Carly Fiorina says nobody ever mocks Hillary Clinton's appearence

Carly says nobody ever mocks Shrillary's appearance?


So what if she does?

It's not like anybody cares, one way or another.

Beyond the realm of ankle-biting yip-yip dogs, anyway.

Slow news day?
Hildabeast drove slick Willy child into child molestation...
^ the insane ramblings of an HDS infected conservative.
No doubt him and Hildabeast have violated many a young girl over their professional political careers.

They don't call Him slick Willy for nothing
You guys call him that. Not "they". Course, most of "you guys" are insane. Which is why your policies are disastrous failures. Not even your kind can pick out one that works. Unless "damage" is what the plan was all along.

How is the Great Society Program working out ? That was your guys' policy. The Middle Class is now taking home less pay than they did.....this after almost 10 years of Democrat policies.
They made fun of HR Haldeman Clinton's appearance back when the black guy was running against her in 2008.
See, in the democrat world of segregation and sexist and racist and homofascist bigotry and ID politics, the game works like rock/scissors/paper. Black trumps gender; gender trumps homo; homo trumps black.
Carly's obviously wrong, holy crap.

But in fairness, who knows, it may just be that she doesn't hang around noxious hardcore partisan ideologues who harbor some need to come up with the nastiest, ugliest possible personal insult at anyone who dares to disagree with them on anything.

Believe it or not, there are actually people like that, true story!
I'm sending her a link to this message board.

Hell, send her a link to any political discussion forum, Youtube, or any site that allows comments.

Here's Skeletor herself -
Carly Fiorina: ‘There’s a double standard’ because nobody mocks Hillary Clinton’s appearance

“Is there a double standard here for Republican women?” Roberts asked. “I can’t imagine that they would say things like that about Hillary Clinton.”

“Oh, ya think? Yeah,” Fiorina replied. “I think there’s a double standard… There is nothing more threatening to the liberal media in general and to Hillary Clinton in particular than a conservative woman. So, of course there’s a double standard.”

“Conservative women from Sarah Palin to Michele Bachmann to Carly Fiorina are long used to this,” she added. “It will not stop me, it will not scare me.”

According to the GOP hopeful, the hosts of The Viewrepresented “liberal feminists who believe that if you do not agree with them on their liberal orthodoxy that you don’t count, that somehow you’re not a woman.”

I've only ever mocked Clinton's appearence. :)
I'm sending her a link to this message board.

Hell, send her a link to any political discussion forum, Youtube, or any site that allows comments.

Here's Skeletor herself -
Carly Fiorina: ‘There’s a double standard’ because nobody mocks Hillary Clinton’s appearance

“Is there a double standard here for Republican women?” Roberts asked. “I can’t imagine that they would say things like that about Hillary Clinton.”

“Oh, ya think? Yeah,” Fiorina replied. “I think there’s a double standard… There is nothing more threatening to the liberal media in general and to Hillary Clinton in particular than a conservative woman. So, of course there’s a double standard.”

“Conservative women from Sarah Palin to Michele Bachmann to Carly Fiorina are long used to this,” she added. “It will not stop me, it will not scare me.”

According to the GOP hopeful, the hosts of The Viewrepresented “liberal feminists who believe that if you do not agree with them on their liberal orthodoxy that you don’t count, that somehow you’re not a woman.”

She's referring to the media, dumb ass, not social media. Everyone gets attacked on social media
I think she is talking about celebrities talking on national tv , like the view.
But GOP national hate radio is perfectly fine.

December 18, 2007
RUSH: will Americans want to sit around and watch a woman age that rapidly before their very eyes on television every day, as president of the United States?
She's referring to the media, dumb ass, not social media. Everyone gets attacked on social media
A small sampling of what GOP hate media calls Hillary:


Hillary Rottin Clinton


Her Thighness

Wicked Witch of the West Wing

Hilla the Hun

Killary Klinton

President Pant Suit

Senator Cankels

She's referring to the media, dumb ass, not social media. Everyone gets attacked on social media
A small sampling of what GOP hate media calls Hillary:


Hillary Rottin Clinton


Her Thighness

Wicked Witch of the West Wing

Hilla the Hun

Killary Klinton

President Pant Suit

Senator Cankels


You are inspecting the wrong end of the horse, doctor. The question is who said that, not what they said. Sure, you see that in social media. you don't hear that in the media, which is what Carly was referring to
I mock The Hildabeast's appearance every chance I get because she is such a piece of shit.

Here she is showing off her tree stump legs:

She's referring to the media, dumb ass, not social media. Everyone gets attacked on social media
A small sampling of what GOP hate media calls Hillary:


Hillary Rottin Clinton


Her Thighness

Wicked Witch of the West Wing

Hilla the Hun

Killary Klinton

President Pant Suit

Senator Cankels


You are inspecting the wrong end of the horse, doctor. The question is who said that, not what they said. Sure, you see that in social media. you don't hear that in the media, which is what Carly was referring to
Those are said by GOP national hate media, like Limbaugh, Levin, etc.
Hildabeast drove slick Willy child into child molestation...
^ the insane ramblings of an HDS infected conservative.
No doubt him and Hildabeast have violated many a young girl over their professional political careers.

They don't call Him slick Willy for nothing
You guys call him that. Not "they". Course, most of "you guys" are insane. Which is why your policies are disastrous failures. Not even your kind can pick out one that works. Unless "damage" is what the plan was all along.

How is the Great Society Program working out ? That was your guys' policy. The Middle Class is now taking home less pay than they did.....this after almost 10 years of Democrat policies.
The Great Society Program is from the 1960s....10 years ago the Republicans had their President.
I'm sending her a link to this message board.

Hell, send her a link to any political discussion forum, Youtube, or any site that allows comments.

Here's Skeletor herself -
Carly Fiorina: ‘There’s a double standard’ because nobody mocks Hillary Clinton’s appearance

“Is there a double standard here for Republican women?” Roberts asked. “I can’t imagine that they would say things like that about Hillary Clinton.”

“Oh, ya think? Yeah,” Fiorina replied. “I think there’s a double standard… There is nothing more threatening to the liberal media in general and to Hillary Clinton in particular than a conservative woman. So, of course there’s a double standard.”

“Conservative women from Sarah Palin to Michele Bachmann to Carly Fiorina are long used to this,” she added. “It will not stop me, it will not scare me.”

According to the GOP hopeful, the hosts of The Viewrepresented “liberal feminists who believe that if you do not agree with them on their liberal orthodoxy that you don’t count, that somehow you’re not a woman.”

She's referring to the media, dumb ass, not social media. Everyone gets attacked on social media
Other than reporting the disgusting comments made by Trump, which mainstream media or even other media are making an issue of Fiorona's appearance?

look at the left-wing nutjobs making excuses for the Left's hypocritical demeaning of women if they hold right-wing views

idiots and hypocrites

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