Caption this Protest WallStreet Photo!

paulitician said:
A great question was asked by a USMB poster the other day. He asked,what do the Socialists/Progressives plan on replacing Capitalism with? I still haven't heard a logical or coherent answer from a Socialist/Progressive on this board. They say they have all the answers so i'm open to listening to their plans and solutions. Hating and complaining are not solutions though. Lets hear what their replacement for Capitalism will be.

paulitician said:
Not really. The Founding Fathers were not Fascists. In fact they were the opposite. They wanted to escape the tyranny of the King of England. They set things up to make sure there could be no oppressive Dictatorships in the future. Regardless though,i really am interested in hearing what the Socialist/Progressive plans are to replace Capitalism. They have claimed to have all the answers so lets hear them. All the complaining just gets old. Lets hear some plans.

paulitician said:
Lots of people listen to crazy people but i don't. I just feel it's a fair question. If you hate Capitalism so much then it is your responsibility to offer an alternative. Constant complaining just gets old. Capitalism is what we are but i'm open to hearing other plans and solutions. Most Socialists/Progressives have established they despise Capitalism. I'm sorry but that is what i have observed. Now it's time for them to offer up an alternative.

paulitician said:
That's cool with me. I'm also pro-Capitalism and pro-protesting. But i have seen many Socialists/Progressives who routinely complain about how much they despise our Capitalistic System. I just think it's a very fair question to ask what they want to replace it with. Lets just be honest and hash it out. What System do they want? Discussing this rationally is far better than all this hate and division. It's time to get the discusssion started.

paulitician said:
Well then the question isn't for you. But there are many on the Left who do hate Capitalism. I just want to hear from them on what their alternative would be. We should have an honest discussion on this instead of all this hate. The hate and attacks will not solve anything. It will only force people to become more entrenched in their beliefs. We need more open minds for sure. Thanks for your replies.

paulitician said:
Ideas,not hate. You don't like our current Capitalistic System? Please offer up a viable alternative. All this hate and bitterness will get us nowhere. I'll pray God blesses our nation and its people to become more open-minded and we start listening to each other. No need to 'occupy' anything.

Gosh, really tough to figure out who this could be...:rolleyes:

You're skipping again Libo.
paulitician said:
A great question was asked by a USMB poster the other day. He asked,what do the Socialists/Progressives plan on replacing Capitalism with? I still haven't heard a logical or coherent answer from a Socialist/Progressive on this board. They say they have all the answers so i'm open to listening to their plans and solutions. Hating and complaining are not solutions though. Lets hear what their replacement for Capitalism will be.

paulitician said:
Not really. The Founding Fathers were not Fascists. In fact they were the opposite. They wanted to escape the tyranny of the King of England. They set things up to make sure there could be no oppressive Dictatorships in the future. Regardless though,i really am interested in hearing what the Socialist/Progressive plans are to replace Capitalism. They have claimed to have all the answers so lets hear them. All the complaining just gets old. Lets hear some plans.

paulitician said:
Well then the question isn't for you. But there are many on the Left who do hate Capitalism. I just want to hear from them on what their alternative would be. We should have an honest discussion on this instead of all this hate. The hate and attacks will not solve anything. It will only force people to become more entrenched in their beliefs. We need more open minds for sure. Thanks for your replies.

paulitician said:
Ideas,not hate. You don't like our current Capitalistic System? Please offer up a viable alternative. All this hate and bitterness will get us nowhere. I'll pray God blesses our nation and its people to become more open-minded and we start listening to each other. No need to 'occupy' anything.

Gosh, really tough to figure out who this could be...:rolleyes:

You're skipping again Libo.

No...doesn't read like Libo

Libo posts the same thing over and over and ignores what everyone else posts
paulitician said:
A great question was asked by a USMB poster the other day. He asked,what do the Socialists/Progressives plan on replacing Capitalism with? I still haven't heard a logical or coherent answer from a Socialist/Progressive on this board. They say they have all the answers so i'm open to listening to their plans and solutions. Hating and complaining are not solutions though. Lets hear what their replacement for Capitalism will be.

paulitician said:
Ideas,not hate. You don't like our current Capitalistic System? Please offer up a viable alternative. All this hate and bitterness will get us nowhere. I'll pray God blesses our nation and its people to become more open-minded and we start listening to each other. No need to 'occupy' anything.

Gosh, really tough to figure out who this could be...:rolleyes:

You're skipping again Libo.

No...doesn't read like Libo

Libo posts the same thing over and over and ignores what everyone else posts

lol dude, it's definitely him.
When a Government corrupted by $$ funnels money upward, it is not "earned," dipshit.

HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! EXACTLY. You just hit the nail on the head.

ROFL! Funnel money upward? To who? I'll tell you who! To Unions, like the Unions at GM. To GE who basically has a sweatheart deal with Obama. To the Banks, ditto!

Yet, I don't see you libs protesting that! Oh NO!

You protest the companies that Obama's policies have been seeking to put out of business like the oil companies, the coal (that Ohio needs to run on), and on and on.

So, why aren't they protesting the government? Why aren't they right now at the White House protesting Obama and his sweartheart deals with the unions and GE, or the Banks?

Why instead are they protesting everyone else who is just trying to stay in business under this current administration?

I'll tell you why. Because this is all Obama has left.

To try and incite his kook fringe base, because he has lost everyone else.

This isn't a protest. It's a campaign strategy. Too bad these DUMB KIDS haven't figured out they are being played like a violin.


You ever look to see what sort of software is running in government offices? Ducats to doughnuts it's either Windows or some flavor of LINUX or UNIX...that belongs to a private company.

How about the police cars? They were probably made by Ford or GM.

You ever think about who manages the 401K, IRAs or accounts of public employees?

How about all that shiny government military hardware? Raytheon, General Dynamics, General Motors, Boeing, Grumman and a myriad of other privately owned companies.

How about all that construction going on? Yep..private companies too.

How about all those new drugs that get developed? Probably came out of a government lab and given to a private company to market.

THATS how tax payer money gets funneled "upward". TARP was a fine example of that.

No one got busted for killing the economy. They got bailed out.

Drug companies are "GIVEN" drugs to put to market? Do you think that really sticks?

I would LOVE to for you to prove that one! What a load of horsecrap!

The rest of the list is just an example of HOW the government PRODUCES NOTHING!


You think this is news to me?

Where do you think the aircraft comes from that won the WWII, or protects us now? Do you think the government makes it?

WRONG! People in PRIVATE INDUSTRY like my Dad win contracts to build those things! I should know.

Who do you think put Apollo 11 on the moon? The government? WRONG!

North American Rockwell built one part. Westing House put in the wiring, etc etc etc.

The Government produces nothing but redtape, and taxes.

That the government uses products from private industry proves govenrment funnels money "upwards" is about as valid as those spoiled brats in the ops using private industry products while protesting private industry.

Pssst! I'll let you in on a little secret. THE GOVERNMENT DOESN'T HAVE LABS for drug research.

The closest you will come to that is GOVERNMENT FUNDING for a private lab or a public college (like Ohio state where I was involved in more than one instance in that kind of funding) to do the research.

The only labs I can think the government has are with the FBI and they are NOT doing drug research. LOL


Nice try.

If it's not obvious to you,


So what is that you want? Your idiotic pie chart is not an answer.

I'd like a mildly regulated Capitalist Society with a Democratic Government, as opposed to the Corporatocracy that is currently running the USA.

In other words Glasnost.

Bad news. It DIDN'T WORK!

Banks, Corporations.

How? Through Legislation and Government Contracts. sallow's post covered it quite well.

Ah, so you also oppose the government purchasing goods and services from the private sector?

No, I oppose backroom deals to get the purchase to go to the highest "donator," wink wink.

Then you must be against Obama, because how do you think GE and the Unions got such sweetheart deals?

You ever look to see what sort of software is running in government offices? Ducats to doughnuts it's either Windows or some flavor of LINUX or UNIX...that belongs to a private company.

How about the police cars? They were probably made by Ford or GM.

You ever think about who manages the 401K, IRAs or accounts of public employees?

How about all that shiny government military hardware? Raytheon, General Dynamics, General Motors, Boeing, Grumman and a myriad of other privately owned companies.

How about all that construction going on? Yep..private companies too.

How about all those new drugs that get developed? Probably came out of a government lab and given to a private company to market.

THATS how tax payer money gets funneled "upward". TARP was a fine example of that.

No one got busted for killing the economy. They got bailed out.
And, government money is funneled downward.

The difference is, the money going downward produces nothing, absolutely nothing. Well, it does produce dependence, but I fail to see the value in that. Sure, it's valuable in buying votes, but I'm talking about value to The People.

Well you've provided no examples..of course.

In any case..government should provide a support structure for people at the bottom end to have their basic needs met and at the top end to be able to prosper.

But government should not be a means to soak society for the benefit of a few.

That's whats going on now.

You have a small percent of the population controlling a vast amount of the country's wealth.

And when that happens..generally revolution follows.

And in many cases..the results of that revolution aren't so great.

Show me where it says in the Constitution that the government is supposed to support anyone??????

no, that's what you wanted it to mean. in fact, it had nothing to do with regulations at all except to say that I'd favor a midly regulated Capitalist Economy.
I think his point was that 165K pages of regulations (not including regulations in other categories of regs) is already beyond mildly regulated.

I agree.

There is no substitute for a fair playing field.

Who decides what is fair?
That was the question.

The question was "How is money funneled upward"?

But here's a good question. Do you support tax payer funded technology being "given" to the private sector to benefit a few people?

I oppose taxpayer funded technology, period.

Furthermore, the private sector benefits everyone.

You'll have to explain how you can be opposed to "funneling money upward" without being opposed to government purchasing goods and services from the private sector since you just got done saying that they are one and the same.

It's pretty simple. No corporation should have a ratio that shares profit among it's executives to employees that looks something like 475:1. It's bizzare, it's outlandish, it's crazy and it bodes badly for a capitalistic system. Wealth disparity is one of the greatest challenges facing this country..because you cannot hope to keep capitalism with a system that squashes competition.

Who the hell are YOU to decide how much anyone gets paid?

What utter bullshit!

You can't make everyone rich!

You CAN make everyone poor.

You can't make everyone happy.

You CAN make everyone miserable.

That's all you power hungry little tyrants want. The POWER to decide what is right WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY.

And then you talk about greed?????????

How much money (THAT BELONGS TO OTHER PEOPLE) will it take before you greedy control freak libs are happy?
I oppose taxpayer funded technology, period.

Furthermore, the private sector benefits everyone.

You'll have to explain how you can be opposed to "funneling money upward" without being opposed to government purchasing goods and services from the private sector since you just got done saying that they are one and the same.

It's pretty simple. No corporation should have a ratio that shares profit among it's executives to employees that looks something like 475:1. It's bizzare, it's outlandish, it's crazy and it bodes badly for a capitalistic system. Wealth disparity is one of the greatest challenges facing this country..because you cannot hope to keep capitalism with a system that squashes competition.

That gap to me represents the divide between Rich and Poor, not Right and Left. While we are hanging at Wendy's, they may be hitting the back 9 holes at some Exclusive Club, we aren't allowed near. Just saying. ;)


While you are sitting at Wendy's there might be someone homeless that wishes THEY could go to Wendys!

And YOU are the downtrodden?

Listen, Once upon a time I would have felt PRIVILEDGED to just sit at Wendy's I was that poor!

You didn't see me crying for what belongs to others.

Those people sitting at Wendy's paid their hard earned dough to eat there.


What makes you better than them?

Only people paying for Wendy's deserve to get their Wendy's?

Those at the Golf Club don't deserve it, so take it away? That's not fair?

If you are so damn concerned with fair . . Next time you are Wendy's buy your meal, give it to the homeless shelter and then SHUT THE HELL UP!

You people who think you are entitled to the money of others disgust me.

Get off your ass and earn it, if you want into that Golf Club. That's what they did!



Great example of why I always have a string of laughing smilies at the bottom of my posts. Because you can't help laughing at this rank stupidity. Yet, liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room. Seriously? I think it's drugs that causes this total obliviousness to reality.


Work? Why should WE work? Let the rich people work, WE just want OUR FAIR SHARE! THAT'S ALL WE ASK. NO ONE SAID WE SHOULD HAVE TO WORK FOR IT.


Great example of why I always have a string of laughing smilies at the bottom of my posts. Because you can't help laughing at this rank stupidity. Yet, liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room. Seriously? I think it's drugs that causes this total obliviousness to reality.


Most lefties are smarter than most righties...this board is evidence of that...

^^^^ evidence of the opposite? I think so.

Each side is always going to see the logic of it's own members more easily. An intelligent person would know that. :eusa_whistle:


Great example of why I always have a string of laughing smilies at the bottom of my posts. Because you can't help laughing at this rank stupidity. Yet, liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room. Seriously? I think it's drugs that causes this total obliviousness to reality.


Most lefties are smarter than most righties...this board is evidence of that...

^^^^ evidence of the opposite? I think so.

Each side is always going to see the logic of it's own members more easily. An intelligent person would know that. :eusa_whistle:
Pretty much excludes him, I guess.
Looks like a Tea Bagger to me.....

You can almost see his Tea Bag
TEA Party members clean up after their events.

Leftists are damned slobs with no respect for other people.


That is how you decide the validity of a given cause?
"Well, I don't really agree with them...but they are very neat"
I doubt that is THE deciding factor.

But crapping on cop cars, living in shit, using the N-word without shame, having no respect for others' and public property does say quite a bit about the character of the participants.


Great example of why I always have a string of laughing smilies at the bottom of my posts. Because you can't help laughing at this rank stupidity. Yet, liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room. Seriously? I think it's drugs that causes this total obliviousness to reality.


Work? Why should WE work? Let the rich people work, WE just want OUR FAIR SHARE! THAT'S ALL WE ASK. NO ONE SAID WE SHOULD HAVE TO WORK FOR IT.

Where has anyone said you should not have to work?

Wanting more from life, not having to worry about getting sick and losing your home, an education for your children, a roof over your head

These used to be the American dream. Now, conservatives mock you for expecting a decent standard of living


Great example of why I always have a string of laughing smilies at the bottom of my posts. Because you can't help laughing at this rank stupidity. Yet, liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room. Seriously? I think it's drugs that causes this total obliviousness to reality.


Country Club Commies are a dime a dozen these days.

You know what is sad? These are all the Gore/Kerry kooks. Never did a good hit in their life. Mind expansion with the new lib is an oxymoron.

I had the decency to read Carlos Castanada. These kids just do Alinsky who dedicated his book to Satan, the first community organizer.

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