Capitol Police drag disabled protesters away without wheelchairs during Trumpcare protests

Being disabled does not give anyone the right to break a law or disobey a lawful order.

That dog won't hunt

What law did they break Sassy...?
If you don't know what they may have done why are you taking their side?

Get informed before looking foolish.

All you have to do is look at the video and see that they were distributing poor old McConnels office.

He doesn't want his congress buddies to see what his secret bill will do to the old and disabled..
Being disabled does not give anyone the right to break a law or disobey a lawful order.

That dog won't hunt

What law did they break Sassy...?
If you don't know what they may have done why are you taking their side?

Get informed before looking foolish.

All you have to do is look at the video and see that they were distributing poor old McConnels office.

He doesn't want his congress buddies to see what his secret bill will do to the old and disabled..

If they were told to disperse and refused that is disobeying a lawful order. No? Doesn't matter if they are disabled when you are given a lawful order and you don't obey odds are you will be arrested

No sympathy
Wheelchairs can be used as weapons.

Any wheelchairs so used should be immediately confiscated and destroyed.

In fact, in the wrong hands wheelchairs can be as dangerous as guns.

We MUST institute National Wheelchair Control immediately or nobody can imagine themselves safe!

OK, so today I'm sounding liberal. Sorry about that.....too busy yesterday and patience is a little thin
And Arrested...

Beginning to look like Puttin Country..

Freedom of Speech

Protesters arrested outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office - The Washington Post

June 22, 2017 12:23 PM EDT - Several people were arrested during a protest led by people with disabilities, opposing the newly announced Senate health-care bill on June 22.

Should have tased em a couple times.

You could wake up tomorrow disabled and alone,God forbid I wouldn't want that to happen to you... BUT.. like these people in the video fighting to keep the crappy healthcare and little money they get to survive every month..

Taking money from the disabled and giving it to the rich Tax Cuts.. Why is that ok with you?

I did a little home health care while putting myself through is very minimal what they get.
Wheelchairs can be used as weapons.

Any wheelchairs so used should be immediately confiscated and destroyed.

In fact, in the wrong hands wheelchairs can be as dangerous as guns.

We MUST institute National Wheelchair Control immediately or nobody can imagine themselves safe!

OK, so today I'm sounding liberal. Sorry about that.....too busy yesterday and patience is a little thin

If you look at the people being dragged away , they couldn't do much damage.
Remember these images, you will see them again.

Absolute metaphor for the Republican 'healthcare' bill. Throwing the disabled, poor, and elderly out onto the street.
Remember these images, you will see them again.

Absolute metaphor for the Republican 'healthcare' bill. Throwing the disabled, poor, and elderly out onto the street.

While barrycare made it impossible for people who pay for their insurance as well as everyone else's to afford.
Remember these images, you will see them again.

Absolute metaphor for the Republican 'healthcare' bill. Throwing the disabled, poor, and elderly out onto the street.
And Arrested...

Beginning to look like Puttin Country..

Freedom of Speech

Protesters arrested outside Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office - The Washington Post

June 22, 2017 12:23 PM EDT - Several people were arrested during a protest led by people with disabilities, opposing the newly announced Senate health-care bill on June 22.

What exactly are they protesting?
I want specifics.

They are outside of McConnell's office who is wanting to cut their disability healthcare ( along with cuts to their living expense soon to be cut) , and give the money saved to the rich in form of tax cuts... The major cuts will come in 4 years after the next election so these scums can slide on through another election..

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