Can't have it both ways; if Bush still to blame then obama is just irrelevant

A Reagan Democrat is a traditionally Democratic voter in the United States, especially a white working-class Northerner, who defected from their party to support Republican President Ronald Reagan in either or both the 1980 and 1984 elections.

Hello, you've been told this before. Yet you keep confusing voters with Congress

and i posted the Democrat members of Congress that voted for Reagan's policies you coward

Reagan had a Dem-majority House ALL 8 YEARS
spending to that level just couldnt have happened if Dems didnt vote FOR IT

How did you jump from Reagan the anti-deficit guy .... you're all over the place. You're just plain ignorant. Not your fault entirely

Foreign aid has also risen, from $10 billion to $22 billion. Every year, Reagan asked for more foreign-aid money than the Congress was willing to spend. He also pushed through Congress an $8.4 billion increase in the U.S. "contribution" to the International Monetary Fund.

His budget cuts were actually cuts in projected spending, not absolute cuts in current spending levels. As Reagan put it, "We're not attempting to cut either spending or taxing levels below that which we presently have."

The result has been unprecedented government debt. Reagan has tripled the Gross Federal Debt, from $900 billion to $2.7 trillion. Ford and Carter in their combined terms could only double it. It took 31 years to accomplish the first postwar debt tripling, yet Reagan did it in eight.

The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

The years Reagan was in office. The budgets he proposed. The compromises agreed to. Democrats voted for budgets the President proposed. Democrats did not run as anti-deficit hawks at that times.

The result, of course, was that the debt stopped decreasing and shot through the roof, as seen in the graph above. By 1987, even Ron Paul (who loved the tax-cut part) blurted out: “How is it that the party of balanced budgets, with control of the White House and Senate, accumulated red ink greater than all previous administrations put together?” And so it had. Starting with a debt of $1 trillion, in eight years Reagan raised it to $2.8 trillion. Even relative to the bigger economy, this was as bad as it had been 28 years earlier. (And no, the House did not do it to him. The budgets Congress passed were almost identical to what he asked for and on average a tiny bit more balanced.)

National Debt Graph by President
you poor sad idiot. i'm not all over the place; Democrats always talking out of both sides of their mouths and trying to have it both ways are.

Dems voted FOR Reagan spending and whine about it, re-write history about it

Dems voted FOR BUSH'S SPENDING TOO and whine about it; try to re-write history about it

see a pattern??
Historical Lessons for a President Forced to Deal With a ...
The New York Times
Nov 4, 2014 - After losing the Senate in 1986, which gave the entire Congress to the Democrats, Ronald Reagan worked with the opposition to achieve arms
6 of 8 years Reagan has a GOP Senate?

8 years Dem-majority HOUSE
2 years Dem-majority both chambers
6 years Repub majority just Senate

what does that make congress overall during the Reagan years dolt? more dem or more republican?
Reagan budgets and reality

Budgets and Deficits

Reagan's Budget Proposals

...the House Appropriations Committee conducted a study that compared Reagan's concrete proposals to what Congress actually passed, not what was spent afterwards. And it found that Reagan asked for $29.4 billion more than Congress passed.

actual reality is what was spent as YOU NOTE, IDIOT
and that is the number you say exploded under Reagan

so it doesnt really matter if reagan wanted more dullard, his Democrat-majority congress is what spent all that money that DID get spent

try again.........................
Reagan budgets and reality

Budgets and Deficits

Reagan's Budget Proposals

...the House Appropriations Committee conducted a study that compared Reagan's concrete proposals to what Congress actually passed, not what was spent afterwards. And it found that Reagan asked for $29.4 billion more than Congress passed.

i think you should go the extra mile and provide us with details on who exactly refused to vote for that additional spending Reagan wanted, by Party affiliation

The conversation was about Trickle down economics or Reaganomics or Voodoo economics, also known by some as -- Supply side economics.

Reagan tripled the deficit, yet he and his party ran as deficit hawks: tripled what they claimed would kill the American dream

fact: the House Appropriations Committee conducted a study that compared Reagan's concrete proposals to what Congress actually passed, not what was spent afterwards. And it found that Reagan asked for $29.4 billion more than Congress passed. - Reagan's Budget Proposals
so it doesnt really matter if reagan wanted more dullard, his Democrat-majority congress is what spent all that money that DID get spent

try again.........................

Whose budget is it, the President's or the Congress'?

The United States budget process begins when the President of the United States submits a budget request to Congress.

AS YOU ALREADY NOTED; whose budget is it depends on how much it resembles what either side wanted and VOTED FOR WHEN IT GOT PASSED

wow; you're pathetic
So the Democratic Congress cut taxes during Reagan's terms?

yup; and voted for the spending too.

the ones that voted to cut taxes wouldnt be allowed in the Jackass Party today if you take the rhetoric of the Left at face value
#1 In obama year seven if everything going badly is still Bush's fault then obama is simply a non-factor and IRRELEVANT.

#2 The Left keeps insisting on having it both ways, trying to take credit for the good and blaming the bad on others, in a very childish manner.

#3 i guess i cant blame the Left though; if i were them and looking at the world in flames in places far removed from Iraq, like Africa and the Ukraine, and all the things screwed up at home, like the 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps then there were when Bush was President; i wouldnt be open to discussing all that PROGRESSIVE FAILURE either.

#1 Who says "everything going badly is still Bush's fault" besides the little voices in your little head?

The left is copying the right? Wow! It's simply amazing.

You guess? Most likely you guess wrong.

Is there a number 4? What do the little voices in your little head say?

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