Carl Demaio: That Enigmatic Gay Republican Candidate

How is what Seawytch said "hypocrisy"?

It's not what he's saying, genius. It's what he's doing. Far be it from you to grasp the nuances of hypocrisy. First of all, Seawytch claims to support gays and gay rights, not to mention (from what I've read here on this board) he's gay himself. But he's using some fantastic reasoning not to support THIS gay conservative. When you throw all of your support behind gay rights causes, it's naturally hypocritical when you treat a gay political candidate with contempt. It's so easy to say, "well, it's because he's a gay Republican, isn't it."

Um, he's a conservative TK. His stance on all issues runs counter-intuitive to mine. I'm supposed to support a conservative candidate ONLY because he is gay? I'm supposed to ignore who he takes donations from (anti gay marriage people) and ignore his stance on all issues and support and vote for him ONLY because he is gay? Seriously TK?

I too would like to see his answer to that. It smacks a lot like the accusation thrown at black voters that they only voted for Obama because he too is black.
This speaks totally to your hypocrisy. Do you, or do you not support gays and gay rights? Or is your support merely one sided? Like I said before, you guys treat blacks, women, and Hispanics the same way.

What gay rights does Joe want to deny this guy?

The right to his own opinions? The right to be gay and a Republican at the same time? Are you seriously that oblivious?

What is Joe doing to attempt to deny those rights?
if only the republicans could nominate a hispanic gay woman, then all hispanic, all female, and all gay voters had to cast their votes for this nominee. lest they be called HYPOCRITES!
TK, do you have any idea what you're saying? You want gays to support a gay candidate just because he's gay. Do you realize how fucking stupid that is?

Nope. You all claim to be united in one cause, but if one of you happens to jump the fence, you abandon him/them. So, tell me, what does that say for you? Do you realize how hypocritical that is? I don't care who you support. I simply question your motives. That's all.

Being gay is not a political position.
Can it. Troll.

You called it hypocrisy to attack someone based on their stand on ISSUES, did you not?

Nope. Perhaps you should learn to read. I'm attacking the liberal double standard on homosexuality.

There is no double standard. Who are the liberals who support gay rights but only gay rights for liberal gays?

Who among liberals who support gay marriage for example support it only for liberal gays?
How is what Seawytch said "hypocrisy"?

It's not what he's saying, genius. It's what he's doing. Far be it from you to grasp the nuances of hypocrisy. First of all, Seawytch claims to support gays and gay rights, not to mention (from what I've read here on this board) he's gay himself. But he's using some fantastic reasoning not to support THIS gay conservative. When you throw all of your support behind gay rights causes, it's naturally hypocritical when you treat a gay political candidate with contempt. It's so easy to say, "well, it's because he's a gay Republican, isn't it."

Um, he's a conservative TK. His stance on all issues runs counter-intuitive to mine. I'm supposed to support a conservative candidate ONLY because he is gay? I'm supposed to ignore who he takes donations from (anti gay marriage people) and ignore his stance on all issues and support and vote for him ONLY because he is gay? Seriously TK?

As I have said before, support who you want. But it shows a colossal double standard, that of which you insist on equality and tolerance towards LGBT individuals, but do not speak out against the intolerance being show towards Mr. Demaio. He's gay. You're gay. Should you not be defending, not shunning one of your own?
It's not what he's saying, genius. It's what he's doing. Far be it from you to grasp the nuances of hypocrisy. First of all, Seawytch claims to support gays and gay rights, not to mention (from what I've read here on this board) he's gay himself. But he's using some fantastic reasoning not to support THIS gay conservative. When you throw all of your support behind gay rights causes, it's naturally hypocritical when you treat a gay political candidate with contempt. It's so easy to say, "well, it's because he's a gay Republican, isn't it."

Um, he's a conservative TK. His stance on all issues runs counter-intuitive to mine. I'm supposed to support a conservative candidate ONLY because he is gay? I'm supposed to ignore who he takes donations from (anti gay marriage people) and ignore his stance on all issues and support and vote for him ONLY because he is gay? Seriously TK?

I too would like to see his answer to that. It smacks a lot like the accusation thrown at black voters that they only voted for Obama because he too is black.

They did. Do you want me to pull polling data?
TK, do you have any idea what you're saying? You want gays to support a gay candidate just because he's gay. Do you realize how fucking stupid that is?

Nope. You all claim to be united in one cause, but if one of you happens to jump the fence, you abandon him/them. So, tell me, what does that say for you? Do you realize how hypocritical that is? I don't care who you support. I simply question your motives. That's all.

Being gay is not a political position.

Then why are Democrats running on it?

Carl Demaio: That Enigmatic Gay Republican Candidate

This is exactly what the Pubs would do to a gay Dem candidate.

It's politics, not a morality play.

Nope. You can't prove that we do. You don't understand who is actually for tolerance and equality.

It's certainly not conservatives.
It's not what he's saying, genius. It's what he's doing. Far be it from you to grasp the nuances of hypocrisy. First of all, Seawytch claims to support gays and gay rights, not to mention (from what I've read here on this board) he's gay himself. But he's using some fantastic reasoning not to support THIS gay conservative. When you throw all of your support behind gay rights causes, it's naturally hypocritical when you treat a gay political candidate with contempt. It's so easy to say, "well, it's because he's a gay Republican, isn't it."

Um, he's a conservative TK. His stance on all issues runs counter-intuitive to mine. I'm supposed to support a conservative candidate ONLY because he is gay? I'm supposed to ignore who he takes donations from (anti gay marriage people) and ignore his stance on all issues and support and vote for him ONLY because he is gay? Seriously TK?

As I have said before, support who you want. But it shows a colossal double standard, that of which you insist on equality and tolerance towards LGBT individuals, but do not speak out against the intolerance being show towards Mr. Demaio. He's gay. You're gay. Should you not be defending, not shunning one of your own?

He's attacked for his policy positions, not for being gay. That's consistency. You want gays to support him just because he's gay and to ignore his stance on issues. No.
Carl Demaio: That Enigmatic Gay Republican Candidate

This is exactly what the Pubs would do to a gay Dem candidate.

It's politics, not a morality play.

Nope. You can't prove that we do. You don't understand who is actually for tolerance and equality.

It's certainly not conservatives.

Oh really? So who thinks its tolerant to monopolize the opinions of their electorate? Liberals. Who vilifies a member of their electorate if they step out of line? Liberals. Who calls black Republicans "Uncle Toms" and "Porch Monkeys"? Liberals. Who attacks women for being Republican? Liberals. Who asks to "see their papers" if a Hispanic happens to be a Republican? Liberals. Tolerance? Equality?

It most certainly isn't liberals, dude.
Um, he's a conservative TK. His stance on all issues runs counter-intuitive to mine. I'm supposed to support a conservative candidate ONLY because he is gay? I'm supposed to ignore who he takes donations from (anti gay marriage people) and ignore his stance on all issues and support and vote for him ONLY because he is gay? Seriously TK?

As I have said before, support who you want. But it shows a colossal double standard, that of which you insist on equality and tolerance towards LGBT individuals, but do not speak out against the intolerance being show towards Mr. Demaio. He's gay. You're gay. Should you not be defending, not shunning one of your own?

He's attacked for his policy positions, not for being gay. That's consistency. You want gays to support him just because he's gay and to ignore his stance on issues. No.

LOL. So much for you being a party of tolerance and diversity, then. You consistently speak of them, but are doing everything to the contrary.
There is no double standard.

Yes there is. A double standard that exists among other double standards. You must be a Democrat if you want to be accepted for who and what you are.

Says who? Specifically.

It isn't one specific person. The actions of an extremely leftist Democratic party says so. It also contradicts this:

America's leadership extends beyond our economic prosperity and military might—it is also rooted in our enduring commitment to advancing a core set of universal values. These include an individual's freedom to speak their mind, assemble without fear, have access to information, worship as they please, and choose their own leaders. They also include dignity, tolerance, and equality among all people, and the fair and equitable administration of justice. The United States was founded upon a belief in these values, and people of every race, region, and religion around the globe have claimed these principles as their own. The President and the Democratic Party believe that nations that embrace these values for their citizens are ultimately more prosperous, peaceful, and friendly to the United States than those that do not.

-Democratic Party 2012 Platform

Don't make me laugh. The way liberals have treated Demaio, it may as well be a complete abandonment of this principle.
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Yes there is. A double standard that exists among other double standards. You must be a Democrat if you want to be accepted for who and what you are.

Says who? Specifically.

It isn't one specific person. The actions of an extremely leftist Democratic party says so. It also contradicts this:

America's leadership extends beyond our economic prosperity and military might—it is also rooted in our enduring commitment to advancing a core set of universal values. These include an individual's freedom to speak their mind, assemble without fear, have access to information, worship as they please, and choose their own leaders. They also include dignity, tolerance, and equality among all people, and the fair and equitable administration of justice. The United States was founded upon a belief in these values, and people of every race, region, and religion around the globe have claimed these principles as their own. The President and the Democratic Party believe that nations that embrace these values for their citizens are ultimately more prosperous, peaceful, and friendly to the United States than those that do not.

-Democratic Party 2012 Platform

Don't make me laugh. The way liberals have treated Demaio, it may as well be a complete abandonment of this principle.

In other words, you can name NO ONE in the Democratic Party who is trying to infringe on DeMaio's rights because he's a gay Republican.

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