brown vs black vs white vs yellow vs red. Its in history books. It's in ghettos. It's in hoity toity predominately white areas like hollyweird. It has been proven because it will always be a part of who we all are whether we realize it, acknowlege it, or deny it. It

Trying to prove it to those who refuse to see is like trying to prove love exists. Or hate exists. Or even if God exists.
You are either comfortable with your stance, or you are not. I'm comfy with my stance. Am I racist? Probably to a certain degree. Mostly I want fairness from all sides. One color of skin is not better or less than another. But when the assholes on each side claim to be so....then that is what racism is.
No, both sides aren't guilty of it. There is racism and there is the reaction or response to racism. 2 different things caused by 2 different sets of curcumstances.

Yes, let's absolve the negroes of all responsibility for their overt racism. You fuckin' blue-gums will never acknowledge your own failings, so we have to do it for you.

Fuck you, Sambo...
The truth absolves nothing. Do you think that blacks are just going to accept white racism and just take it? Seems the people who can't acknowledge their failures are you pink toes.

That's funny.

Is "pink toes" supposed to be some racist epithet?

Fuck off, porch monkey. Go fetch your master a sandwich and shut the fuck up...
In light of Gracies reply maybe would should define racism.
For me...racism is someone who hates a specific skin color. Who thinks a different hue from their own is lower or higher than themselves, and then act on it. They don't see the person and what he/she represents as an individual person. They only see the color of their skin.

Hmmmm, yet Biden chose Kamala Harris as VP. But that's not racist.;) :D
He said he would choose a black woman. So when he does, he gets flack. If he didn't he would get flack as well. The problem is, he wanted to choose someone as a token only, not because that person would be more suited to the job. For me...that is racist.

Friend of mine is blonde, white, of norwegen decent. She married a black man. And I mean dark black...not mixed. She gets flack all the time by black women confronting her husband whenever they go out..dinner, shopping, whatever. So yes...racism IS BOTH SIDES.
No, what you see from those black women is an attitude created as a response to the racism they have faced from whites. This is not an acceptable behavior but it is not as simple as you want to make it. Things have never been the same for blacks and whites so looking at how blacks react to racism from the frame of a racially challenged denial mindset has you trying to make things the same so you can avoid recognizing the consequences of 244 years of continuing racism by whites in America.

Prejudice is on all sides, but racism is not.

Now as for Bidens choice for VP, have wrhites like you ever considered how many millions of times whites have not been picked by qualification? Harris was qualified to be VP.

How was she qualified?

By sucking negro dick to get ahead in politics?
Figure it out white trash.

I already have, you greasy moolie fuck...
But that's not all racism is. It is a behavior or attitude of superority based on race.

That's not racism?

My God, Tyrone, that's the very definition of racism, yet you bend over backwards to dismiss it.

You're as big a racist piece of shit as they come...
Nah., I'm not a racist. But you can't face the fact that there are consequences to behavior. White racism creates black hostiliuty towards whites.
But that's not all racism is. It is a behavior or attitude of superority based on race.

That's not racism?

My God, Tyrone, that's the very definition of racism, yet you bend over backwards to dismiss it.

You're as big a racist piece of shit as they come...
Nah., I'm not a racist. But you can't face the fact that there are consequences to behavior. White racism creates black hostiliuty towards whites.


Fuck you, you piece of shit. You're the biggest fucking piece of shit racist on this forum...
There is racism. Both sides are guilty of it. Brown vs black vs white vs yellow vs red. Its in history books. It's in ghettos. It's in hoity toity predominately white areas like hollyweird. It has been proven because it will always be a part of who we all are whether we realize it, acknowlege it, or deny it. It

Trying to prove it to those who refuse to see is like trying to prove love exists. Or hate exists. Or even if God exists.
You are either comfortable with your stance, or you are not. I'm comfy with my stance. Am I racist? Probably to a certain degree. Mostly I want fairness from all sides. One color of skin is not better or less than another. But when the assholes on each side claim to be so....then that is what racism is.
No, both sides aren't guilty of it. There is racism and there is the reaction or response to racism. 2 different things caused by 2 different sets of curcumstances.

Yes, let's absolve the negroes of all responsibility for their overt racism. You fuckin' blue-gums will never acknowledge your own failings, so we have to do it for you.

Fuck you, Sambo...
The truth absolves nothing. Do you think that blacks are just going to accept white racism and just take it? Seems the people who can't acknowledge their failures are you pink toes.

That's funny.

Is "pink toes" supposed to be some racist epithet?

Fuck off, porch monkey. Go fetch your master a sandwich and shut the fuck up...
If I was sitting next to you I'd fetch you a real nice knuckle sandwich, cracker.
But that's not all racism is. It is a behavior or attitude of superority based on race.

That's not racism?

My God, Tyrone, that's the very definition of racism, yet you bend over backwards to dismiss it.

You're as big a racist piece of shit as they come...
Nah., I'm not a racist. But you can't face the fact that there are consequences to behavior. White racism creates black hostiliuty towards whites.


Fuck you, you piece of shit. You're the biggest fucking piece of shit racist on this forum...
Nah, I'm not racist but your white fragility makes you think that your calling me one will me me shut up.

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