Capitol Rioter Yells in Court, Tells Prosecutors 'Drop All Charges' or Make 'Counteroffer'

I'm going no where until I drive you off your head. Your cracks of frustration are appearing now. You don't have the smarts to get over me boy. Try it on some kids. Your as dumb as dogshit.
LOL...... wow.

You got a little froth at the corner of your mouth there, freak.

Just because you're allowed in somewhere doesn't mean you can do whatever you like once inside. The officers may have simply opted not to put up any resistance because they were so vastly outnumbered.

Breaking into private offices, smashing the glass out of doors and windows, setting restrooms on fire, erecting gallows outside of the Capital, calling out to hang the Vice President of the United States, taking a crap/piss on the floor - normal people don't do things like that, not if they're civilized.

Just because a security officer lets you into Tiffany's doesn't mean you're free to smash the display cases and abscond with their diamonds.
That's true.
But it also doesn't mean you get to arrest and prosecute every single person who happens to be in the store at the time that person does so, either.
Robert Dolan says:
July 10, 2021 at 9:59 pm GMT • 11.4 days ago • 200 Words
@Tono Bungay
Your comment is absurd.
Maybe you haven’t seen any of the actual footage from 1-6.
You are using the bullshit jew terms like “mob” and “invasion” so it’s clear that you are full of shit.
First of all….the number of people at the 1-6 rally was HUGE…..fucking GIGANTIC……some reports said it was two million people…..and 99.9% of them actually were peaceful.
The idiot black officer MURDERED Ashli Babbitt….she was not remotely a threat to anyone.
Turns out….the tiny bit of damage….a couple of broken windows…..were likely done by FBI instigators.
There are many clips of people being invited into the building from multiple entrances….and they respectfully walked inside the ropes and innocently took pictures.
The Biden/zionist regime lied about the amount of damage. The damage was minimal.
Imagine if two million BLM/Antifa had a riot in DC….there would be nothing left but rubble.
The entire jew narrative of “The Insurrection” is a fucking LIE.
There was no insurrection because there were no WEAPONS.
The 1-6 rally was an effort to protest the stolen election and those people had every right to be there. The Biden/zionist regime has used the non-event as an excuse to attack white America.
Agree: BuelahMan, CauCasiAnn, Tony massey
Replies: @anon
Ah...another Rightwing anti-semitic nut job.
I broke a window playing baseball when I was a kid and didn't get one day in jail. Neither should this guy. I wanna know where the the film from the body camera of the cop who shot Ashley Babbitt is. If she threatened him, lets see it. If you really want accountability for police, this is something you must do.
Were you there? If not, why not? A coward?
When you broke this window were you with a mob trying to get into a building?
I'm sure that poster would offer milk and cookies if a mob charged and broke a window at his home or place of business, forcing themselves in.
That's what I was thinking.

If there is a next time, the Capitol police will probably shoot them.
They certainly should have been firing rubber bullets at the FAILED insurrectionists as they charged the Capitol steps. That would have ended things sooner.
I'm sure that poster would offer milk and cookies if a mob charged and broke a window at his home or place of business, forcing themselves in.
No, he'd be too busy getting arrested for trying to stand up to the mob, most likely.

Left wing mobs get a pass for their shit.

Conservatives get shot in the neck.
Honey, they hate Trump.. Look at them.. From Rex Tillerson to General Milley. They know what he is.
They know what he is....we ALL know what he is.....cultists approve what he is.......that's what's so disgusting.
IF they want to plead and say "sorry" fine, but guys like this make me wish the govt wasn't playing nice. Make him an offer that'll leave him with PTSD. That might speed up things.
it only needs be an attempt by a large group of people to take control of their country by force, to be insurrection.

Take control of the country and government,.....really? How exactly were they going to take control???

Too fking funny.

In that case, it sure does. Why are they there--for a tour?
No it doesn't.

This is the same sort of overreach that went on at the Waco Council of Clubs meeting a few years ago; shit went nuts, cops did a bunch of shooting (not just one body, there) and then arrested and overcharged just about every person there, just for being there.

That was bullshit and so is this.

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