Canada's middle class Is better than ours. This is despite...
A plan to raise American incomes

Hillary will:

  • Give working families a raise, and tax relief that helps them manage rising costs.

  • Create good-paying jobs and get pay rising by investing in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to strengthen our economy and growth.

  • Close corporate tax loopholes and make the most fortunate pay their fair share.
Hillary believes the defining economic challenge of our time is raising incomes for hardworking Americans.

Too many families are working harder and harder, but still not getting ahead. Our country is standing again, but we’re not yet running the way we should be. From her first day in office to the last, Hillary Clinton will fight for you and for more take-home pay so you can get ahead and stay ahead.

Hillary understands that in order to raise incomes, we need strong growth, fair growth, and long-term growth. And she has a plan to get us there.

Strong growth

Hillary will invest in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to create jobs and strengthen our economy. And she’ll provide tax relief to working families and small businesses. That’s how we’ll move toward a full employment economy that creates jobs, pushes businesses to compete over workers, and raises incomes.

Provide tax relief for families. Hillary will cut taxes for hard-working families to increase their take-home pay as they face rising costs from child care, health care, and sending their kids to college. She is calling for extending a tax cut of up to $2,500 per student to help deal with college costs as part of her New College Compact, and for cutting taxes for businesses that share profitswith their employees.

Unleash small business growth. Hillary’s father owned a small business—and she understands that small businesses are the backbone of jobs and growth in America. She’s put forward a small-business agenda to expand access to capital, provide tax relief, cut red tape, and help small businesses bring their goods to new markets.

Create a New College Compact. Hillary’s New College Compact will invest $350 billion so that students do not have to borrow to pay tuition at a public college in their state. Her plan will also significantly cut interest rates on student loans and enable an estimated 25 million Americans with student debt to refinance at today’s lower rates, saving the typical borrower $2,000 over the life of their loans.

Boost public investment in infrastructure and scientific research. One of the best ways to drive jobs and improve our nation’s competitiveness is to invest in infrastructure and scientific research. Hillary has called for a national infrastructure bank that would leverage public and private funds to invest in projects across the country. She will call for reform that closes corporate tax loopholes and drives investment here, in the U.S. And she would increase funding for scientific research at agencies like the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

Lift up participation in the workforce—especially for women. For too long, issues like equal pay, paid leave, and affordable child care have been put off to the side as "women's issues." Hillary believes they are crucial to our competitiveness and growth—and to lifting incomes for working families.

Hillary has a strategy to "Make It in America"—and harness the strength of manufacturing nationwide.

Fair growth

Inequality is a drag on our economy, and to get incomes rising again, we need to renew our country’s basic bargain. With near-record corporate profits and stagnant wages, the deck is stacked against working Americans. If you work hard, you deserve to get ahead and stay ahead.


Ensure more workers share in near-record corporate profits. Corporate profits are near record highs—but workers have not shared through rising wages. Profit sharing is linked to higher pay, benefits, and productivity. That’s why Hillary’s plan creates a 15 percent tax credit for companies that share profits with workers on top of wages and pay increases.

Raising the minimum wage and strengthening overtime rules. Hillary believes we are long overdue in raising the minimum wage. She has supported raising the federal minimum wage to $12, and believes that we should go further than the federal minimum through state and local efforts, and workers organizing and bargaining for higher wages, such as the Fight for 15 and recent efforts in Los Angeles and New York to raise their minimum wage to $15. She also supports the Obama administration’s expansion of overtime rules to millions more workers.

Reform our tax code so the wealthiest pay their fair share. Hillary supports ending the “carried interest” loophole, enacting the “Buffett Rule” that ensures no millionaire pays a lower effective tax rate than their secretary, and closing tax loopholes and expenditures that benefit the wealthiest taxpayers to pay for her plan to make college affordable and refinance student debt.

Expand early learning. Hillary’s proposal would work to ensure that every 4-year-old in America has access to high-quality preschool in the next 10 years.

Long-term growth

It's time to push back against the forces of "quarterly capitalism" and boom and bust cycles on Wall Street.


Put an end to “quarterly capitalism.” We need an economy where companies plan for the long run and invest in their workers through increased wages and better training—leading to higher productivity, better service, and larger profits. Hillary will revamp the capital gains tax to reward farsighted investments that create jobs. She’ll address the rising influence of the kinds of so-called “activist” shareholders that focus on short-term profits at the expense of long-term growth, and she’ll reform executive compensation to better align the interests of executives with long-term value.

Impose accountability on Wall Street. Nowhere will the shift from short-term to long-term thinking be more important than on Wall Street. Hillary will defend the Wall Street reforms put in place after the financial crisis—and she’ll go further. She’ll tackle dangerous risks in the financial sector, and she’ll appoint and empower tough, independent regulators and prosecute individuals and firms when they commit fraud or other criminal wrong-doing.
1) Canada having a higher minimum wage

2) Canada having a higher tax rate on the wealthy

3) Canada having Widespread unions

4) Canada having strong bank regulations

5) Canada having free healthcare
What is a "better middle class"? What does that even mean?
I sense another spectacular Billy Fail Thread coming.
Do you not understand what an economic class is? Of course you don't. How silly of me.
OK so you have no answer. Pure, straight ignorance.
Do they have higher average incomes? Higher average household wealth? Longer life spans? Higher rates of consumption? Higher personal satisfaction?
Nothing. You've got nothing. You haven't quantified what you wrote, much less backed it up by any evidence.
You fail because you are Billy Triple Zero.

He claimed some facts. Do your own fucking research if you disagree and want to prove him wrong. Don't be such a lazy prick.
Tiny amounts 4% and effective rate is pathetic, about 20%. The second quintile (20%) of taxpayers pays higher 29% than the richest 28 %. Hillary is rich but look at THEIR POLICIES FERCHRISSAKE. Ay caramba!

Ay caramba, the Republicans did increase taxes on the rich. So now that you've been proven a total liar, you can stop with your "Republicans are for the rich" nonsense.
4% over 450k in name only. You are nuts.
A plan to raise American incomes

Hillary will:

  • Give working families a raise, and tax relief that helps them manage rising costs.

  • Create good-paying jobs and get pay rising by investing in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to strengthen our economy and growth.

  • Close corporate tax loopholes and make the most fortunate pay their fair share.
Hillary believes the defining economic challenge of our time is raising incomes for hardworking Americans.

Too many families are working harder and harder, but still not getting ahead. Our country is standing again, but we’re not yet running the way we should be. From her first day in office to the last, Hillary Clinton will fight for you and for more take-home pay so you can get ahead and stay ahead.

Hillary understands that in order to raise incomes, we need strong growth, fair growth, and long-term growth. And she has a plan to get us there.

Strong growth

Hillary will invest in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to create jobs and strengthen our economy. And she’ll provide tax relief to working families and small businesses. That’s how we’ll move toward a full employment economy that creates jobs, pushes businesses to compete over workers, and raises incomes.

Provide tax relief for families. Hillary will cut taxes for hard-working families to increase their take-home pay as they face rising costs from child care, health care, and sending their kids to college. She is calling for extending a tax cut of up to $2,500 per student to help deal with college costs as part of her New College Compact, and for cutting taxes for businesses that share profitswith their employees.

Unleash small business growth. Hillary’s father owned a small business—and she understands that small businesses are the backbone of jobs and growth in America. She’s put forward a small-business agenda to expand access to capital, provide tax relief, cut red tape, and help small businesses bring their goods to new markets.

Create a New College Compact. Hillary’s New College Compact will invest $350 billion so that students do not have to borrow to pay tuition at a public college in their state. Her plan will also significantly cut interest rates on student loans and enable an estimated 25 million Americans with student debt to refinance at today’s lower rates, saving the typical borrower $2,000 over the life of their loans.

Boost public investment in infrastructure and scientific research. One of the best ways to drive jobs and improve our nation’s competitiveness is to invest in infrastructure and scientific research. Hillary has called for a national infrastructure bank that would leverage public and private funds to invest in projects across the country. She will call for reform that closes corporate tax loopholes and drives investment here, in the U.S. And she would increase funding for scientific research at agencies like the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

Lift up participation in the workforce—especially for women. For too long, issues like equal pay, paid leave, and affordable child care have been put off to the side as "women's issues." Hillary believes they are crucial to our competitiveness and growth—and to lifting incomes for working families.

Hillary has a strategy to "Make It in America"—and harness the strength of manufacturing nationwide.

Fair growth

Inequality is a drag on our economy, and to get incomes rising again, we need to renew our country’s basic bargain. With near-record corporate profits and stagnant wages, the deck is stacked against working Americans. If you work hard, you deserve to get ahead and stay ahead.


Ensure more workers share in near-record corporate profits. Corporate profits are near record highs—but workers have not shared through rising wages. Profit sharing is linked to higher pay, benefits, and productivity. That’s why Hillary’s plan creates a 15 percent tax credit for companies that share profits with workers on top of wages and pay increases.

Raising the minimum wage and strengthening overtime rules. Hillary believes we are long overdue in raising the minimum wage. She has supported raising the federal minimum wage to $12, and believes that we should go further than the federal minimum through state and local efforts, and workers organizing and bargaining for higher wages, such as the Fight for 15 and recent efforts in Los Angeles and New York to raise their minimum wage to $15. She also supports the Obama administration’s expansion of overtime rules to millions more workers.

Reform our tax code so the wealthiest pay their fair share. Hillary supports ending the “carried interest” loophole, enacting the “Buffett Rule” that ensures no millionaire pays a lower effective tax rate than their secretary, and closing tax loopholes and expenditures that benefit the wealthiest taxpayers to pay for her plan to make college affordable and refinance student debt.

Expand early learning. Hillary’s proposal would work to ensure that every 4-year-old in America has access to high-quality preschool in the next 10 years.

Long-term growth

It's time to push back against the forces of "quarterly capitalism" and boom and bust cycles on Wall Street.


Put an end to “quarterly capitalism.” We need an economy where companies plan for the long run and invest in their workers through increased wages and better training—leading to higher productivity, better service, and larger profits. Hillary will revamp the capital gains tax to reward farsighted investments that create jobs. She’ll address the rising influence of the kinds of so-called “activist” shareholders that focus on short-term profits at the expense of long-term growth, and she’ll reform executive compensation to better align the interests of executives with long-term value.

Impose accountability on Wall Street. Nowhere will the shift from short-term to long-term thinking be more important than on Wall Street. Hillary will defend the Wall Street reforms put in place after the financial crisis—and she’ll go further. She’ll tackle dangerous risks in the financial sector, and she’ll appoint and empower tough, independent regulators and prosecute individuals and firms when they commit fraud or other criminal wrong-doing.
While Trump wants tax cut for the rich- while the rest get screwed again...more state and local taxes and fees...which kill them.
A plan to raise American incomes

Hillary will:

  • Give working families a raise, and tax relief that helps them manage rising costs.

  • Create good-paying jobs and get pay rising by investing in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to strengthen our economy and growth.

  • Close corporate tax loopholes and make the most fortunate pay their fair share.
Hillary believes the defining economic challenge of our time is raising incomes for hardworking Americans.

Too many families are working harder and harder, but still not getting ahead. Our country is standing again, but we’re not yet running the way we should be. From her first day in office to the last, Hillary Clinton will fight for you and for more take-home pay so you can get ahead and stay ahead.

Hillary understands that in order to raise incomes, we need strong growth, fair growth, and long-term growth. And she has a plan to get us there.

Strong growth

Hillary will invest in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to create jobs and strengthen our economy. And she’ll provide tax relief to working families and small businesses. That’s how we’ll move toward a full employment economy that creates jobs, pushes businesses to compete over workers, and raises incomes.

Provide tax relief for families. Hillary will cut taxes for hard-working families to increase their take-home pay as they face rising costs from child care, health care, and sending their kids to college. She is calling for extending a tax cut of up to $2,500 per student to help deal with college costs as part of her New College Compact, and for cutting taxes for businesses that share profitswith their employees.

Unleash small business growth. Hillary’s father owned a small business—and she understands that small businesses are the backbone of jobs and growth in America. She’s put forward a small-business agenda to expand access to capital, provide tax relief, cut red tape, and help small businesses bring their goods to new markets.

Create a New College Compact. Hillary’s New College Compact will invest $350 billion so that students do not have to borrow to pay tuition at a public college in their state. Her plan will also significantly cut interest rates on student loans and enable an estimated 25 million Americans with student debt to refinance at today’s lower rates, saving the typical borrower $2,000 over the life of their loans.

Boost public investment in infrastructure and scientific research. One of the best ways to drive jobs and improve our nation’s competitiveness is to invest in infrastructure and scientific research. Hillary has called for a national infrastructure bank that would leverage public and private funds to invest in projects across the country. She will call for reform that closes corporate tax loopholes and drives investment here, in the U.S. And she would increase funding for scientific research at agencies like the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

Lift up participation in the workforce—especially for women. For too long, issues like equal pay, paid leave, and affordable child care have been put off to the side as "women's issues." Hillary believes they are crucial to our competitiveness and growth—and to lifting incomes for working families.

Hillary has a strategy to "Make It in America"—and harness the strength of manufacturing nationwide.

Fair growth

Inequality is a drag on our economy, and to get incomes rising again, we need to renew our country’s basic bargain. With near-record corporate profits and stagnant wages, the deck is stacked against working Americans. If you work hard, you deserve to get ahead and stay ahead.


Ensure more workers share in near-record corporate profits. Corporate profits are near record highs—but workers have not shared through rising wages. Profit sharing is linked to higher pay, benefits, and productivity. That’s why Hillary’s plan creates a 15 percent tax credit for companies that share profits with workers on top of wages and pay increases.

Raising the minimum wage and strengthening overtime rules. Hillary believes we are long overdue in raising the minimum wage. She has supported raising the federal minimum wage to $12, and believes that we should go further than the federal minimum through state and local efforts, and workers organizing and bargaining for higher wages, such as the Fight for 15 and recent efforts in Los Angeles and New York to raise their minimum wage to $15. She also supports the Obama administration’s expansion of overtime rules to millions more workers.

Reform our tax code so the wealthiest pay their fair share. Hillary supports ending the “carried interest” loophole, enacting the “Buffett Rule” that ensures no millionaire pays a lower effective tax rate than their secretary, and closing tax loopholes and expenditures that benefit the wealthiest taxpayers to pay for her plan to make college affordable and refinance student debt.

Expand early learning. Hillary’s proposal would work to ensure that every 4-year-old in America has access to high-quality preschool in the next 10 years.

Long-term growth

It's time to push back against the forces of "quarterly capitalism" and boom and bust cycles on Wall Street.


Put an end to “quarterly capitalism.” We need an economy where companies plan for the long run and invest in their workers through increased wages and better training—leading to higher productivity, better service, and larger profits. Hillary will revamp the capital gains tax to reward farsighted investments that create jobs. She’ll address the rising influence of the kinds of so-called “activist” shareholders that focus on short-term profits at the expense of long-term growth, and she’ll reform executive compensation to better align the interests of executives with long-term value.

Impose accountability on Wall Street. Nowhere will the shift from short-term to long-term thinking be more important than on Wall Street. Hillary will defend the Wall Street reforms put in place after the financial crisis—and she’ll go further. She’ll tackle dangerous risks in the financial sector, and she’ll appoint and empower tough, independent regulators and prosecute individuals and firms when they commit fraud or other criminal wrong-doing.

Give working families a raise, and tax relief that helps them manage rising costs.

Slick Willie promised a middle class tax cut and then he raised their taxes once he got in office.
I think she's lying, because that's what Clintons do best.
Everyone pay 20-30% in all taxes and fees- basically a flat tax. The GOP pay rate is what the nonrich get paid after 35 years of union busting, refusal to raise the min wage, and people like the Kocks screwing the workers. Great job. Good manufacturing jobs sent overseas by bloated, shortsighted GOP CEOs and stockholders etc etc...replaced by crap service jobs. See also refusal to hold down college loan costs or fund training for tech jobs. All to save taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps. Thanks New BS GOP.

Don't you remember? DumBama took the school loan programs away from the banks. These LIBERAL colleges are averaging a near 20% profit margin. What GOP company is making that kind of loot?

Is Microsoft a GOP company? How about Apple that has their I-phones assembled in China? Do you remember where John FFFFF Kerry parks his boat to escape taxation?
A plan to raise American incomes

Hillary will:

  • Give working families a raise, and tax relief that helps them manage rising costs.

  • Create good-paying jobs and get pay rising by investing in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to strengthen our economy and growth.

  • Close corporate tax loopholes and make the most fortunate pay their fair share.
Hillary believes the defining economic challenge of our time is raising incomes for hardworking Americans.

Too many families are working harder and harder, but still not getting ahead. Our country is standing again, but we’re not yet running the way we should be. From her first day in office to the last, Hillary Clinton will fight for you and for more take-home pay so you can get ahead and stay ahead.

Hillary understands that in order to raise incomes, we need strong growth, fair growth, and long-term growth. And she has a plan to get us there.

Strong growth

Hillary will invest in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to create jobs and strengthen our economy. And she’ll provide tax relief to working families and small businesses. That’s how we’ll move toward a full employment economy that creates jobs, pushes businesses to compete over workers, and raises incomes.

Provide tax relief for families. Hillary will cut taxes for hard-working families to increase their take-home pay as they face rising costs from child care, health care, and sending their kids to college. She is calling for extending a tax cut of up to $2,500 per student to help deal with college costs as part of her New College Compact, and for cutting taxes for businesses that share profitswith their employees.

Unleash small business growth. Hillary’s father owned a small business—and she understands that small businesses are the backbone of jobs and growth in America. She’s put forward a small-business agenda to expand access to capital, provide tax relief, cut red tape, and help small businesses bring their goods to new markets.

Create a New College Compact. Hillary’s New College Compact will invest $350 billion so that students do not have to borrow to pay tuition at a public college in their state. Her plan will also significantly cut interest rates on student loans and enable an estimated 25 million Americans with student debt to refinance at today’s lower rates, saving the typical borrower $2,000 over the life of their loans.

Boost public investment in infrastructure and scientific research. One of the best ways to drive jobs and improve our nation’s competitiveness is to invest in infrastructure and scientific research. Hillary has called for a national infrastructure bank that would leverage public and private funds to invest in projects across the country. She will call for reform that closes corporate tax loopholes and drives investment here, in the U.S. And she would increase funding for scientific research at agencies like the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

Lift up participation in the workforce—especially for women. For too long, issues like equal pay, paid leave, and affordable child care have been put off to the side as "women's issues." Hillary believes they are crucial to our competitiveness and growth—and to lifting incomes for working families.

Hillary has a strategy to "Make It in America"—and harness the strength of manufacturing nationwide.

Fair growth

Inequality is a drag on our economy, and to get incomes rising again, we need to renew our country’s basic bargain. With near-record corporate profits and stagnant wages, the deck is stacked against working Americans. If you work hard, you deserve to get ahead and stay ahead.


Ensure more workers share in near-record corporate profits. Corporate profits are near record highs—but workers have not shared through rising wages. Profit sharing is linked to higher pay, benefits, and productivity. That’s why Hillary’s plan creates a 15 percent tax credit for companies that share profits with workers on top of wages and pay increases.

Raising the minimum wage and strengthening overtime rules. Hillary believes we are long overdue in raising the minimum wage. She has supported raising the federal minimum wage to $12, and believes that we should go further than the federal minimum through state and local efforts, and workers organizing and bargaining for higher wages, such as the Fight for 15 and recent efforts in Los Angeles and New York to raise their minimum wage to $15. She also supports the Obama administration’s expansion of overtime rules to millions more workers.

Reform our tax code so the wealthiest pay their fair share. Hillary supports ending the “carried interest” loophole, enacting the “Buffett Rule” that ensures no millionaire pays a lower effective tax rate than their secretary, and closing tax loopholes and expenditures that benefit the wealthiest taxpayers to pay for her plan to make college affordable and refinance student debt.

Expand early learning. Hillary’s proposal would work to ensure that every 4-year-old in America has access to high-quality preschool in the next 10 years.

Long-term growth

It's time to push back against the forces of "quarterly capitalism" and boom and bust cycles on Wall Street.


Put an end to “quarterly capitalism.” We need an economy where companies plan for the long run and invest in their workers through increased wages and better training—leading to higher productivity, better service, and larger profits. Hillary will revamp the capital gains tax to reward farsighted investments that create jobs. She’ll address the rising influence of the kinds of so-called “activist” shareholders that focus on short-term profits at the expense of long-term growth, and she’ll reform executive compensation to better align the interests of executives with long-term value.

Impose accountability on Wall Street. Nowhere will the shift from short-term to long-term thinking be more important than on Wall Street. Hillary will defend the Wall Street reforms put in place after the financial crisis—and she’ll go further. She’ll tackle dangerous risks in the financial sector, and she’ll appoint and empower tough, independent regulators and prosecute individuals and firms when they commit fraud or other criminal wrong-doing.
While Trump wants tax cut for the rich- while the rest get screwed again...more state and local taxes and fees...which kill them.
While the dupes go on and on and on about fed income taxes lol, now less than payroll taxes lol.
A plan to raise American incomes

Hillary will:

  • Give working families a raise, and tax relief that helps them manage rising costs.

  • Create good-paying jobs and get pay rising by investing in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to strengthen our economy and growth.

  • Close corporate tax loopholes and make the most fortunate pay their fair share.
Hillary believes the defining economic challenge of our time is raising incomes for hardworking Americans.

Too many families are working harder and harder, but still not getting ahead. Our country is standing again, but we’re not yet running the way we should be. From her first day in office to the last, Hillary Clinton will fight for you and for more take-home pay so you can get ahead and stay ahead.

Hillary understands that in order to raise incomes, we need strong growth, fair growth, and long-term growth. And she has a plan to get us there.

Strong growth

Hillary will invest in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to create jobs and strengthen our economy. And she’ll provide tax relief to working families and small businesses. That’s how we’ll move toward a full employment economy that creates jobs, pushes businesses to compete over workers, and raises incomes.

Provide tax relief for families. Hillary will cut taxes for hard-working families to increase their take-home pay as they face rising costs from child care, health care, and sending their kids to college. She is calling for extending a tax cut of up to $2,500 per student to help deal with college costs as part of her New College Compact, and for cutting taxes for businesses that share profitswith their employees.

Unleash small business growth. Hillary’s father owned a small business—and she understands that small businesses are the backbone of jobs and growth in America. She’s put forward a small-business agenda to expand access to capital, provide tax relief, cut red tape, and help small businesses bring their goods to new markets.

Create a New College Compact. Hillary’s New College Compact will invest $350 billion so that students do not have to borrow to pay tuition at a public college in their state. Her plan will also significantly cut interest rates on student loans and enable an estimated 25 million Americans with student debt to refinance at today’s lower rates, saving the typical borrower $2,000 over the life of their loans.

Boost public investment in infrastructure and scientific research. One of the best ways to drive jobs and improve our nation’s competitiveness is to invest in infrastructure and scientific research. Hillary has called for a national infrastructure bank that would leverage public and private funds to invest in projects across the country. She will call for reform that closes corporate tax loopholes and drives investment here, in the U.S. And she would increase funding for scientific research at agencies like the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

Lift up participation in the workforce—especially for women. For too long, issues like equal pay, paid leave, and affordable child care have been put off to the side as "women's issues." Hillary believes they are crucial to our competitiveness and growth—and to lifting incomes for working families.

Hillary has a strategy to "Make It in America"—and harness the strength of manufacturing nationwide.

Fair growth

Inequality is a drag on our economy, and to get incomes rising again, we need to renew our country’s basic bargain. With near-record corporate profits and stagnant wages, the deck is stacked against working Americans. If you work hard, you deserve to get ahead and stay ahead.


Ensure more workers share in near-record corporate profits. Corporate profits are near record highs—but workers have not shared through rising wages. Profit sharing is linked to higher pay, benefits, and productivity. That’s why Hillary’s plan creates a 15 percent tax credit for companies that share profits with workers on top of wages and pay increases.

Raising the minimum wage and strengthening overtime rules. Hillary believes we are long overdue in raising the minimum wage. She has supported raising the federal minimum wage to $12, and believes that we should go further than the federal minimum through state and local efforts, and workers organizing and bargaining for higher wages, such as the Fight for 15 and recent efforts in Los Angeles and New York to raise their minimum wage to $15. She also supports the Obama administration’s expansion of overtime rules to millions more workers.

Reform our tax code so the wealthiest pay their fair share. Hillary supports ending the “carried interest” loophole, enacting the “Buffett Rule” that ensures no millionaire pays a lower effective tax rate than their secretary, and closing tax loopholes and expenditures that benefit the wealthiest taxpayers to pay for her plan to make college affordable and refinance student debt.

Expand early learning. Hillary’s proposal would work to ensure that every 4-year-old in America has access to high-quality preschool in the next 10 years.

Long-term growth

It's time to push back against the forces of "quarterly capitalism" and boom and bust cycles on Wall Street.


Put an end to “quarterly capitalism.” We need an economy where companies plan for the long run and invest in their workers through increased wages and better training—leading to higher productivity, better service, and larger profits. Hillary will revamp the capital gains tax to reward farsighted investments that create jobs. She’ll address the rising influence of the kinds of so-called “activist” shareholders that focus on short-term profits at the expense of long-term growth, and she’ll reform executive compensation to better align the interests of executives with long-term value.

Impose accountability on Wall Street. Nowhere will the shift from short-term to long-term thinking be more important than on Wall Street. Hillary will defend the Wall Street reforms put in place after the financial crisis—and she’ll go further. She’ll tackle dangerous risks in the financial sector, and she’ll appoint and empower tough, independent regulators and prosecute individuals and firms when they commit fraud or other criminal wrong-doing.

Give working families a raise, and tax relief that helps them manage rising costs.

Slick Willie promised a middle class tax cut and then he raised their taxes once he got in office.
I think she's lying, because that's what Clintons do best.
link to that bs, dupe? I'm guessing he signed a GOP bill at most. As always with this crap. We desperately need a Dem with congress REALLY controlled. Hopefully Trump can deliver.
Everyone pay 20-30% in all taxes and fees- basically a flat tax. The GOP pay rate is what the nonrich get paid after 35 years of union busting, refusal to raise the min wage, and people like the Kocks screwing the workers. Great job. Good manufacturing jobs sent overseas by bloated, shortsighted GOP CEOs and stockholders etc etc...replaced by crap service jobs. See also refusal to hold down college loan costs or fund training for tech jobs. All to save taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps. Thanks New BS GOP.

Don't you remember? DumBama took the school loan programs away from the banks. These LIBERAL colleges are averaging a near 20% profit margin. What GOP company is making that kind of loot?

Is Microsoft a GOP company? How about Apple that has their I-phones assembled in China? Do you remember where John FFFFF Kerry parks his boat to escape taxation?
It's the GOP that makes the laws that make outsourcing so profitable and refuses to change them, dupe. Leave little Rhodie alone lol...
1) Canada having a higher minimum wage

2) Canada having a higher tax rate on the wealthy

3) Canada having Widespread unions

4) Canada having strong bank regulations

5) Canada having free healthcare
What is a "better middle class"? What does that even mean?
I sense another spectacular Billy Fail Thread coming.
Do you not understand what an economic class is? Of course you don't. How silly of me.
OK so you have no answer. Pure, straight ignorance.
Do they have higher average incomes? Higher average household wealth? Longer life spans? Higher rates of consumption? Higher personal satisfaction?
Nothing. You've got nothing. You haven't quantified what you wrote, much less backed it up by any evidence.
You fail because you are Billy Triple Zero.

He claimed some facts. Do your own fucking research if you disagree and want to prove him wrong. Don't be such a lazy prick.
He made assertions. That is different from facts. I point that out.
Now GFY.
Poor thing, it was considered a mental disorder till they got enough fag psychiatrist to run the show and they decided they were the normal ones, LMFAO.
Or maybe rational intelligence and objectivity prevailed over junior high bigotry and name calling like yours and they realized it wasn't a mental illness? It's not like you have any statistical evidence that proves gay psychiatrists took over mental health doctrine. You just like to believe that because it validates your childish immaturity about those who are different from you.

NAME CALLING, REALLY??????????????? You want a lesson in name calling just read your own post dumbass. And I have just as much proof that fags took over mental health doctrine as you do that fags are born that way. And honestly I don't have any problem with your ordinary fags, it's the faghadist that think they can command us to reorder society to suit them and the regressives that enable them I have a problem with.
lol my name calling is irrelevant. Your name calling applies to ANY gay man that you have never even necessarily interacted. Your insult is a childish generalization. Seriously, grow the fuck up. Being gay is not a reflection of one's character, intelligence, or mental well-being.

Well child, even the World Health Organization disagreed with you till 26 years ago, and many health professional still do. Hey I got an idea, how about we reorganize society to accommodate nudist, at least they can prove they WERE born that way.
Oh really? And what makes it a mental disorder by today's standards? Many things are no longer considered mental disorders because of prior prejudice. Today's standards are what matters. You calling them fags doesn't mean jack shit and only shows your bigotry.

Still got no balls I see. You pathetic hypocrite.
Or maybe rational intelligence and objectivity prevailed over junior high bigotry and name calling like yours and they realized it wasn't a mental illness? It's not like you have any statistical evidence that proves gay psychiatrists took over mental health doctrine. You just like to believe that because it validates your childish immaturity about those who are different from you.

NAME CALLING, REALLY??????????????? You want a lesson in name calling just read your own post dumbass. And I have just as much proof that fags took over mental health doctrine as you do that fags are born that way. And honestly I don't have any problem with your ordinary fags, it's the faghadist that think they can command us to reorder society to suit them and the regressives that enable them I have a problem with.
lol my name calling is irrelevant. Your name calling applies to ANY gay man that you have never even necessarily interacted. Your insult is a childish generalization. Seriously, grow the fuck up. Being gay is not a reflection of one's character, intelligence, or mental well-being.

Well child, even the World Health Organization disagreed with you till 26 years ago, and many health professional still do. Hey I got an idea, how about we reorganize society to accommodate nudist, at least they can prove they WERE born that way.
Oh really? And what makes it a mental disorder by today's standards? Many things are no longer considered mental disorders because of prior prejudice. Today's standards are what matters. You calling them fags doesn't mean jack shit and only shows your bigotry.

Still got no balls I see. You pathetic hypocrite.
Love the GOP hater bigots. Great help.
Or maybe rational intelligence and objectivity prevailed over junior high bigotry and name calling like yours and they realized it wasn't a mental illness? It's not like you have any statistical evidence that proves gay psychiatrists took over mental health doctrine. You just like to believe that because it validates your childish immaturity about those who are different from you.

NAME CALLING, REALLY??????????????? You want a lesson in name calling just read your own post dumbass. And I have just as much proof that fags took over mental health doctrine as you do that fags are born that way. And honestly I don't have any problem with your ordinary fags, it's the faghadist that think they can command us to reorder society to suit them and the regressives that enable them I have a problem with.
lol my name calling is irrelevant. Your name calling applies to ANY gay man that you have never even necessarily interacted. Your insult is a childish generalization. Seriously, grow the fuck up. Being gay is not a reflection of one's character, intelligence, or mental well-being.

Well child, even the World Health Organization disagreed with you till 26 years ago, and many health professional still do. Hey I got an idea, how about we reorganize society to accommodate nudist, at least they can prove they WERE born that way.
Oh really? And what makes it a mental disorder by today's standards? Many things are no longer considered mental disorders because of prior prejudice. Today's standards are what matters. You calling them fags doesn't mean jack shit and only shows your bigotry.

Still got no balls I see. You pathetic hypocrite.
Wait I'm supposed to justify nudism to you? Nudism has never been considered a mental disorder you dumb shit.

A mental disorder can only be considered a mental disorder if it Causes distress to the individual and/or harms other people.

Frank is a dope, dork and dupe.
A median of 18k is pathetic. And I suppose it's all because of all Obama's policies and laws, which the dupes pontificate about, but can't identify- mainly because of total GOP obstruction all of his administration. The New BS GOP and its dupes are a disgrace.

Calculating a median in that way is pathetic.

Do you know what median means? I don't think you do.

  1. 1.
    denoting or relating to a value or quantity lying at the midpoint of a frequency distribution of observed values or quantities, such that there is an equal probability of falling above or below it.
    "the median duration of this treatment was four months"
  2. 2.
    situated in the middle, especially of the body.
    "the median part of the sternum"
  1. 1.
    the median value of a range of values.

  2. 2.
    the strip of land between the lanes of opposing traffic on a divided highway.

A median might be a useful stat for a normal distribution.

View attachment 77527

Not as useful for a Pareto distribution.

View attachment 77528

Tell us some more about the 1% middle class. ..Do you even understand what you posted?
To the far left the middle class are union jobs only..

That is why this is another failed far left thread..


The premise behind the far left in saying "the middle class" is they refer to union jobs only. To them the unions jobs are the middle class..

Is that right?

Yes for the far left..

"The middle class" unions are the bread and butter for the DNC coffers..

Top Organization Contributors | OpenSecrets

Well how about you give us your definition of the middle class as a baseline to show the discrepancies you claim.
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A plan to raise American incomes

Hillary will:

  • Give working families a raise, and tax relief that helps them manage rising costs.

  • Create good-paying jobs and get pay rising by investing in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to strengthen our economy and growth.

  • Close corporate tax loopholes and make the most fortunate pay their fair share.
Hillary believes the defining economic challenge of our time is raising incomes for hardworking Americans.

Too many families are working harder and harder, but still not getting ahead. Our country is standing again, but we’re not yet running the way we should be. From her first day in office to the last, Hillary Clinton will fight for you and for more take-home pay so you can get ahead and stay ahead.

Hillary understands that in order to raise incomes, we need strong growth, fair growth, and long-term growth. And she has a plan to get us there.

Strong growth

Hillary will invest in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to create jobs and strengthen our economy. And she’ll provide tax relief to working families and small businesses. That’s how we’ll move toward a full employment economy that creates jobs, pushes businesses to compete over workers, and raises incomes.

Provide tax relief for families. Hillary will cut taxes for hard-working families to increase their take-home pay as they face rising costs from child care, health care, and sending their kids to college. She is calling for extending a tax cut of up to $2,500 per student to help deal with college costs as part of her New College Compact, and for cutting taxes for businesses that share profitswith their employees.

Unleash small business growth. Hillary’s father owned a small business—and she understands that small businesses are the backbone of jobs and growth in America. She’s put forward a small-business agenda to expand access to capital, provide tax relief, cut red tape, and help small businesses bring their goods to new markets.

Create a New College Compact. Hillary’s New College Compact will invest $350 billion so that students do not have to borrow to pay tuition at a public college in their state. Her plan will also significantly cut interest rates on student loans and enable an estimated 25 million Americans with student debt to refinance at today’s lower rates, saving the typical borrower $2,000 over the life of their loans.

Boost public investment in infrastructure and scientific research. One of the best ways to drive jobs and improve our nation’s competitiveness is to invest in infrastructure and scientific research. Hillary has called for a national infrastructure bank that would leverage public and private funds to invest in projects across the country. She will call for reform that closes corporate tax loopholes and drives investment here, in the U.S. And she would increase funding for scientific research at agencies like the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

Lift up participation in the workforce—especially for women. For too long, issues like equal pay, paid leave, and affordable child care have been put off to the side as "women's issues." Hillary believes they are crucial to our competitiveness and growth—and to lifting incomes for working families.

Hillary has a strategy to "Make It in America"—and harness the strength of manufacturing nationwide.

Fair growth

Inequality is a drag on our economy, and to get incomes rising again, we need to renew our country’s basic bargain. With near-record corporate profits and stagnant wages, the deck is stacked against working Americans. If you work hard, you deserve to get ahead and stay ahead.


Ensure more workers share in near-record corporate profits. Corporate profits are near record highs—but workers have not shared through rising wages. Profit sharing is linked to higher pay, benefits, and productivity. That’s why Hillary’s plan creates a 15 percent tax credit for companies that share profits with workers on top of wages and pay increases.

Raising the minimum wage and strengthening overtime rules. Hillary believes we are long overdue in raising the minimum wage. She has supported raising the federal minimum wage to $12, and believes that we should go further than the federal minimum through state and local efforts, and workers organizing and bargaining for higher wages, such as the Fight for 15 and recent efforts in Los Angeles and New York to raise their minimum wage to $15. She also supports the Obama administration’s expansion of overtime rules to millions more workers.

Reform our tax code so the wealthiest pay their fair share. Hillary supports ending the “carried interest” loophole, enacting the “Buffett Rule” that ensures no millionaire pays a lower effective tax rate than their secretary, and closing tax loopholes and expenditures that benefit the wealthiest taxpayers to pay for her plan to make college affordable and refinance student debt.

Expand early learning. Hillary’s proposal would work to ensure that every 4-year-old in America has access to high-quality preschool in the next 10 years.

Long-term growth

It's time to push back against the forces of "quarterly capitalism" and boom and bust cycles on Wall Street.


Put an end to “quarterly capitalism.” We need an economy where companies plan for the long run and invest in their workers through increased wages and better training—leading to higher productivity, better service, and larger profits. Hillary will revamp the capital gains tax to reward farsighted investments that create jobs. She’ll address the rising influence of the kinds of so-called “activist” shareholders that focus on short-term profits at the expense of long-term growth, and she’ll reform executive compensation to better align the interests of executives with long-term value.

Impose accountability on Wall Street. Nowhere will the shift from short-term to long-term thinking be more important than on Wall Street. Hillary will defend the Wall Street reforms put in place after the financial crisis—and she’ll go further. She’ll tackle dangerous risks in the financial sector, and she’ll appoint and empower tough, independent regulators and prosecute individuals and firms when they commit fraud or other criminal wrong-doing.

Give working families a raise, and tax relief that helps them manage rising costs.

Slick Willie promised a middle class tax cut and then he raised their taxes once he got in office.
I think she's lying, because that's what Clintons do best.
link to that bs, dupe? I'm guessing he signed a GOP bill at most. As always with this crap. We desperately need a Dem with congress REALLY controlled. Hopefully Trump can deliver.

link to that bs, dupe?

You don't remember 1993? How old are you?

I'm guessing he signed a GOP bill at most.

Not a single Republican signed his 1993 middle class tax hike. It was a big part of the 1994 Revolution. Dupe.
OK so you have no answer. Pure, straight ignorance.
Do they have higher average incomes? Higher average household wealth? Longer life spans? Higher rates of consumption? Higher personal satisfaction?
Nothing. You've got nothing. You haven't quantified what you wrote, much less backed it up by any evidence.
You fail because you are Billy Triple Zero.
How America's middle class fell behind its Canadian neighbours

If you’re a proud member of America’s middle class, you may have been startled to learn last week that your after-tax income now makes you worse off than your Canadian neighbors to the north. They can now claim the title of the richest middle class on the planet.

Let’s take a look at the bombshell that the New York Times dropped in our midstlast week. It’s based on data from the Luxembourg Income Study Database, and focuses squarely on median income.

That means that instead of being distorted by the impact of millionaires and billionaires becoming still richer and the wealth gap becoming still wider, using this data gives analysts a sense of the experience of the average household in any given country. It also means an economist can compare overall economic growth of a country to the experience of individual households in that country – and by those standards, the United States just doesn’t come off that well.

Because while our economy has been growing more rapidly than those of other nations, a smaller percentage of those households is sharing in that prosperity, the data suggests. (Income inequality is at its highest level since 1928.)

Income, take home pay, better for the middle class Canandian than for the middle class American. looks like Billy was right on this.

If you’re a proud member of America’s middle class, you may have been startled to learn last week that your after-tax income now
makes you worse off than your Canadian neighbors to the north.

Median per capita income in the U.S. has barely budged since 2000, while Canadians have seen their median income jump 20 percent.

Holy crap! There may be a less useful stat than "median per capita income", but I'll be damned if I can think of it.

Median means you line up all the numbers from lowest to highest and the number in the middle is the median.
How you turn that into a per capita number is some kind of liberal head-up-assery for sure.
Did they take the median household income and divide it by the average household size?

Wow, moronic for sure.
Little things like facts, reality and statistics are irrelevant for Billy Major Fail, worst poster on USMB. He gets a factoid to show whatever and runs with it.
And somehow the idea that Obama, who has been president for nearly 8years is actually responsible for the shitty economy never enters his mind.

Little things like facts, reality and statistics are irrelevant for Billy Major Fail, worst poster on USMB.

What does that say about you when you feel compelled to point that out in three to five posts a page?

Obviously Billy is on to something as you all feel the need to jump on him with extreme vitriol.

Good job Billy. Make their heads spin and spit nonsense at you. That's when you know you've nailed it.
So the fact that everyone jumped in to show how wrong he was, how fallacious his post, how stupid his assertions, how they lacked any suppport or evidence indicates that he was correct?

The overwhelming lip service without corroboration tipped your hand.

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