Canadian father been arrested for “misgendering” his own 14-year-old child by calling her his “daughter,” referring to her with the pronouns she & her

I don't believe that I'd get through the day without killing anyone at the school involved with this...
Schools & government work together against welfare of kids and knowledge of parents:

Canadian father facing prison for opposing daughter's "trans" procedures

So I'm guessing Mom has booted this ingrate to the door. Hence the "apartment". You would think that as a father, he would want to be supportive of his daughter even if he doesn't agree with it. Unfortunately, like most bigots, they can't keep their mouths shut and can't keep their prejudices from their children. If it offends him that greatly, cut off contact with her. She's 14. Liable to change her mind on a whim. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it's his job to be supportive. I will also bet you were aren't getting the whole story here.
Schools & government work together against welfare of kids and knowledge of parents:

Canadian father facing prison for opposing daughter's "trans" procedures

So I'm guessing Mom has booted this ingrate to the door. Hence the "apartment". You would think that as a father, he would want to be supportive of his daughter even if he doesn't agree with it. Unfortunately, like most bigots, they can't keep their mouths shut and can't keep their prejudices from their children. If it offends him that greatly, cut off contact with her. She's 14. Liable to change her mind on a whim. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it's his job to be supportive. I will also bet you were aren't getting the whole story here.
No its his job to tell her the truth...........
Schools & government work together against welfare of kids and knowledge of parents:

Canadian father facing prison for opposing daughter's "trans" procedures

So I'm guessing Mom has booted this ingrate to the door. Hence the "apartment". You would think that as a father, he would want to be supportive of his daughter even if he doesn't agree with it. Unfortunately, like most bigots, they can't keep their mouths shut and can't keep their prejudices from their children. If it offends him that greatly, cut off contact with her. She's 14. Liable to change her mind on a whim. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it's his job to be supportive. I will also bet you were aren't getting the whole story here.
..yep--yours is another liberal mind that is warped .....I guess if the daughter wanted to jump off a bridge, the dad should be supportive of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????
Schools & government work together against welfare of kids and knowledge of parents:

Canadian father facing prison for opposing daughter's "trans" procedures

So I'm guessing Mom has booted this ingrate to the door. Hence the "apartment". You would think that as a father, he would want to be supportive of his daughter even if he doesn't agree with it. Unfortunately, like most bigots, they can't keep their mouths shut and can't keep their prejudices from their children. If it offends him that greatly, cut off contact with her. She's 14. Liable to change her mind on a whim. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it's his job to be supportive. I will also bet you were aren't getting the whole story here.

Holy fuck, I hope you never breed.

A parent's job isn't to be supportive. A parent's job is to raise their kid.

You're absolutely right, though. The kid is 14 and, as you put it, "liable to change her mind on a whim". What happens when the whole transitioning thing is well underway and she "changes her mind on a whim"?

Look at this:

"Arrest warrant to be served on father this Tuesday for “illegally” discussing details of his daughter’s ordeal."

This guy is facing five years in prison because he talked about his own kid. How the fuck is that reasonable?
Schools & government work together against welfare of kids and knowledge of parents:

Canadian father facing prison for opposing daughter's "trans" procedures

So I'm guessing Mom has booted this ingrate to the door. Hence the "apartment". You would think that as a father, he would want to be supportive of his daughter even if he doesn't agree with it. Unfortunately, like most bigots, they can't keep their mouths shut and can't keep their prejudices from their children. If it offends him that greatly, cut off contact with her. She's 14. Liable to change her mind on a whim. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it's his job to be supportive. I will also bet you were aren't getting the whole story here.

Holy fuck, I hope you never breed.

A parent's job isn't to be supportive. A parent's job is to raise their kid.

You're absolutely right, though. The kid is 14 and, as you put it, "liable to change her mind on a whim". What happens when the whole transitioning thing is well underway and she "changes her mind on a whim"?

Look at this:

"Arrest warrant to be served on father this Tuesday for “illegally” discussing details of his daughter’s ordeal."

This guy is facing five years in prison because he talked about his own kid. How the fuck is that reasonable?

Again, my guess is you aren't getting the full story here. Who did he discuss it with "illegally"? And who came to that conclusion that he needed to be sent to jail? Where's the Mom?..or do you not care because that doesn't suit your alt-right narrative?
That's the problem with slanted, opinionated rage sites. They aren't good sources of reliable information.

But, fee free to continue with your moral outrage. Attitudes like yours are the reasons some kids want nothing to do with their parents.
Schools & government work together against welfare of kids and knowledge of parents:

Canadian father facing prison for opposing daughter's "trans" procedures

So I'm guessing Mom has booted this ingrate to the door. Hence the "apartment". You would think that as a father, he would want to be supportive of his daughter even if he doesn't agree with it. Unfortunately, like most bigots, they can't keep their mouths shut and can't keep their prejudices from their children. If it offends him that greatly, cut off contact with her. She's 14. Liable to change her mind on a whim. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it's his job to be supportive. I will also bet you were aren't getting the whole story here.

You're the kind of sick puke that should never be around kids. People like you who think that the State or you knows what's best for everyone else are narcissistic totalitarians.
Schools & government work together against welfare of kids and knowledge of parents:

Canadian father facing prison for opposing daughter's "trans" procedures

So I'm guessing Mom has booted this ingrate to the door. Hence the "apartment". You would think that as a father, he would want to be supportive of his daughter even if he doesn't agree with it. Unfortunately, like most bigots, they can't keep their mouths shut and can't keep their prejudices from their children. If it offends him that greatly, cut off contact with her. She's 14. Liable to change her mind on a whim. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it's his job to be supportive. I will also bet you were aren't getting the whole story here.

You're the kind of sick puke that should never be around kids. People like you who think that the State or you knows what's best for everyone else are narcissistic totalitarians.

Oh stuff your alt-right, transphobic, faux outrage in your flat hat. Simba. I always tried to let my kids make their own decisions. Gave them the guidance I could and hoped they would opt for the best path. They didn't always listen to me but they turned out quite successful. You'd have been at home in the 40's and 50's when all these "different" people knew their place..right? :)
THIS is why you don’t let the Government be involved in your children’s lives. You get crap like this when the parents do not maintain control over whst their children learn and believe.
Schools & government work together against welfare of kids and knowledge of parents:

Canadian father facing prison for opposing daughter's "trans" procedures

So I'm guessing Mom has booted this ingrate to the door. Hence the "apartment". You would think that as a father, he would want to be supportive of his daughter even if he doesn't agree with it. Unfortunately, like most bigots, they can't keep their mouths shut and can't keep their prejudices from their children. If it offends him that greatly, cut off contact with her. She's 14. Liable to change her mind on a whim. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it's his job to be supportive. I will also bet you were aren't getting the whole story here.

Holy fuck, I hope you never breed.

A parent's job isn't to be supportive. A parent's job is to raise their kid.

You're absolutely right, though. The kid is 14 and, as you put it, "liable to change her mind on a whim". What happens when the whole transitioning thing is well underway and she "changes her mind on a whim"?

Look at this:

"Arrest warrant to be served on father this Tuesday for “illegally” discussing details of his daughter’s ordeal."

This guy is facing five years in prison because he talked about his own kid. How the fuck is that reasonable?

Again, my guess is you aren't getting the full story here. Who did he discuss it with "illegally"? And who came to that conclusion that he needed to be sent to jail? Where's the Mom?..or do you not care because that doesn't suit your alt-right narrative?
That's the problem with slanted, opinionated rage sites. They aren't good sources of reliable information.

But, fee free to continue with your moral outrage. Attitudes like yours are the reasons some kids want nothing to do with their parents.


I'm disgusted that a government feels it can step in and dictate what I can and cannot discuss about my own child. I'm even more disgusted that there are cretins like you who seem to support it...
Schools & government work together against welfare of kids and knowledge of parents:

Canadian father facing prison for opposing daughter's "trans" procedures

So I'm guessing Mom has booted this ingrate to the door. Hence the "apartment". You would think that as a father, he would want to be supportive of his daughter even if he doesn't agree with it. Unfortunately, like most bigots, they can't keep their mouths shut and can't keep their prejudices from their children. If it offends him that greatly, cut off contact with her. She's 14. Liable to change her mind on a whim. Or maybe she won't. Either way, it's his job to be supportive. I will also bet you were aren't getting the whole story here.

Holy fuck, I hope you never breed.

A parent's job isn't to be supportive. A parent's job is to raise their kid.

You're absolutely right, though. The kid is 14 and, as you put it, "liable to change her mind on a whim". What happens when the whole transitioning thing is well underway and she "changes her mind on a whim"?

Look at this:

"Arrest warrant to be served on father this Tuesday for “illegally” discussing details of his daughter’s ordeal."

This guy is facing five years in prison because he talked about his own kid. How the fuck is that reasonable?

Again, my guess is you aren't getting the full story here. Who did he discuss it with "illegally"? And who came to that conclusion that he needed to be sent to jail? Where's the Mom?..or do you not care because that doesn't suit your alt-right narrative?
That's the problem with slanted, opinionated rage sites. They aren't good sources of reliable information.

But, fee free to continue with your moral outrage. Attitudes like yours are the reasons some kids want nothing to do with their parents.


I'm disgusted that a government feels it can step in and dictate what I can and cannot discuss about my own child. I'm even more disgusted that there are cretins like you who seem to support it...

"The court has severely clamped down on public reporting of this ".

The courts. Not the government. Always two sides to every story. And I'll bet the reason they clamped down on this guy is because he made threats. Again, need the full story here. And you're not going to get it from some slanted, alt-right opinion site.
"The court has severely clamped down on public reporting of this ".

The courts. Not the government. Always two sides to every story. And I'll bet the reason they clamped down on this guy is because he made threats. Again, need the full story here. And you're not going to get it from some slanted, alt-right opinion site.

I say fuck anyone who believes they're in a position to tell me what I can and cannot discuss about my minor child.

Your reason is nothing more than an uneducated guess for which there's no basis...
"The court has severely clamped down on public reporting of this ".

The courts. Not the government. Always two sides to every story. And I'll bet the reason they clamped down on this guy is because he made threats. Again, need the full story here. And you're not going to get it from some slanted, alt-right opinion site.

The courts are part of the government.

And when you get down to it, what this is about is a minor being severely sexually-abused, and permanently mutilated, with the government requiring this to happen, and the child's father being treated as a criminal for objecting to it.

And we have that same corrupt government actively seeking to cover all this up.

This is a great evil, and a great madness, and there is not any spin that can be put on it to hide just how evil and how mad this is. Whatever facts you may think to be missing from this story cannot possibly change what this is.

That you would even think of defending it tells us all that anyone could ever need to know about you.
..yep--yours is another liberal mind that is warped .....I guess if the daughter wanted to jump off a bridge, the dad should be supportive of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????
The creature is an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal.

The stupid thing is merely a lock-step conformist who would support eating babies if the powers that be ever decided that was the Democrat position on things.

People really need to learn to distinguish liberalism, which is an actual ideology, from being a member of the left or a democrat.
I say fuck anyone who believes they're in a position to tell me what I can and cannot discuss about my minor child.

Your reason is nothing more than an uneducated guess for which there's no basis...

This is something much deeper than merely an uneducated guess.

You're arguing with a subhuman piece of shit who actively, knowingly, willfully defends the sexual abuse and mutilation of a child.

That's not ignorance. Ignorance is thinking that Canon photographic equipment is better than, or even a near-equal, to that made by Nikon. This is something much, much, much worse than that.
Last edited:
Schools & government work together against welfare of kids and knowledge of parents:

Canadian father facing prison for opposing daughter's "trans" procedures
Reminds me of a girl who got an abortion thanks to a school nurse.

She later died from it but the parents had no legal recourse even though they were never involved in the decision

Meanwhile, you can't give a kid an aspirin without a parental consent.

And this was in the US.

When you send your children into the public school system, expect nothing less.
1961 -- "Honey, I noticed Timmy playing with his sister's dolls the other day. Do you think there is something wrong with the Boy?" "Oh, don't worry, George. It's just a phase he is going through, so don't make a big fuss, and I'm sure he'll grow out of it".

2021 "Honey, I noticed little Timmy playing with his sister's dolls the other day. Do you think it could possibly be?" "Oh, George, what WONDERFUL news!! All our friends are going to be SO envious of our good fortune! We should call the Andersons right away so we can gloat, but first, let's call the doctor so we can get things going!!"

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