Can't afford to feed your family or drive?

Yes, and struggling financially means I'm lazy and don't work

Do tell.

America must be full of lazy people like me

Maybe I should work 3 jobs instead of just 2.

Yes. You do what you have to. You seem to have plenty of time to post on message boards.... Get off your ass.

Or you could hit up your fellow CONserve-HATEives for a low interest loan:

Bitching about prices is good for about 15 minutes until someone asks what can be done about it.
Ramp up oil production.

Stop pumping government money into the economy.

Lift oppressive regulations.

Outlaw communist policies like the green new deal.
It is all our fault. We should have begun 25 years ago by careful dieting to get our weight down to 125 pounds, then we wouldn't need so much food and we could bicycle around not needing cars.
Have you ever rode a bicycle in a snow storm? How far do you live from your work?
Yes, and struggling financially means I'm lazy and don't work

Do tell.

America must be full of lazy people like me

Maybe I should work 3 jobs instead of just 2.

Well, I don't know what your personal situation is, but there is no doubt that most poverty is self selection. Unless there's something physically or mentally wrong with you, you can work hard and be reliable and earn a decent living and if you want to improve the country you can teach your kids how to do it too
Well, I don't know what your personal situation is, but there is no doubt that most poverty is self selection. Unless there's something physically or mentally wrong with you, you can work hard and be reliable and earn a decent living and if you want to improve the country you can teach your kids how to do it too
Even in the poorest countries, hydrocarbon fuels are often the only thing that can lift a family out of poverty, or to stop a family from descending in to oblivion, and these nuts want to take that away from those people?
The copier jammed at work the other night...Biden!

What about the ice cream!? Oh, the humanity!

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Ramp up oil production.

Stop pumping government money into the economy.

Lift oppressive regulations.

Outlaw communist policies like the green new deal.
Domestic oil production is already "ramped up" and has been for some time now. All that other stuff is an oil company wish list that would do nothing to lower the current price for a barrel of oil. Remember OPEC? What do you do about them? You politely ask them to raise production and hope they are in a good mood.
Domestic oil production is already "ramped up" and has been for some time now. All that other stuff is an oil company wish list that would do nothing to lower the current price for a barrel of oil. Remember OPEC? What do you do about them? You politely ask them to raise production and hope they are in a good mood.

Fail Business school 101. Seriously, the most basic business concept is that business is to MAXIMIZE PROFIT.

You just whiffed on that, you think it's about maximizing profit RATES. It's not, it's about maximizing dollars.

Shut up until you have a clue
Domestic oil production is already "ramped up" and has been for some time now. All that other stuff is an oil company wish list that would do nothing to lower the current price for a barrel of oil. Remember OPEC? What do you do about them? You politely ask them to raise production and hope they are in a good mood.
Oil production has declined since Biden took office.
Oil production has declined since Biden took office.
Why do you still think we can drill our way out of a shortage? Let's say we somehow manage to pump out another million barrels a day. Opec will just cut production a million barrels a day to keep prices right where they want them. We've been at the mercy of this system for decades just like every other person on the planet. Every time something like this happens Americans again refuse to learn about why gas costs what it does. It's complicated and we are helpless. Easier just to blame the president.
Why do you still think we can drill our way out of a shortage? Let's say we somehow manage to pump out another million barrels a day. Opec will just cut production a million barrels a day to keep prices right where they want them. We've been at the mercy of this system for decades just like every other person on the planet. Every time something like this happens Americans again refuse to learn about why gas costs what it does. It's complicated and we are helpless. Easier just to blame the president.
because it does what. Increases oil to produce more to end..........................................shortage! fk dude, you can't really be that fking stupid. seriously.
because it does what. Increases oil to produce more to end..........................................shortage! fk dude, you can't really be that fking stupid. seriously.
World-wide production is pegged at a level that makes the business profitable. What's fucking us more than anything is that domestic oil is not that good for making gasoline. For that we have to import light, sweet crude from shitty authoritarian assholes. Our heavy crude is good for things like plastic. We ship that all over the world.
World-wide production is pegged at a level that makes the business profitable. What's fucking us more than anything is that domestic oil is not that good for making gasoline. For that we have to import light, sweet crude from shitty authoritarian assholes. Our heavy crude is good for things like plastic. We ship that all over the world.
Drill baby drill

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