Canadians were told "30-70%" will contract this virus. We are at just over 2000 in the country of 37M to date


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm a member of a few data science sites, one provides databases in the gigs and sometimes terabytes on various challenges, and there has been plenty on this virus, from reported data on those infected to data on articles on the virus. Plenty of people working on the information to put forward their own A.I models on how this shakes out and what the data and reports out there suggests we will face in our future.

I haven't looked through what results people have projected, though I've seen data plotting and other details. To date though, I am not convinced that at a minimum 10M Canadians will contract this virus. Even if we assume asymptomatic carriers who will contract it, have the body naturally eliminate the threat and go on without ever knowing they had it, I can't see such high numbers a current projections. Canada right now only have approx. 2000. Even if 10x the number actually had it, that's a very big step to 10M minimum.

There is 382k cases in the entire world, and Canadians are supposed to believe that 10million at minimum, with as many as 23million in Canada will catch this? Seems extreme, even if citizens were trying to catch the virus, it would seem tough to hit these numbers.
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well knowing my share of Canadians, they'd most likely rather croak apologetically than make a big deal of Corvid.....

I'm a member of a few data science sites, one provides databases in the gigs and sometimes terabytes on various challenges, and there has been plenty on this virus, from reported data on those infected to data on articles on the virus. Plenty of people working on the information to put forward their own A.I models on how this shakes out and what the data and reports out there suggests we will face in our future.

I haven't looked through what results people have projected, though I've seen data plotting and other details. To date though, I am not convinced that at a minimum 10M Canadians will contract this virus. Even if we assume asymptomatic carriers who will contract it, have the body naturally eliminate the threat and go on without ever knowing they had it, I can't see such high numbers a current projections. Canada right now only have approx. 2000. Even if 10x the number actually had it, that's a very big step to 10M minimum.

There is 382k cases in the entire world, and Canadians are supposed to believe that 10million at minimum, with as many as 23million in Canada will catch this? Seems extreme, even if citizens were trying to catch the virus, it would seem tough to hit these numbers.

The virus is in the same family as colds. I'm joining the chorus of those who knows a family member who is sure she had it in early Feb. In fact, when she visited Urgent Care, they mentioned coronavirus and said if she wasn't better in three days, they would test her. But she got better and never came back. It was sweeping through her entire neighborhood.

So yes, given this is a cold virus--sure, it's possible over a couple of years that 10 million people could get it. But I think the effect of the virus has been totally overblown. It IS true that some people get really sick. But a LOT of people do not. In fact, MOST people do not. The real problem is that we've been led to believe it's like Ebola or the Bubonic Plague.
well knowing my share of Canadians, they'd most likely rather croak apologetically than make a big deal of Corvid.....


You'd be surprised. This nation is probably more concerned and outright frightened than most in America. Citizens here are naturally dependent on our government. It's why we don't innovate or have civil liberties. Now, in the face of a pandemic, we are seeing the truth face of how little our government will, or even can do for us, and people know their lives might be altered for a long time.

Our economy was very weak before this virus. It's going to be decimated after it is gone, it's almost guaranteed. Those with their hand in the cookie jar for so long are wondering how they can maintain their rackets when the tax base is going to shrink even more.

I'm a victim of one such racket...
Then it would appear we all should be more concerned and focused on that economic cookie jar in all of this Mr ShockedCanadian

Fact is, we were reading a LOT of wall street gloom & doom before the virus hit....


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