Canada's middle class Is better than ours. This is despite...

You know, it's so dumb to point out the Dem majority and assert that it's their fault that the world's problems weren't solved during that time and say nothing of the party who has the majority of the rest of the time.

The Repubs will have had both houses for the same time come Jan 17. Should the world be fixed by then?

You know, it's so dumb to point out the Dem majority and assert that it's their fault

Not as dumb as blaming a guy elected 36 years ago and ignoring the 16 years of Dem Presidents since.
We're blaming the Reaganism that still dominates the US, not Reagan himself. He would think today's Reaganism is ridiculous under these circumstances. Idiot.

Clinton and Obama propagated Reaganism?
No, the bought off by greedy idiot megarich GOP defends it to the death. Of the middle class and the country. So gd dumb.

Clinton and Obama were so weak they couldn't defeat those GOP guys? Weird.
Your bought off GOP hypocrite heroes can't offend their big money masters (or Fox Rush Heritage etc etc etc propagandists who appear to run your party), dupe. Lockstep shyttes...Obama tried every possible compromise for years...
To the far left the middle class are union jobs only..

That is why this is another failed far left thread..


The premise behind the far left in saying "the middle class" is they refer to union jobs only. To them the unions jobs are the middle class..
D'oh! Duped AGAIN lol...tell us about all the Obama policies that caused all this...or run away like the other dupes...

Another far left drone failed post as the ask questions not related to the comments!
Nobody mentioned or even thought of unions til you brought it up. Every dupe has their obsession...I'm sure the end of union power has nothing to do with the wreck of the nonrich and the What a godawful New BS GOP mess. Great job!!
To the far left the middle class are union jobs only..

That is why this is another failed far left thread..


The premise behind the far left in saying "the middle class" is they refer to union jobs only. To them the unions jobs are the middle class..
D'oh! Duped AGAIN lol...tell us about all the Obama policies that caused all this...or run away like the other dupes...

Another far left drone failed post as the ask questions not related to the comments!
Nobody mentioned or even thought of unions til you brought it up. Every dupe has their obsession...I'm sure the end of union power has nothing to do with the wreck of the nonrich and the What a godawful New BS GOP mess. Great job!!

Another far left drone failed post!

Yes to the far left "the middle class" are union jobs..

If these unions did not give money to the DNC you would never here such speeches from the far left about "the middle class"..
You know, it's so dumb to point out the Dem majority and assert that it's their fault

Not as dumb as blaming a guy elected 36 years ago and ignoring the 16 years of Dem Presidents since.
We're blaming the Reaganism that still dominates the US, not Reagan himself. He would think today's Reaganism is ridiculous under these circumstances. Idiot.

Clinton and Obama propagated Reaganism?
No, the bought off by greedy idiot megarich GOP defends it to the death. Of the middle class and the country. So gd dumb.

Clinton and Obama were so weak they couldn't defeat those GOP guys? Weird.
Your bought off GOP hypocrite heroes can't offend their big money masters (or Fox Rush Heritage etc etc etc propagandists who appear to run your party), dupe. Lockstep shyttes...Obama tried every possible compromise for years...
Of course your BS propaganda machine would never mention that, dupes. It got ridiculous.

The premise behind the far left in saying "the middle class" is they refer to union jobs only. To them the unions jobs are the middle class..
D'oh! Duped AGAIN lol...tell us about all the Obama policies that caused all this...or run away like the other dupes...

Another far left drone failed post as the ask questions not related to the comments!
Nobody mentioned or even thought of unions til you brought it up. Every dupe has their obsession...I'm sure the end of union power has nothing to do with the wreck of the nonrich and the What a godawful New BS GOP mess. Great job!!

Another far left drone failed post!

Yes to the far left "the middle class" are union jobs..

If these unions did not give money to the DNC you would never here such speeches from the far left about "the middle class"..
Far left like about 60% of the country..only dupes are blind.
Do you not understand what an economic class is? Of course you don't. How silly of me.
OK so you have no answer. Pure, straight ignorance.
Do they have higher average incomes? Higher average household wealth? Longer life spans? Higher rates of consumption? Higher personal satisfaction?
Nothing. You've got nothing. You haven't quantified what you wrote, much less backed it up by any evidence.
You fail because you are Billy Triple Zero.
How America's middle class fell behind its Canadian neighbours

If you’re a proud member of America’s middle class, you may have been startled to learn last week that your after-tax income now makes you worse off than your Canadian neighbors to the north. They can now claim the title of the richest middle class on the planet.

Let’s take a look at the bombshell that the New York Times dropped in our midstlast week. It’s based on data from the Luxembourg Income Study Database, and focuses squarely on median income.

That means that instead of being distorted by the impact of millionaires and billionaires becoming still richer and the wealth gap becoming still wider, using this data gives analysts a sense of the experience of the average household in any given country. It also means an economist can compare overall economic growth of a country to the experience of individual households in that country – and by those standards, the United States just doesn’t come off that well.

Because while our economy has been growing more rapidly than those of other nations, a smaller percentage of those households is sharing in that prosperity, the data suggests. (Income inequality is at its highest level since 1928.)

Income, take home pay, better for the middle class Canandian than for the middle class American. looks like Billy was right on this.

If you’re a proud member of America’s middle class, you may have been startled to learn last week that your after-tax income now
makes you worse off than your Canadian neighbors to the north.

Median per capita income in the U.S. has barely budged since 2000, while Canadians have seen their median income jump 20 percent.

Holy crap! There may be a less useful stat than "median per capita income", but I'll be damned if I can think of it.

Median means you line up all the numbers from lowest to highest and the number in the middle is the median.
How you turn that into a per capita number is some kind of liberal head-up-assery for sure.
Did they take the median household income and divide it by the average household size?

Wow, moronic for sure.
Little things like facts, reality and statistics are irrelevant for Billy Major Fail, worst poster on USMB. He gets a factoid to show whatever and runs with it.
And somehow the idea that Obama, who has been president for nearly 8years is actually responsible for the shitty economy never enters his mind.

Little things like facts, reality and statistics are irrelevant for Billy Major Fail, worst poster on USMB.

What does that say about you when you feel compelled to point that out in three to five posts a page?

Obviously Billy is on to something as you all feel the need to jump on him with extreme vitriol.

Good job Billy. Make their heads spin and spit nonsense at you. That's when you know you've nailed it.
So the fact that everyone jumped in to show how wrong he was, how fallacious his post, how stupid his assertions, how they lacked any suppport or evidence indicates that he was correct?
Regulators pushing bad mortgages, great idea!
Just what corrupt Booshies did and allowed. Thanks for the depression and the resultant messes we have around the world. Almost as bad as the 30's. Thank god Dems got in fast this time. GD stupid greedy corrupt GOP.

Yup, Bush allowed the stupid push to give mortgages to bad risks.
Even helped it along.

Thank god Dems got in fast this time.

Yeah, Obama fixed things so fast, the recession ended in June 2009.
I know he's a magic negro, but even you can't credit the recession's end to anything he did.

Of course the weakest recovery ever is all his.
All GOP's, dummie. Or where is the infrastructure, immigration bills, min wage hike, free community college, training for 4 million tech jobs going begginf, tax reform or ANYTHING he wanted the last 6 years. Duh dupe.

Stimulus worked, ran out in 2010. Along with working congress.

All GOP's, dummie.

Reagan never had a GOP House. Only had a GOP Senate for 6 years.
Obama had House and Senate, with large majorities, for 2 years. Had the Senate for 6 years.
And you've been whining about how much Reagan got done and how little Obama got done.

Are Dems always gonna be such whiney pussies?


Stimulus worked,


You know, it's so dumb to point out the Dem majority and assert that it's their fault that the world's problems weren't solved during that time and say nothing of the party who has the majority of the rest of the time.

The Repubs will have had both houses for the same time come Jan of 17. Should the world be fixed by then?
Is income inequality better or worse than when Obama became president?
It's worse. It isn't the world's problems. It's one problem. He couldn't solve one problem, even one he campaigned one.
So we created a faux credit democracy, and we kept the middle class alive with MasterCard, American Express, Visa and subprime.

This hoax worked for 20 years, but eventually the system exploded in a debt/credit meltdown.

And when the dust settled, the middle class was gone.

Can you explain how we are to have a strong middle-class when we now have 95 million people of working age not working or looking for work? It's impossible to have a middle-class that way. Including seniors and children, that's almost 1/3 of our entire population. And I didn't even include the people that are looking for work that are not working.
Just what corrupt Booshies did and allowed. Thanks for the depression and the resultant messes we have around the world. Almost as bad as the 30's. Thank god Dems got in fast this time. GD stupid greedy corrupt GOP.

Yup, Bush allowed the stupid push to give mortgages to bad risks.
Even helped it along.

Thank god Dems got in fast this time.

Yeah, Obama fixed things so fast, the recession ended in June 2009.
I know he's a magic negro, but even you can't credit the recession's end to anything he did.

Of course the weakest recovery ever is all his.
All GOP's, dummie. Or where is the infrastructure, immigration bills, min wage hike, free community college, training for 4 million tech jobs going begginf, tax reform or ANYTHING he wanted the last 6 years. Duh dupe.

Stimulus worked, ran out in 2010. Along with working congress.

All GOP's, dummie.

Reagan never had a GOP House. Only had a GOP Senate for 6 years.
Obama had House and Senate, with large majorities, for 2 years. Had the Senate for 6 years.
And you've been whining about how much Reagan got done and how little Obama got done.

Are Dems always gonna be such whiney pussies?


Stimulus worked,


You know, it's so dumb to point out the Dem majority and assert that it's their fault that the world's problems weren't solved during that time and say nothing of the party who has the majority of the rest of the time.

The Repubs will have had both houses for the same time come Jan of 17. Should the world be fixed by then?
Is income inequality better or worse than when Obama became president?
It's worse. It isn't the world's problems. It's one problem. He couldn't solve one problem, even one he campaigned one.
And you vote for the greedy megarich a-holes, dupe. lol. Of course the GOP real estate bubble depression killed the nonrich, and only started when he came in. Wrecking half the middle class wealth takes a few months. And the Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps ROLLS ON. Thanks, GOP and silly dupes...
The premise behind the far left in saying "the middle class" is they refer to union jobs only. To them the unions jobs are the middle class..
D'oh! Duped AGAIN lol...tell us about all the Obama policies that caused all this...or run away like the other dupes...

Another far left drone failed post as the ask questions not related to the comments!
Nobody mentioned or even thought of unions til you brought it up. Every dupe has their obsession...I'm sure the end of union power has nothing to do with the wreck of the nonrich and the What a godawful New BS GOP mess. Great job!!

Another far left drone failed post!

Yes to the far left "the middle class" are union jobs..

If these unions did not give money to the DNC you would never here such speeches from the far left about "the middle class"..
Far left like about 60% of the country..only dupes are blind.

Once again the far left proves my comments!

This is a failed thread based on the failed far left religion..
And you vote for the greedy megarich a-holes, dupe. lol. Of course the GOP real estate bubble depression killed the nonrich, and only started when he came in. Wrecking half the middle class wealth takes a few months. And the Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps ROLLS ON. Thanks, GOP and silly dupes...

The last time the GOP had anything to do with the rich they increased their taxes. Remember, DumBama wanted anybody making over 250K to pay more taxes, but the Republicans agreed to 450K? Plus the increase in corporate taxes as well.

And you vote for the greedy megarich a-holes, dupe

So who did you vote for in the primaries? Who are you going to vote for in the general? If you say Clinton, then you're voting for the megarich dupe. Of course you're probably an ex-felon and can't vote.
With a flat tax and GOP pay rates, only the rich can save anything, fool.

WTF is a GOP pay rate? And we don't have a flat tax in this country.
Everyone pay 20-30% in all taxes and fees- basically a flat tax. The GOP pay rate is what the nonrich get paid after 35 years of union busting, refusal to raise the min wage, and people like the Kocks screwing the workers. Great job. Good manufacturing jobs sent overseas by bloated, shortsighted GOP CEOs and stockholders etc etc...replaced by crap service jobs. See also refusal to hold down college loan costs or fund training for tech jobs. All to save taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps. Thanks New BS GOP.
And you vote for the greedy megarich a-holes, dupe. lol. Of course the GOP real estate bubble depression killed the nonrich, and only started when he came in. Wrecking half the middle class wealth takes a few months. And the Reaganist pander to the rich and giant corps ROLLS ON. Thanks, GOP and silly dupes...

The last time the GOP had anything to do with the rich they increased their taxes. Remember, DumBama wanted anybody making over 250K to pay more taxes, but the Republicans agreed to 450K? Plus the increase in corporate taxes as well.

And you vote for the greedy megarich a-holes, dupe

So who did you vote for in the primaries? Who are you going to vote for in the general? If you say Clinton, then you're voting for the megarich dupe. Of course you're probably an ex-felon and can't vote.
Tiny amounts 4% and effective rate is pathetic, about 20%. The second quintile (20%) of taxpayers pays higher 29% than the richest 28 %. Hillary is rich but look at THEIR POLICIES FERCHRISSAKE. Ay caramba!
Tiny amounts 4% and effective rate is pathetic, about 20%. The second quintile (20%) of taxpayers pays higher 29% than the richest 28 %. Hillary is rich but look at THEIR POLICIES FERCHRISSAKE. Ay caramba!

Ay caramba, the Republicans did increase taxes on the rich. So now that you've been proven a total liar, you can stop with your "Republicans are for the rich" nonsense.

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