Carson beating Shrillary in all the MAJOR polls on Real Clear Politics!!!

pay attention to the top line of this poll LOSER; then man up and admit you're an idiot.

General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE
Carson (R)

Clinton (D)

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/17 -- -- 48.2 43.4 Carson +4.8
CNN/ORCCNN/ORC 10/14 - 10/17 956 RV 3.0 48 47 Carson +1
FOX NewsFOX News 10/10 - 10/12 1004 RV 3.0 50 39 Carson +11
PPP (D)PPP (D) 10/1 - 10/4 1338 RV 2.7 48 44 Carson +4
NBC News/Wall St. JrnlNBC/WSJ 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 46 45 Carson +1
QuinnipiacQuinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 49 42 Carson +7
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data

Huh? Are you kidding?
The first link goes here:
Your second link goes here: "The requested document is no longer available." on Fox Noise
Your last link goes here: "US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Error
The requested page could not be found."

This is your Rick Perry Oooops moment.
there is no one named 'shrillery", you misogynist loon.

and a year out before carson's gotten to sound even freakier?


btw, wacko, 1% is well within the margin of error.

let me know how it looks a week before election day, because 3 years ago, president obama was losing to you freaks.

how'd that work out for you, nut bar?
misogynist because she called a woman a name?
Don't you give people nicknames?

misogynist because rightwingnut men like using the word "shrill" for strong, smart women who don't toe the party line.... and misogynist because of rightwingnut policy, generally.

i never heard the word used in regard to fiorina who is far more shrill than hillary. if she were a democrat, your boys would be dressing carly up in memes looking like the wicked witch of the west.
No she isn't. Fiorina might be a lot of things, but shrill isn't one of them. She is cool, calm and collected. Unlike HRC slamming her fists on the podium..
BTW, NY said bed is a female..
No one was cooler, calmer, and more collected than Hillary during her 11 hour interrogation on Benghazi. And yet, RWrs turned that into a negative.

Yeah, dial up the last week of Fox Noise archives and they ain't talking about that anymore.

thanks for watching nutjob!! no wonder they outdo the lame liberal media!!

lol what a moron!
pay attention to the top line of this poll LOSER; then man up and admit you're an idiot.

General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE
Carson (R)

Clinton (D)

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/17 -- -- 48.2 43.4 Carson +4.8
CNN/ORCCNN/ORC 10/14 - 10/17 956 RV 3.0 48 47 Carson +1
FOX NewsFOX News 10/10 - 10/12 1004 RV 3.0 50 39 Carson +11
PPP (D)PPP (D) 10/1 - 10/4 1338 RV 2.7 48 44 Carson +4
NBC News/Wall St. JrnlNBC/WSJ 9/20 - 9/24 RV -- 46 45 Carson +1
QuinnipiacQuinnipiac 9/17 - 9/21 1574 RV 2.5 49 42 Carson +7
All General Election: Carson vs. Clinton Polling Data

Huh? Are you kidding?
The first link goes here:
Your second link goes here: "The requested document is no longer available." on Fox Noise
Your last link goes here: "USMessage Board - Message cannot be found."
This is your Rick Perry Oooops moment.

great idiot; then just go to the RCP website itself!!

that was easy wasnt it.................idiot???
get back to me when you see it's really there loser

here bedowhine , let me help your pathetic little self ...

I'm not as partisan as you are

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Carson vs. Clinton

now all Carson needs to do is get the nomination he will never see ...

another statement you cant back up with ..........................anything but your own worthless opinion

keep trying......................................


see folks, you can't even agree with this stupid shit :cuckoo:

misogynist because she called a woman a name?
Don't you give people nicknames?

misogynist because rightwingnut men like using the word "shrill" for strong, smart women who don't toe the party line.... and misogynist because of rightwingnut policy, generally.

i never heard the word used in regard to fiorina who is far more shrill than hillary. if she were a democrat, your boys would be dressing carly up in memes looking like the wicked witch of the west.
No she isn't. Fiorina might be a lot of things, but shrill isn't one of them. She is cool, calm and collected. Unlike HRC slamming her fists on the podium..
BTW, NY said bed is a female..
No one was cooler, calmer, and more collected than Hillary during her 11 hour interrogation on Benghazi. And yet, RWrs turned that into a negative.

Yeah, dial up the last week of Fox Noise archives and they ain't talking about that anymore.

thanks for watching nutjob!! no wonder they outdo the lame liberal media!!

lol what a moron!

You've really pottied your pants on this one. Your links to verification go fucking nowhere.
here bedowhine , let me help your pathetic little self ...

I'm not as partisan as you are

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Carson vs. Clinton

now all Carson needs to do is get the nomination he will never see ...

another statement you cant back up with ..........................anything but your own worthless opinion

keep trying......................................


see folks, you can't even agree with this stupid shit :cuckoo:


dont blame me you had to be written off as irrelevant

go cry
misogynist because rightwingnut men like using the word "shrill" for strong, smart women who don't toe the party line.... and misogynist because of rightwingnut policy, generally.

i never heard the word used in regard to fiorina who is far more shrill than hillary. if she were a democrat, your boys would be dressing carly up in memes looking like the wicked witch of the west.
No she isn't. Fiorina might be a lot of things, but shrill isn't one of them. She is cool, calm and collected. Unlike HRC slamming her fists on the podium..
BTW, NY said bed is a female..
No one was cooler, calmer, and more collected than Hillary during her 11 hour interrogation on Benghazi. And yet, RWrs turned that into a negative.

Yeah, dial up the last week of Fox Noise archives and they ain't talking about that anymore.

thanks for watching nutjob!! no wonder they outdo the lame liberal media!!

lol what a moron!

You've really pottied your pants on this one. Your links to verification go fucking nowhere.

like i said loser; go directly to the RCP website then

then be a man and do the right thing ok?

IF you are adult enough
And biden is beating Carson in all but one. General election polls are meaningless until the nominees are known. And I wouldn't bet on Carson.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

except that hillary is still in and biden isnt you self-deceiving idiot

share with us how you equate as meaningless a poll with somebody that isnt running with two people that still are

i cant wait to hear what you have to say dullard!
Listen fuck face, the fact that biden is leading Carson supports the polls meaning jack shite at this point.
misogynist because rightwingnut men like using the word "shrill" for strong, smart women who don't toe the party line.... and misogynist because of rightwingnut policy, generally.

i never heard the word used in regard to fiorina who is far more shrill than hillary. if she were a democrat, your boys would be dressing carly up in memes looking like the wicked witch of the west.
No she isn't. Fiorina might be a lot of things, but shrill isn't one of them. She is cool, calm and collected. Unlike HRC slamming her fists on the podium..
BTW, NY said bed is a female..
No one was cooler, calmer, and more collected than Hillary during her 11 hour interrogation on Benghazi. And yet, RWrs turned that into a negative.

Yeah, dial up the last week of Fox Noise archives and they ain't talking about that anymore.

thanks for watching nutjob!! no wonder they outdo the lame liberal media!!

lol what a moron!

You've really pottied your pants on this one. Your links to verification go fucking nowhere.

Seite was nice enough to provide the weblink, maybe his works better

or just sit there and cry like a baby leftard

your choice
And biden is beating Carson in all but one. General election polls are meaningless until the nominees are known. And I wouldn't bet on Carson.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

except that hillary is still in and biden isnt you self-deceiving idiot

share with us how you equate as meaningless a poll with somebody that isnt running with two people that still are

i cant wait to hear what you have to say dullard!
Listen fuck face, the fact that biden is leading Carson supports the polls meaning jack shite at this point.

no it doesnt y ou idiot; because hillary is still in the race and biden isnt.

ur just pulling shit out of your ass because none of you losers is man or woman enough to admit the facts here
here bedowhine , let me help your pathetic little self ...

I'm not as partisan as you are

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Carson vs. Clinton

now all Carson needs to do is get the nomination he will never see ...

another statement you cant back up with ..........................anything but your own worthless opinion

keep trying......................................


see folks, you can't even agree with this stupid shit :cuckoo:


dont blame me you had to be written off as irrelevant

go cry

I'm not blaming you, I giving you full credit for being a moron ... while everyone goes and laughs at you
No she isn't. Fiorina might be a lot of things, but shrill isn't one of them. She is cool, calm and collected. Unlike HRC slamming her fists on the podium..
BTW, NY said bed is a female..
No one was cooler, calmer, and more collected than Hillary during her 11 hour interrogation on Benghazi. And yet, RWrs turned that into a negative.

Yeah, dial up the last week of Fox Noise archives and they ain't talking about that anymore.

thanks for watching nutjob!! no wonder they outdo the lame liberal media!!

lol what a moron!

You've really pottied your pants on this one. Your links to verification go fucking nowhere.

like i said loser; go directly to the RCP website then

then be a man and do the right thing ok?

IF you are adult enough

I did earlier. I was trying not to embarrass you. All by party affiliation except for the GA poll.

Tuesday, November 3
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
2016 Republican Presidential Nomination NBC/WSJ Trump 23, Carson 29, Rubio 11, Cruz 10, Bush 8, Fiorina 3, Huckabee 3, Paul 2, Kasich 3, Christie 3, Graham, Jindal, Santorum, Pataki Carson +6
2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination NBC/WSJ Clinton 62, Sanders 31, Biden, O'Malley 3, Webb, Chafee Clinton +31
New Hampshire 2016 Democratic Primary Monmouth Sanders 45, Clinton 48, Biden, O'Malley 3, Webb, Chafee Clinton +3
Florida Republican Presidential Primary Bay News 9/News 13 Trump 37, Carson 17, Rubio 16, Bush 7, Cruz 10, Fiorina 3, Kasich 3, Huckabee 1, Christie, Paul, Jindal, Santorum, Graham, Pataki Trump +20
Florida Democratic Presidential Primary Bay News 9/News 13 Clinton 66, Sanders 24, Biden, O'Malley 3, Webb, Chafee Clinton +42
Georgia Republican Presidential Primary WXIA-TV/SurveyUSA Trump 35, Carson 28, Rubio 12, Bush 4, Cruz 8, Fiorina 3, Huckabee 3, Kasich 2, Paul, Christie, Jindal, Graham, Walker, Perry Trump +7
Georgia Democratic Presidential Primary WXIA-TV/SurveyUSA Clinton 73, Sanders 16, O'Malley 4 Clinton +57
Georgia: Trump vs. Clinton WXIA-TV/SurveyUSA Trump 46, Clinton 37 Trump +9
"The new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows a sizable swing in the direction of Americans concluding that the email story is not important to their vote for president, and a smaller swing in the direction of Americans saying the GOP Benghazi probe is unfair and partisan.

The poll — which was taken from October 25-29, entirely after her testimony — finds that 48 percent of Americans now say Clinton’s use of a private email server is not important to their presidential vote, versus 42 percent who say the opposite. That’s a net nine point swing from earlier this month, when more said it was important by 47-44.

The poll also finds that Americans say by 40-27 that the probe into the Benghazi attacks is “unfair and too partisan,” rather than “fair and impartial.” Last month the gap was smaller, at 36-29. The Wall Street Journal’s write-up of the poll concludes that Clinton’s explanations “may be winning over voters.”"

Morning Plum: Clinton may be changing minds on Benghazi, e-mails
No one was cooler, calmer, and more collected than Hillary during her 11 hour interrogation on Benghazi. And yet, RWrs turned that into a negative.

Yeah, dial up the last week of Fox Noise archives and they ain't talking about that anymore.

thanks for watching nutjob!! no wonder they outdo the lame liberal media!!

lol what a moron!

You've really pottied your pants on this one. Your links to verification go fucking nowhere.

like i said loser; go directly to the RCP website then

then be a man and do the right thing ok?

IF you are adult enough

I did earlier. I was trying not to embarrass you. All by party affiliation.

Tuesday, November 3
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
2016 Republican Presidential Nomination NBC/WSJ Trump 23, Carson 29, Rubio 11, Cruz 10, Bush 8, Fiorina 3, Huckabee 3, Paul 2, Kasich 3, Christie 3, Graham, Jindal, Santorum, Pataki Carson +6
2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination NBC/WSJ Clinton 62, Sanders 31, Biden, O'Malley 3, Webb, Chafee Clinton +31
New Hampshire 2016 Democratic Primary Monmouth Sanders 45, Clinton 48, Biden, O'Malley 3, Webb, Chafee Clinton +3
Florida Republican Presidential Primary Bay News 9/News 13 Trump 37, Carson 17, Rubio 16, Bush 7, Cruz 10, Fiorina 3, Kasich 3, Huckabee 1, Christie, Paul, Jindal, Santorum, Graham, Pataki Trump +20
Florida Democratic Presidential Primary Bay News 9/News 13 Clinton 66, Sanders 24, Biden, O'Malley 3, Webb, Chafee Clinton +42
Georgia Republican Presidential Primary WXIA-TV/SurveyUSA Trump 35, Carson 28, Rubio 12, Bush 4, Cruz 8, Fiorina 3, Huckabee 3, Kasich 2, Paul, Christie, Jindal, Graham, Walker, Perry Trump +7
Georgia Democratic Presidential Primary WXIA-TV/SurveyUSA Clinton 73, Sanders 16, O'Malley 4 Clinton +57
Georgia: Trump vs. Clinton WXIA-TV/SurveyUSA Trump 46, Clinton 37 Trump +9

if you can go to the website and gather that poll than you can go to the website directly and gather the one i posted, because this isnt it

see how does it feel to be caught in a lie loser/??
NO TEA; when you grow up and man up maybe it will be possible for you to hang with me in a debate

til then you're just a clown

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