Carly Fiorina says nobody ever mocks Hillary Clinton's appearence

Hildabeast drove slick Willy child into child molestation...
^ the insane ramblings of an HDS infected conservative.
No doubt him and Hildabeast have violated many a young girl over their professional political careers.

They don't call Him slick Willy for nothing
You guys call him that. Not "they". Course, most of "you guys" are insane. Which is why your policies are disastrous failures. Not even your kind can pick out one that works. Unless "damage" is what the plan was all along.

How is the Great Society Program working out ? That was your guys' policy. The Middle Class is now taking home less pay than they did.....this after almost 10 years of Democrat policies.
The Great Society Program is from the 1960s....10 years ago the Republicans had their President.

The Great Society could be from the 1860s or's a failure that won't stop.
A woman does not have to have a nice appearance to be credible. Consider Golda Meir.

There is no reason to mock HRC because of her appearance; mock her for her disastrous record as SoS, for her total lack of accomplishment in the Senate, for her highly-visible flip-flops on immigration, marriage, and abortion. Mock her for never having had a real job in her life, and for owing all of her "success" to BEING THE WIFE OF a successful politician. Had she not been Clinton's wife, she would certainly be someplace in the political world, but her odious personality would have kept her from ever seeking elective office.

Mock her for her idiotic positions on the MW, education, organized labor, taxation, the UN, et cetera.

Leave her appearance alone.

Clearly she is setting herself up for the BarryObama ploy: Any time someone criticizes her they will be accused of being a misogynist.
It's no setup, the misogyny is real, very much so, as this thread clearly illustrates.

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I'm sending her a link to this message board.

Hell, send her a link to any political discussion forum, Youtube, or any site that allows comments.

Here's Skeletor herself -
Carly Fiorina: ‘There’s a double standard’ because nobody mocks Hillary Clinton’s appearance

“Is there a double standard here for Republican women?” Roberts asked. “I can’t imagine that they would say things like that about Hillary Clinton.”

“Oh, ya think? Yeah,” Fiorina replied. “I think there’s a double standard… There is nothing more threatening to the liberal media in general and to Hillary Clinton in particular than a conservative woman. So, of course there’s a double standard.”

“Conservative women from Sarah Palin to Michele Bachmann to Carly Fiorina are long used to this,” she added. “It will not stop me, it will not scare me.”

According to the GOP hopeful, the hosts of The Viewrepresented “liberal feminists who believe that if you do not agree with them on their liberal orthodoxy that you don’t count, that somehow you’re not a woman.”

It's one thing for men to attack the way a woman looks--IT'S WRONG and it's typical male behavior. But when women do it to other women--(regardless of what side of the isle you're on) you might as well walk into the bathroom and beat your head against the mirror. YOU LOOK STUPID DOING IT.

Apparently one of the women on the view--(who really had nothing to say) jumped in to talk about Carly Fiorina's (smile). Really that's what was important to her. What does that say about the woman who said it? There was nothing funny about it.

That's the point Fiorina is making. She has admitted in the past that Hillary Clinton has been unfairly attacked typically from MEN--but when women do it to other women--that's just plain STUPID. You only reinforce the childish behavior of men to talk about women in the same manner.


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