Cancel Student Debt

Your "naked eye" isn't worth any further than you can see, stupid.

And paychecks sure as hell haven't seen any noticeable increase.

Herr Lesh. This is what I do for work and many have seen a notable difference due to higher bonuses.
Klobuchar was right to challenge Sanders - that this would never pass - people hate the rich and don’t want to give them free anything. Free college for the rich won’t pass.
Yep. most of these kids come from the upper middle class. They are the privileged.
Oddly I know a lot of kids with massive college debt. None of them come from money.

That's not how it works..

She married money
I said they were upper middle class, not trust fund babies.

No one forced them to borrow the money. Why should people who didn't go to college or who paid their student debt have their taxes increases to these deadbeats can get off without paying what they owe?
Because higher education and student loans are a scam.

Debt forgiveness used to be a common policy by the powers that be. However, it never was utilized in the USA. Strange no? Forgive the debts and we all gain from it.
Making stuff up isn't a convincing argument.
So because some paid it, everyone must pay it. That is illogical.

Time for debt forgiveness of ALL student loans. Examples of Debt forgiveness date back to biblical times.

Wake the fuck up. Stop being a selfish prick.

Sober up and then we can discuss.
Sober as can be. I wish you could use your brain.

How is it selfish to expect responsibility. Food is not free, sneakers are not free, neither is education. You can go to a trade school or a community college relatively cheaply. You don’t cancel an obligation. You are illogical and an asshole.
Please wake up.

College tuition is a scam perpetuated on the young. Millions of young Americans are starting life deeply in debt. They are debt serfs.

Now try to analyze the situation fairly. The government prints the money at no cost to them. Then they lend it out at high rates of interest, to college students. Is that fair?

Government has even taken the extraordinary step of preventing student loan debt from being forgiven in bankruptcy proceedings.

The consequences of preventing young people from attaining the American Dream, are not good for society.
Incorrect. The government doesnt print money. The government borrows money from the federal reserve, and that money is borrowed with interest owed to the federal reserve. The government then loans that money to students, also at interest to the student.

The money, and the interest is owed back to the federal reserve. If the government does student loan debt forgiveness, the debt is still owed to the federal reserve, plus interest.

The government borrows money from the federal reserve, and that money is borrowed with interest owed to the federal reserve.

The government doesn't borrow from the Fed.
The government sells Treasury Bills/Bonds/Notes to borrow.
"When the public discovers they can vote themselves money from the public treasury, the [American] experiment will be over"-Tocqueville 1838
The .1% have controlled the public treasury for a long time. They seem to be doing very well.

Worry about yourself. Bill Gates is wealthier than Michael Jordan. Do you feel sorry for Michael Jordan.
Unlike you I worry about young Americans. I care about my fellow citizens. You have been duped into believing propaganda from the Ruling Class. Going against your self interest.

When I got my degree, I easily wrote the checks for my tuition at one of the nation’s largest public universities. No hardship at all and I got a decent education that lead to a nice career and early retirement at 57 years old. Raised two great kids who got great educations in private schools. I lived the American Dream, coming from nothing. I want that opportunity for all Americans. You don’t give a shit about them.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.
"When the public discovers they can vote themselves money from the public treasury, the [American] experiment will be over"-Tocqueville 1838
The .1% have controlled the public treasury for a long time. They seem to be doing very well.

Worry about yourself. Bill Gates is wealthier than Michael Jordan. Do you feel sorry for Michael Jordan.
Unlike you I worry about young Americans. I care about my fellow citizens. You have been duped into believing propaganda from the Ruling Class. Going against your self interest.

When I got my degree, I easily wrote the checks for my tuition at one of the nation’s largest public universities. No hardship at all and I got a decent education that lead to a nice career and early retirement at 57 years old. Raised two great kids who got great educations in private schools. I lived the American Dream, coming from nothing. I want that opportunity for all Americans. You don’t give a shit about them.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.

So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.
"When the public discovers they can vote themselves money from the public treasury, the [American] experiment will be over"-Tocqueville 1838
The .1% have controlled the public treasury for a long time. They seem to be doing very well.

Worry about yourself. Bill Gates is wealthier than Michael Jordan. Do you feel sorry for Michael Jordan.
Unlike you I worry about young Americans. I care about my fellow citizens. You have been duped into believing propaganda from the Ruling Class. Going against your self interest.

When I got my degree, I easily wrote the checks for my tuition at one of the nation’s largest public universities. No hardship at all and I got a decent education that lead to a nice career and early retirement at 57 years old. Raised two great kids who got great educations in private schools. I lived the American Dream, coming from nothing. I want that opportunity for all Americans. You don’t give a shit about them.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.

So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.

Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
I want my 40 year ago tuition refunded as well as my mortgage payments from same time frame
I now realize they inflicted PTSD on me by holding me to my commitments and indebtness.
So nice I’ll say it twice
"When the public discovers they can vote themselves money from the public treasury, the [American] experiment will be over"-Tocqueville 1838
The .1% have controlled the public treasury for a long time. They seem to be doing very well.

Worry about yourself. Bill Gates is wealthier than Michael Jordan. Do you feel sorry for Michael Jordan.
Unlike you I worry about young Americans. I care about my fellow citizens. You have been duped into believing propaganda from the Ruling Class. Going against your self interest.

When I got my degree, I easily wrote the checks for my tuition at one of the nation’s largest public universities. No hardship at all and I got a decent education that lead to a nice career and early retirement at 57 years old. Raised two great kids who got great educations in private schools. I lived the American Dream, coming from nothing. I want that opportunity for all Americans. You don’t give a shit about them.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.

Costs went up when the federal government added trillions to demand? DURR...……..
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

No way. Bernie would make the banks eat it. Cause he's a socialist and all.
The .1% have controlled the public treasury for a long time. They seem to be doing very well.

Worry about yourself. Bill Gates is wealthier than Michael Jordan. Do you feel sorry for Michael Jordan.
Unlike you I worry about young Americans. I care about my fellow citizens. You have been duped into believing propaganda from the Ruling Class. Going against your self interest.

When I got my degree, I easily wrote the checks for my tuition at one of the nation’s largest public universities. No hardship at all and I got a decent education that lead to a nice career and early retirement at 57 years old. Raised two great kids who got great educations in private schools. I lived the American Dream, coming from nothing. I want that opportunity for all Americans. You don’t give a shit about them.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.

So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.

Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain
Instead of simply writing off the debts, why not hold the guilty parties accountable? I see a class action lawsuit against the colleges and the banksters who conned naive kids into a lifetime of debt. Of course, the government that set it all up is the real guilty party. Too bad we can't sue them.
"When the public discovers they can vote themselves money from the public treasury, the [American] experiment will be over"-Tocqueville 1838
The .1% have controlled the public treasury for a long time. They seem to be doing very well.

Worry about yourself. Bill Gates is wealthier than Michael Jordan. Do you feel sorry for Michael Jordan.
Unlike you I worry about young Americans. I care about my fellow citizens. You have been duped into believing propaganda from the Ruling Class. Going against your self interest.

When I got my degree, I easily wrote the checks for my tuition at one of the nation’s largest public universities. No hardship at all and I got a decent education that lead to a nice career and early retirement at 57 years old. Raised two great kids who got great educations in private schools. I lived the American Dream, coming from nothing. I want that opportunity for all Americans. You don’t give a shit about them.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.
Who's responsible for that if not a bunch of leftists like you?
Instead of simply writing off the debts, why not hold the guilty parties accountable? I see a class action lawsuit against the colleges and the banksters who conned naive kids into a lifetime of debt.
How about college professors? Aren't they guilty as well? Aren't they the primary beneficiaries of this system?
Instead of simply writing off the debts, why not hold the guilty parties accountable? I see a class action lawsuit against the colleges and the banksters who conned naive kids into a lifetime of debt.
How about college professors? Aren't they guilty as well? Aren't they the primary beneficiaries of this system?

They're benefitting from it, true, but I'm not sure they're responsible for the student debt industry. The government created that.
It can just disappear. Tax payers already picked up the tab. There is no additional expenditures needed.

Wow, you progressives really are either incredibly ignorant and naive or just plain stupid. Which is it?

Where does $1.52 TRILLION go? NO additional expenditures needed? How, specifically, does that work?
The only people who can 'cancel the debt' are the universities themselves.

If they were to refund all tuitions paid, problem solved.

Typical far-left Progressive. They have no real solutions, only powerful imaginations.

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