Cancel Student Debt

Worry about yourself. Bill Gates is wealthier than Michael Jordan. Do you feel sorry for Michael Jordan.
Unlike you I worry about young Americans. I care about my fellow citizens. You have been duped into believing propaganda from the Ruling Class. Going against your self interest.

When I got my degree, I easily wrote the checks for my tuition at one of the nation’s largest public universities. No hardship at all and I got a decent education that lead to a nice career and early retirement at 57 years old. Raised two great kids who got great educations in private schools. I lived the American Dream, coming from nothing. I want that opportunity for all Americans. You don’t give a shit about them.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.

So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.

Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

2 years out of date. Try harder!
Your "naked eye" isn't worth any further than you can see, stupid.

And paychecks sure as hell haven't seen any noticeable increase.

My employees received a $0.77 cents an hour raise in January.

Wages are going up all over. In Pennsylvania, the legal minimum wage is $7.25- the federal minimum.

But it would be very difficult to find an actual job that pays only 7.25. Signs outside Walmart and Aldi's and McDonald's promise wages 50% higher or even more than the federal minimum.

I am a seasoned citizen, although not that decrepit yet. I was in Ollie's and the manager at the cash register comes up to me and says "Sir, a smart man like you shouldn't be just shopping at Ollies. You should be WORKING here, and hands me a flyer about the job fare and their wage offerings". The man knew nothing about me, and sought to recruit. The labor market is very tight, wages are going up in the Trump economy. Now, if one of the D's get elected, this will be out the door.
Unlike you I worry about young Americans. I care about my fellow citizens. You have been duped into believing propaganda from the Ruling Class. Going against your self interest.

When I got my degree, I easily wrote the checks for my tuition at one of the nation’s largest public universities. No hardship at all and I got a decent education that lead to a nice career and early retirement at 57 years old. Raised two great kids who got great educations in private schools. I lived the American Dream, coming from nothing. I want that opportunity for all Americans. You don’t give a shit about them.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.

So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.

Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

2 years out of date. Try harder!
Graduates need time to find and secure jobs.

2017 numbers were distributed in 2018.

Class of 2018 numbers are being calculated now and are not yet available (that I am aware of).

Class of 2019 has barely graduated and many don't have jobs yet.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.

So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.

Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

2 years out of date. Try harder!
Graduates need time to find and secure jobs.

2017 numbers were distributed in 2018.

Class of 2018 numbers are being calculated now and are not yet available (that I am aware of).

Class of 2019 has barely graduated and many don't have jobs yet.


My niece just graduated this May and had her job lined up 6 months before she left school. Ditto with my nephew, who graduated in 2018- offered and accepted employment before his commencement.
Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

It can just disappear. Tax payers already picked up the tab. There is no additional expenditures needed.

So the universities and debt holders just eat it? What about all those who already repaid their debt?

The government would. The government loaned that money in the past or else it wouldn't be "debt" and the money has already been raised and spent. Cancelling the debt is the easy part. It is providing free college going forward that would be more problematic.
Dude.....there is a's called an obligation. The trillion does not just appear....or just disappear.
It's debt taken on by the signer of the contract....not by America. WAKE UP TO REALITY!!!!!

Contract or not does not change that the government could just cancel the debt and it would not cost them anything. It is no different than absorbing the toxic mortgages.
it's called debt. sure it does. it's money lost. hmmm your grasp of economics doesn't exist.
Why not just pay off all home mortgages? What is the difference? Morgages are certainly a burden to people, so we can remove that burden. Who cares if you over-bought? Evidently, Democrats couldn't care less about personal responsibility anyway, plus, everythng is "free" from a Democrats point of view.

Bottom line is that people shouldn't take out loans that can't pay back. Don't get a 200k student loan and major in Middle Eastern folk art unless you know you have a path to a good paying job after graduation. Colleges have become too expensive. Ferrarri's are too expensive too, which is why I won't buy one even though it would be very fun to have one. Granted, student loans are given out for virtually any amount,. but that doesn't preclude the student from excercising a little common sense.
Good question. The two assholes W and O bailed out the extremely rich in the last recession and did nothing for the millions of homeowners who lost their homes.

Why are some Americans cool with socialism for the .1% and ruthless uncaring capitalism for other Americans?
Why not just pay off all home mortgages? What is the difference? Morgages are certainly a burden to people, so we can remove that burden. Who cares if you over-bought? Evidently, Democrats couldn't care less about personal responsibility anyway, plus, everythng is "free" from a Democrats point of view.

Bottom line is that people shouldn't take out loans that can't pay back. Don't get a 200k student loan and major in Middle Eastern folk art unless you know you have a path to a good paying job after graduation. Colleges have become too expensive. Ferrarri's are too expensive too, which is why I won't buy one even though it would be very fun to have one. Granted, student loans are given out for virtually any amount,. but that doesn't preclude the student from excercising a little common sense.
Good question. The two assholes W and O bailed out the extremely rich in the last recession and did nothing for the millions of homeowners who lost their homes.

Why are some Americans cool with socialism for the .1% and ruthless uncaring capitalism for other Americans?

I was under the impression that Obama bailed out those who lost their homes from having to pay the deficiencies after their former homes were liquidated by the creditors and lien holders during the Obama Recession. Is this incorrect?
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

It is in Boston if you went to a decent school and got a degree in a marketable field. If your degree was in History you’re not making that but then why did you just borrow $150k for that useless degree?

Bachelor’s Degree Major 2016 Average Salary
Engineering $64,891
Computer Science $61,321
Math and Sciences $55,087
Business $52,236
Agriculture/Natural Resources $48,729
Healthcare $48,712
Communications $47,047
Social Sciences $46,585
Humanities $46,065
Education $34,891

Here's What the Average Grad Makes Right Out of College

In modern times, most conservative old codgers have no idea what the real world is like today for normal kids who didn't go to Harvard on their rich parents dime.

Interesting. What was your point?

All but one of those salaries is more than I make now with a Master's degree. Ironic that the one that is less than I make now is the career where I spent 21 years of my life.
Put on your big boy pants and read the rest of this particular thread yourself. I'm not spoon feeding it to you.

That's only because you don't possess the intellect to do so!
Hey, I'm not the one with a Master's degree who can't make decent money!
So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.

Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

2 years out of date. Try harder!
Graduates need time to find and secure jobs.

2017 numbers were distributed in 2018.

Class of 2018 numbers are being calculated now and are not yet available (that I am aware of).

Class of 2019 has barely graduated and many don't have jobs yet.


My niece just graduated this May and had her job lined up 6 months before she left school. Ditto with my nephew, who graduated in 2018- offered and accepted employment before his commencement.

It's simply the methodology of this particular research. It is the most current report available and not out of date.

Has nothing to do with your kinfolk.

Dotards! or Dementia?
Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

2 years out of date. Try harder!
Graduates need time to find and secure jobs.

2017 numbers were distributed in 2018.

Class of 2018 numbers are being calculated now and are not yet available (that I am aware of).

Class of 2019 has barely graduated and many don't have jobs yet.


My niece just graduated this May and had her job lined up 6 months before she left school. Ditto with my nephew, who graduated in 2018- offered and accepted employment before his commencement.

It's simply the methodology of this particular research. It is the most current report available and not out of date.

Has nothing to do with your kinfolk.

Dotards! or Dementia?

My kinfolk have the good sense the Lord gave them, and wouldn't pony up money for college if they didn't have a realistic plan to pay for it.

You can call it "dementia" but I call it doing the right thing.

And if someone doesn't do the right thing, they shouldn't be surprised if they suffer.

Its a rule of life that Almighty God declared many centuries ago "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."

Liberals can't change that fact, no matter how hard they try.
In less than 100 years, the US went from a 2nd rate agricultural country to a super power and the world leader in technology innovation without a single taxpayer subsidized college graduate.

The world changes. We must look forward, not backward.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

So the trillion per year Trump is racking up in debt really bothers you? Let me guess….you’re not bothered at all by your blob’s reckless spending.

You’re so full of shit, you’re eyes are brown.

Trumps spending certainly doesn't bother me as much as Medicare for all, Free College and the New Green Deal....dumbass.
Why do go against your self interest and for the .1%?

If we must have a huge omnipresent expensive central government, why shouldn’t it help the majority of Americans rather than a tiny extremely wealthy minority?

Lordy, are you naïve. With Medicare for all estimated at $32 Trillion and the New Green Deal averaging $70,000 per person in the first year...yea, that will help the majority of Americans, dumbass.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

So the trillion per year Trump is racking up in debt really bothers you? Let me guess….you’re not bothered at all by your blob’s reckless spending.$

You’re so full of shit, you’re eyes are brown.

Trumps spending certainly doesn't bother me as much as Medicare for all, Free College and the New Green Deal....dumbass.

I’m sure it doesn’t except Trump’s trillions of deficit spending have actually happened. Its on the books. The rest of the stuff you mentioned—healthcare and education spending would actually help folks.

Just the New Green Deal alone is estimated to cost $70,000 per person, just in the first year. Don't know about you but that certainly doesn't help me.
The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.

So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.

Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

It is in Boston if you went to a decent school and got a degree in a marketable field. If your degree was in History you’re not making that but then why did you just borrow $150k for that useless degree?

Bachelor’s Degree Major 2016 Average Salary
Engineering $64,891
Computer Science $61,321
Math and Sciences $55,087
Business $52,236
Agriculture/Natural Resources $48,729
Healthcare $48,712
Communications $47,047
Social Sciences $46,585
Humanities $46,065
Education $34,891

Here's What the Average Grad Makes Right Out of College

In modern times, most conservative old codgers have no idea what the real world is like today for normal kids who didn't go to Harvard on their rich parents dime.

We have elite schools in MA so we get paid more.
the root of it is selfishness.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

What you forget is that if no one pays, then there are not enough college grads, and all tech moves over seas, where tuition is free or greatly subsidized.
Then the US is passed by and turns into a 3rd rate country for everyone here.

In less than 100 years, the US went from a 2nd rate agricultural country to a super power and the world leader in technology innovation without a single taxpayer subsidized college graduate.

That is totally and completely wrong.
Almost the entire college system in the US was created by massive federal subsidies.
Each state has one or more land grant universities that was almost entirely paid for by the federal government.
And it manifest to students for over a century as free or extremely low tuition.
When I went to the state university, my tuition was only $100 per semester, no matter how many classes I took.

It is ONLY the last 2 decades when state colleges have been raising tuition for in state students to the point of being ridiculous and abusive. And it is obvious why this happened. PELL grants should not be going directly to students, who then may spend fund unwisely. This has encouraged tuition increases. Tuition subsidies should be invested directly to schools under the conditions that tuition is controlled and limited.
So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.

Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

It is in Boston if you went to a decent school and got a degree in a marketable field. If your degree was in History you’re not making that but then why did you just borrow $150k for that useless degree?

Bachelor’s Degree Major 2016 Average Salary
Engineering $64,891
Computer Science $61,321
Math and Sciences $55,087
Business $52,236
Agriculture/Natural Resources $48,729
Healthcare $48,712
Communications $47,047
Social Sciences $46,585
Humanities $46,065
Education $34,891

Here's What the Average Grad Makes Right Out of College

In modern times, most conservative old codgers have no idea what the real world is like today for normal kids who didn't go to Harvard on their rich parents dime.

We have elite schools in MA so we get paid more.

Starting salaries of those who get good jobs in particular fields, does not include those who do not get good jobs, have to go back and change fields, have to take other jobs, takes years to get the job they really want, etc.
You are just listing the average of those who get good jobs, not the average of all the students.
Poor boo boo either did not like the outcome or got in over their head. They are kinda like the illegals in seeking to disobey the system to illegally advance their wishes
This country is being pushed by liberals towards a sappy sentimentality. VoteDemocrat and vote for insanity and your own demise while encouraging dependents who can’t take care of themselves(actually the liberal goal)
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

Yup. We tax payers would be paying for it all.

I don't want to make my car payment. Maybe the tax payers would pick up the tab??

Its bullshit. If you want an education then YOU pay for that education. Not the tax payers of America.

Nothing is free. Ever.
Hey the .1% get bailed out. Why not the rest of us?

No one got bailed out, all the recipients of TARP paid back their monies with interest.

TARP was a bail out.
Companies had made bad investments, such as risky mortgages, poor car designs, etc., and they were bailed out.
Whether or not it was paid back is not the point, because the home owners who were forced into foreclosure should have been bailed out with loan guarantees instead, and those who lost their jobs should have been bailed out instead, by demanding auto makers not offshore.

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