Canklegate: The End Of The Clinton Crime Cabal?


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
Even hardcore "progs" are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...and it's an AmTrak train about to try a 50mph corner at 107. When the NYTimes turns on a Rat candidate they can kiss their ass goodbye. It seems the Times is now leading the charge to pull back the curtain on decades of Clinton swindles and coverups. Hilly still believes she can avoid tough questions and strike the kind of regal pose you'd expect from a silent screen has-been or Queen Elizabeth...after she'd ordered the hit on Lady Di:


With other major Rat voices now joining the choir, it seems the jig (racist) is up for the old con artist. As she crows she's "glad the state dept will release my emails so WE all can see what kind of job I did". The salient word in that being "we" as if she doesn't know what she said in the thousands of them she deleted. Or more importantly how she must have "misspoken" when she claimed she only used one account...a lie easily exposed by gaining access to her pals' emails like they did with Blumenthal (see below).

Where all this is headed is that she'll strike a deal with AG Loretta Lynch....she'll end her campaign for the presidency and close down the Clinton cash-cow foundation. In exchange, she'll avoid charges of racketeering, income tax fraud, money laundering, and bribery, not to mention whatever else Willy Jeff has been involved with....blanket immunity to disappear.
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I'm no Hillary fan but obviously she and Bill have figured out something a long time ago that hasn't even occurred to you yet.
I'm no Hillary fan but obviously she and Bill have figured out something a long time ago that hasn't even occurred to you yet.

Doubtful...I grew up around real criminals....the Clintons are two-bit grifters with fading political power....both extremes eventually end up in prison or clemency.
Dems are looking for new blood and fresh ideas and will encourage Lizzy "Cheekbones" Warren and Joe "Crazy Uncle" Biden to run
I'm no Hillary fan but obviously she and Bill have figured out something a long time ago that hasn't even occurred to you yet.

Doubtful...I grew up around real criminals....the Clintons are two-bit grifters with fading political power....both extremes eventually end up in prison or clemency.

Sounds like the criminals you grew up with aren't nearly as smart as the Clintons.
And no, rich criminals do not end up in prison or clemency. They walk free, unless you just can't stand it anymore and let HBO make a documentary about you.
Where all this is headed is that she'll strike a deal with AG Loretta Lynch....she'll end her campaign for the presidency and close down the Clinton cash-cow foundation. In exchange, she'll avoid charges of racketeering, income tax fraud, money laundering, and bribery, not to mention whatever else Willy Jeff has been involved with....blanket immunity to disappear.

The NY Times article you cited doesn't speak to 'racketeering' or 'income tax fraud' or 'money laundering' or 'bribery' or whatever other claims you pulled sideways out of your ass.

That's you. Citing you. And you don't know what you're talking about.
I heard today that Edward Snowden has Hilda Beast emails that he is holding onto until just before Nov 2016, then he drops the bomb shells.
Where all this is headed is that she'll strike a deal with AG Loretta Lynch....she'll end her campaign for the presidency and close down the Clinton cash-cow foundation. In exchange, she'll avoid charges of racketeering, income tax fraud, money laundering, and bribery, not to mention whatever else Willy Jeff has been involved with....blanket immunity to disappear.

The NY Times article you cited doesn't speak to 'racketeering' or 'income tax fraud' or 'money laundering' or 'bribery' or whatever other claims you pulled sideways out of your ass.

That's you. Citing you. And you don't know what you're talking about.
Of course the Times article didn't say those things. Those were Bull's words.
Where all this is headed is that she'll strike a deal with AG Loretta Lynch....she'll end her campaign for the presidency and close down the Clinton cash-cow foundation. In exchange, she'll avoid charges of racketeering, income tax fraud, money laundering, and bribery, not to mention whatever else Willy Jeff has been involved with....blanket immunity to disappear.

The NY Times article you cited doesn't speak to 'racketeering' or 'income tax fraud' or 'money laundering' or 'bribery' or whatever other claims you pulled sideways out of your ass.

That's you. Citing you. And you don't know what you're talking about.
Of course the Times article didn't say those things. Those were Bull's words.
it's part of his god complex!
Sounds like the criminals you grew up with aren't nearly as smart as the Clintons.
And no, rich criminals do not end up in prison or clemency. They walk free, unless you just can't stand it anymore and let HBO make a documentary about you.

We haven't read the final chapter on the Clintons yet. Famous criminals from Capone to Gotti had it made with an adoring press, a vicarious audience who wished they had that kind of money and criminals work in the shadows...showboats like the Clintons eventually get what's coming to this case if Trey Gowdy is the next AG under a GOP president.
Sounds like the criminals you grew up with aren't nearly as smart as the Clintons.
And no, rich criminals do not end up in prison or clemency. They walk free, unless you just can't stand it anymore and let HBO make a documentary about you.

We haven't read the final chapter on the Clintons yet. Famous criminals from Capone to Gotti had it made with an adoring press, a vicarious audience who wished they had that kind of money and criminals work in the shadows...showboats like the Clintons eventually get what's coming to this case if Trey Gowdy is the next AG under a GOP president.
and it's not even summer in AZ so this ranting can't be blamed on the heat!
The NY Times article you cited doesn't speak to 'racketeering' or 'income tax fraud' or 'money laundering' or 'bribery' or whatever other claims you pulled sideways out of your ass.

That's you. Citing you. And you don't know what you're talking about.

:lol: You best stick with MSLSD instead of me.....they won't hurt your feelings.
and it's not even summer in AZ so this ranting can't be blamed on the heat!'s sunny and mild in Phoenix today....I just finished an excellent bacon cheeseburger with cookie today dang it. :neutral:
The NY Times article you cited doesn't speak to 'racketeering' or 'income tax fraud' or 'money laundering' or 'bribery' or whatever other claims you pulled sideways out of your ass.

That's you. Citing you. And you don't know what you're talking about.

:lol: You best stick with MSLSD instead of me.....they won't hurt your feelings.

Why would I pick you? You're offering us sources that don't say what you do.

And you have no idea what you're talking about.
Even hardcore "progs" are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...and it's an AmTrak train about to try a 50mph corner at 107. When the NYTimes turns on a Rat candidate they can kiss their ass goodbye. It seems the Times is now leading the charge to pull back the curtain on decades of Clinton swindles and coverups. Hilly still believes she can avoid tough questions and strike the kind of regal pose you'd expect from a silent screen has-been or Queen Elizabeth...after she'd ordered the hit on Lady Di:


With other major Rat voices now joining the choir, it seems the jig (racist) is up for the old con artist. As she crows she's "glad the state dept will release my emails so WE all can see what kind of job I did". The salient word in that being "we" as if she doesn't know what she said in the thousands of them she deleted. Or more importantly how she must have "misspoken" when she claimed she only used one account...a lie easily exposed by gaining access to her pals' emails like they did with Blumenthal (see below).

Where all this is headed is that she'll strike a deal with AG Loretta Lynch....she'll end her campaign for the presidency and close down the Clinton cash-cow foundation. In exchange, she'll avoid charges of racketeering, income tax fraud, money laundering, and bribery, not to mention whatever else Willy Jeff has been involved with....blanket immunity to disappear.

The links do not back up any of your weird claims at all.
I'm no Hillary fan but obviously she and Bill have figured out something a long time ago that hasn't even occurred to you yet.

Doubtful...I grew up around real criminals....the Clintons are two-bit grifters with fading political power....both extremes eventually end up in prison or clemency.

So you're posting from prison? That essplains a lot.
Even hardcore "progs" are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...and it's an AmTrak train about to try a 50mph corner at 107. When the NYTimes turns on a Rat candidate they can kiss their ass goodbye. It seems the Times is now leading the charge to pull back the curtain on decades of Clinton swindles and coverups. Hilly still believes she can avoid tough questions and strike the kind of regal pose you'd expect from a silent screen has-been or Queen Elizabeth...after she'd ordered the hit on Lady Di:


With other major Rat voices now joining the choir, it seems the jig (racist) is up for the old con artist. As she crows she's "glad the state dept will release my emails so WE all can see what kind of job I did". The salient word in that being "we" as if she doesn't know what she said in the thousands of them she deleted. Or more importantly how she must have "misspoken" when she claimed she only used one account...a lie easily exposed by gaining access to her pals' emails like they did with Blumenthal (see below).

Where all this is headed is that she'll strike a deal with AG Loretta Lynch....she'll end her campaign for the presidency and close down the Clinton cash-cow foundation. In exchange, she'll avoid charges of racketeering, income tax fraud, money laundering, and bribery, not to mention whatever else Willy Jeff has been involved with....blanket immunity to disappear.

The links do not back up any of your weird claims at all.

Nope. Not even a little.

Which means the OP didn't read his own sources. Or the sources have nothing to do with the OP's claims. Which begs the same question in either instance:

Why bother posting the links?
Why would I pick you? You're offering us sources that don't say what you do.

And you have no idea what you're talking about.

See, how it works here is we voice our opinion based on evidence we'd have to know what I was talking about to tell me I don't know what I'm talking far all you got is...nuthin. :dunno:

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