
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.

I disagree.

I want it to be 100%. That will teach the dumbasses.

Come on, man, Canada does not need anymore bums let into this country from other shit hole countries. There are too many of them here already and many of them have come from America. Keep your garbage, will ya. Not all Canadians are dumbasses. Just the liberal/socialist/communist ones are the dumbasses in Canada. No more, thank you.

A country that sells milk in a bag should not fret about a few million welfare Negroes and Mexicans.
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.
Canada is the best friend America has EVER had. Watching you turn on our neighbor who has stood by us for over two centuries because they don't join your cult or kiss Trump's butt only confirms your hate for those outside your Brotherhhod of NincomBoobs.
Canada has not been a country for over 2 centuries?

Canada has not had independence for 2 centuries?

We were at war with Canada in 1812. Came close to war a few times after that. Care for a list? But hey, who cares about history if you can take a cheap shot at Trump. The truth does not matter as long as you are attacking who you hate. If you don't like Trump and making America Great Again, you should move to Canada and learn their history. Then come back and tell us how great a friend Canada has been.

Canada has become a french controlled socialist/communist country and I would suggest to any American not to move to Canada. Trust me, I know. With Trump as President, I wish that Trump would attack and take over Canada. You would be doing a lot for the beleaguered English speaking patriotic nationalist conservative Canadians. The Prime Mistake of Canada is a french globalist socialist who is out to destroy this once great British/European country and turn it into a third world shit hole. Please help Canada. :11_2_1043:
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.

I disagree.

I want it to be 100%. That will teach the dumbasses.

Come on, man, Canada does not need anymore bums let into this country from other shit hole countries. There are too many of them here already and many of them have come from America. Keep your garbage, will ya. Not all Canadians are dumbasses. Just the liberal/socialist/communist ones are the dumbasses in Canada. No more, thank you.

A country that sells milk in a bag should not fret about a few million welfare Negroes and Mexicans.

Who gives a shit what milk is put in. Is milk in a bag dangerous to human health now? Just asking.
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.

I disagree.

I want it to be 100%. That will teach the dumbasses.

Come on, man, Canada does not need anymore bums let into this country from other shit hole countries. There are too many of them here already and many of them have come from America. Keep your garbage, will ya. Not all Canadians are dumbasses. Just the liberal/socialist/communist ones are the dumbasses in Canada. No more, thank you.

A country that sells milk in a bag should not fret about a few million welfare Negroes and Mexicans.

Who gives a shit what milk is put in. Is milk in a bag dangerous to human health now? Just asking.

No but it is silly as hell and gives Americans a good reason to ridicule the Canadians.
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.

I disagree.

I want it to be 100%. That will teach the dumbasses.

Come on, man, Canada does not need anymore bums let into this country from other shit hole countries. There are too many of them here already and many of them have come from America. Keep your garbage, will ya. Not all Canadians are dumbasses. Just the liberal/socialist/communist ones are the dumbasses in Canada. No more, thank you.

A country that sells milk in a bag should not fret about a few million welfare Negroes and Mexicans.

Who gives a shit what milk is put in. Is milk in a bag dangerous to human health now? Just asking.

No but it is silly as hell and gives Americans a good reason to ridicule the Canadians.

Geez, if Americans like you find that silly then this alone would give some Canadians a good enough reason to ridicule Americans like you. :5_1_12024:
Canada is the best friend America has EVER had.

Like when it refused to participate in the North American missile defense system, knowing that they would still be protected by the U.S.? Or kissing up to the Castro brothers?

The UK and Australia have been much better friends than our dependent neighbor to the north.
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.
Canada is the best friend America has EVER had. Watching you turn on our neighbor who has stood by us for over two centuries because they don't join your cult or kiss Trump's butt only confirms your hate for those outside your Brotherhhod of NincomBoobs.

No. Trudeau is a joke.
Trudeau is like California's governor, a girly man.
Canada is the best friend America has EVER had.

Like when it refused to participate in the North American missile defense system, knowing that they would still be protected by the U.S.? Or kissing up to the Castro brothers?

The UK and Australia have been much better friends than our dependent neighbor to the north.

The pro globalist socialist liberal party of french Quebec are the ones who are trying to make an enemy of the American people. There are plenty of pro Trump patriotic conservative Canadians in the rest of English Canada who want to be and remain friends with America and not their enemy. But first Canadians must get rid of this present day globalist socialist Prime Mistake of Canada who despises America. There is a movement in Canada called "Trudeau Must Go" and it cannot happen fast enough for the pro America people of Canada. The next election in October 2019 hopefully will work out the best for we the people of Canada and we can get rid of this one big Trudeau :ahole-1::11_2_1043:
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.
Canada is the best friend America has EVER had. Watching you turn on our neighbor who has stood by us for over two centuries because they don't join your cult or kiss Trump's butt only confirms your hate for those outside your Brotherhhod of NincomBoobs.

No. Trudeau is a joke.
Trudeau is like California's governor, a girly man.

Indeed, Trudeau is one big phuckin' Canadian joke. Canada is just like California today. It is in one hell of a mess thanks to this globalist/socialist fool running, ruling, and ruining this once great Western nation. That idiot is trying very hard to turn Canada into a third world shit hole. This prime mistake of Canada must go.
I disagree.

I want it to be 100%. That will teach the dumbasses.

Come on, man, Canada does not need anymore bums let into this country from other shit hole countries. There are too many of them here already and many of them have come from America. Keep your garbage, will ya. Not all Canadians are dumbasses. Just the liberal/socialist/communist ones are the dumbasses in Canada. No more, thank you.

A country that sells milk in a bag should not fret about a few million welfare Negroes and Mexicans.

Who gives a shit what milk is put in. Is milk in a bag dangerous to human health now? Just asking.

No but it is silly as hell and gives Americans a good reason to ridicule the Canadians.

Geez, if Americans like you find that silly then this alone would give some Canadians a good enough reason to ridicule Americans like you. :5_1_12024:

I live in an area that gets Canadian snowbirds every winter.

Trust me, they are great ridicule material.
Come on, man, Canada does not need anymore bums let into this country from other shit hole countries. There are too many of them here already and many of them have come from America. Keep your garbage, will ya. Not all Canadians are dumbasses. Just the liberal/socialist/communist ones are the dumbasses in Canada. No more, thank you.

A country that sells milk in a bag should not fret about a few million welfare Negroes and Mexicans.

Who gives a shit what milk is put in. Is milk in a bag dangerous to human health now? Just asking.

No but it is silly as hell and gives Americans a good reason to ridicule the Canadians.

Geez, if Americans like you find that silly then this alone would give some Canadians a good enough reason to ridicule Americans like you. :5_1_12024:

I live in an area that gets Canadian snowbirds every winter.

Trust me, they are great ridicule material.

You are just lucky to be living in a warm place in winter. If the winters were warm in Canada and cold where you live you would or other Americans would no doubt be doing the same thing. Head for Canada. Then we could laugh and ridicule you. What ya all doing here in Canada, boy!! Too cold where you come from? LOL.
Just curious? Why or what is your reason for saying that Canadians are ripe for ridicule material? Your move, Captain America. :abgg2q.jpg:
A country that sells milk in a bag should not fret about a few million welfare Negroes and Mexicans.

Who gives a shit what milk is put in. Is milk in a bag dangerous to human health now? Just asking.

No but it is silly as hell and gives Americans a good reason to ridicule the Canadians.

Geez, if Americans like you find that silly then this alone would give some Canadians a good enough reason to ridicule Americans like you. :5_1_12024:

I live in an area that gets Canadian snowbirds every winter.

Trust me, they are great ridicule material.

You are just lucky to be living in a warm place in winter. If the winters were warm in Canada and cold where you live you would or other Americans would no doubt be doing the same thing. Head for Canada. Then we could laugh and ridicule you. What ya all doing here in Canada, boy!! Too cold where you come from? LOL.
Just curious? Why or what is your reason for saying that Canadians are ripe for ridicule material? Your move, Captain America. :abgg2q.jpg:

I am just kidding you. I love Canadians. Mostly White people that speak English (expect for those French ones) so what is not to like?
Who gives a shit what milk is put in. Is milk in a bag dangerous to human health now? Just asking.

No but it is silly as hell and gives Americans a good reason to ridicule the Canadians.

Geez, if Americans like you find that silly then this alone would give some Canadians a good enough reason to ridicule Americans like you. :5_1_12024:

I live in an area that gets Canadian snowbirds every winter.

Trust me, they are great ridicule material.

You are just lucky to be living in a warm place in winter. If the winters were warm in Canada and cold where you live you would or other Americans would no doubt be doing the same thing. Head for Canada. Then we could laugh and ridicule you. What ya all doing here in Canada, boy!! Too cold where you come from? LOL.
Just curious? Why or what is your reason for saying that Canadians are ripe for ridicule material? Your move, Captain America. :abgg2q.jpg:

I am just kidding you. I love Canadians. Mostly White people that speak English (expect for those French ones) so what is not to like?

You had me going there for awhile, joker. Can't really be for sure that you really mean it, but hey. Have you ever tried comedy? I know that there are a lot of french migrants from Quebec that go to Florida in the winter time and I have heard that they are not well liked there. I know that they do not like to have to speak English. It's a french thing. Parley vous, francais? LOL.
No but it is silly as hell and gives Americans a good reason to ridicule the Canadians.

Geez, if Americans like you find that silly then this alone would give some Canadians a good enough reason to ridicule Americans like you. :5_1_12024:

I live in an area that gets Canadian snowbirds every winter.

Trust me, they are great ridicule material.

You are just lucky to be living in a warm place in winter. If the winters were warm in Canada and cold where you live you would or other Americans would no doubt be doing the same thing. Head for Canada. Then we could laugh and ridicule you. What ya all doing here in Canada, boy!! Too cold where you come from? LOL.
Just curious? Why or what is your reason for saying that Canadians are ripe for ridicule material? Your move, Captain America. :abgg2q.jpg:

I am just kidding you. I love Canadians. Mostly White people that speak English (expect for those French ones) so what is not to like?

You had me going there for awhile, joker. Can't really be for sure that you really mean it, but hey. Have you ever tried comedy? I know that there are a lot of french migrants from Quebec that go to Florida in the winter time and I have heard that they are not well liked there. I know that they do not like to have to speak English. It's a french thing. Parley vous, francais? LOL.

I have heard that the French Canadians are not all that well liked in real Canada,

I had to sit next to one on an eight hour airplane flight. One of the most obnoxious people I have met in my life.

Of course I am sure there are many nice French Canadians.

The Canadians that I run across here in Florida are mostly good people.
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.

Won’t you have to build a wall wh Canada so they can’t come back?
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.
Canada is the best friend America has EVER had. Watching you turn on our neighbor who has stood by us for over two centuries because they don't join your cult or kiss Trump's butt only confirms your hate for those outside your Brotherhhod of NincomBoobs.

No. Trudeau is a joke.
Trudeau is like California's governor, a girly man.

Indeed, Trudeau is one big phuckin' Canadian joke. Canada is just like California today. It is in one hell of a mess thanks to this globalist/socialist fool running, ruling, and ruining this once great Western nation. That idiot is trying very hard to turn Canada into a third world shit hole. This prime mistake of Canada must go.
Why don't you take a hint from Trump and "love it or leave it"?
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.

For free?

I say we demand a payment for cultural enrichment.
I propose a new Immigration solution, Since Canada wants to butt their nose into US Immigration business I propose we ship 50 percent of all Illegals to Canada and dump them across the border.
Canada is the best friend America has EVER had. Watching you turn on our neighbor who has stood by us for over two centuries because they don't join your cult or kiss Trump's butt only confirms your hate for those outside your Brotherhhod of NincomBoobs.

No. Trudeau is a joke.
Trudeau is like California's governor, a girly man.

Indeed, Trudeau is one big phuckin' Canadian joke. Canada is just like California today. It is in one hell of a mess thanks to this globalist/socialist fool running, ruling, and ruining this once great Western nation. That idiot is trying very hard to turn Canada into a third world shit hole. This prime mistake of Canada must go.
Why don't you take a hint from Trump and "love it or leave it"?

That idiot of a prime mistake of Canada should move to and go live in some third world hell hole. He does like is new immigrants to come from third world hell holes.

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