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Can you still sin and go to heaven after praying for forgiveness?

The Christians you describe are way outnumbered by hypocrites and it is only getting worse. People who actually have goodness in their hearts are not that attracted to a faith that seems to be full of angry frightened people who preach right wing politics more than personal virtue.
I would say the amount of silent, giving, compassionate Christians outweighs the loud blowhards by ten fold. You probably just sit back and absorb the blowhards.
I would say the amount of silent, giving, compassionate Christians outweighs the loud blowhards by ten fold. You probably just sit back and absorb the blowhards.
The fact that the jerks too often attain leadership positions in churches suggests that zeal and blind moral certainty counts for a lot with even the "good" Christians.
One of the reasons I walked away from religion is that it makes it easy for bad people to feel like they are good. Some people act like a jerk all week but somehow going to church makes it all fine. The afterlife, if there is one, cannot be as arbitrary as people make it out to be. A heaven full of hypocrites kind of sounds like another Hell.
Not to worry. God judges a man's heart. To repent means to walk away from the act of sinning and return to the highest level. It means a complete change in direction.
Sin all you want and then show up for church on Sun. doesn't work. There is no sincerity in that Sun. prayer. God is not so easily fooled.

On the other hand, if you are sincere about your love for the Lord, and you backslide, your name is not removed from the Book of Life. Because Christ died for that backslide episode, and God remembers it no more.

If you are ready to surrender your life to your loving Father, you don't need a church, or preacher, to be baptized. A Christian friend can baptize you in the name of the Lord. And God will implant a small portion of the Holy Spirit to guide you. The more you feed the Holy Spirit the stronger it gets.

You may have walked away from religion because of human behavior, but don't walk away from a loving, forgiving Father and an eternity of happiness because of what your neighbor does...
One of the reasons I walked away from religion is that it makes it easy for bad people to feel like they are good. Some people act like a jerk all week but somehow going to church makes it all fine. The afterlife, if there is one, cannot be as arbitrary as people make it out to be. A heaven full of hypocrites kind of sounds like another Hell.
Your decision was based on what others were doing? What you were doing didn't enter into your decision?
Of course not, it clearly says NO. So, why do people who call themselves christian and pray for forgiveness, for since they intend to repeat thousand times more? Why do they not wait with the praying till they stop sinning? Almost like they are dying to be cast to hell. If there are any christians here, it would be interesting to hear your resoning for it one way or the other.
Here ya go:
Have you ever displeased your parents? Did they forgive you or did they end their relationship with you? There isn't anything on earth that my Dad would not have forgiven me for, he loved me so much. Same thing with forgiveness our Heavenly Father shows us, (save one). He is our most ardent fan. He literally sings about us when we do the right things.
"The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing.”

Is He stupid? Hardly, He doesn't need to listen to what we say. He can read our hearts. That is how He knows if we are sincere and strive to turn away from the sin, or just want blanket coverage to continue to sin with impunity.

Every human in Heaven is a sinner. Thankfully, His grace outweighs our mistakes. Because He loves us. Because He wants us at Home with Him. Be careful not to judge those who Christ died to protect, because you are one of them...
Of course not, it clearly says NO. So, why do people who call themselves christian and pray for forgiveness, for since they intend to repeat thousand times more? Why do they not wait with the praying till they stop sinning? Almost like they are dying to be cast to hell. If there are any christians here, it would be interesting to hear your resoning for it one way or the other.
If you intend to repeat, then you still haven't fully forgiven.

The more we forgive, the more help we receive to quit repeating any wrongful missteps or patterns.

When a student keeps asking help from the teacher or mentor to check over their work to catch and correct mistakes, the intent is to make fewer errors. The students who don't take time to ask for help, can keep making the same mistakes over and over.

The students who can forgive themselves, and have faith they can do better as they learn, tend to focus and progress more effectively than students who fear the process or the teacher and are unable to cooperate. (NOTE: Forgiveness does not mean going into denial, deluding themselves into overlooking flaws thinking they know better; that isn't true forgiveness but false security and overconfidence. )

Whatever you mean by intending to keep doing wrong is either false confidence or denial because of past issues ignored instead of fully forgiving and resolving so they quit repeating.
Lawyers work in Satan's throne. REV 4:4 is God's throne. How can their answers be God's answers? They want the same thing that Sodomites wanted. One person to judge two beings in Lots house. Islam is the same way. Zoo's, Pedo's, nudists are not condemning anyone. I judge rightly.
Fornicating people give death threats. Christ's enemies threatened Jesus, needing to be born again. zoo's, pedo's, are given death threats. Police, BLM, Leftist's, ANTIFA, and Legal system threaten people. Lot and angels were not saved from people who wanted sex. I am like Jonah.
Of course not, it clearly says NO. So, why do people who call themselves christian and pray for forgiveness, for since they intend to repeat thousand times more? Why do they not wait with the praying till they stop sinning? Almost like they are dying to be cast to hell. If there are any christians here, it would be interesting to hear your resoning for it one way or the other.
There is a difference between a sinner and a sin. A sin is an act we do. but a sinner is someone who loves it.

We all are going to keep on sinning to the end, because we are not perfect. But we are to try our best to be perfect.

Matthew 18:22
Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.
Of course not, it clearly says NO. So, why do people who call themselves christian and pray for forgiveness, for since they intend to repeat thousand times more? Why do they not wait with the praying till they stop sinning? Almost like they are dying to be cast to hell. If there are any christians here, it would be interesting to hear your resoning for it one way or the other.
The forgiveness of sin logically implies repentance or the turning away from sin......
Of course not, it clearly says NO. So, why do people who call themselves christian and pray for forgiveness, for since they intend to repeat thousand times more? Why do they not wait with the praying till they stop sinning? Almost like they are dying to be cast to hell. If there are any christians here, it would be interesting to hear your resoning for it one way or the other.
Jesus died for our sins once for all time. "By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all" -- 2 Cor. 5:21. This does not mean that once forgiven you are eternally forgiven.....the author (Paul) is addressing the way there had to be an annual sacrifice once a year, carrying over one's sin year to year under the terms of the OLD LAW....but the sacrifice of Jesus fulfilled that requirement once for ALL (for everyone). The sanctification of the sinner is not necessarily eternal in duration........as there is a sin that leads to death, the sin that remains unrepentant.

Even through Christ sacrificed Himself and became our advocate standing between God and sin......sin still exists in the world because FREE WILL exists.

There is only one method to be REBORN.....free from sin like a new born child. "Or do you not know that as many of us were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, even so we should walk in newness of life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, THAT THE BODY OF SIN MIGHT BE DONE AWAY WITH, THAT WE SHOULD NO LONGER BE SLAVES TO SIN. For he who has died has been freed from sin." -- Romans 6:3-7

The Ideal situation is that once baptized into the death of Christ.......one should strive to walk without being a slave to sin. Some, as was pointed out, are confused and think that being freed from sin means they don't have to worry about sin because it can't effect them because of Jesus' sacrifice for ALL. But the scriptures declare, "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? CERTAINLY NOT! How shall we who have been freed from sin live any longer in it?" -- Rom. 6:1-2.

Everyone battles against sin......but its no longer our master, unless one returns to Satan, but that does not mean that we all don't get trapped by sin sometimes along life's road. Everyone slips and sins on occasion. "If we say we do not sin, we deceive ourselves (as there are sins of omission as well as commission), and there is no truth in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us. MY LITTLE CHILDREN, THESE THINGS I WRITE UNTO YOU, SO YOU MAY NOT SIN. AND IF ANYONE SINS, WE HAVE AN ADVOCATE WITH THE FATHER, JESUS CHRIST THE RIGHTEOUS." -- 1 John 1:8-2:1

Thus, when we sin, Jesus does not have to die for us yet again. His payment was full and sufficient that if we come back (turn away from our sinful ways) and confess our sins, that same sacrifice will cleanse us.

Forgiveness is not automatic........one must confess that he sins, and fully repent of that sin. One can't live in sin and be forgiven. How many times can we be forgiven for sin? God is longsuffering and does not want anyone to perish because of sin, He wants everyone to repent (turn from sin) -- 2 Peter 3:9

But, on the other hand what about sins that are willfully or continually committed with premeditation? "For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, THERE NO LONGER REMAINS A SACRIFICE FOR SIN." -- Hebrews 10:26

No one can remain in sin and expect God to be a respecter of person and make allowances just for them. You must strive for goodness continually because God can be severe on those who fall from grace. You can be cutoff or pruned like a branch just as you were grafted in by the Grace of the New Testament.

Again........there is a sin that leads unto death and there are sins that lead not unto death (1 John 5:16-17)

That sin is unforgivable and that is called Blasphemy.........aka., the willful sin, because you are denying the Holy
Spirit if you continue in sin in a premeditated fashion, this type of individual does not care about consequences and refuses to repent. In essence you are blaspheming against God because you no longer fear His wrath.
Of course not, it clearly says NO. So, why do people who call themselves christian and pray for forgiveness, for since they intend to repeat thousand times more? Why do they not wait with the praying till they stop sinning? Almost like they are dying to be cast to hell. If there are any christians here, it would be interesting to hear your resoning for it one way or the other.
Heaven isnt the reward of the saved.
Heaven isnt the reward of the saved.
What? A thousand year reign on earth with the Christ sitting on the throne in Jerusalem? :abgg2q.jpg: Or the Mormon false premise of men becoming Gods? Or perhaps the Muslim ideology of taking over the world physically and converting all the infidels? Or maybe........a higher tier in the next life as the false eastern religions teach?

Cult: followers of a false religion, such as found in "Doctrines and Covenants", the Koran...etc., the New Age movement deriving from eastern religions such as instructed in Hinduism or Buddhism?
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I'm not Mormon, but thats EXACTLY the Good News. Jesus is my Brother and His Father is my Father.

this Is why you must be Born Again
Yeah, as I stated........a CULT that does not base its doctrine on scripture, The Word of God........but rather on the ideas that rest between the ears of man. Father God was never man, the Word states that God is a spirit (not of flesh and bone) -- John 4:24, Furthermore, Jesus said, "Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; handle Me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as ye see Me have." -- Luke 24:39 No one can be like God, because God was never like man with a physical body.

Jesus was a man, who was the Son of God having both the essence of the Father and of man, the only such person to have ever existed upon earth. But Jesus was God and existed from the beginning, He was always God (John 1:1-5) Just when did God impregnate your virgin mother, or did God rape you while you were buried with the Christ in water baptism? :dunno:

A question, if God was once like man, and God created man...........Who created God? :popcorn: Have you existed eternally with God? The scriptures detail that God is the "high and lofty ONE (singular) that inhabiteth eternity (Isa. 57:15) God is an eternal being (never born/created like man). -- Deut. 33:27

Will men ever become God? God has been very clear, "I am the Lord and there is NONE ELSE, I AM GOD and there is none like Me." -- Isa.45:5, 46:9).

When the world ends........men will stand before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10 as also referenced in 2 Peter 3:10-12). At that time you will not be promoted to little gods, you will be rewarded with everlasting life or punished with everlasting damnation (Matt. 25:31-46).

To be even more clear with no ambiguity whatsoever, "Ye are My witnesses saith the Lord, and My servant (you are a servant of God...you were created to serve God, not become His equal) whom I have chosen............AND KNOW, BEFORE ME THERE WAS NO GOD FORMED; NEITHER SHALL THERE BE AFTER ME." -- Isa. 43:10

When saved, after death.......if chosen by God, and you find yourself in Heaven/eternity......it will be to worship God and to serve God. (Rev. 4:10)
Yeah, as I stated........a CULT that does not base its doctrine on scripture, The Word of God........but rather on the ideas that rest between the ears of man. Father God was never man, the Word states that God is a spirit (not of flesh and bone) -- John 4:24, Furthermore, Jesus said, "Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; handle Me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as ye see Me have." -- Luke 24:39 No one can be like God, because God was never like man with a physical body.

Jesus was a man, who was the Son of God having both the essence of the Father and of man, the only such person to have ever existed upon earth. But Jesus was God and existed from the beginning, He was always God (John 1:1-5) Just when did God impregnate your virgin mother, or did God rape you while you were buried with the Christ in water baptism? :dunno:

A question, if God was once like man, and God created man...........Who created God? :popcorn: Have you existed eternally with God? The scriptures detail that God is the "high and lofty ONE (singular) that inhabiteth eternity (Isa. 57:15) God is an eternal being (never born/created like man). -- Deut. 33:27

Will men ever become God? God has been very clear, "I am the Lord and there is NONE ELSE, I AM GOD and there is none like Me." -- Isa.45:5, 46:9).

When the world ends........men will stand before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10 as also referenced in 2 Peter 3:10-12). At that time you will not be promoted to little gods, you will be rewarded with everlasting life or punished with everlasting damnation (Matt. 25:31-46).

To be even more clear with no ambiguity whatsoever, "Ye are My witnesses saith the Lord, and My servant (you are a servant of God...you were created to serve God, not become His equal) whom I have chosen............AND KNOW, BEFORE ME THERE WAS NO GOD FORMED; NEITHER SHALL THERE BE AFTER ME." -- Isa. 43:10

When saved, after death.......if chosen by God, and you find yourself in Heaven/eternity......it will be to worship God and to serve God. (Rev. 4:10)
Sorry, too long winded to figure out what you're jabbering about
At that time you will not be promoted to little gods
No such thing as "little gods." We become BORN AGAIN into the God family.

If you are a Christian, do you pray to the FATHER?

Is Jesus your BROTHER?

Didn5 Jesus say He 2as the firstBORN of many BRETHREN?

True Christian's arent to become angels but SONS AND DAUGHTERS of GOD.

Is your dog your SON?
From what I've read, and from what I've heard from the religious........their god made humans in his image and gave them "free will" to do as they please, except for the 10 commandments.......which Moses could have created himself by the way.

This means they are allowed to do and say as they please, with no reprisals, retribution, or retaliation of any kind, as long as they don't involve the commandments. Why they pray for forgiveness is beyond me.
I can't go to church with Democrat dumbasses. You're telling me people are doing and saying whatever they please, and they aren't breaking the ten commandments?
No such thing as "little gods." We become BORN AGAIN into the God family.

If you are a Christian, do you pray to the FATHER?

Is Jesus your BROTHER?

Didn5 Jesus say He 2as the firstBORN of many BRETHREN?

True Christian's arent to become angels but SONS AND DAUGHTERS of GOD.

Is your dog your SON?
1. You are not born into God's family via baptism (you were created in the image of God......and God is a Spirit being(John 4:24) thus what you have in common with God is the fact that your spirit came from God and is endowed with FREE WILL, and upon death your spirit will return to God for judgment-- Eccl. 12:7). You are born as the children of God (all men are born in the image of God.......not just the saints, but sinner and saint alike.....what? Are all people to become gods because they are the spiritual child of God?) and just like angels you were CREATED with limitations to worship and serve God. God the Father has never had a body of flesh and bones......you do have a physical body and unlike the Christ your mother was not impregnated via the Spirit of God while still a virgin.

What part do you fail to comprehend "I am the Lord, AND THERE IS NONE ELSE, THERE IS NO GOD BESIDE ME.......THERE IS NONE LIKE ME" -- Isa. 45:5, 46:9

2. You will never be the equal of God, you just like the angels were created to SERVE GOD (Eccl. 12:13-14).

I believe that Solomon is just a tid bit wiser than you.

3. Baptism is a symbolic DEATH, BURRIAL AND RESURRECTION that the old man is dead to sin and no longer its slave......the scriptures declare nothing concerning becoming members of God's family via baptism. "We were buried with Him through baptism unto death. That like as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we might walk in a newness OF LIFE (not as Gods, but free from sin like a new born child). For we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, KNOWING THIS, THAT THE BODY OF SIN MIGHT BE CRUCIFIED WITH HIM, THAT THE BODY OF SIN MIGHT BE DONE AWAY, THAT SO WE WILL NO LONGER BE IN BONDAGE TO SIN." -- Rom. 6:4-6

4. Indeed the son of a dog is a dog.........what makes you think that you being an offspring of man will suddenly morph into something that you were not created to be?

Talk about your LOGICAL FALLACY. You did not quite think this one out did ya Sparky? :popcorn: There has only been 'one' man who was sired by God and thus born with the essence of His Father. A dog is still a dog and will reproduce only dogs, men are still men and will reproduce only men...... You were born with the essence of your parents.
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1. You are not born into God's family via baptism (you were created in the image of God......and God is a Spirit being(John 4:24) thus what you have in common with God is the fact that your spirit came from God and is endowed with FREE WILL, and upon death your spirit will return to God for judgment-- Eccl. 12:7). You are born as the children of God (all men are born in the image of God.......not just the saints, but sinner and saint alike.....what? Are all people to become gods because they are the spiritual child of God?) and just like angels you were CREATED with limitations to worship and serve God. God the Father has never had a body of flesh and bones......you do have a physical body and unlike the Christ your mother was not impregnated via the Spirit of God while still a virgin.

What part do you fail to comprehend "I am the Lord, AND THERE IS NONE ELSE, THERE IS NO GOD BESIDE ME.......THERE IS NONE LIKE ME" -- Isa. 45:5, 46:9

2. You will never be the equal of God, you just like the angels were created to SERVE GOD (Eccl. 12:13-14).

I believe that Solomon is just a tid bit wiser than you.

3. Baptism is a symbolic DEATH, BURRIAL AND RESURRECTION that the old man is dead to sin and no longer its slave......the scriptures declare nothing concerning becoming members of God's family via baptism. "We were buried with Him through baptism unto death. That like as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we might walk in a newness OF LIFE (not as Gods, but free from sin like a new born child). For we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, KNOWING THIS, THAT THE BODY OF SIN MIGHT BE CRUCIFIED WITH HIM, THAT THE BODY OF SIN MIGHT BE DONE AWAY, THAT SO WE NO LONGER BE IN BONDAGE TO SIN." -- Rom. 6:4-6

4. Indeed the son of dog is a dog.........what makes you think that you being an offspring of man will suddenly morph into something that you were not created to be.

Talk about your LOGICAL FALLACY. You did not quite think this one out did ya Sparky? :popcorn:
Sorry, but if you can't be pithy your long paragraphs will go unread.

I'm not here to debate. I've stated my position. You disagree. Time for you to move on
When saved, after death.......if chosen by God, and you find yourself in Heaven/eternity..
The reward of the saved is not heaven.

Christ will rule the EARTH for a thousand years after His return.

After the thousand years, the earth will be melted (lake of fire) and everything physical will be destroyed. Earth will become the habitat of God Beings. The Father will make His permanent home the EARTH and not heaven at this point

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