Carson beating Shrillary in all the MAJOR polls on Real Clear Politics!!!

Trump is the only person Carson leads as the link I provided says .. and that won't last long. Trump will wave his arms, blame it on Liberal media (several times in the same sentence ) and swear he is leading.

Love these wild-assed thread titles, don't you? Gets these rednecks all warmed up and they can say, "See, I done my resurch taday and I knows what is goin' on. Carson is beatin' Hillary. Whoooo-eeeee...Gotta' go tell Mama!"
OUCH!! that's got to hurt!!!!

anyway must be clear with the Left; they get so sensitive when you dont make things crystal clear. Since they dont really want to discuss how the "insane" Carson can be leading Hillary in so many head to head polls, they look for anything to use as a distraction.

Yes it's sad and somewhat pathetic.

That's OK, because it's not true. RealClearPolitics is reporting by political party, not nationwide and their top poll is a link to the NBC/WSJ poll, corroborated by CBS.

Polls: Ben Carson leads the GOP field; Clinton widens lead over Sanders
Last Updated Nov 3, 2015 11:33 AM EST
Ben Carson is leading the Republican presidential pack, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey.
Election 2016: Poll - Carson leads the GOP field; Clinton increases lead over Sanders

another left-wing that refuses to stop embarrassing himself. i only mentioned polls that were HEAD TO HEAD with hillary vs carson. i DID NOT MENTION polls only referring to the field of GOP candidates.
now i should not come to the conclusion the Left is getting increasinly desperate why??
Trump is the only person Carson leads as the link I provided says .. and that won't last long. Trump will wave his arms, blame it on Liberal media (several times in the same sentence ) and swear he is leading.

Love these wild-assed thread titles, don't you? Gets these rednecks all warmed up and they can say, "See, I done my resurch taday and I knows what is goin' on. Carson is beatin' Hillary. Whoooo-eeeee...Gotta' go tell Mama!"

when i re-post it and it says head to head poll hillary vs carson what are you going to do then moron?

OUCH!! that's got to hurt!!!!

anyway must be clear with the Left; they get so sensitive when you dont make things crystal clear. Since they dont really want to discuss how the "insane" Carson can be leading Hillary in so many head to head polls, they look for anything to use as a distraction.

Yes it's sad and somewhat pathetic.

That's OK, because it's not true. RealClearPolitics is reporting by political party, not nationwide and their top poll is a link to the NBC/WSJ poll, corroborated by CBS.

Polls: Ben Carson leads the GOP field; Clinton widens lead over Sanders
Last Updated Nov 3, 2015 11:33 AM EST
Ben Carson is leading the Republican presidential pack, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey.
Election 2016: Poll - Carson leads the GOP field; Clinton increases lead over Sanders

another left-wing that refuses to stop embarrassing himself. i only mentioned polls that were HEAD TO HEAD with hillary vs carson. i DID NOT MENTION polls only referring to the field of GOP candidates.
now i should not come to the conclusion the Left is getting increasinly desperate why??

and I posted the link from your own poll source that refutes everything you said ..

next contestant
OUCH!! that's got to hurt!!!!

anyway must be clear with the Left; they get so sensitive when you dont make things crystal clear. Since they dont really want to discuss how the "insane" Carson can be leading Hillary in so many head to head polls, they look for anything to use as a distraction.

Yes it's sad and somewhat pathetic.

there is no one named 'shrillery", you misogynist loon.

and a year out before carson's gotten to sound even freakier?


btw, wacko, 1% is well within the margin of error.

let me know how it looks a week before election day, because 3 years ago, president obama was losing to you freaks.

how'd that work out for you, nut bar?
misogynist because she called a woman a name?
Don't you give people nicknames?

misogynist because rightwingnut men like using the word "shrill" for strong, smart women who don't toe the party line.... and misogynist because of rightwingnut policy, generally.

i never heard the word used in regard to fiorina who is far more shrill than hillary. if she were a democrat, your boys would be dressing carly up in memes looking like the wicked witch of the west.
No she isn't. Fiorina might be a lot of things, but shrill isn't one of them. She is cool, calm and collected. Unlike HRC slamming her fists on the podium..
BTW, NY said bed is a female..
No one was cooler, calmer, and more collected than Hillary during her 11 hour interrogation on Benghazi. And yet, RWrs turned that into a negative.
OUCH!! that's got to hurt!!!!

anyway must be clear with the Left; they get so sensitive when you dont make things crystal clear. Since they dont really want to discuss how the "insane" Carson can be leading Hillary in so many head to head polls, they look for anything to use as a distraction.

Yes it's sad and somewhat pathetic.

That's OK, because it's not true. RealClearPolitics is reporting by political party, not nationwide and their top poll is a link to the NBC/WSJ poll, corroborated by CBS.

Polls: Ben Carson leads the GOP field; Clinton widens lead over Sanders
Last Updated Nov 3, 2015 11:33 AM EST
Ben Carson is leading the Republican presidential pack, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey.
Election 2016: Poll - Carson leads the GOP field; Clinton increases lead over Sanders

another left-wing that refuses to stop embarrassing himself. i only mentioned polls that were HEAD TO HEAD with hillary vs carson. i DID NOT MENTION polls only referring to the field of GOP candidates.
now i should not come to the conclusion the Left is getting increasinly desperate why??

Where's the link? Link it up or shut up.
Your thread title does NOT state "head to head", pinhead.

Back in 2008 whenever any on the left stated ANYTHING about Sarah Palin, the chime from the righties was, "Why are liberals so afraid of Sarah Palin?"
Guess we can turn the tables now, can't we?

OUCH!! that's got to hurt!!!!

anyway must be clear with the Left; they get so sensitive when you dont make things crystal clear. Since they dont really want to discuss how the "insane" Carson can be leading Hillary in so many head to head polls, they look for anything to use as a distraction.

Yes it's sad and somewhat pathetic.

Bend Over, Grab Your Toes and Brace Yourself!! You folks ain't got enough Women, Hispanic, Black, Gay, Lesbian, Poor and Young votes to beat Hillary. Bad as it hurts pucker up and practice saying, "Madame President!"
OUCH!! that's got to hurt!!!!

anyway must be clear with the Left; they get so sensitive when you dont make things crystal clear. Since they dont really want to discuss how the "insane" Carson can be leading Hillary in so many head to head polls, they look for anything to use as a distraction.

Yes it's sad and somewhat pathetic.

Bend Over, Grab Your Toes and Brace Yourself!! You folks ain't got enough Women, Hispanic, Black, Gay, Poor and Young votes to beat Hillary. Bad as it hurts pucker up and practice saying, "Madame President!"

I think you are right and I am no Hillary fan. I've stated that many times here.
But she will tear Carson apart by a thousand tiny cuts if he actually gets the nomination.
Love her, hate her she is one tough woman with a team behind her that will crush him because he's a veritable mine field of lies and untruths that are easily Googled with one hand tied behind your back.
OUCH!! that's got to hurt!!!!

anyway must be clear with the Left; they get so sensitive when you dont make things crystal clear. Since they dont really want to discuss how the "insane" Carson can be leading Hillary in so many head to head polls, they look for anything to use as a distraction.

Yes it's sad and somewhat pathetic.

That's OK, because it's not true. RealClearPolitics is reporting by political party, not nationwide and their top poll is a link to the NBC/WSJ poll, corroborated by CBS.

Polls: Ben Carson leads the GOP field; Clinton widens lead over Sanders
Last Updated Nov 3, 2015 11:33 AM EST
Ben Carson is leading the Republican presidential pack, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey.
Election 2016: Poll - Carson leads the GOP field; Clinton increases lead over Sanders

another left-wing that refuses to stop embarrassing himself. i only mentioned polls that were HEAD TO HEAD with hillary vs carson. i DID NOT MENTION polls only referring to the field of GOP candidates.
now i should not come to the conclusion the Left is getting increasinly desperate why??

Where's the link? Link it up or shut up.
Your thread title does NOT state "head to head", pinhead.

Back in 2008 whenever any on the left stated ANYTHING about Sarah Palin, the chime from the righties was, "Why are liberals so afraid of Sarah Palin?"
Guess we can turn the tables now, can't we?

it's on the first page of comments you mindless moron

go cry now ok?

pay attention to the top line of this poll LOSER; then man up and admit you're an idiot.

General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE
Carson (R)

Clinton (D)

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/17 -- -- 48.2 43.4 Carson +4.8
CNN/ORCCNN/ORC 10/14 - 10/17 956 RV 3.0 48 47 Carson +1
FOX NewsFOX News 10/10 - 10/12 1004 RV 3.0 50 39 Carson +11
PPP (D)PPP (D) 10/1 - 10/4 1338 RV 2.7 48 44 Carson +4
NBC News/Wall St. JrnlNBC/WSJ 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 46 45 Carson +1
QuinnipiacQuinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 49 42 Carson +7
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data
OUCH!! that's got to hurt!!!!

anyway must be clear with the Left; they get so sensitive when you dont make things crystal clear. Since they dont really want to discuss how the "insane" Carson can be leading Hillary in so many head to head polls, they look for anything to use as a distraction.

Yes it's sad and somewhat pathetic.

there is no one named 'shrillery", you misogynist loon.

and a year out before carson's gotten to sound even freakier?


btw, wacko, 1% is well within the margin of error.

let me know how it looks a week before election day, because 3 years ago, president obama was losing to you freaks.

how'd that work out for you, nut bar?
misogynist because she called a woman a name?
Don't you give people nicknames?

misogynist because rightwingnut men like using the word "shrill" for strong, smart women who don't toe the party line.... and misogynist because of rightwingnut policy, generally.

i never heard the word used in regard to fiorina who is far more shrill than hillary. if she were a democrat, your boys would be dressing carly up in memes looking like the wicked witch of the west.
No she isn't. Fiorina might be a lot of things, but shrill isn't one of them. She is cool, calm and collected. Unlike HRC slamming her fists on the podium..
BTW, NY said bed is a female..
No one was cooler, calmer, and more collected than Hillary during her 11 hour interrogation on Benghazi. And yet, RWrs turned that into a negative.

Yeah, dial up the last week of Fox Noise archives and they ain't talking about that anymore.
Carson is in third place behind Rubio and Trump

Didn't take long for that bubble to burst
And biden is beating Carson in all but one. General election polls are meaningless until the nominees are known. And I wouldn't bet on Carson.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

except that hillary is still in and biden isnt you self-deceiving idiot

share with us how you equate as meaningless a poll with somebody that isnt running with two people that still are

i cant wait to hear what you have to say dullard!
Carson is in third place behind Rubio and Trump

Didn't take long for that bubble to burst

carson and rubio are on the way up, trump is declining

didnt take long for THAT bubble to burst

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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