Cancel Student Debt

Instead of simply writing off the debts, why not hold the guilty parties accountable? I see a class action lawsuit against the colleges and the banksters who conned naive kids into a lifetime of debt. Of course, the government that set it all up is the real guilty party. Too bad we can't sue them.

Government takeover. Seize all college and university assets public and private to pay off the student loan debt and implement single provider government run education.
"When the public discovers they can vote themselves money from the public treasury, the [American] experiment will be over"-Tocqueville 1838
The .1% have controlled the public treasury for a long time. They seem to be doing very well.

Worry about yourself. Bill Gates is wealthier than Michael Jordan. Do you feel sorry for Michael Jordan.
Unlike you I worry about young Americans. I care about my fellow citizens. You have been duped into believing propaganda from the Ruling Class. Going against your self interest.

When I got my degree, I easily wrote the checks for my tuition at one of the nation’s largest public universities. No hardship at all and I got a decent education that lead to a nice career and early retirement at 57 years old. Raised two great kids who got great educations in private schools. I lived the American Dream, coming from nothing. I want that opportunity for all Americans. You don’t give a shit about them.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.
The $7500 back then was when houses were $50,000 and gas was $0.69. Lot of money. Easily 7,8,9X factor. I want it back. Also, my mortgage is increasing my emotional distress. Look into that one later.
Typical liberal- borrow a bunch of money, whine that you can’t pay it back, and then make it everybody else’s debt.

Typical anti-nationalist conservative. Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults. It's ridiculous that we don't have public universities in 2019. Those debt holders should have had a public option. Stubborn ass people like you are why it will be China leading the way some day.

Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults.

Is the gender studies major, working as a barista, paying off $80,000 in student debt, what you had in mind for elevating the nation as an empowered, educated young adult?

I guess when you lack depth and substance all you have left is trolling.

Todd dropped a depth charge on your sissy ass, and all you can do is call him a troll. Lame dude, very lame.
why in the heck should we pay for some idiots liberal arts degree ???

We should have public universities because it would allow more young people to get educated and start their adult lives without large amounts of debt. More educated young people with more momentum is good for the country.
Dude.....there is a's called an obligation. The trillion does not just appear....or just disappear.
It's debt taken on by the signer of the contract....not by America. WAKE UP TO REALITY!!!!!

Contract or not does not change that the government could just cancel the debt and it would not cost them anything. It is no different than absorbing the toxic mortgages.
Didn’t the government pay out the money in the form of a student loan? If so, there was an expection they’d be repaid when the students lived up to their contractual obligations.

They can change the contract. I doubt that many people would say no if asked, "You can keep paying this loan for the next twenty years or we can write it off if you agree"

Free money?!

If Trump wants to ever see 5-6% GDP growth, then cancelling student debt would get him there.

Yeah, except the inflation rate would be closer to 10%, dumbass!
why in the heck should we pay for some idiots liberal arts degree ???

We should have public universities because it would allow more young people to get educated and start their adult lives without large amounts of debt. More educated young people with more momentum is good for the country.

Depends on what they are educated in.

If they graduate in fields like chemical engineering, periodontics or real estate mogulship, sure. But people who are educated in areas which don't prepare them for anything? Why?
Typical liberal- borrow a bunch of money, whine that you can’t pay it back, and then make it everybody else’s debt.

Typical anti-nationalist conservative. Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults. It's ridiculous that we don't have public universities in 2019. Those debt holders should have had a public option. Stubborn ass people like you are why it will be China leading the way some day.

Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults.

Is the gender studies major, working as a barista, paying off $80,000 in student debt, what you had in mind for elevating the nation as an empowered, educated young adult?

I guess when you lack depth and substance all you have left is trolling.

Todd dropped a depth charge on your sissy ass, and all you can do is call him a troll. Lame dude, very lame.

Do you seriously think that was some kind of bombshell rebuttal? He failed to address my point that more educated and empowered young adults is good for the nation. That would be the result of public universities. He tried to deflect with a stereotype about barista college graduates. The fact that some people will get educated and fail to utilize it for their careers right away or even at all does not change the fact that a more educated populous is healthy for our nation and should be a priority. It's a worthwhile investment. Also I really don't mind helping those less capable young people that ended up stuck at Starbucks with unbelievable amounts of debt as punishment for daring to seek a degree. Education shouldn't be putting young people in debt.
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If they graduate in fields like chemical engineering, periodontics or real estate mogulship, sure. But people who are educated in areas which don't prepare them for anything? Why?

I can't believe how twisted up you people are over the idea that tax dollars might pay for a gender studies degree. If you look at the big picture public universities will be very beneficial to the nation. I would be fine with dead end degrees not being financed by Uncle Sam if y'all would actually get on board with that condition, but I'm sure lefties will disappoint me by not being amicable to that compromise.
why in the heck should we pay for some idiots liberal arts degree ???

We should have public universities because it would allow more young people to get educated and start their adult lives without large amounts of debt. More educated young people with more momentum is good for the country.

That would depend on the education.

why in the heck should we pay for some idiots liberal arts degree ???

We should have public universities because it would allow more young people to get educated and start their adult lives without large amounts of debt. More educated young people with more momentum is good for the country.

We have more than enough public universities.

The problem stems from the government, for decades, seeking to make money easier and easier for anyone to obtain under the false notion that everyone should go to college. Just as not everyone is suited to own a home, not everyone is suited to go to college. That doesn't make either right or wrong, just different. Worse than the money being wasted on worthless college degrees is the massive fraud that goes with these programs.

What do you do with a bachelor's degree in Gender Studies, Psychology, or Ethnic Studies?
Typical liberal- borrow a bunch of money, whine that you can’t pay it back, and then make it everybody else’s debt.

Typical anti-nationalist conservative. Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults. It's ridiculous that we don't have public universities in 2019. Those debt holders should have had a public option. Stubborn ass people like you are why it will be China leading the way some day.

Fail to recognize the potential for elevating the nation through the education and empowerment of young adults.

Is the gender studies major, working as a barista, paying off $80,000 in student debt, what you had in mind for elevating the nation as an empowered, educated young adult?

I guess when you lack depth and substance all you have left is trolling.

Todd dropped a depth charge on your sissy ass, and all you can do is call him a troll. Lame dude, very lame.

Do you seriously think that was some kind of bombshell rebuttal? He failed to address my point that more educated and empowered young adults is good for the nation. That would be the result of public universities. He tried to deflect with a stereotype about barista college graduates. The fact that some people will get educated and fail to utilize it for their careers right away or even at all does not change the fact that a more educated populous is healthy for our nation and should be a priority. It's a worthwhile investment. Also I really don't mind helping those less capable young people that ended up stuck at Starbucks with unbelievable amounts of debt as punishment for daring to seek a degree. Education shouldn't be putting young people in debt.

I will humbly disagree with you here. I see a population of baristas and bartenders who are educated as a group which is likely to consist of a lot of malcontents.

Even if the taxpayers pick up the bill for their education, these individuals aren't going to be content in low paid employment. Making a latte or mopping the latrine at Starbucks is just not highly skilled work and never will be.
why in the heck should we pay for some idiots liberal arts degree ???

We should have public universities because it would allow more young people to get educated and start their adult lives without large amounts of debt. More educated young people with more momentum is good for the country.

We have more than enough public universities.

The problem stems from the government, for decades, seeking to make money easier and easier for anyone to obtain under the false notion that everyone should go to college. Just as not everyone is suited to own a home, not everyone is suited to go to college. That doesn't make either right or wrong, just different. Worse than the money being wasted on worthless college degrees is the massive fraud that goes with these programs.

What do you do with a bachelor's degree in Gender Studies, Psychology, or Ethnic Studies?

Psychologists can make good money. There are people who go to therapy for many years paying big bucks to spill their guts to a Bob Newhart wannabe.

But gender studies and ethnic studies are pointless.
Forgiving loans is not the way to do it.
Too many people don't know how to deal with that much money all at once, and they can scam it too easily.
The way to do it is to reduce tuition, either to very low or nothing.
But make them work for room and board.
It is fine to keep them from getting way in debt, but you can't give them huge loans and expect them to spend it wisely.
No benefit to me. Why should I pay?

Like I said, the root of it is selfishness. You're correct that you as an individual have little to gain. This is why conservatives should not call themselves nationalists.

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