Caption this Protest WallStreet Photo!

Well its still up on their official website.....wouldn't they take it down if the movement didn't support it? Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement! | Forum

Admin note: This is not an official list of demands. This is a forum post submitted by a single user and hyped by irresponsible news/commentary agencies like Fox News and This content was not published by the collective, nor was it ever proposed or agreed to on a consensus basis with the NYC General Assembly. There is NO official list of demands.


You were saying?

So like I originally said, which you disagreed with

"What do we want? We Don't Know"
"When do we want it? Right now"

Circular arguments are fun

You said "wouldn't they take it down if they didn't support it?"

I answered that they didn't need to, they told you RIGHT ON THE PAGE that they didn't support it.
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But the problem is, the term, 'workers', is so romantic a term to communists that they selectively ignore the ingrained and inherent corruption of unions.

Thats really too bad for them. If they honestly directed it at the right people, IE politicians who gave away our wealth to wall-street and the banks to "bail out" the economy then I know I would be supporting them.

But I can't support a group of people who appear to just want to take stuff that others earned (envious and greedy), who yell anti-semetic stuff at people, and who shut down civil rights leaders (john lewis) when they come to try and speak to them.

Their attitude and behavior just comes across as sloth, envy, and greed.

Class-Envy/Class Warfare are vital tenants in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' Expect it to get much worse as the Election grows nearer. 'Divide & Conquer.' That's what Alinsky's Marxist Community Organizing was all about. You have to first create the bitter division to then seize the power. It's gonna be a very rough 2012 for this nation. I fear there will be much violence.

If there were, hypothetically, a current class war going on, who is winning would you say?
Admin note: This is not an official list of demands. This is a forum post submitted by a single user and hyped by irresponsible news/commentary agencies like Fox News and This content was not published by the collective, nor was it ever proposed or agreed to on a consensus basis with the NYC General Assembly. There is NO official list of demands.


You were saying?

So like I originally said, which you disagreed with

"What do we want? We Don't Know"
"When do we want it? Right now"

Circular arguments are fun

You said "why wouldn't they take it down if they didn't support it?"

I answered that they didn't need to, they told you RIGHT ON THE PAGE that they didn't support it.

Yup and you also stated that there is "no official list of demands" what is the end goal of the protest, what would make it a victory/success?
You keep saying that, but I'm wondering where the people who openly want to get rid of Capitalism are around these boards. You can't quote any of them?

Sorry, I'm not being a dick, but asking a general question like that which isn't even apparently true to begin with and then demanding a better system from the imaginary people who want to abolish this system is a bit silly. It would help if you name names. Seems like you're talking to yourself a bit because I frequent these boards daily and I've no poster that comes to mind that said they'd like to get rid of Capitalism.

Moving the goalposts? Who said it had to be on USMB?

stop capitalism - Google Search
So like I originally said, which you disagreed with

"What do we want? We Don't Know"
"When do we want it? Right now"

Circular arguments are fun

You said "why wouldn't they take it down if they didn't support it?"

I answered that they didn't need to, they told you RIGHT ON THE PAGE that they didn't support it.

Yup and you also stated that there is "no official list of demands" what is the end goal of the protest, what would make it a victory/success?

I'm pretty sure that the whole point is to place a focus on the fact that the middle class is shrinking, and it's not because they got lazy or stopped working.
But the problem is, the term, 'workers', is so romantic a term to communists that they selectively ignore the ingrained and inherent corruption of unions.

Thats really too bad for them. If they honestly directed it at the right people, IE politicians who gave away our wealth to wall-street and the banks to "bail out" the economy then I know I would be supporting them.

But I can't support a group of people who appear to just want to take stuff that others earned (envious and greedy), who yell anti-semetic stuff at people, and who shut down civil rights leaders (john lewis) when they come to try and speak to them.

Their attitude and behavior just comes across as sloth, envy, and greed.

Class-Envy/Class Warfare are vital tenants in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' Expect it to get much worse as the Election grows nearer. 'Divide & Conquer.' That's what Alinsky's Marxist Community Organizing was all about. You have to first create the bitter division to then seize the power. It's gonna be a very rough 2012 for this nation. I fear there will be much violence.

Its sad really that these kids are choosing to go this route with it.

I'd like to jump on board and support them but i can't attack others just because they are more successful than myself, it feels wrong. And thats what the movement comes across to me as, a bunch of people jealous of other's success and scapegoating them for problems the govt has a direct hand in creating.
You said "why wouldn't they take it down if they didn't support it?"

I answered that they didn't need to, they told you RIGHT ON THE PAGE that they didn't support it.

Yup and you also stated that there is "no official list of demands" what is the end goal of the protest, what would make it a victory/success?

I'm pretty sure that the whole point is to place a focus on the fact that the middle class is shrinking, and it's not because they got lazy or stopped working.

well thats not how its coming across here. Its coming across much more neagitvely than that.
Conservatives are obviously oblivious to what the protest is about. Nowhere does anyone say abolish corporations. Typical conservative hyperbole of "if we cut down excessive corporate profit, that means they will no longer exist"

So let's just caption it "Idiotic rightwing attempt to smear protest"

Then tell us, we keep getting the left denying the lists that are put out by members of the movement.

Be specific please.

It is you that need to be specific

Show where anyone on the left has said these corporations need to be shut down

WTF is the protest about? The left keeps saying it is not the lists released from the movement.

Then what the hell is it?

Did you forget what you wrote?
99% of the people of the US have been negatively affected by the recession while 1% have profitted enormously.

That's the gist of the Wall Street Occupation. It is not an organized movement but a spontaneous response to that fact.
Yup and you also stated that there is "no official list of demands" what is the end goal of the protest, what would make it a victory/success?

I'm pretty sure that the whole point is to place a focus on the fact that the middle class is shrinking, and it's not because they got lazy or stopped working.

well thats not how its coming across here. Its coming across much more neagitvely than that.

Well that's the nature of the beast when you have an unorganized movement. It's about different things to different people and it's not the collective movement's fault that people choose to take bits and pieces of "crazy" and assign it to the whole thing. You didn't like when that was happening to the tea party, and you shouldn't like it now.

But that's not really the point, huh? The point is to label it "the left" as the tea party was labeled "the right" and let the dichotomy that is "partisan politics" do the bidding of diverting the focus away from the disparity the Nation's facing and towards the clueless morons in the crowd. It's such the easy way out.
“As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power.”

“We come to you at a time when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice, and oppression over equality, run our governments. We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known."

Wall Street protesters approve ‘Declaration of Occupation’ | The Raw Story
99% of the people of the US have been negatively affected by the recession while 1% have profitted enormously.

That's the gist of the Wall Street Occupation. It is not an organized movement but a spontaneous response to that fact.

I have to disagree. These events are very well coordinated and scripted. You can bet the Democratic Party is behind it all. It's all to ramp up hate & division leading up to the Election. It's all in Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' Check it out.
“As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power.”

“We come to you at a time when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice, and oppression over equality, run our governments. We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known."

Wall Street protesters approve ‘Declaration of Occupation’ | The Raw Story
In their own words: "To all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at our disposal." [Emphasis added]

Direct democracies are unconstitutional, FYI.
99% of the people of the US have been negatively affected by the recession while 1% have profitted enormously.

That's the gist of the Wall Street Occupation. It is not an organized movement but a spontaneous response to that fact.

I have to disagree. These events are very well coordinated and scripted. You can bet the Democratic Party is behind it all. It's all to ramp up hate & division leading up to the Election. It's all in Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' Check it out.


Looks more like Americans executing their constitutional rights

Guess it depends what side you are on
Ripped off of another message board:

Were those dissidents in the Soviet Union unthinking hypocrites for protesting the Soviet State while wearing clothes made my state-run factories, driving around in state-built cars, marching down state-paved streets, their bellies full of state-collective grown food? This isn't actually a question, because the answer should be patently obvious to anyone who can wipe their own arse: OF COURSE FUCKING NOT!

The very idea that this is a valid argument against anti-capitalists speaks volumes about those who trot it out. It seems to imply that we should be grateful to all these corporations for doing all this shit, as though they benevolently gave the unthinking masses these commodities. Spoilers: it wasn't an abstract economic structure that invented and made anything on that asinine image. Individuals working within the corporate structure were paid to invent and manufacture all these things, and they were paid to do this because it made wealthy people even wealthier.

I don't agree with everything here, but wanted to post it.

Looks more like Americans executing their constitutional rights

Guess it depends what side you are on

Is this a right?

99% of the people of the US have been negatively affected by the recession while 1% have profitted enormously.

That's the gist of the Wall Street Occupation. It is not an organized movement but a spontaneous response to that fact.

I have to disagree. These events are very well coordinated and scripted. You can bet the Democratic Party is behind it all. It's all to ramp up hate & division leading up to the Election. It's all in Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' Check it out.

Actually, there is not political party behind this. It's spontaneous. Organized groups are showing up, but they didn't start this. It's like watching the Tea Party go from being spontaneous to getting taken over by special right wing interests.

That's one of the most exciting things about this, it is NOT a typical left wing event.
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99% of the people of the US have been negatively affected by the recession while 1% have profitted enormously.

That's the gist of the Wall Street Occupation. It is not an organized movement but a spontaneous response to that fact.

I have to disagree. These events are very well coordinated and scripted. You can bet the Democratic Party is behind it all. It's all to ramp up hate & division leading up to the Election. It's all in Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' Check it out.

Actually, there is not political party behind this. It's spontaneous. Organized groups are showing up, but they didn't start this. It's like watching the Tea Party go from being spontaneous to getting taken over by special right wing interests.

That's one of the most exciting things about this, it is NOT a typical left wing event.

Sorry,but i still disagree. Most of these protest groups are affiliated with the Democratic Party somehow. They are very well planned and funded. We'll see much more of this as the Election draws nearer. Gotta ramp up the hate & division. It's the 'Rules for Radicals' way.

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