Capitol Police Chief Warns Extremists 'Want To Blow Up The Capitol' When Biden Addresses Congress

Good. All we can do is prepare for terrorist attacks. Investigations will hopefully tell us why we ignored intelligence we had prior to the Jan 6 terrorist attacks.
The warnings won't be ignored this time. I wonder why the trump people have been complaining about the National Guard presence in DC?
Fair question. They get pissy whenever it's brought up. Did they think we're just going to let them launch domestic terrorist attacks as they please?

Thanks. I try to ask fair questions.

I do know that the warnings by police and intelligence about extremists have been announced since at least the Obama years.

I remember the republicans getting all upset when the first ones were announced. The government at the time actually retracted their report and amended it to not offend republicans.

Doing that only placated the extremists and allowed things to get worse.

I'm sure the republicans will whine about this then try to sweep it under the rug while still whining about the numbers of National Guard still in DC.
You do realize the extremist's that are the threat are you leftists
No, it's the RW hiding their fascism as some ridiculous notion that they are Pro-American patriots.
All terrorists think they're patriots.
True...I expect there are many undercover FBI agents that have infiltrated the ranks of groups like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers. For four years we had a Regime in the WH that not only ignored these lunatics....they actively sought their help. Remember..."Stand Back and Stand By?"

The GOPQ will be associated with these people and of course white supremacist for years to come. And since it looks like they are going to continue to bow to the Authoritarian trump , they will find it hard to rid themselves of that label.
True...I expect there are many undercover FBI agents that have infiltrated the ranks of groups like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers. For four years we had a Regime in the WH that not only ignored these lunatics....they actively sought their help. Remember..."Stand Back and Stand By?"

The GOPQ will be associated with these people and of course white supremacist for years to come. And since it looks like they are going to continue to bow to the Authoritarian trump , they will find it hard to rid themselves of that label.

Don't worry bedwetter. You're still safe, for now.
Good. All we can do is prepare for terrorist attacks. Investigations will hopefully tell us why we ignored intelligence we had prior to the Jan 6 terrorist attacks.
The warnings won't be ignored this time. I wonder why the trump people have been complaining about the National Guard presence in DC?
Fair question. They get pissy whenever it's brought up. Did they think we're just going to let them launch domestic terrorist attacks as they please?

Thanks. I try to ask fair questions.

I do know that the warnings by police and intelligence about extremists have been announced since at least the Obama years.

I remember the republicans getting all upset when the first ones were announced. The government at the time actually retracted their report and amended it to not offend republicans.

Doing that only placated the extremists and allowed things to get worse.

I'm sure the republicans will whine about this then try to sweep it under the rug while still whining about the numbers of National Guard still in DC.
You do realize the extremist's that are the threat are you leftists
No, it's the RW hiding their fascism as some ridiculous notion that they are Pro-American patriots.
All terrorists think they're patriots.
Were you as shocked as I was that Johnson spoke words defending the mob that were nearly word for word speeches that Vladimir Putin gave to disregard protests in Russia.? The GOPQ seems to be just another Russian asset that is going to be lead by Comrade trump for the foreseeable future.
Good. All we can do is prepare for terrorist attacks. Investigations will hopefully tell us why we ignored intelligence we had prior to the Jan 6 terrorist attacks.
The warnings won't be ignored this time. I wonder why the trump people have been complaining about the National Guard presence in DC?
Fair question. They get pissy whenever it's brought up. Did they think we're just going to let them launch domestic terrorist attacks as they please?

Thanks. I try to ask fair questions.

I do know that the warnings by police and intelligence about extremists have been announced since at least the Obama years.

I remember the republicans getting all upset when the first ones were announced. The government at the time actually retracted their report and amended it to not offend republicans.

Doing that only placated the extremists and allowed things to get worse.

I'm sure the republicans will whine about this then try to sweep it under the rug while still whining about the numbers of National Guard still in DC.
You do realize the extremist's that are the threat are you leftists
No, it's the RW hiding their fascism as some ridiculous notion that they are Pro-American patriots.
All terrorists think they're patriots.
Were you as shocked as I was that Johnson spoke words defending the mob that were nearly word for word speeches that Vladimir Putin gave to disregard protests in Russia.? The GOPQ seems to be just another Russian asset that is going to be lead by Comrade trump for the foreseeable future.
I really shouldn't be surprised, obviously, but it's still jarring when a politician feeds into this shit. It still blows my mind that they're so craven that they would cause this much damage to the country they claim to love, just to keep their gubmit job.

Donald J trump has unleashed a group of home grown terrorist on this country. It will take years and even generations to push these people back under the rocks that they crawled out from.
No it won't. Many trying to slither back into the shadows now. The civil war was called off. Nobody but the dumb ass die hard still wishing. They lost that too.
Never underestimate the lunatic trump mob. He has enough resources and is nuts enough to fund them to commit deadly atrocities.
Well aware, now. I just do not think it will take years to get them back under their rocks. They were entirely too connected on the internet and social media. They are mostly fkd, but they will be watched and continually infiltrated.

Stalin would be proud of you, boy.
You don't know jacksh#t about stalin, you pretender. I got your boy, hanging. One out of the every 10 possible new recruits for the next cupple of years will be informants for for FBI, DHS, ATF or state agencies. You guy cannot even trust your own kin folks, co-workers or employers. Have fun on the dark net. NSA is watching, listening and storing that.
I don't think that the warnings will be ignored this time.

Some of the same trump people who attacked the capitol in January now want to blow up the capitol and kill as many politicians as possible.

I hope all who are involved in this are found and their plots stopped.

I think he was talking about AOC and Cumala Harris
I don't think that the warnings will be ignored this time.

Some of the same trump people who attacked the capitol in January now want to blow up the capitol and kill as many politicians as possible.

I hope all who are involved in this are found and their plots stopped.

Guilty without evidence eh?

"Show me the man, I'll show you the crime" -- democrat Party motto
Good. All we can do is prepare for terrorist attacks.

Investigations will hopefully tell us why we ignored intelligence we had prior to the Jan 6 terrorist attacks.

Yes, why did Nancy ignore the FBI and refuse Trump's offer of 10,000 National Guard troops? It's almost as if she WANTED, dare I say orchestrated, the Antifa attack
Good. All we can do is prepare for terrorist attacks.

Investigations will hopefully tell us why we ignored intelligence we had prior to the Jan 6 terrorist attacks.

Yes, why did Nancy ignore the FBI and refuse Trump's offer of 10,000 National Guard troops? It's almost as if she WANTED, dare I say orchestrated, the Antifa attack
Link, please.
I don't think that the warnings will be ignored this time.

Some of the same trump people who attacked the capitol in January now want to blow up the capitol and kill as many politicians as possible.

I hope all who are involved in this are found and their plots stopped.

.....after all these ''''''stimulus'''' [ hahahhaha ] bills spending $$$$ on crap---it gives every American the right to do just that--exactly like in 1776
......these jackasses are spending $$$$ like it grow on trees---for bullshit
I don't think that the warnings will be ignored this time.

Some of the same trump people who attacked the capitol in January now want to blow up the capitol and kill as many politicians as possible.

I hope all who are involved in this are found and their plots stopped.

Have you started rounding up whites to safeguard our rulers from these Insirekting Insirekshunusts of Insirekshun?

As long as even ONE white devil, er SUPREMACIST is walking free, our rulers are not safe.

Where is Oberfuhrer Garland? The Insirekshunusts must all be hunted down and put in the camps or exterminated....

Uber Alles Democrat
I don't think that the warnings will be ignored this time.

Some of the same trump people who attacked the capitol in January now want to blow up the capitol and kill as many politicians as possible.

I hope all who are involved in this are found and their plots stopped.

Guilty without evidence eh?


They are guilty - period, born guilty.

Their skin is their sin.
Good. All we can do is prepare for terrorist attacks.

Investigations will hopefully tell us why we ignored intelligence we had prior to the Jan 6 terrorist attacks.

Well, no doubt you'll round up the hated whites and put them in camps, for their own good.

Uber Alles Democrat, Herr Mac.
The paranoid freaks are trying any reason to justify the walls, concertina wire and the troops.
Good. All we can do is prepare for terrorist attacks. Investigations will hopefully tell us why we ignored intelligence we had prior to the Jan 6 terrorist attacks.
Well, no doubt you'll round up the hated whites and put them in camps, for their own good. Uber Alles Democrat, Herr Mac.
You poor, paranoid thing.

I don't know how you make it through the day.
Yup....the far right, racist, trump humpers here will be disappointed that the Capitol police will be ready this time and a new order on the use of lethal force will forthcoming.

Seig Heil indeed.

Maybe the capitol police can just start shooting random white people? You know, as warning to the other white devils - er supremacists - that it won't just be one Airforce vet this time, the Reich is going to gun down anyone with white skin!

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