Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

The USA has been slowly becoming more socialist for a long time, in little steps so no one notices. We are at the point where it is not difficult to see if only we open our eyes and look at what history has shown us.

Norman Thomas[socialist candidate for president] quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.

This was precisely the tactic of “infiltration” advocated by Lenin and Stalin.[3] As Communist International General Secretary Georgi Dimitroff told the Seventh World Congress of the Comintern in 1935:
"Comrades, you remember the ancient tale of the capture of Troy. Troy was inaccessible to the armies attacking her, thanks to her impregnable walls. And the attacking army, after suffering many sacrifices, was unable to achieve victory until, with the aid of the famous Trojan horse, it managed to penetrate to the very heart of the enemy’s camp."[4]

C. S. Lewis on Diabolical Democracy, Socialism, and Public Education « Conservative Colloquium

Buckley endorsed Chambers’ analysis of modern liberalism as a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insists, is not liberal democratic but “revolutionary” in its nature and intentions, seeking “a basic change in the social and, above all, the power relationships within the nation.”
When the uniformed use terms such as socialist or communist, we witness the mental derangement of the ultra right and libertarian wings of the party.
When the uniformed use terms such as socialist or communist, we witness the mental derangement of the ultra right and libertarian wings of the party.

The most uninformed poster on this board is you, Jakematters. You only "know" what George Soros and MoveOn tell you to know, at any given time. What you "know" today, may entirely contradict what you "know" tomorrow, but that will never bother you.
When the uniformed use terms such as socialist or communist, we witness the mental derangement of the ultra right and libertarian wings of the party.

Are you saying Obama isn't a socialist? LOL. He's as much a damn commie as Chairman Mao was.
Dear Moron Midrarwz, please give us a good acceptable working definitions of socialism and communism then give us five examples of each how Obama is such.

You won't because you can't, so you next will attack me who will boot your ass between the goal posts.


When the uniformed use terms such as socialist or communist, we witness the mental derangement of the ultra right and libertarian wings of the party.

Are you saying Obama isn't a socialist? LOL. He's as much a damn commie as Chairman Mao was.
Dear Moron Midrarwz, please give us a good acceptable working definitions of socialism and communism then give us five examples of each how Obama is such.

You won't because you can't, so you next will attack me who will boot your ass between the goal posts.


Yo Jakematters; you cocksucking little coward - when will you stop pissing yourself and hiding?

Want to debate Communism and Socialism? I'm your huckleberry. But you're a fraud - a Soros goon paid to post party propaganda. You can't debate anything.
When the uniformed use terms such as socialist or communist, we witness the mental derangement of the ultra right and libertarian wings of the party.

Are you saying Obama isn't a socialist? LOL. He's as much a damn commie as Chairman Mao was.

Sad but true. He had two communist parents, numerous communist mentors, and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, an open socialist!! And he supports single payer.

liberals treasonously pretend he's not a communist as if to get the ball rolling or get the proverbial nose under the tent!!

when Joe McCarthy asked them if they were communists they all denied it but kept spying Stalin anyway.
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Ayn Rand certainly thought something was wrong with communism and she grew up with it and fled from it.
#727 above for the loons of the ultra right and libertarianism: how America laughs at you simpletons.
Jake hates libertarians (liberty advocates) more than he hates people who repress others with laws and kill children with bombs LOL
Libertarians are the haters of liberty, of freedom, of the Declaration of Independence, of the Constitution. They truly hate SCOTUS and the legislatures of We the People whom we elect.

I love America, our Republic, our Constitution, and I understand that legislation should be compromise and consensus of competing views, for that is the marketplace of American law.
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Go google checks and balances and the 10th amendment. If you think killing innocent people and putting citizens in cages for crimes with victim is what the constitution and declaration are about you're high
Ayn Rand certainly thought something was wrong with communism and she grew up with it and fled from it.

yes and the 100 million or so who slowly starved to death under liberal communism agree! Ever wonder why our liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb?
Libertarians are the haters of liberty, of freedom, of the Declaration of Independence, of the Constitution. They truly hate SCOTUS and the legislatures of We the People whom we elect.

I love America, our Republic, our Constitution, and I understand that legislation should be compromise and consensus of competing views, for that is the marketplace of American law.

Fuck off hack.

You have nothing to offer this, or any thread.

You're paid to post your idiocy and have never put out anything remotely intelligent or meaningful.
of course if so you would not be so afraid to say why. What does your fear tell you about your character and IQ?

Is there something you feel is missing in the statement?...
Pinko's may be stupid and evil, but "Conservatives" are their useful idiots.

Yes. Any semblance of truth or fact.

It does follow logic. It is truth and fact.

Back in the 90's a bloated drug addict radio persona twists the word "liberal" to mean something completely opposite. The media addicts follow along, spitting and hissing at the word.
What word does the media persona's on faux news establish to define those who hold the principles of America dear?


A conservative, by definition, seeks to maintain the status quo.
Conservatives at the time this country was born were the ones who served elitism, crowns, and totalitarianism - just like marxists.

So all the pinko's and elitists have to do is publish their so-called laws... and then the "conservative" supports elitism, endless wars for global banking, and patriot acts.

And then those useful idiots, at the direction of the media, will attack the true liberal (who are the ones who genuinely oppose marxism) as some sort of enemy.

The conservative is truly a useful idiot. They gladly will send their children to die if faux news tells them to.
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