Candy Crowley; hellbent on f'ing up the 2nd presidential debate

I really didn't feel she had an impact on either candidates performance, and if she hadnt stepped in to fact check Obamas terror claim, she would be a total non-issue now.

Candy Crowley Plays Biggest Loser with Obama

By Selwyn Duke

You might think that with all the recent focus on media bias in debate moderation, Candy Crowley would have minded her p's and q's in last night's presidential debate. But clearly, she doesn't even know the ABC's of her job.

Her most obvious transgression was chiming in and contradicting Mitt Romney's assertion that Barack Obama did not label the Benghazi attack an act of terror when he spoke in the Rose Garden on Sept. 12. Crowley's unwarranted meddling was significant. The apparent lies surrounding the Libya tragedy are a huge scandal for Obama, and, with the mainstream media's failure to aggressively cover the story, the debate was a golden opportunity to get the truth out.

Enter Crowley's Passion. She snuck into the ring, without Obama even tagging her, and hit Romney from behind with a chair while the ref, Crowley's Brain, was looking the other way. And, as was established later, she was wrong. It was, as Thomas Sowell wrote recently, a display of what Obama himself is guilty of: confident ignorance.


Read more: Articles: Candy Crowley Plays Biggest Loser with Obama

As the rightwing spin machine goes into high gear...

Its not that Romney got his ass kicked....Its that mean ole Candy Crowley

What ever happened to the Party of Responsibility?

Mittens said that his side (the side opposite the 47 percent) was the party of responsibility, because apparently, the 47 percent is going to vote Obama no matter what.

Is Ms. Crowley part of the 47 percent conspiracy?

I know that I am. I was orphaned at age 8 (my mother's social security paid for my upkeep), and then joined the military at age 17 1/2 (going on the government dole), then spent the next 20 years in the U.S. Navy defending this country (8 years out of the 20 I served were overseas), and now am happy to live on my GOVERNMENT CHECK provided every month because I'm now retired from the military.

Does that make me a "leech"?

Mitt Romney's sons never served a day in their life (and neither did Mitt or his father).
I really didn't feel she had an impact on either candidates performance, and if she hadnt stepped in to fact check Obamas terror claim, she would be a total non-issue now.

False. Put yourself in any debate where you've went one versus two and you've been stonewalled. Even if you were right (or partially right); it had then already became an uphill battle. She should have stayed out of it.
I think she overstepped at times, although suggesting Obama won the debate because of her is silly.

It seemed clear she was trying not to be Jim Lehr, who, while i enjoyed his laid back approach, really got criticized by his peers for not doing his job, aka moderating.
i think she was too involved at times but don,t think either men helped him out deep down with both trying to overspeak their time. neither was good at following the time limit
I really didn't feel she had an impact on either candidates performance, and if she hadnt stepped in to fact check Obamas terror claim, she would be a total non-issue now.

False. Put yourself in any debate where you've went one versus two and you've been stonewalled. Even if you were right (or partially right); it had then already became an uphill battle. She should have stayed out of it.

Stonewalled? o_O

No one was stonewalled, and it wasn't 1 vs 2.

This is a mountain out of a molehill moment, and trying to blow up her personal bias to make it seem as though she gave the debate to Obama feels like a desperate attempt to justify why many polls give Obama the win on this debate.
Amy, you are 100% right.

Remember, the homers, like TGG, it is only about victory, so they are going to whine about everything.

Romney did fine, particularly on the economic matters.
:lol: Kiddo, you can't find your ass with a compass, two lighted candles, a girl scout troop, and an ass sniffing dog.

They both were acting alpha male, and she did everything but throw a weighted net over them.

Snarkey, I figured you for a net specialist, u fn lunatic...:D

Speaking of ass sniffing dog, JerkSnarkey @ work lol...
[ame=]ASS SNIFFING DOG - YouTube[/ame]
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Like I've said before, when Obama took a beating on the first debate, Democrats sucked it up and admitted he'd done a pretty bad job. They didn't blame the timers, they didn't blame the moderators, they simply admitted Obama had screwed up.

The Republicans on the other hand? They are looking for ANY kind of conspiracy to show the deck was stacked against their candidate, which is why he had such a poor showing on the second debate.

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