Cancel Student Debt

Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

So the trillion per year Trump is racking up in debt really bothers you? Let me guess….you’re not bothered at all by your blob’s reckless spending.

You’re so full of shit, you’re eyes are brown.

I have said 100x on this board how disappointing that is. You’re just an evil witch.

So you won’t be voting for Trump come next November? (this should be good)
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

So the trillion per year Trump is racking up in debt really bothers you? Let me guess….you’re not bothered at all by your blob’s reckless spending.

You’re so full of shit, you’re eyes are brown.

Trumps spending certainly doesn't bother me as much as Medicare for all, Free College and the New Green Deal....dumbass.

I’m sure it doesn’t except Trump’s trillions of deficit spending have actually happened. Its on the books. The rest of the stuff you mentioned—healthcare and education spending would actually help folks.
the root of it is selfishness.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

What you forget is that if no one pays, then there are not enough college grads, and all tech moves over seas, where tuition is free or greatly subsidized.
Then the US is passed by and turns into a 3rd rate country for everyone here.

In less than 100 years, the US went from a 2nd rate agricultural country to a super power and the world leader in technology innovation without a single taxpayer subsidized college graduate.
Instead of simply writing off the debts, why not hold the guilty parties accountable? I see a class action lawsuit against the colleges and the banksters who conned naive kids into a lifetime of debt.
How about college professors? Aren't they guilty as well? Aren't they the primary beneficiaries of this system?

They're benefitting from it, true, but I'm not sure they're responsible for the student debt industry. The government created that.
ROFL! So that means the taxpayers should take it up the ass? Sorry, but no one forced anyone to get student loans. The idea that people who didn't borrow the money should pay off the loans is absurd.
"When the public discovers they can vote themselves money from the public treasury, the [American] experiment will be over"-Tocqueville 1838
The .1% have controlled the public treasury for a long time. They seem to be doing very well.

Worry about yourself. Bill Gates is wealthier than Michael Jordan. Do you feel sorry for Michael Jordan.
Unlike you I worry about young Americans. I care about my fellow citizens. You have been duped into believing propaganda from the Ruling Class. Going against your self interest.

When I got my degree, I easily wrote the checks for my tuition at one of the nation’s largest public universities. No hardship at all and I got a decent education that lead to a nice career and early retirement at 57 years old. Raised two great kids who got great educations in private schools. I lived the American Dream, coming from nothing. I want that opportunity for all Americans. You don’t give a shit about them.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.
You missed my point. Nothing other than the federal government’s war budget and HC costs have exceeded the growth of higher education costs. All are scams.
I got a school

That's great if you are mechanically inclined ... a lot of people aren't.

Or night school. I went to graduate school at night while working full time. Didn’t get home til 11 most nights then had to do homework and projects. Did this for three consecutive years. Where there is a will there is a way.

Education was a waste of time in your case.
Forgiving loans is not the way to do it.
Too many people don't know how to deal with that much money all at once, and they can scam it too easily.
The way to do it is to reduce tuition, either to very low or nothing.
But make them work for room and board.
It is fine to keep them from getting way in debt, but you can't give them huge loans and expect them to spend it wisely.
No. It’s time to forgive all student loan debt and realize that the system screwed the student.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

Yup. We tax payers would be paying for it all.

I don't want to make my car payment. Maybe the tax payers would pick up the tab??

Its bullshit. If you want an education then YOU pay for that education. Not the tax payers of America.

Nothing is free. Ever.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

Yup. We tax payers would be paying for it all.

I don't want to make my car payment. Maybe the tax payers would pick up the tab??

Its bullshit. If you want an education then YOU pay for that education. Not the tax payers of America.

Nothing is free. Ever.
Hey the .1% get bailed out. Why not the rest of us?
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

Yup. We tax payers would be paying for it all.

I don't want to make my car payment. Maybe the tax payers would pick up the tab??

Its bullshit. If you want an education then YOU pay for that education. Not the tax payers of America.

Nothing is free. Ever.
Hey the .1% get bailed out. Why not the rest of us?

That 1% pay the bulk of the Fed taxes in this country. If you want an education then YOU pay for it. Not the tax payers.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

Yup. We tax payers would be paying for it all.

I don't want to make my car payment. Maybe the tax payers would pick up the tab??

Its bullshit. If you want an education then YOU pay for that education. Not the tax payers of America.

Nothing is free. Ever.
Hey the .1% get bailed out. Why not the rest of us?

That 1% pay the bulk of the Fed taxes in this country. If you want an education then YOU pay for it. Not the tax payers.
That’s very sad. You like so many Americans are fine with socialism for the extreme wealthy and capitalism for the rest of us. I’m not.

You ignore that the Fed just prints the money out of thin air, gives it to Uncle at very low rates who then charges exorbitantly high interest rates to the student. So, in effect, the extreme wealthy bankers of the Fed get filthy rich on this Ponzi scheme. The student gets a watered down degree that may lead to nothing other than a lifetime of debt serfdom.

So much for attaining the American Dream. Screw them right?
Worry about yourself. Bill Gates is wealthier than Michael Jordan. Do you feel sorry for Michael Jordan.
Unlike you I worry about young Americans. I care about my fellow citizens. You have been duped into believing propaganda from the Ruling Class. Going against your self interest.

When I got my degree, I easily wrote the checks for my tuition at one of the nation’s largest public universities. No hardship at all and I got a decent education that lead to a nice career and early retirement at 57 years old. Raised two great kids who got great educations in private schools. I lived the American Dream, coming from nothing. I want that opportunity for all Americans. You don’t give a shit about them.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.

So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.

Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

It is in Boston if you went to a decent school and got a degree in a marketable field. If your degree was in History you’re not making that but then why did you just borrow $150k for that useless degree?
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

So the trillion per year Trump is racking up in debt really bothers you? Let me guess….you’re not bothered at all by your blob’s reckless spending.

You’re so full of shit, you’re eyes are brown.

I have said 100x on this board how disappointing that is. You’re just an evil witch.

So you won’t be voting for Trump come next November? (this should be good)

It depends who runs against him. I will not be voting for Sanders or Warren. Tulsi would get my vote. You’re still an evil witch. That you didn’t deny.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

So the trillion per year Trump is racking up in debt really bothers you? Let me guess….you’re not bothered at all by your blob’s reckless spending.

You’re so full of shit, you’re eyes are brown.

Trumps spending certainly doesn't bother me as much as Medicare for all, Free College and the New Green Deal....dumbass.

I’m sure it doesn’t except Trump’s trillions of deficit spending have actually happened. Its on the books. The rest of the stuff you mentioned—healthcare and education spending would actually help folks.
How would taking away my insurance for some Govt hack program help me? I paid For my education why should others not have to do the same?
I got a school

That's great if you are mechanically inclined ... a lot of people aren't.

Or night school. I went to graduate school at night while working full time. Didn’t get home til 11 most nights then had to do homework and projects. Did this for three consecutive years. Where there is a will there is a way.

Education was a waste of time in your case.

My family thinks otherwise. Opinions vary. I wish your parents were pro choice.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

Yup. We tax payers would be paying for it all.

I don't want to make my car payment. Maybe the tax payers would pick up the tab??

Its bullshit. If you want an education then YOU pay for that education. Not the tax payers of America.

Nothing is free. Ever.
Hey the .1% get bailed out. Why not the rest of us?

No one got bailed out, all the recipients of TARP paid back their monies with interest.
How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

Yup. We tax payers would be paying for it all.

I don't want to make my car payment. Maybe the tax payers would pick up the tab??

Its bullshit. If you want an education then YOU pay for that education. Not the tax payers of America.

Nothing is free. Ever.
Hey the .1% get bailed out. Why not the rest of us?

That 1% pay the bulk of the Fed taxes in this country. If you want an education then YOU pay for it. Not the tax payers.
That’s very sad. You like so many Americans are fine with socialism for the extreme wealthy and capitalism for the rest of us. I’m not.

You ignore that the Fed just prints the money out of thin air, gives it to Uncle at very low rates who then charges exorbitantly high interest rates to the student. So, in effect, the extreme wealthy bankers of the Fed get filthy rich on this Ponzi scheme. The student gets a watered down degree that may lead to nothing other than a lifetime of debt serfdom.

So much for attaining the American Dream. Screw them right?

No. Just you and your constant whining.

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