Can't afford to feed your family or drive?

Is there a pinch of irony in this predicament of established American citizens whining they can't afford gasoline.......while there are thousands of would-be immigrants pining to come to America, work hard to be successful and buy a car for their families?

And the petrol for it.

Whiner crybabies can be an annoyance for those of us who work hard to afford the things we need.

You are a walking talking billboard sign of why California is fucked.
Bitching about prices is good for about 15 minutes until someone asks what can be done about it.

A lot of things can be done about it. Austerity first. Eliminating government waste. Another idea is Remote Learning in the schools. We learned how to do it during the pandemic, this will help reduce the number of teachers who need to be hired. With remote learning , your kids' teacher can be in an office in Kolkata and no one would be the wiser.
A lot of things can be done about it. Austerity first. Eliminating government waste. Another idea is Remote Learning in the schools. We learned how to do it during the pandemic, this will help reduce the number of teachers who need to be hired. With remote learning , your kids' teacher can be in an office in Kolkata and no one would be the wiser.
Remote learning ain't all that....Might as well home school and shut down gubmint schools....Save even mo munny!

Top 6 states with the highest gas taxes...Dem run blue states shocker there. Some north of $50 cents per gallon. Plus another 18 cents Federal tax. Plus all the hidden taxes that jack up the price.

Dems = tax tax tax tax tax tax tax
I can tell you don't care about the working poor.

Let me guess, you work as a hooker on some public transportation rail line?
No wonder you don't care about people paying through the nose to drive to their jobs and keep their children fed and a roof over their heads
Tree, he's the poster child of demofk beliefs. In one fking post.
Top 6 states with the highest gas taxes...Dem run blue states shocker there. Some north of $50 cents per gallon. Plus another 18 cents Federal tax. Plus all the hidden taxes that jack up the price.

Dems = tax tax tax tax tax tax tax
their middle names.
What can be done about it is what so many have done -- prepare. Of course, it's too late for you idiots now, but those of us who had intelligent foresight to be able to see this coming will be fine.

I'm curious what you did to prepare Oh wise one. What stocks did you buy. Do you have an underground gas tank at home which you filled?

I'm not having any problems either. I don't own a car. Food prices aren't up that much, but then I live in "Foodland Ontario". Half the county is under glass.
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Just remember, it's the fault of right wingers for not keeping costs down.

Don't forget this in November, assuming you and your family are still alive, that is.

And yea, nothing we can do about it.

A year ago, you were blaming the Democrats for the crashed economy. Now everyone who wants one, has a job, you have full employment, the virus is finally not dictating our lives, and you have to find SOMETHING to complain about.

How about getting behind your President to help end the war. That would get EVERYTHING back on track a whole LOT quicker.
their middle names.

Taxes reduce deficits and set the country on the road to fiscal responsibility. You anti-Americans who want to see the USA destroyed would love for that to happen. Fiscal irresponsibility is the Republican's middle names.

Trump did more to fiscally bankrupt the USA than ANY American President in history. And YOU cheered it.
I'm curious what you did to prepare Oh wise one. What stocks did you buy. Do you have an underground gas tank at home which you filled?

I'm not having any problems either. I don't own a car. Food prices aren't up that much, but then I live in "Foodland Ontario". Half the county is under glass.

A year ago, you were blaming the Democrats for the crashed economy. Now everyone who wants one, has a job, you have full employment, the virus is finally not dictating our lives, and you have to find SOMETHING to complain about.

How about getting behind your President to help end the war. That would get EVERYTHING back on track a whole LOT quicker.
I do worry about people in Red States (like mine) where people live in rural areas on family plots of land, and then drive 30 miles to work in a Wal-Mart or agricultural processing plant. No urban transit of way to carpool.
Taxes reduce deficits and set the country on the road to fiscal responsibility. You anti-Americans who want to see the USA destroyed would love for that to happen. Fiscal irresponsibility is the Republican's middle names.

Trump did more to fiscally bankrupt the USA than ANY American President in history. And YOU cheered it.
History shows that tax increases don't reduce deficits. They just give politicians more money to play with.
History shows that tax increases don't reduce deficits. They just give politicians more money to play with.

History shows???? What history???? Where is it? You need to back up the shit you pull out of your ass.

Taxes reduce deficits and set the country on the road to fiscal responsibility. You anti-Americans who want to see the USA destroyed would love for that to happen. Fiscal irresponsibility is the Republican's middle names.

Trump did more to fiscally bankrupt the USA than ANY American President in history. And YOU cheered it.
The fact you believe that is astonishing. it's so amazingly stupid. What's it cost to fix roads? it's a never ending number. if roads aren't being worked on where does the money go? who decides? my local roads don't get federal money. Why do they need an infrastructure bill then? your ignorance is truly remarkable.
History shows???? What history???? Where is it? You need to back up the shit you pull out of your ass.

The history of Democrat driven tax increases where they used the deficit as an excuse. If the tax increase was approved, they Dims spent $3 for every $1 increase in taxes.
The history of Democrat driven tax increases where they used the deficit as an excuse. If the tax increase was approved, they Dims spent $3 for every $1 increase in taxes.
and it wasn't on roads or infrastructure. Unions baby.

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