Car plows through pedestrians in times square

But if infowars posted it first dumbasses would say it's fake.... Oh doesn't sound like ALLAH AKHABAR before the crash. LMAO
Oh no are we seeing the beginning of PARIS, GERMANY, FRANCE, SWEDEN taking place...

Oh that's right it's all a fkn conspiracy right


Breaking: Speeding Car Strikes Pedestrians In Times Square – Buildings Locked Down
But if infowars posted it first dumbasses would say it's fake.... Oh doesn't sound like ALLAH AKHABAR before the crash. LMAO
Oh no are we seeing the beginning of PARIS, GERMANY, FRANCE, SWEDEN taking place...

Oh that's right it's all a fkn conspiracy right

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Breaking: Speeding Car Strikes Pedestrians In Times Square – Buildings Locked Down

the cops are saying it's a drunk driver with a long history of boozing/driving

calm down Henny Penny
News says that the car was going against the flow of Traffic and hitting a completely pedestrian area. One of three scenarios'

1. Terrorist
2. Domestic nut job with an axe to grind
3 Extremely confused or medically ill senior citizen.

I'm going to take a guess it was deliberate so all I want to know is if he said Allahu Akbar before he crashed the car into people.

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