Capitol Rioter Yells in Court, Tells Prosecutors 'Drop All Charges' or Make 'Counteroffer'

Sorry. You are wrong. We are talking about the riots and again, you have no evidence if the fraudulence. You are a mitigated liar of Olympic proportions.
Do you have anything to add? If not can you remain quiet.
You're not helping your cause at all.

You are confused moon Bat.

There is tremendous evidence of the fraud. In fact overwhelming and the Patriots were doing the right thing by protesting. You would know things like this if you would get your news from sources other than CNN or MSNBC.

If all you are going to do is spout dishonest Democrat talking points then just remain quiet. You are embarrassing yourself.

You are, however, proving how confused you Moon Bats are by denying the blatant thievery of the election.
You are confused moon Bat.

There is tremendous evidence of the fraud. In fact overwhelming and the Patriots were doing the right thing by protesting. You would know things like this if you would get your news from sources other than CNN or MSNBC.

If all you are going to do is spout dishonest Democrat talking points then just remain quiet. You are embarrassing yourself.

You are, however, proving how confused you Moon Bats are by denying the blatant thievery of the election.




The evidence has been shown hundreds of times and the audits that are ongoing are substantiating the thievery by the Democrat scum.

Pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass. You sound like a fool.
The evidence has been shown hundreds of times and the audits that are ongoing are substantiating the thievery by the Democrat scum.

Pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass. You sound like a fool.

What you have shown as evidence has been tested by courts and dismissed. Even the SC wouldn't waste their time.
The audits can go on forever and will find what everyone knows. Nothing dickhead. It didn't happen and your grasping at straws yet it's me who looks like a tool? Why don't you pull your grub riddled head from your arse and give your tiny brain some air. Fuck off. You're the dickhead.
What a pathetic excuse.
Idiots like him should be never released. He's a complete nutter. He smashed the capitol and you are making excuses to save him because he did it stop Biden being approved.
And you call yourself a patriot and love America and freedom but praise this idiot. You should never open your ignorant mouth again.
Two black guys going into a TJ Maxx and leaving the store with near a thousand dollars worth of merchandise without paying and no criminal charges is much more important then what happened at the Capitol Building. Our society is in decline. I have said this many times. The criminal code must be changed. This is not it.
Two black guys going into a TJ Maxx and leaving the store with near a thousand dollars worth of merchandise without paying and no criminal charges is much more important then what happened at the Capitol Building. Our society is in decline. I have said this many times. The criminal code must be changed. This is not it.

Show me where they were not caught and not charged. See how good you are now.
If he was in another country controlled by a dictator, which is what republicans wanted by installing trump, he would be possibly shot. Imagine if trump was in power and democrats did that. Do you think trump would put up with sedition and dissent like that?
Of course not and you would cheer from the sidelines. "Lock him up".
You're not a real good thinker son. You should be listening and not talking. You'll learn if you challenge me.

Do I think Trump would put up with sedition and dissent?

Did you miss the last several years of lying, propaganda, domestic terrorism against his administration, and outright treason by multiple members of government at almost every level, lol?
Were you in a coma, or something?

Get the fuck out of here, you silly bastard....

Do I think Trump would put up with sedition and dissent?

Did you miss the last several years of lying, propaganda, domestic terrorism against his administration, and outright treason by multiple members of government at almost every level, lol?
Were you in a coma, or something?

Get the fuck out of here, you silly bastard....

I'm going no where until I drive you off your head. Your cracks of frustration are appearing now. You don't have the smarts to get over me boy. Try it on some kids. Your as dumb as dogshit.
Maybe it says that politicians security people have no laws? Rules for thee and not for me? I don't know, but it seems to me that any non military person who wears a gun to work and has the ability to kill people in the course of doing their job should be wearing a body cam.
It was my understanding that unless you're military police, firearms are not allowed on base except for in the armory. I've worked on a military base before but I will readily admit I don't know everything about how they operate but I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to be armed.
Maybe it says that politicians security people have no laws? Rules for thee and not for me? I don't know, but it seems to me that any non military person who wears a gun to work and has the ability to kill people in the course of doing their job should be wearing a body cam.
No, that's not correct. Oftentimes people working protection detail or undercover are not openly armed.
Breaking and entering ain't me. Or any of the people I hang out with. But B&E, especially when cops held the door and invited people in like many at the capitol did, shouldn't result in a jail sentence without bail or hearings. That's like gestapo bullshit.
Just because you're allowed in somewhere doesn't mean you can do whatever you like once inside. The officers may have simply opted not to put up any resistance because they were so vastly outnumbered.

Breaking into private offices, smashing the glass out of doors and windows, setting restrooms on fire, erecting gallows outside of the Capital, calling out to hang the Vice President of the United States, taking a crap/piss on the floor - normal people don't do things like that, not if they're civilized.

Just because a security officer lets you into Tiffany's doesn't mean you're free to smash the display cases and abscond with their diamonds.
Not if my business partner was holding the door open and inviting others in. I think the DC cop shot an innocent person for little or no reason. If he panicked, he probably shouldn't have been a cop, especially one allowed to carry lethal force.
I seriously doubt that he panicked. An order to stand down and not engage the protestors with gunfire does not mean doing so at the risk you allowing harm to yourself or your charges.

I know a lot of people are pissed that she was killed but she completely brought that upon herself.
Maybe it says that politicians security people have no laws? Rules for thee and not for me? I don't know, but it seems to me that any non military person who wears a gun to work and has the ability to kill people in the course of doing their job should be wearing a body cam.
I believe that anybody carrying a concealed weapon in public should wear a body cam. Why just for work? Hell, just wear it, sonny, in case you have to use it for a just cause.
I believe that anybody carrying a concealed weapon in public should wear a body cam. Why just for work? Hell, just wear it, sonny, in case you have to use it for a just cause.
You don't think that might tend to defeat the purpose of the "concealed" part of the carry? "Oh look, he has a body cam, I wonder why he needs that?!?" :)

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