Can't have it both ways; if Bush still to blame then obama is just irrelevant

Another evasive answer! I know that's what you progressives have LABELED Reaganomics, Dante but...


Conservatives have called it Reaganomics

end of story

Conservatives HAVE called it Reaganomics! Liberals however refer to Reagan's economic plan as "trickle down economics" in what has always been a derogatory term that was never been based on reality. There is no such thing as "trickle down" economic theory except in your mind.

GHW Bush called it Voodoo Economics. If you think he was alone in this opinion in conservative circles you are insane

He called it that running against Reagan for the GOP nomination. Do you CARE how his opinion on that topic changed completely once he saw what Reagan proposed eventually produced?
Another evasive answer! I know that's what you progressives have LABELED Reaganomics, Dante but...

Conservatives have called it Reaganomics

end of story
Conservatives HAVE called it Reaganomics! Liberals however refer to Reagan's economic plan as "trickle down economics" in what has always been a derogatory term that was never been based on reality. There is no such thing as "trickle down" economic theory except in your mind.
GHW Bush called it Voodoo Economics. If you think he was alone in this opinion in conservative circles you are insane
He called it that running against Reagan for the GOP nomination. Do you CARE how his opinion on that topic changed completely once he saw what Reagan proposed eventually produced?

In a matter of months:
Bush's opinion did not change in 1988, it did not evolve in 1988, it did nothing in 1988, except go silent as he was picked to be Reagan's VP.

Reagan produced the idea that as Dick Cheney said to Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill -- Reagan showed “deficits don't matter
Dick Cheney went a little overboard (as he was wont to do) when he said “deficits don’t matter,” and of course it was quite a hoot coming from a member of the party that has been haranguing us about deficits for half a century now whenever it suited their purposes to do so. But as hypocritical as he was being, he had a point. Today, the GOP has completely flipped on this point and is cynically hyping three fictions that will harm the economy—but (maybe) help them electorally.

Cheney Was Right: Deficits Don't Matter | RealClearPolitics
ti's just funny watching the machinations of mentally-deluded left-wing losers.

do deficits matter or not? you cant tell from the idiotic postings of left-wing nutjobs. On one hand they try to rationalize their own massive deficits with the laughable "Republicans did it too!" version of "change". On the other hand they post an article called "CHENEY WAS RIGHT: DEFICITS DONT MATTER"

As a matter of fact Democrats took that "deficits dont matter" idea of cheny's and RAN LIKE HELL WITH IT.

so that means Dems themselves dont believe deficits dont matter.......................
which begs the questions:
why are left-wing losers trying to bash Republicans on deficits when REALITY AND HISTORY SHOW DEMS VOTED FOR THE "REPUBLICAN" DEFICITS AND THIER OWN? and their own statements and history prove they dont believe deficits matter

also what does it say about the whole theme of "change" on the Left when history and their own record shows they dont care about deficits?

who said it is a "failure of leadersip" to raise the Debt Ceiling as a candidate for President?

who VOTED AGAINST RAISING THE DEBT CEILING AS A SENATOR, but used, incredibly, nearly the identical launguage once ELECTED as President to say it is a failure of leadersip NOT to raise the Debt Ceiling??

libs like this idiot above are comical freaks addicted to lying............................TO THEMSELVES
Another evasive answer! I know that's what you progressives have LABELED Reaganomics, Dante but...

Conservatives have called it Reaganomics

end of story
Conservatives HAVE called it Reaganomics! Liberals however refer to Reagan's economic plan as "trickle down economics" in what has always been a derogatory term that was never been based on reality. There is no such thing as "trickle down" economic theory except in your mind.
GHW Bush called it Voodoo Economics. If you think he was alone in this opinion in conservative circles you are insane
He called it that running against Reagan for the GOP nomination. Do you CARE how his opinion on that topic changed completely once he saw what Reagan proposed eventually produced?

In a matter of months:
Bush's opinion did not change in 1988, it did not evolve in 1988, it did nothing in 1988, except go silent as he was picked to be Reagan's VP.

Reagan produced the idea that as Dick Cheney said to Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill -- Reagan showed “deficits don't matter

THE MORONIC LEFT keeps thinking they can re-write history and whitewash out the Reagan Democrats in Congress that voted FOR all the Reagan spending. Ask a left-wing loser trying to give a history lesson what Reagan spending DIDNT Democrats vote FOR; then show him a pile of spending bills under Reagan Democrats DID VOTE FOR. which do you think will be the bigger pile?

As usual it isnt the Right running away from their own votes, from their own history, it is the Left.
The Right acknowledges overspending by Republicans was against their valures and that spawned the TEA PARTY.
it is the Left still trying to re-write their OWN VOTES AND HISTORY ON SPENDING. and it IS pathetic because not only does the ACTUAL HISTORICAL RECORD reveal Democrats voting for the Reagan spending, it also reveals Democrats voted for nearly every penny of GEORGE W BUSH'S SPENDING TOO. so here you have left-wing losers trying to RE-WRITE THEIR OWN EVEN RECENT HISTORY!

idiots and hypocrites
THE MORONIC LEFT keeps thinking they can re-write history and whitewash out the Reagan Democrats in Congress that voted FOR all the Reagan spending.


idiots and hypocrites
There was no such thing as Reagan Democrats in the Congress.

Democrats and Reagan cooperated on compromise legislation. '
So, wtf are you talking about again?
ti's just funny watching the machinations of mentally-deluded left-wing losers.
Cheney said deficits didn't matter. The GOP during Cheney's time ran against having deficits

reality check

great dummy; now show me the votes for the "bush" spending. who voted for it. who didnt

because reality checks are important you know! lol
THE MORONIC LEFT keeps thinking they can re-write history and whitewash out the Reagan Democrats in Congress that voted FOR all the Reagan spending.


idiots and hypocrites
There was no such thing as Reagan Democrats in the Congress.

Democrats and Reagan cooperated on compromise legislation. '
So, wtf are you talking about again?

ur right idiot; they coined the term for nothing!

A Reagan Democrat is a traditionally Democratic voter in the United States, especially a white working-class Northerner, who defected from their party to support Republican President Ronald Reagan in either or both the 1980 and 1984 elections.
ti's just funny watching the machinations of mentally-deluded left-wing losers.
Cheney said deficits didn't matter. The GOP during Cheney's time ran against having deficits

reality check

great dummy; now show me the votes for the "bush" spending. who voted for it. who didnt

because reality checks are important you know! lol

what was proposed and what was ultimately voted on, dummy?

What are you yapping about?
A Reagan Democrat is a traditionally Democratic voter in the United States, especially a white working-class Northerner, who defected from their party to support Republican President Ronald Reagan in either or both the 1980 and 1984 elections.

Hello, you've been told this before. Yet you keep confusing voters with Congress
ti's just funny watching the machinations of mentally-deluded left-wing losers.
Cheney said deficits didn't matter. The GOP during Cheney's time ran against having deficits

reality check

great dummy; now show me the votes for the "bush" spending. who voted for it. who didnt

because reality checks are important you know! lol

what was proposed and what was ultimately voted on, dummy?

What are you yapping about?


are you playing stupid?

or not playing stupid, just stupid?
you're ranting about deficits arent you dummy?
about spending?
who voted FOR the Reagan spending?
the bush spending?
obama's spending?
whose votes would tally up to more total votes against that spending?
A Reagan Democrat is a traditionally Democratic voter in the United States, especially a white working-class Northerner, who defected from their party to support Republican President Ronald Reagan in either or both the 1980 and 1984 elections.

Hello, you've been told this before. Yet you keep confusing voters with Congress

and i posted the Democrat members of Congress that voted for Reagan's policies you coward

Reagan had a Dem-majority House ALL 8 YEARS
spending to that level just couldnt have happened if Dems didnt vote FOR IT
Reagan' - s 3-Year, 25% Cut in Tax Rate Voted by Wide ...
The New York Times
Jul 30, 1981 - Reagan's 3-Year, 25% Cut in Tax Rate Voted by Wide Margins in the House ... There, 37 Democrats voted with 52 Republicans for the bill. ... A strong bipartisan coalition in the Congress - Republicans and Democrats together
1981 Congress - US House
Democratic Party 244 56.1%
Republican Party 191 43.9%
Total 435

Congress Overrides A Reagan Veto -
Sep 20, 1982 - Both the House of Representatives and the Senate voted to override the President's veto last month of a $ 14.2 billion supplemental spending bill. It marked the first time that Congress had overturned a Reagan veto of an ... Contened House Democratic Floor Leader Jim Wright of Texas: "The claim that the ...

so when Democrats opposed Reagan it wasnt usually on spending idiot
Reagan' - s 3-Year, 25% Cut in Tax Rate Voted by Wide ...
The New York Times
Jul 30, 1981 - Reagan's 3-Year, 25% Cut in Tax Rate Voted by Wide Margins in the House ... There, 37 Democrats voted with 52 Republicans for the bill. ... A strong bipartisan coalition in the Congress - Republicans and Democrats together
1981 Congress - US House
Democratic Party 244 56.1%
Republican Party 191 43.9%
Total 435

looks like a Democrat majority to me chump

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