Can you prove racism?

Canon Shooter
You really are one dumb negro, you know that?


Canon Shooter
I certainly have been there That's how I know his brisket and pulled pork are amazing, you stupid fuck.

O. Right. So now you've been to the chicken shop even though you saud "The guy makes what I'm told is some of the most amazing fried chicken on the planet" that means you have never been there.

Canon Shooter
But he'll only sell me friend chicken if I order $25 worth of it. I can't get just thighs and a side like the colored boys can. He's come right out and said that the fried chicken is for the thugs in the 'hood'

I don't know this shop. Never been there. But I don't believe it. Plus the shop owner is not here to defend himself but I'm pretty certain whites are allowed to buy chicken there.

That the worst, most vicious example of racism you could come up with is you alleging that whites are not allowed to buy chicken at a black chicken shop, if anything proves my point that systematic blk racism does not exist.
There is racism. Both sides are guilty of it. Brown vs black vs white vs yellow vs red. Its in history books. It's in ghettos. It's in hoity toity predominately white areas like hollyweird. It has been proven because it will always be a part of who we all are whether we realize it, acknowlege it, or deny it. It

Trying to prove it to those who refuse to see is like trying to prove love exists. Or hate exists. Or even if God exists.
You are either comfortable with your stance, or you are not. I'm comfy with my stance. Am I racist? Probably to a certain degree. Mostly I want fairness from all sides. One color of skin is not better or less than another. But when the assholes on each side claim to be so....then that is what racism is.
Well said.
Does it matter? Just allege it, no facts. That's ok?
Absolutely it exists and it always will. It is an excuse for shortcomings or OTOH, it is convenient reason for hate. If racism should somehow magically disappear tomorrow, man would find another reason to hate. It's the nature of the beast and every person on earth is guilty of it, some more than others, whether they admit it or not.
Perhaps, you should focus your ire and "differences" in your "group/racethink" into being a dad

And how does that affect white people ?

when you get your woman pregnant and raising that child as a family with a dad;

And how does that affect white people ?

stop the driveby shit.

And how does that affect white people ?

Stop killing each other.

And how does that affect white people ?
How does all that affect white people? Why do you insist on using WHITE? It affects the child growing up with out a father because that child will wind up like you and the anger of the absense of the father will be "white man's fault". It affects the mother who thought the dad would support her, love her, stay with her, help her raise a productive child to live a decent life..whether she is black..or white...or hispanic...or asian..or indian. It affects the black children caught in the crossfire with drivebys by gang bangers battling for turf or whatever. It affects the white person because WE are blamed, which you just proved by using skin color of what racism affects. It affects ALL. Not just "white people".

You are a racist, Paul. An angry one who refuses to acknowledge that most of blacks problems are caused by blacks. Not whites.
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How does all that affect white people?


Why do you insist on using WHITE?

Because you are white.

It affects the child growing up with out a father.

I agree.

It affects the mother who thought the dad would support her, love her, stay with her, help her raise a productive child to live a decent life.

I agree.

It affects the black children caught in the crossfire with drivebys by gang bangers battling for turf or whater.

And how does that affect white people?

It's very simple question. I've asked it numerous times.

It affects the white person because WE are blamed, which you just proved by using skin color of what racism affects.

And the result of the blame is affecting white people in what way ?
How does all that affect white people?


Why do you insist on using WHITE?

Because you are white.

It affects the child growing up with out a father.

I agree.

It affects the mother who thought the dad would support her, love her, stay with her, help her raise a productive child to live a decent life.

I agree.

It affects the black children caught in the crossfire with drivebys by gang bangers battling for turf or whater.

And how does that affect white people?

It's very simple question. I've asked it numerous times.

It affects the white person because WE are blamed, which you just proved by using skin color of what racism affects.

And the result of the blame is affecting white people in what way ?
Death. Matters not the race or skin color. Death to us all in some form or another.
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There is racism. Both sides are guilty of it. Brown vs black vs white vs yellow vs red. Its in history books. It's in ghettos. It's in hoity toity predominately white areas like hollyweird. It has been proven because it will always be a part of who we all are whether we realize it, acknowlege it, or deny it. It

Trying to prove it to those who refuse to see is like trying to prove love exists. Or hate exists. Or even if God exists.
You are either comfortable with your stance, or you are not. I'm comfy with my stance. Am I racist? Probably to a certain degree. Mostly I want fairness from all sides. One color of skin is not better or less than another. But when the assholes on each side claim to be so....then that is what racism is.
No, both sides aren't guilty of it. There is racism and there is the reaction or response to racism. 2 different things caused by 2 different sets of curcumstances.

Yes, let's absolve the negroes of all responsibility for their overt racism. You fuckin' blue-gums will never acknowledge your own failings, so we have to do it for you.

Fuck you, Sambo...
The truth absolves nothing. Do you think that blacks are just going to accept white racism and just take it? Seems the people who can't acknowledge their failures are you pink toes.

That's funny.

Is "pink toes" supposed to be some racist epithet?

Fuck off, porch monkey. Go fetch your master a sandwich and shut the fuck up...
If I was sitting next to you I'd fetch you a real nice knuckle sandwich, cracker.

You'd piss your pants, you ignorant fuck...
Come on now cave monkey. You know good and well you would just blush a violent pink and lower your eyes in person.


I don't blush, and I don't avert my eyes; certainly not from a colored boy's gaze...
So you say on internet. :laugh:

You're the one who started flappin' those blue gums about how tough you are, Stymie...
I didnt say anything about being tough. Thats just your fear talking pinkie. :laugh:

I guess I imagined that you wrote " If I was sitting next to you I'd fetch you a real nice knuckle sandwich, cracker."

You're such a lying little negro.

Ain't there a field somewhere needs tendin', boy?
I said that white boy and if I was sitting next to you while you make these comments, that's what you're going to get served. The fields we tend now, you would not survive on pussy. Like a football field. We tend to that. I tended rugby fields and administered at leastc one 2 minute hit per game for nearly 20 years. A 2 minute hit is when the person you hit can't get up and must take at least 2 minutes to get back up and play. It's the only time the clock stops. I'd make you get carried off the field punk. Even at age 60.
It affects the child growing up with out a father.

Why do you whites hang on to this lie about blacks? A man in the house does does not erase wealth inequality.

It affects the black children caught in the crossfire with drivebys by gang bangers battling for turf or whater.

More ignorant white stereotyping. Despite the overplay of black violence by white owned media, drive bys are not as frequent as people like you want to promote. Meanwhile white kids are walking into schools killing 20-30 at a time. Where are the sermons about parenting and families from lowlifes like Gracie about that?

It affects the mother who thought the dad would support her, love her, stay with her, help her raise a productive child to live a decent life.

More racist crap.

On June 8, 2015, Charles Blow wrote an article in the New York Times titled, “Black Dads Are Doing Best of All.” McDonald should have read it. This article takes apart the tale of black fathers not being around for their kids. The issue of unwed births really has no relation to whether 2 parents are around. An unwed birth is a child being born and the couple is not married. That does not mean a man and a woman are not together raising the child. The single mother narrative got destroyed long ago, because a single mother does not mean a man will not be around to influence the child as it grows up. One fantastic example is the story Shaquille O’Neal tells about his relationship with Sergeant Phillip Harrison who raised him with his mother. Finally, the appearance of Barack Obama on the world stage allows me to say once and for all that a single parent family is not the cause of the problem. This article shows that most black children in this country live with their fathers or their fathers are active participants in their lives. In reality, not the convoluted racist mind, a mother and father ARE present in the majority of black homes.

Josh Levs points this out in his new book, “All In,” in a chapter titled “How Black Dads Are Doing Best of All (But There’s Still a Crisis).” One fact that Levs quickly establishes is that most black fathers in America live with their children: “There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”

Charles Blow

A report titled “Fathers’ Involvement With Their Children: United States, 2006–2010,” was published by the Centers for Disease Control in the National Health Report on December 20, 2013. The findings are interesting for those who have decided they can paint black culture in moral terms. Moral terms that 244 years of American history show whites who have decided they can do the painting refuse hold themselves to. The findings in this study debunk the standard racist white narrative to the point that it is miseducation, misinformation, lies, or whatever word you want to give to the purposeful deception provided to describe a race of people. Some of the findings are as follows:

A higher percentage of fathers who lived with their children under age 5 fed or ate meals with them daily—72% compared with 7.9% of fathers with noncoresidential children. A higher percentage of fathers living apart from their children did not feed or eat meals with them at all in the last 4 weeks—43% compared with 0.8% of fathers with coresidential children (Table 2). Variation by Hispanic origin and race was seen in the percentages of coresidential fathers who ate meals with their children every day. Specifically, Hispanic fathers were less likely to eat meals with their children every day (64%) than were non-Hispanic white (74%) or non-Hispanic black (78%) fathers.

There was a significant difference by Hispanic origin and race among fathers with coresidential children: Black fathers (70%) were most likely to have bathed, dressed, diapered, or helped their children use the toilet every day compared with white (60%) and Hispanic fathers (45%).

A higher percentage of Hispanic fathers aged 15–44 (52%) had not played with their noncoresidential children in the last 4 weeks compared with white (30%) and black (25%) fathers.

Larger percentages of Hispanic (82%) and white (70%) fathers had not helped their noncoresidential children with homework at all in the last 4 weeks compared with black fathers (56%).

  • Pew Research estimates that 67 percent of black dads who do not live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and 32 percent of Hispanic dads. Evidence shows that a number of black dads are living apart from their kids because of structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded racist assumption that African-American men place less or no value on parenting. Black and white fathers agree on the importance of being a father who provides emotional support, instills discipline and moral guidance. Black dads are also more likely to think it is important to provide for his children financially.
Simply put, the unwed, single mom, absent black father is not the cause of crime or violence in black communities. Single mothers have boyfriends, this seems to be ignored and it should not be.

It affects the white person because WE are blamed, which you just proved by using skin color of what racism affects.

Whites who practice racism are being held accountable for what their racism does. That is not blame. You are not a victim.
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No, what you see from those black women is an attitude created as a response to the racism they have faced from whites.

I know this black chick. I can say her name, but I can't spell it; it's all fucked up. Shah'quandrea or some shit.

Anyway, she likes white dick. All I have to do is say the word and she's goin' down like a two foot putt. Every so often I'll give her a treat and bend her over but, for the most part, she knows her place...
Canon, you are the opposite of IM2 race wise, but you are both exactly alike in the anger department.

Don't get mad or offended I said that. I have IM2 on iggie for a reason. But your posts here are full of the same anger he expresses.:(
Wrong. Why is it that whites can be angry about a government made for them but blacks must always smile and grin when we keep getting screwed? Gracie has me on ignore because she can't handle the truth. Ignoring that allows her comfort in her whiteness. This is a classic example of white fragility.
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Stop killing each other.

Whites are killing each other.

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other (2677) than blacks who killed each other (2600). So again, the media has not hidden black on white crime, but it has ignored white on white crime by description. White on white crime is always claimed to be caused by a malady such as mental instability or using the lone wolf excuse.

And what is the response to the fact that white were killing each other more than blacks are. We'll divide the murders by the population of the race and pick an arbitrary number, ex, 100,000 to multiply the percentage by so we can claim white supremacy. The thing is, if populations were equal, the numbers for blacks would be far lower because every factor that causes crime in blacvk communities are reduced or eliminated.

Whites can't say that.
What kind of racism? People just making ignorant comments is highly subjective while racial biases built into public policy is very provable. You can't do anything about the hate in people's minds but systemic racism can be solved by the stroke of a pen.

Finally waking up to Affirmative Action and what it really means?
I know what it means when someone attacks it.

That they are against racial discrimination built into public policy.

You can't discriminate in favor of someone, with limited resources, without discriminating AGAINST someone else.
What kind of racism? People just making ignorant comments is highly subjective while racial biases built into public policy is very provable. You can't do anything about the hate in people's minds but systemic racism can be solved by the stroke of a pen.

Finally waking up to Affirmative Action and what it really means?
I know what it means when someone attacks it.

That they are against racial discrimination built into public policy.

You can't discriminate in favor of someone, with limited resources, without discriminating AGAINST someone else.
I already know your politics. If there is a case to be made against affirmative action someone like you is hardly the kind of person to argue it.
O. Right. So now you've been to the chicken shop even though you saud "The guy makes what I'm told is some of the most amazing fried chicken on the planet" that means you have never been there.

No, you stupid inbred fuck, that means I've never had the chicken.

You're fuckin' stupid as fuck...

I don't know this shop. Never been there. But I don't believe it. Plus the shop owner is not here to defend himself but I'm pretty certain whites are allowed to buy chicken there.

I gave you facts, Buckwheat, so I don't give a shit if you believe it or not. You just don't like the fact that it's actually pretty easy to find examples of black on white racism. And, as I said, whites can buy chicken there, but only if they buy a shit-ton of it. The porch monkeys can buy just a few pieces if they want...

That the worst, most vicious example of racism you could come up with is you alleging that whites are not allowed to buy chicken at a black chicken shop, if anything proves my point that systematic blk racism does not exist.

I never said that's the worst. But it's a glaring example...
There is racism. Both sides are guilty of it. Brown vs black vs white vs yellow vs red. Its in history books. It's in ghettos. It's in hoity toity predominately white areas like hollyweird. It has been proven because it will always be a part of who we all are whether we realize it, acknowlege it, or deny it. It

Trying to prove it to those who refuse to see is like trying to prove love exists. Or hate exists. Or even if God exists.
You are either comfortable with your stance, or you are not. I'm comfy with my stance. Am I racist? Probably to a certain degree. Mostly I want fairness from all sides. One color of skin is not better or less than another. But when the assholes on each side claim to be so....then that is what racism is.
No, both sides aren't guilty of it. There is racism and there is the reaction or response to racism. 2 different things caused by 2 different sets of curcumstances.

Yes, let's absolve the negroes of all responsibility for their overt racism. You fuckin' blue-gums will never acknowledge your own failings, so we have to do it for you.

Fuck you, Sambo...
The truth absolves nothing. Do you think that blacks are just going to accept white racism and just take it? Seems the people who can't acknowledge their failures are you pink toes.

That's funny.

Is "pink toes" supposed to be some racist epithet?

Fuck off, porch monkey. Go fetch your master a sandwich and shut the fuck up...
If I was sitting next to you I'd fetch you a real nice knuckle sandwich, cracker.

You'd piss your pants, you ignorant fuck...
Come on now cave monkey. You know good and well you would just blush a violent pink and lower your eyes in person.


I don't blush, and I don't avert my eyes; certainly not from a colored boy's gaze...
So you say on internet. :laugh:

You're the one who started flappin' those blue gums about how tough you are, Stymie...
I didnt say anything about being tough. Thats just your fear talking pinkie. :laugh:

I guess I imagined that you wrote " If I was sitting next to you I'd fetch you a real nice knuckle sandwich, cracker."

You're such a lying little negro.

Ain't there a field somewhere needs tendin', boy?
I said that white boy and if I was sitting next to you while you make these comments, that's what you're going to get served. The fields we tend now, you would not survive on pussy. Like a football field. We tend to that. I tended rugby fields and administered at leastc one 2 minute hit per game for nearly 20 years. A 2 minute hit is when the person you hit can't get up and must take at least 2 minutes to get back up and play. It's the only time the clock stops. I'd make you get carried off the field punk. Even at age 60.

Sit your monkey ass down, Stymie.

You're not hittin' anyone, you greasy fuck...
In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks.

Sherlock Fuckin' Holmes.

Whites make up roughly 60% of the US Population.

Negroes make up roughly 13%.

The fact that only 390 more whites were murdered than blacks should be alarming to you.

Personally, I'm okay with black on black violent crime.

Thins the shrewdness...
What kind of racism? People just making ignorant comments is highly subjective while racial biases built into public policy is very provable. You can't do anything about the hate in people's minds but systemic racism can be solved by the stroke of a pen.

Finally waking up to Affirmative Action and what it really means?
I know what it means when someone attacks it.

That they are against racial discrimination built into public policy.

You can't discriminate in favor of someone, with limited resources, without discriminating AGAINST someone else.
I already know your politics. If there is a case to be made against affirmative action someone like you is hardly the kind of person to argue it.

Said the man that talks about racial discrimination being built into public policy, while supporting the public policy of discriminating based on race.

My politics stand up to scrutiny far better than yours just did.
What kind of racism? People just making ignorant comments is highly subjective while racial biases built into public policy is very provable. You can't do anything about the hate in people's minds but systemic racism can be solved by the stroke of a pen.

Finally waking up to Affirmative Action and what it really means?
I know what it means when someone attacks it.

That they are against racial discrimination built into public policy.

You can't discriminate in favor of someone, with limited resources, without discriminating AGAINST someone else.
I already know your politics. If there is a case to be made against affirmative action someone like you is hardly the kind of person to argue it.

Said the man that talks about racial discrimination being built into public policy, while supporting the public policy of discriminating based on race.

My politics stand up to scrutiny far better than yours just did.
Government, who writes anti discrimination hiring practice laws, is the biggest discriminator based on race for government jobs and even university admissions/hiring.
What kind of racism? People just making ignorant comments is highly subjective while racial biases built into public policy is very provable. You can't do anything about the hate in people's minds but systemic racism can be solved by the stroke of a pen.

Finally waking up to Affirmative Action and what it really means?
I know what it means when someone attacks it.

That they are against racial discrimination built into public policy.

You can't discriminate in favor of someone, with limited resources, without discriminating AGAINST someone else.
I already know your politics. If there is a case to be made against affirmative action someone like you is hardly the kind of person to argue it.

Said the man that talks about racial discrimination being built into public policy, while supporting the public policy of discriminating based on race.

My politics stand up to scrutiny far better than yours just did.
Government, who writes anti discrimination hiring practice laws, is the biggest discriminator based on race for government jobs and even university admissions/hiring.

He knows that. But he can't admit it, ,because his entire world view, and his self image of himself as a good person, who supports all the right ideas, comes crashing down and burns.

Hell, he might even have to face the fact that that feeling he feels when he thinks of his enemies, is not righteous outrage, but just Hate, and Racism and BIgotry.
O. Right. So now you've been to the chicken shop even though you saud "The guy makes what I'm told is some of the most amazing fried chicken on the planet" that means you have never been there.

No, you stupid inbred fuck, that means I've never had the chicken.

You're fuckin' stupid as fuck...

I don't know this shop. Never been there. But I don't believe it. Plus the shop owner is not here to defend himself but I'm pretty certain whites are allowed to buy chicken there.

I gave you facts, Buckwheat, so I don't give a shit if you believe it or not. You just don't like the fact that it's actually pretty easy to find examples of black on white racism. And, as I said, whites can buy chicken there, but only if they buy a shit-ton of it. The porch monkeys can buy just a few pieces if they want...

That the worst, most vicious example of racism you could come up with is you alleging that whites are not allowed to buy chicken at a black chicken shop, if anything proves my point that systematic blk racism does not exist.

I never said that's the worst. But it's a glaring example...
I don't believe you're story. You're a liar.

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