Can you tell us why you support Trump over democrats?

Wokeness, a stupid word made up by the right wing to mean anything they want it to mean, to the result that it means nothing. This is a punchline to a bad joke. a waste of bandwidth. They literally have no reason driving their thinking, just made up ideas that mean nothing.
Answer me this, can a boy become a girl?
Any vote for a Democrat short of Jusus Christ is a vote for corruption, destruction and opposite day. The Democrats must not have power.
Now... all you've got to do is to convince enough people to vote the way you want... if it involves the Orange Kon-Man, well... good luck with that...
The reality is that Throughout his life, Trump has appealed to both Democrats and Conservatives. Trump wrote checks to Democrats while bashing Reagan and both Bushes. Then, he decided he wanted to be President when he realized a lot of how he viewed America’s fiscal and international policy was against where the Democrats we’re headed. He chose to run as a Republican not because he identified with the Party, but because the party is weak and wants to be liked like Democrats. It was a strategic path and worked out for him. He disrupted the Democrats and that was his biggest sin.
I agree with Trump on border security and for seeing China as the real threat it now is. I could support Tulsi Gabbard because she is not a lock step party follower.
I have no clue what political correctness even means. It's called a catchphrase used to mean anything the right wants it to mean. Not what it means.
What does racism mean? it used to just mean "a bias of culture" it means everything form from tax cuts to any white liberal losing an argument and everything in between, even the dictionary definition was changed...
...are you prepared to acknowledge that it's just some white liberal catch phrase where you cannot even tell what it means? or does typical PC subjectiveness reject the obvious contradiction without hesitation?

You know, the trap senseless comments by the right aren't usually bought into by the left.
nor should they be... but that is a worthless standard if you cannot see and understand it is easier to be fooled from within than it is from without
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Wokeness has taken over the Dimocrat party, I would gladly vote for Trump before I would vote for anyone connected to today's Dims.
What the hell do you think wokeness means. How in the hell would anyone know what you are saying when every one of you goofballs have a different definition of what it means.
What the fu
I'm not sure what the "left" is at this point, Is a democrat who fights white liberal PC considered "left" can you define left for us?

It's described as a catch phrase by the PC crowd who pretend it does not exist so they do not have to defend it's actions.

sure, [I'll even give you an example of what I am sure it means] I'll give you one of many examples and then you will need to move the goal posts.... you need a biologist to know what a woman is?.... PC
...if one cannot answer that honestly then ones mind has been PC scrubbed and is now ready to the the bidding of white liberals...
If you have a social education I don't believe for one second you want proof since it is required you believe that none exists, because accepting proof of its existence is out of the question in the world of PC.

Has a man ever had a baby?
are tax cuts racist?
is Hillary smart?
if you answer yes to any of these questions you have a social PC try this brain breaker...
How many genders are there? that cannot yet be answered in a PC mind
If you would like to move the goal posts now so as to dismiss acknowledging the above examples as proof I will be completely understanding as we both now know what the reason for it would be.
What the hell. This is a hoot, Like I said It means anything these clowns want it to mean, and look at what kookoo thinks it means.
No his biggest sin maybe just
The reality is that Throughout his life, Trump has appealed to both Democrats and Conservatives. Trump wrote checks to Democrats while bashing Reagan and both Bushes. Then, he decided he wanted to be President when he realized a lot of how he viewed America’s fiscal and international policy was against where the Democrats we’re headed. He chose to run as a Republican not because he identified with the Party, but because the party is weak and wants to be liked like Democrats. It was a strategic path and worked out for him. He disrupted the Democrats and that was his biggest sin.
maybe his situation is reflected in the criminal and civil charges against this turd. 15 count indictment in New york , Washington charges for the insurrection, Georgia charges, Arizona Charges. Rape defamation charges, Three charges by the police at the capital who were injured by him. And maybe 20 civil cases. The man is just scum and when all his sentences start rolling in everyone will know it. They will leave him, except the real traitors to this country, people that should move to another country or just be spit on when passing them on the sidewalk. Make them walk in the ditch and don't serve them at American businesses. Total rejection, force them to wear a T for traitor so real Americans can spit on them if they would like to. Point them out when they are out and about , tell everyone around you that they are the people who sold out our country and democracy and tried to force in a piece of shit for a dictator.
What the hell. This is a hoot, Like I said It means anything these clowns want it to mean,
Yes, the PC parrots repeat the same phrase over and over
and look at what kookoo thinks it means.
[kookoo? I see the social lexicon has been introduced into the debate]...
Pejoratives aside this is actually a good piece of advice...I invite everyone to look at what I ["kookoo"] wrote and decide for yourself if that is PC...then keep in mind that even the above poster thinks it is "kookoo" stuff.

and lets also keep in mind that that was just the tip of the PC iceberg
Racism defines itself . it is the act of negative connotation on a person's by his race . self-explanatory. Basically it is the definition of people on the right , They are resists. You can say a group is racist when over 50 % of that group is racist, and way more than that number of the right are racist.
Because he isn't a Dem. No there is not one Dem I can support, they are all looney asswipes.
Means nothing to anyone here that has the capacity to think. If you don't want to contribute that is fine, go someplace else ,and if you think I will let you stay here while trying to hijack the thread or waste bandwidth you are wrong.

Can you tell us why you support Trump over democrats?​

The annoying orange is a damn sight more entertaining.
One more time this is the thread "

Can you tell us why you support Trump over democrats?":​

If you won't respond or try to hijack this thread, you are gone. That goes for everyone. I really don't care that you hate me or democrats, so if that's the message, just move on instead.
I warne
Because he isn't a Dem. No there is not one Dem I can support, they are all looney asswipes.
I warned you clowns , you are gone. Justicehammer just got his justice, he insisted on leaving, I didn't want him to, but he insisted, so He disappeared from me. Forever. BYE great master of words.
Racism defines itself .
and for white liberals it does so in infinite different ways
it is the act of negative connotation on a person's by his race . self-explanatory.
like tax cuts in a PC world
Basically it is the definition of people on the right , They are resists. You can say a group is racist when over 50 % of that group is racist, and way more than that number of the right are racist.
is that the dictionary meaning? or is that the meaning you decided on?

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