Capitol Rioter Yells in Court, Tells Prosecutors 'Drop All Charges' or Make 'Counteroffer'

Not if my business partner was holding the door open and inviting others in. I think the DC cop shot an innocent person for little or no reason. If he panicked, he probably shouldn't have been a cop, especially one allowed to carry lethal force.

That poor Ashli woman was all hyped up on Trump and Qanon telling them to fight, take back their country and overturn a "stolen" election. Even her husband, who didn't go to DC, said she was a rabid Qanon fan. Trump got her killed. He spent 5 weeks inciting that riot. He had them behaving like a lynch mob.
That's what I was thinking.

If there is a next time, the Capitol police will probably shoot them.
I don't think there is a question, there will be a next time. It might not be in the same form or the same place but this is only the first attempt by the right to seize control of the government.
I don't think there is a question, there will be a next time. It might not be in the same form or the same place but this is only the first attempt by the right to seize control of the government.

I hesitate to call it "the right". This is a special group of Trump followers who are not terribly bright.
I think we would both be terribly disappointed by how many "mainstream" republicans would have been perfectly fine with an emperor Trump.

Honey, they hate Trump.. Look at them.. From Rex Tillerson to General Milley. They know what he is.
What a pathetic excuse.
Idiots like him should be never released. He's a complete nutter. He smashed the capitol and you are making excuses to save him because he did it stop Biden being approved.
And you call yourself a patriot and love America and freedom but praise this idiot. You should never open your ignorant mouth again.

The people that were at the Capitol that day were Patriots protesting the thievery of an election.

He is a political prisoner because typically the government overlooks protest. Just look at how few of the BLM/ANTIFA assholes were held accountable for six months of destruction that included murders.

In reality very little damage was done to the Capitol and it only lasted a few hours. If it had been a filthy Left Wing protest because the Republicans had stole an election the Democrats would have joined the protesters and nothing would have ever been done to anybody.
I broke a window playing baseball when I was a kid and didn't get one day in jail. Neither should this guy. I wanna know where the the film from the body camera of the cop who shot Ashley Babbitt is. If she threatened him, lets see it. If you really want accountability for police, this is something you must do.

Comparing your accident when breaking the window vs a full grown intending to destroy property is pathetic.

As for the woman that was killed, well it was her stupidity and she got what she deserved and had she been black and part of BLM you would have justified the Officer shooting, so let stop with the stupidity for once!
They not patrol officers wearing body cams. They're wearing suits, that doesn't tell you anything?
This post tells me you don't care that a cop killed her.
My question is, is it because she's white, or because of her political ideology, that you don't give a damn?
What a pathetic excuse.
Idiots like him should be never released. He's a complete nutter. He smashed the capitol and you are making excuses to save him because he did it stop Biden being approved.
And you call yourself a patriot and love America and freedom but praise this idiot. You should never open your ignorant mouth again.
"Idiots like him should be never released."

So you think he should do life then?
Imagine the flood of posts from the wacko left if he did. It's the "proof" you loons are waiting for

I always chuckle at the idea of something like this. "Trump can't do that, those on the left might not like it". LOL
The people that were at the Capitol that day were Patriots protesting the thievery of an election.

He is a political prisoner because typically the government overlooks protest. Just look at how few of the BLM/ANTIFA assholes were held accountable for six months of destruction that included murders.

In reality very little damage was done to the Capitol and it only lasted a few hours. If it had been a filthy Left Wing protest because the Republicans had stole an election the Democrats would have joined the protesters and nothing would have ever been done to anybody.

No they weren't. You are a liar. They were there to stop the process of democracy because trump was not elected.
You've had six months to prove thise election fraud and not one of you slags have produced one item. Not one.

They are no more patriots than my dog and neither are you. You hate America because you can't create your trump controlled utopia of dictatorship and eliminate all drmocrats.
Admit It. You hate drmocrats and wish them all dead.

So shut your ignorant lying mouth. You know nothing but hate.
"Idiots like him should be never released."

So you think he should do life then?

If he was in another country controlled by a dictator, which is what republicans wanted by installing trump, he would be possibly shot. Imagine if trump was in power and democrats did that. Do you think trump would put up with sedition and dissent like that?
Of course not and you would cheer from the sidelines. "Lock him up".
You're not a real good thinker son. You should be listening and not talking. You'll learn if you challenge me.
I always chuckle at the idea of something like this. "Trump can't do that, those on the left might not like it". LOL
Not what I said, moron. Just pointing out that you Biden voters will ALWAYS find a reason to bitch.

We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.-- Jesus
No they weren't. You are a liar. They were there to stop the process of democracy because trump was not elected.
You've had six months to prove thise election fraud and not one of you slags have produced one item. Not one.

They are no more patriots than my dog and neither are you. You hate America because you can't create your trump controlled utopia of dictatorship and eliminate all drmocrats.
Admit It. You hate drmocrats and wish them all dead.

So shut your ignorant lying mouth. You know nothing but hate.

No you are confused Moon Bat.

The filthy ass Democrats used the scam of fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots counted in Democrat controlled swing districts to steal the Electoral College from Trump. These Patriots were protesting a blatant thievery of our Republic by the Democrat scum.

Just be glad the Patriots only overturned a couple of benches. They should have pulled the Democrat and RINO filth out of the building and tarred and feathered them and restored the Republic.

Pull your head out of your Libtard ass. It just makes you look like a fool spouting ignorant Democrat talking points.
No you are confused Moon Bat.

The filthy ass Democrats used the scam of fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots counted in Democrat controlled swing districts to steal the Electoral College from Trump. These Patriots were protesting a blatant thievery of our Republic by the Democrat scum.

Just be glad the Patriots only overturned a couple of benches. They should have pulled the Democrat and RINO filth out of the building and tarred and feathered them and restored the Republic.

Pull your head out of your Libtard ass. It just makes you look like a fool spouting ignorant Democrat talking points.

Sorry. You are wrong. We are talking about the riots and again, you have no evidence if the fraudulence. You are a mitigated liar of Olympic proportions.
Do you have anything to add? If not can you remain quiet.
You're not helping your cause at all.

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