Cancel Student Debt

Why not just pay off all home mortgages? What is the difference? Morgages are certainly a burden to people, so we can remove that burden. Who cares if you over-bought? Evidently, Democrats couldn't care less about personal responsibility anyway, plus, everythng is "free" from a Democrats point of view.

Bottom line is that people shouldn't take out loans that can't pay back. Don't get a 200k student loan and major in Middle Eastern folk art unless you know you have a path to a good paying job after graduation. Colleges have become too expensive. Ferrarri's are too expensive too, which is why I won't buy one even though it would be very fun to have one. Granted, student loans are given out for virtually any amount,. but that doesn't preclude the student from excercising a little common sense.
Why not just pay off all home mortgages? What is the difference? Morgages are certainly a burden to people, so we can remove that burden. Who cares if you over-bought? Evidently, Democrats couldn't care less about personal responsibility anyway, plus, everythng is "free" from a Democrats point of view.

Bottom line is that people shouldn't take out loans that can't pay back. Don't get a 200k student loan and major in Middle Eastern folk art unless you know you have a path to a good paying job after graduation. Colleges have become too expensive. Ferrarri's are too expensive too, which is why I won't buy one even though it would be very fun to have one. Granted, student loans are given out for virtually any amount,. but that doesn't preclude the student from excercising a little common sense.
Maybe you missed it but that's exactly what happened and I know lots of now Trumpers who took advantage of that
Why not just pay off all home mortgages? What is the difference? Morgages are certainly a burden to people, so we can remove that burden. Who cares if you over-bought? Evidently, Democrats couldn't care less about personal responsibility anyway, plus, everythng is "free" from a Democrats point of view.

Bottom line is that people shouldn't take out loans that can't pay back. Don't get a 200k student loan and major in Middle Eastern folk art unless you know you have a path to a good paying job after graduation. Colleges have become too expensive. Ferrarri's are too expensive too, which is why I won't buy one even though it would be very fun to have one. Granted, student loans are given out for virtually any amount,. but that doesn't preclude the student from excercising a little common sense.
Maybe you missed it but that's exactly what happened and I know lots of now Trumpers who took advantage of that

“Trumpers” how dare you? What a waste of a life you are.
The problem with this entire idea is that it gives debtors the idea that they don't have to pay what they owe as the taxpayers will bail them out if they don't.

Further, it gives schools no motivation to rein in costs, as they can just raise tuition and the people will have no problem with the new price as the taxpayers will be picking up the tab in the end
Why is it okay to bail out Wall Street, and Auto Companies, and rich people who don't need it, but not our children???

Man folks have some fucked up priorities.

Wall St and auto companies paid their debt back.
The rich did not.

Trumps tax giveaway to the rich should have been used instead for student debt. Then the money would have been returned to the economy because those folks who had to borrow money for college generally don't spend it on stocks and tax shelters or stock buy backs for corporations. They spend it on food, clothes, cars, etc.
There was no tax giveaway to the rich.
No tax giveaway for the rich?

Well other than that massive multi-trillion dollar tax cut eh?

What percentage tax cut did the "rich" receive as opposed to those in the middle class?

Honesty prevents you from saying it was much less than your average middle class tax payer.
Unlike you I worry about young Americans. I care about my fellow citizens. You have been duped into believing propaganda from the Ruling Class. Going against your self interest.

When I got my degree, I easily wrote the checks for my tuition at one of the nation’s largest public universities. No hardship at all and I got a decent education that lead to a nice career and early retirement at 57 years old. Raised two great kids who got great educations in private schools. I lived the American Dream, coming from nothing. I want that opportunity for all Americans. You don’t give a shit about them.

The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.

So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.

Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

It is in Boston if you went to a decent school and got a degree in a marketable field. If your degree was in History you’re not making that but then why did you just borrow $150k for that useless degree?

Bachelor’s Degree Major 2016 Average Salary
Engineering $64,891
Computer Science $61,321
Math and Sciences $55,087
Business $52,236
Agriculture/Natural Resources $48,729
Healthcare $48,712
Communications $47,047
Social Sciences $46,585
Humanities $46,065
Education $34,891

Here's What the Average Grad Makes Right Out of College

In modern times, most conservative old codgers have no idea what the real world is like today for normal kids who didn't go to Harvard on their rich parents dime.
brothers and sisters: if Dems veer left, they will be called socialists. if they play to the middle, they will be called socialists.

they need to do what's right, and it starts with cancelling student debt!

Why not cancel home mortgages? Don't you want people in homes?

How about car loans?
Define “the rich”
Not me.

I am not the right person to define rich. But I do know the richest people benefited the most by Trump's tax cuts

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Tax cuts only help the wealthy, right? American paychecks show otherwise
Find a more reliable source. I dismiss Fox News out of hand. They are Trump's propaganda machine. Nothing more.

Who cares what you accept or "dismiss"?
Your argument is weak, if you have to rely on such biased sources.

Then it becomes YOUR responsibility to prove that the sources information is incorrect.

You can't do that, can you?
Define “the rich”
Not me.

I am not the right person to define rich. But I do know the richest people benefited the most by Trump's tax cuts

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Tax cuts only help the wealthy, right? American paychecks show otherwise
Find a more reliable source. I dismiss Fox News out of hand. They are Trump's propaganda machine. Nothing more.

Therein lies the problem. No one trusts any sources. Just use the naked eye test. How is the economy doing?
Farmers are losing their farms. The crazy homeless population is still living on the streets. Women and minorities still don't get equal pay for equal work.

But rich old men are doing great.

Women and minorities everywhere I have ever worked get the same pay as everyone else. Why do think this exists? Did you hear this on CNN or read the DNC talking points email?

When I held my college job, the discrimination was reversed. Males could be bag boys and wrangle shopping carts for about $5.70 an hour. Females could be cashiers and made about $7.00 an hour, which was more than double minimum wage, even back then!
Why not just pay off all home mortgages? What is the difference? Morgages are certainly a burden to people, so we can remove that burden. Who cares if you over-bought? Evidently, Democrats couldn't care less about personal responsibility anyway, plus, everythng is "free" from a Democrats point of view.

Bottom line is that people shouldn't take out loans that can't pay back. Don't get a 200k student loan and major in Middle Eastern folk art unless you know you have a path to a good paying job after graduation. Colleges have become too expensive. Ferrarri's are too expensive too, which is why I won't buy one even though it would be very fun to have one. Granted, student loans are given out for virtually any amount,. but that doesn't preclude the student from excercising a little common sense.
Maybe you missed it but that's exactly what happened and I know lots of now Trumpers who took advantage of that

No, that is not exactly what happened. Was your mortgage forgiven? If no, why not? There were stipulations(loan amount vs asset value vs equity) around any forgiveness and there was an asset involved(the house).
The cost of education had gone up exponentially. You and I are probably of a generation. Surely you can see that.

So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.

Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

It is in Boston if you went to a decent school and got a degree in a marketable field. If your degree was in History you’re not making that but then why did you just borrow $150k for that useless degree?

Bachelor’s Degree Major 2016 Average Salary
Engineering $64,891
Computer Science $61,321
Math and Sciences $55,087
Business $52,236
Agriculture/Natural Resources $48,729
Healthcare $48,712
Communications $47,047
Social Sciences $46,585
Humanities $46,065
Education $34,891

Here's What the Average Grad Makes Right Out of College

In modern times, most conservative old codgers have no idea what the real world is like today for normal kids who didn't go to Harvard on their rich parents dime.

Interesting. What was your point?

All but one of those salaries is more than I make now with a Master's degree. Ironic that the one that is less than I make now is the career where I spent 21 years of my life.
How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

Yup. We tax payers would be paying for it all.

I don't want to make my car payment. Maybe the tax payers would pick up the tab??

Its bullshit. If you want an education then YOU pay for that education. Not the tax payers of America.

Nothing is free. Ever.
Hey the .1% get bailed out. Why not the rest of us?

That 1% pay the bulk of the Fed taxes in this country. If you want an education then YOU pay for it. Not the tax payers.
That’s very sad. You like so many Americans are fine with socialism for the extreme wealthy and capitalism for the rest of us. I’m not.

You ignore that the Fed just prints the money out of thin air, gives it to Uncle at very low rates who then charges exorbitantly high interest rates to the student. So, in effect, the extreme wealthy bankers of the Fed get filthy rich on this Ponzi scheme. The student gets a watered down degree that may lead to nothing other than a lifetime of debt serfdom.

So much for attaining the American Dream. Screw them right?
Then they get bent over and fucked again by Aunt Betsy.

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program forgives the remaining balance on your Direct Loans after you have made 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer.

For example - If you go to pharmacy school, then work for a qualified public hospital and make your scheduled loan payments for 10 years, the balance will be forgiven.

Except it does not work that way in reality.

This government loan forgiveness program has rejected 99% of borrowers so far

Data Shows 99% Of Applicants For A Student Loan Forgiveness Program Were Denied

Problems plague student loan forgiveness program

Betsy DeVos faces new lawsuit over student debt forgiveness - CNNPolitics

DeVos wants to cut budget funding for student loan forgiveness, again - CNNPolitics

So deep in student debt, they're suing Betsy DeVos over delays in loan forgiveness

Teacher's union head calls DeVos handling of student loan forgiveness program 'a travesty'

Teacher To Betsy DeVos: 'Why Didn't You Forgive My Student Loans?'
So because some paid it, everyone must pay it. That is illogical.

Time for debt forgiveness of ALL student loans. Examples of Debt forgiveness date back to biblical times.

Wake the fuck up. Stop being a selfish prick.

Sober up and then we can discuss.
Sober as can be. I wish you could use your brain.

How is it selfish to expect responsibility. Food is not free, sneakers are not free, neither is education. You can go to a trade school or a community college relatively cheaply. You don’t cancel an obligation. You are illogical and an asshole.
Please wake up.

College tuition is a scam perpetuated on the young. Millions of young Americans are starting life deeply in debt. They are debt serfs.

Now try to analyze the situation fairly. The government prints the money at no cost to them. Then they lend it out at high rates of interest, to college students. Is that fair?

Government has even taken the extraordinary step of preventing student loan debt from being forgiven in bankruptcy proceedings.

The consequences of preventing young people from attaining the American Dream, are not good for society.
Incorrect. The government doesnt print money. The government borrows money from the federal reserve, and that money is borrowed with interest owed to the federal reserve. The government then loans that money to students, also at interest to the student.

The money, and the interest is owed back to the federal reserve. If the government does student loan debt forgiveness, the debt is still owed to the federal reserve, plus interest.

You are an idiot.

So has compensation. Kids coming out of school now make six figures in Boston. I made $42k.

Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

It is in Boston if you went to a decent school and got a degree in a marketable field. If your degree was in History you’re not making that but then why did you just borrow $150k for that useless degree?

Bachelor’s Degree Major 2016 Average Salary
Engineering $64,891
Computer Science $61,321
Math and Sciences $55,087
Business $52,236
Agriculture/Natural Resources $48,729
Healthcare $48,712
Communications $47,047
Social Sciences $46,585
Humanities $46,065
Education $34,891

Here's What the Average Grad Makes Right Out of College

In modern times, most conservative old codgers have no idea what the real world is like today for normal kids who didn't go to Harvard on their rich parents dime.

Interesting. What was your point?

All but one of those salaries is more than I make now with a Master's degree. Ironic that the one that is less than I make now is the career where I spent 21 years of my life.
Put on your big boy pants and read the rest of this particular thread yourself. I'm not spoon feeding it to you.
Sanders just said it again. Does he realize how stupid and unfair it is for those who paid their debt fairly and those who never took on debt or decided to bypass college for another career. That dude is a complete moron.

How would you be wronged by not getting something you no longer need just because someone else got something they could benefit from?

Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

So the trillion per year Trump is racking up in debt really bothers you? Let me guess….you’re not bothered at all by your blob’s reckless spending.

You’re so full of shit, you’re eyes are brown.

So did you criticize Obama when he more than doubled out national debt?

Trump will never come close to surpassing that achievement!
Define “the rich”
Not me.

I am not the right person to define rich. But I do know the richest people benefited the most by Trump's tax cuts

CHARTS: See How Much Of GOP Tax Cuts Will Go To The Middle Class

Tax cuts only help the wealthy, right? American paychecks show otherwise
Find a more reliable source. I dismiss Fox News out of hand. They are Trump's propaganda machine. Nothing more.

Therein lies the problem. No one trusts any sources. Just use the naked eye test. How is the economy doing?
How's the economy doing?

I have no idea. Do you, without using "sources"?

All I know is that i got a $2500 tax increase

Your taxes probably went up because you live in a high tax area and your SALTs deduction was cut!

That's about the only way anyone's taxes went up and you should blame you Democrats in charge of your city and state.
Not proportionate to the debt carried. And it causes problems. For example look at doctors. Because their education carries such debt, more are going into practice in higher paying specialties or urban areas that pay better. There is an overall shortage of general practioners and doctors in rural areas.
Starting compensation is not even close to 6 figures for most college graduates.

Class of 2017’s Overall Starting Salary Shows Little Gain

It is in Boston if you went to a decent school and got a degree in a marketable field. If your degree was in History you’re not making that but then why did you just borrow $150k for that useless degree?

Bachelor’s Degree Major 2016 Average Salary
Engineering $64,891
Computer Science $61,321
Math and Sciences $55,087
Business $52,236
Agriculture/Natural Resources $48,729
Healthcare $48,712
Communications $47,047
Social Sciences $46,585
Humanities $46,065
Education $34,891

Here's What the Average Grad Makes Right Out of College

In modern times, most conservative old codgers have no idea what the real world is like today for normal kids who didn't go to Harvard on their rich parents dime.

Interesting. What was your point?

All but one of those salaries is more than I make now with a Master's degree. Ironic that the one that is less than I make now is the career where I spent 21 years of my life.
Put on your big boy pants and read the rest of this particular thread yourself. I'm not spoon feeding it to you.

That's only because you don't possess the intellect to do so!

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