Can you prove racism?

What kind of racism? People just making ignorant comments is highly subjective while racial biases built into public policy is very provable. You can't do anything about the hate in people's minds but systemic racism can be solved by the stroke of a pen.

Finally waking up to Affirmative Action and what it really means?
What kind of racism? People just making ignorant comments is highly subjective while racial biases built into public policy is very provable. You can't do anything about the hate in people's minds but systemic racism can be solved by the stroke of a pen.

Finally waking up to Affirmative Action and what it really means?
I know what it means when someone attacks it.
In light of Gracies reply maybe would should define racism.
For me...racism is someone who hates a specific skin color. Who thinks a different hue from their own is lower or higher than themselves, and then act on it. They don't see the person and what he/she represents as an individual person. They only see the color of their skin.
It has to be more than that. Anyone can hate a specific color. Having the power to create an ism (system) is the province of whoever is in power.

thisism, thatism, ism ism ism.....
There is racism. Both sides are guilty of it. Brown vs black vs white vs yellow vs red. Its in history books. It's in ghettos. It's in hoity toity predominately white areas like hollyweird. It has been proven because it will always be a part of who we all are whether we realize it, acknowlege it, or deny it. It

Trying to prove it to those who refuse to see is like trying to prove love exists. Or hate exists. Or even if God exists.
You are either comfortable with your stance, or you are not. I'm comfy with my stance. Am I racist? Probably to a certain degree. Mostly I want fairness from all sides. One color of skin is not better or less than another. But when the assholes on each side claim to be so....then that is what racism is.
No, both sides aren't guilty of it. There is racism and there is the reaction or response to racism. 2 different things caused by 2 different sets of curcumstances.

Yes, let's absolve the negroes of all responsibility for their overt racism. You fuckin' blue-gums will never acknowledge your own failings, so we have to do it for you.

Fuck you, Sambo...
The truth absolves nothing. Do you think that blacks are just going to accept white racism and just take it? Seems the people who can't acknowledge their failures are you pink toes.

That's funny.

Is "pink toes" supposed to be some racist epithet?

Fuck off, porch monkey. Go fetch your master a sandwich and shut the fuck up...
If I was sitting next to you I'd fetch you a real nice knuckle sandwich, cracker.

You'd piss your pants, you ignorant fuck...
Come on now cave monkey. You know good and well you would just blush a violent pink and lower your eyes in person.


I don't blush, and I don't avert my eyes; certainly not from a colored boy's gaze...
So you say on internet. :laugh:


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We all have prejudices, but not everybody is racist. You are spot on when you mention codifying racism into law.
As I define it, prejudice based on skin color is racism. It may not always be negative but it is always there to some degree. I know an Asian woman who has benefited from the positive stereotypes of Asians being competent, industrious, and smart. (I'm not sure what it means that she is indeed all those things.)
Its kinda weird because I went to school with a healthy amount of Chinese, Vietnamese, and Filipinos. One of my classmates that was Chinese told me most Asians cheat on tests on a wide scale. Its encouraged by their parents. I too thought they were book smart but have since found out that is for the most part false. I'm in IT and 2 of the guys I work with are always fucking up something.
You mean stereotypes are not always accurate??? Who knew.

accept for the sopranos - they were spot on with their portrayals - ANYBODY who's italian has at least one family member that is just like one of them 'goombas'.
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Does it matter? Just allege it, no facts. That's ok?
No. You can't prove racism to most whites.

Why ?

1. Whites benefit from racism.

This causes whites to turn a blind eye, to make excuses,

2. White people control the places that determine the truth
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, CNN, Facebook, Twitter, Penguin books, FBI, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge.

They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET.

3. Prejudice is not logical.

That makes it hard to disprove logically.

It can be confirmed by facts (one black rapist) but never disproved (a thousand blk ppl who dont rape). It works in a part of the brain that deals with feeling, not thought.

Finally when you do find white people who believe in racism, they believe it not because they read it in a book, but usually came from them seeing family, friends or lovers subjected to racism.

But most of the time even then they will discount it for one or more of the reasons above.
In light of Gracies reply maybe would should define racism.
For me...racism is someone who hates a specific skin color. Who thinks a different hue from their own is lower or higher than themselves, and then act on it. They don't see the person and what he/she represents as an individual person. They only see the color of their skin.

Hmmmm, yet Biden chose Kamala Harris as VP. But that's not racist.;) :D
He said he would choose a black woman. So when he does, he gets flack. If he didn't he would get flack as well. The problem is, he wanted to choose someone as a token only, not because that person would be more suited to the job. For me...that is racist.

Friend of mine is blonde, white, of norwegen decent. She married a black man. And I mean dark black...not mixed. She gets flack all the time by black women confronting her husband whenever they go out..dinner, shopping, whatever. So yes...racism IS BOTH SIDES.
Thats not racism. Thats anger by Black women always being judged and downgraded by a racist society.
No. That is racism. Which causes the anger. There is no reason whatsoever for them to be angry that he chose a white woman. Love is love.
No, what you see from those black women is an attitude created as a response to the racism they have faced from whites.

I know this black chick. I can say her name, but I can't spell it; it's all fucked up. Shah'quandrea or some shit.

Anyway, she likes white dick. All I have to do is say the word and she's goin' down like a two foot putt. Every so often I'll give her a treat and bend her over but, for the most part, she knows her place...
Canon, you are the opposite of IM2 race wise, but you are both exactly alike in the anger department.

Don't get mad or offended I said that. I have IM2 on iggie for a reason. But your posts here are full of the same anger he expresses.:(
No, what you see from those black women is an attitude created as a response to the racism they have faced from whites.

I know this black chick. I can say her name, but I can't spell it; it's all fucked up. Shah'quandrea or some shit.

Anyway, she likes white dick. All I have to do is say the word and she's goin' down like a two foot putt. Every so often I'll give her a treat and bend her over but, for the most part, she knows her place...
Canon, you are the opposite of IM2 race wise, but you are both exactly alike in the anger department.

Don't get mad or offended I said that. I have IM2 on iggie for a reason. But your posts here are full of the same anger he expresses.:(

You know what pisses me off?

I never used to be like this. Then 2020 happened. We had negroes burning down our cities and tearing down monuments every time their feelings got hurt. We had consumer brands changing their logos so as to no longer depict black people (even when the family of one of those removed was against it). Anything and everything associated with the Confederacy is slowly being erased.

And I've got news for you: It's not whites doing it.

The coloreds in this country have basically been given carte blanche. If they don't like something, they'll destroy businesses and loot them, as if looting could come close to addressing the problems they perceive, because the useless liberal leadership in this country has sent a clear message that it will do nothing to stop them.

Yeah, I'm angry, and I'm angry because the negroes in this country have reached a point where they believe any means justifies their ends. That's why I carry a gun. Sadly, any white guy, at any time, could become the victim of a crime perpetrate by a negro, simply because the negro feels he's justified in committing the crime because he's colored and his victim is white.

Be armed and be vigilant...
Does it matter? Just allege it, no facts. That's ok?
No. You can't prove racism to most whites.

Why ?

1. Whites benefit from racism.

This causes whites to turn a blind eye, to make excuses,

2. White people control the places that determine the truth
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, CNN, Facebook, Twitter, Penguin books, FBI, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge.

They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET.

3. Prejudice is not logical.

That makes it hard to disprove logically.

It can be confirmed by facts (one black rapist) but never disproved (a thousand blk ppl who dont rape). It works in a part of the brain that deals with feeling, not thought.

Finally when you do find white people who believe in racism, they believe it not because they read it in a book, but usually came from them seeing family, friends or lovers subjected to racism.

But most of the time even then they will discount it for one or more of the reasons above.
All you have to do is attack and destroy the white financial/investment areas of the world. The whole system is fiat currency backed. Which they all own anyway.
Canon Shooter
How do whites benefit from racism?

Because you can't have an down with out a up.

Canon Shooter
What about racism directed towards whites from negroes?

What you consider black racism is how black people respond to white racism. Black racism (if we can call it that) is name calling. Because name calling is pretty much the only negative thing a blk person can do to a white person and not be severly punished.
All you have to do is attack and destroy the white financial/investment areas of the world. The whole system is fiat currency backed. Which they all own anyway.

But here's the thing.

We don't think like you.

Black people (As a group) don't have that evil, cold way of thinking that white supremacist have. We don't think about trying to destroy this and attack that and then create weapons in order to do that.

When we do that it's usually in response to white destrution and white attacks.
Canon Shooter
How do whites benefit from racism?

Because you can't have an down with out a up.

So, if I have something and you don't, that's racism?

If I win and you lose, that's racist?

You know what's racist? Insisting that everything bad that's ever happened to you in your miserable little life is the fault of someone who's white.

Learn to take some personal responsibility...

What about racism directed towards whites from negroes?

What you consider black racism is how black people respond to white racism. Black racism (if we can call it that) is name calling. Because name calling is pretty much the only negative thing a blk person can do to a white person and not be severly punished.


There's a food truck here in town in the "black" section of town. The guy makes what I'm told is some of the most amazing fried chicken on the planet. He also makes some amazing brisket and pulled pork. The bitch of it, though, is that he won't sell the fried chicken to white people. That's for the bruthas. If you're white and want fried chicken, you have to place a minimum order of $25, while the negroes can go up and spend four bucks on a couple of thighs and a side dish.

I'd love to hear you explain how that's not racist...
But here's the thing.

We don't think like you.

Fixed that for you, bruh...

When we do that it's usually in response to white destrution and white attacks.

Nobody stealing televisions from Wal Marts during the negro uprisings last year had been attacked. They were just taking advantage of an unfortunate situation. But that's what negroes do...
No, what you see from those black women is an attitude created as a response to the racism they have faced from whites.

I know this black chick. I can say her name, but I can't spell it; it's all fucked up. Shah'quandrea or some shit.

Anyway, she likes white dick. All I have to do is say the word and she's goin' down like a two foot putt. Every so often I'll give her a treat and bend her over but, for the most part, she knows her place...
Canon, you are the opposite of IM2 race wise, but you are both exactly alike in the anger department.

Don't get mad or offended I said that. I have IM2 on iggie for a reason. But your posts here are full of the same anger he expresses.:(

You know what pisses me off?

I never used to be like this. Then 2020 happened. We had negroes burning down our cities and tearing down monuments every time their feelings got hurt. We had consumer brands changing their logos so as to no longer depict black people (even when the family of one of those removed was against it). Anything and everything associated with the Confederacy is slowly being erased.

And I've got news for you: It's not whites doing it.

The coloreds in this country have basically been given carte blanche. If they don't like something, they'll destroy businesses and loot them, as if looting could come close to addressing the problems they perceive, because the useless liberal leadership in this country has sent a clear message that it will do nothing to stop them.

Yeah, I'm angry, and I'm angry because the negroes in this country have reached a point where they believe any means justifies their ends. That's why I carry a gun. Sadly, any white guy, at any time, could become the victim of a crime perpetrate by a negro, simply because the negro feels he's justified in committing the crime because he's colored and his victim is white.

Be armed and be vigilant...
I understand. Believe me, I do. But a lot of the looting and burning were done by whites. Just don't lump them all in to one big pot. And thanks for replying the way you did. I know you needed to vent it out more. All I can say is....I pray things get better.
Canon Shooter
So, if I have something and you don't, that's racism? If I win and you lose, that's racist?

Never said that.

Canon Shooter
You know what's racist? Insisting that everything bad that's ever happened to you in your miserable little life is the fault of someone who's white.

Never said that either

Canon Shooter
Learn to take some personal responsibility.

That's a two way street.

Canon Shooter
There's a food truck here in town in the "black" section of town. The guy makes what I'm told is some of the most amazing fried chicken on the planet. He also makes some amazing brisket and pulled pork.

You were "told" so you have never been there.

Canon Shooter
The bitch of it, though, is that he won't sell the fried chicken to white people. That's for the bruthas. If you're white and want fried chicken, you have to place a minimum order of $25, while the negroes can go up and spend four bucks on a couple of thighs and a side dish. I'd love to hear you explain how that's not racist.

You have never been there as you said you were "Told"
All you have to do is attack and destroy the white financial/investment areas of the world. The whole system is fiat currency backed. Which they all own anyway.

But here's the thing.

We don't think like you.

Black people (As a group) don't have that evil, cold way of thinking that white supremacist have. We don't think about trying to destroy this and attack that and then create weapons in order to do that.

When we do that it's usually in response to white destrution and white attacks.
Hogwash. It's done because you can, and will if the opportunity is there, regardless of who may be hurt.

Perhaps, you should focus your ire and "differences" in your "group/racethink" into being a dad when you get your woman pregnant and raising that child as a family with a dad; stop the driveby shit. Stop killing each other.
Perhaps, you should focus your ire and "differences" in your "group/racethink" into being a dad

And how does that affect white people ?

when you get your woman pregnant and raising that child as a family with a dad;

And how does that affect white people ?

stop the driveby shit.

And how does that affect white people ?

Stop killing each other.

And how does that affect white people ?
So, if I have something and you don't, that's racism? If I win and you lose, that's racist?

Never said that.

Me winning would be the "up". You losing would be the "down"...

You know what's racist? Insisting that everything bad that's ever happened to you in your miserable little life is the fault of someone who's white.

Never said that either

Bitch, you've never taken a different position...

Learn to take some personal responsibility.

That's a two way street.

And a road you will never go down...

There's a food truck here in town in the "black" section of town. The guy makes what I'm told is some of the most amazing fried chicken on the planet. He also makes some amazing brisket and pulled pork.

The bitch of it, though, is that he won't sell the fried chicken to white people. That's for the bruthas. If you're white and want fried chicken, you have to place a minimum order of $25, while the negroes can go up and spend four bucks on a couple of thighs and a side dish. I'd love to hear you explain how that's not racist.

You have never been there as you said you were "Told"

You really are one dumb negro, you know that?

I certainly have been there That's how I know his brisket and pulled pork are amazing, you stupid fuck.

But he'll only sell me friend chicken if I order $25 worth of it. I can't get just thighs and a side like the colored boys can. He's come right out and said that the fried chicken is for the thugs in the 'hood.

You're too chickenshit to actually acknowledge that it's racist, but you know it is...

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