canceling dilblert

i never read him. buti understand why the artist said what he said . pushed by blacks . they started all this.

So blacks are to blame for what Scott Adams said?

At any point is Scott Adams responsible for what Scott Adams said?
So blacks are to blame for what Scott Adams said?

At any point is Scott Adams responsible for what Scott Adams said?
they instigate it with racist way they are treating whites who tired of their crap. more and more of this attitude going to come out out of frustration of how we are being treated for no reason.
I enjoyed seeing the way the tie folded up.

I couldn’t give a shit about the comic strip. But I do care about this cancel culture crap.

Also, once again, there are some black activist types who seem to demand that blacks have the freedom to be secure from the presence of those white people.

What’s the difference between their demands for segregation and Scott’s suggestion that whites avoid being near blacks?

No one cried racism when a bunch of blacks tried to buy a large plot of land to create a safe place for blacks. They wanted to segregate and I was fine with the idea, just go away and stay away from whites and me.

I'd be willing to let my tax dollars go towards giving blacks in America a one way ticket to the country of their choice and taking their identification and revoking their citizenship.

If racism is so terrible in America and as bad as they act like it is, isn't the best response to remove blacks? There are fewer of them so it makes sense they should have to go, the country was founded by whites so they should stay. Just remove the X factor in the problem. Blacks get to go to a country where they can be free of America's oppressive racism and America gets to be rid of racism by removing the source of the problem, it's win win for everyone.

I never used to be racist but blacks have made me dislike them over the past 3 or 4 years. Now I don't want to be around them and I won't even let one over in traffic.

I miss the 90s when racism was slowly walking out the door. White comedians made fun of blacks and black comedians made fun of whites and no one got bent out of shape and just laughed. If a crime happend everyone blamed the criminal instead of worrying about their skin color. And you could watch a week's worth of the news and not see a single story about racism.
What would have happened if Scott Adams had said, "White people are members of a hate group from which black people should get away from"??

Would his strip still get canceled?
No one cried racism when a bunch of blacks tried to buy a large plot of land to create a safe place for blacks. They wanted to segregate and I was fine with the idea, just go away and stay away from whites and me.

I'd be willing to let my tax dollars go towards giving blacks in America a one way ticket to the country of their choice and taking their identification and revoking their citizenship.

If racism is so terrible in America and as bad as they act like it is, isn't the best response to remove blacks? There are fewer of them so it makes sense they should have to go, the country was founded by whites so they should stay. Just remove the X factor in the problem. Blacks get to go to a country where they can be free of America's oppressive racism and America gets to be rid of racism by removing the source of the problem, it's win win for everyone.

I never used to be racist but blacks have made me dislike them over the past 3 or 4 years. Now I don't want to be around them and I won't even let one over in traffic.

I miss the 90s when racism was slowly walking out the door. White comedians made fun of blacks and black comedians made fun of whites and no one got bent out of shape and just laughed. If a crime happend everyone blamed the criminal instead of worrying about their skin color. And you could watch a week's worth of the news and not see a single story about racism.
martin lujther king was only one holding his people when he died thy went nuts. and have gotten worse ever sense.
This is fucking hilarious.

So-called alt-right "conservatives" believe in freedom until individuals freely choose to do something the so-called alt-right "conservatives" disagree with.
Toto is in a bit of babble mode I see.
Before displaying gross ignorance and bias on this topic, one could consider reading the linked article of the OP.
Newspapers across America, including The Washington Post and The USA Today, have dropped the popular comic strip Dilbert after the cartoonist behind it, Scott Adams, reacted angrily to a racial survey. The poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports showed that only 53 per cent of Black Americans agreed with the statement, “It’s OK to be White.”

“If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with White people — according to this poll, not according to me, according to this poll — that’s a hate group,” Adams said recently on his YouTube show ‘Real Coffee with Scott Adams’. “I don’t want to have anything to do with them. And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people, just get the f**k away…because there is no fixing this.”

While Adams has been quick to be cancelled, what went unexamined in the Left-liberal mainstream media are the results of the survey. If the poll was a sham, it should be scientifically exposed, not through innuendo that it was conducted by a conservative group. If half of the respondents indeed feel it is not OK to be White, it points to a sweeping anti-White racism which the media and academia need to delve into rather than whitewashing it.
Violent far-Left movements which ostensibly seek to correct racial discrimination against Blacks have created a swamp of open racism, verbal and physical violence against Whites. Left-leaning Western intelligentsia has sought to systematically hide or normalise it.

FBI data shows that while about 8 per cent of Blacks who were murdered were killed by Whites, over 17 per cent of Blacks accounted for the murder of Whites.

In London, racial attacks on cops doubled during the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests. From 638 in the previous year, Met police recorded more than 1,200 attacks on officers in the 12 months up to November 2020. Some of those attacks were by counter-BLM protesters as well.

On 9 June, 2022, three Black girls brutally beat up a 57-year-old White woman on a bus in Queens, New York. One of the girls yelled: “I hate White people. I hate the way they talk.”

After the 2017 mass shooting at Fresno, California, in which four Whites were killed, the Black supremacist shooter, Kori Ali Muhammad, said he hated White people.

Quid pro quo.
What goes around will come around.
Before displaying gross ignorance and bias on this topic, one could consider reading the linked article of the OP.
Newspapers across America, including The Washington Post and The USA Today, have dropped the popular comic strip Dilbert after the cartoonist behind it, Scott Adams, reacted angrily to a racial survey. The poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports showed that only 53 per cent of Black Americans agreed with the statement, “It’s OK to be White.”

“If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with White people — according to this poll, not according to me, according to this poll — that’s a hate group,” Adams said recently on his YouTube show ‘Real Coffee with Scott Adams’. “I don’t want to have anything to do with them. And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people, just get the f**k away…because there is no fixing this.”

While Adams has been quick to be cancelled, what went unexamined in the Left-liberal mainstream media are the results of the survey. If the poll was a sham, it should be scientifically exposed, not through innuendo that it was conducted by a conservative group. If half of the respondents indeed feel it is not OK to be White, it points to a sweeping anti-White racism which the media and academia need to delve into rather than whitewashing it.
Violent far-Left movements which ostensibly seek to correct racial discrimination against Blacks have created a swamp of open racism, verbal and physical violence against Whites. Left-leaning Western intelligentsia has sought to systematically hide or normalise it.

FBI data shows that while about 8 per cent of Blacks who were murdered were killed by Whites, over 17 per cent of Blacks accounted for the murder of Whites.

In London, racial attacks on cops doubled during the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests. From 638 in the previous year, Met police recorded more than 1,200 attacks on officers in the 12 months up to November 2020. Some of those attacks were by counter-BLM protesters as well.

On 9 June, 2022, three Black girls brutally beat up a 57-year-old White woman on a bus in Queens, New York. One of the girls yelled: “I hate White people. I hate the way they talk.”

After the 2017 mass shooting at Fresno, California, in which four Whites were killed, the Black supremacist shooter, Kori Ali Muhammad, said he hated White people.

Quid pro quo.
What goes around will come around.
soi he was right in what he said . this stuff blacks are doing is causing it.

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