Carter says Democratic Party needs to be pro life

ideally, abortion is readily available and rarely done.

Which has nothing to do with reality, but don't let a lie get in the way...

Since 1973 estimates are as high as 54 MILL+, but let's make sure abortion is readily available...

How does anyone make such a statement...

Would it surprise anyone that those who defend Roe v. Wade do so because they have made that choice, the choice to have an abortion...

By all means, they have that right to choose, but what kind of society are we when over 39 years millions have been lost to abortions, that we passed a law to permit this...

Carter is calling for personal responsibility? Nah. That's not a tenant of Democrats. It'll never happen.
You're pro life...By that I mean, you don't like abortions, and you certainly not pro death.

The right-wing and religious whackos believe that if you are pro choice you must hate babies and love death.

Nothing is further from the truth

Aren't you one of the people that tried to tell me that no one is pro abortion?

ideally, abortion is readily available and rarely done.

but no, no want wants to see pregancies have to be terminated. we just don't want anyone imposing their morality on us.

besides, the pretend pro lifers aren't really pro life... grump's right. they're pro birth.

I can understand what Carter is trying to say but he is wrong in assuming that Democrats are not pro life. He thinks it should be our issue. You and Grump however are right, Rs take the pro life stance but drop the ball after the child is actually born.
Why is Carter's opinion relevant?

It should be relevant to Democrats b/c he is a former Democrat president.
But the reality is anything that doesn't fit their narrow minded narrative
is going to be dismissed.

Are the views of pro-choice Republicans relevant to you?

Yes they are. I think that even many pro choice people have moral compasses.

If Democrats listened to people like Carter then perhaps they would not
be voting nominating and electing presidents that support infanticide.
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It should be relevant to Democrats b/c he is a former Democrat president.
But the reality is anything that doesn't fit their narrow minded narrative
is going to be dismissed.

Are the views of pro-choice Republicans relevant to you?

Yes they are. I think that even many pro choice people have moral compasses.

What does having a "moral compass" have to do with thinking someone's opinion is relevant? Everyone has a "moral compass" - it's just that some people's "moral compasses" don't match up to yours.
If Democrats listened to people like Carter then perhaps they would not
be voting nominating and electing presidents that support infanticide.
You mean, if "Democrats" listened to someone who agrees with you, maybe they'd agree with you too?

Your assumption that anyone who "listened" to Carter would agree with your nonsense about Obama supporting "infanticide" is laughable.
I support Jimmy Carter's right to bring all his fetuses to term.
Why is Carter's opinion relevant?

It should be relevant to Democrats b/c he is a former Democrat president.
But the reality is anything that doesn't fit their narrow minded narrative
is going to be dismissed.

Are the views of pro-choice Republicans relevant to you?

Since I am not a Republican, not really.

On the other hand, when a moonbat like Carter tells you you are too far to the left, that should tell you something.
Oh my god, someone let the nut case out of the asylum. Have you ever wondered why former democratic presidents never just shut up and slip away into history? They keep on trying to reinvent their legacy and spin the facts. I guess it is after all a question of class and humility that they lack. At least papa and baby bush keep their mouths shut and let the facts speak for themselves.
Most Dems I know are pro life...

perhaps for themselves, but they aren't ranting and raving to try to obstruct someone else's choice or to impose their morality on others. yes?

You're pro life...By that I mean, you don't like abortions, and you certainly not pro death.

The right-wing and religious whackos believe that if you are pro choice you must hate babies and love death.

Nothing is further from the truth

no wonder you're confused.....
The Boooshes have a lot of hateful, stupid Pub BS to be quiet about LOL
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Anyone think that Obama will listen to him?

“I never have believed that Jesus Christ would approve of abortions and that was one of the problems I had when I was president, having to uphold Roe v. Wade. And I did everything I could to minimize the need for abortions. I made it easy to adopt children, for instance, that were unwanted and also initiated the program called Women and Infant Children, or WIC program, that’s still in existence now. But except for the times when a mother’s life is in danger or when a pregnancy is caused by rape or incest I would certainly not or never have approved of any abortions… “I’ve signed a public letter calling for the Democratic Party at the next convention to espouse my position on abortion which is to minimize the need, requirement for abortion and limit it only to women whose life are in danger or who are pregnant as a result of rape or incest. I think if the Democratic Party would adopt that policy that would be acceptable to a lot of people who are now estranged from our party because of the abortion issue.”
The Laura Ingraham Show - Pres. Jimmy Carter: Dems should be more pro-life - YouTube

I always knew he was a closet Republican!

btw all liberals do not follow along with everything Obama does. I do not like most of what the slimey politician has done or not done in the case of not closing Gitmo and not promptly getting our troops out of Iraq and his meddling in Lilbya, etc.
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The Democrat party is already pro-life, they support environmental regulations that save hundreds of thousands of lives a year, they support work place saftey regulations that save tens of thousandth of lives a year, they support expanding health care access which saves 35,000 lives a year, they support providing women with cancer screenings and other preventive health care, they also support providing poor people with food to ear

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