Carville Blows Up On MSNBC Anchor: Our Democracy Is Under Assault By Comey, The KGB And Republicans

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Yes. let's blame KGB for all Hillary's crimes... May be one or two morons will buy that...

May be Hillary has been a KGB agent, what you think?
The goddamn democrats are going to get us nuked by Putin for lying about their involvement in leaked emails. Let's put the blame on Hillary for illegally storing emails on a private server that any ten year old could hack.
ROTFLMFAO...Leave it to old snake head to bring levity to a Constitutional crisis!

James Carville accused FBI Director James Comey, the KGB and House Republicans of working together to "hijack an election". Carville also berated network anchor Thomas Roberts for "making excuses" for Comey.

"I think this an outrage and I think the fact that the KGB is involved in this election is an outrage and I think the American people ought to take their democracy back regardless of what the press wants to do and the excuses they want to make for Comey. That's what I think," Carville said to the MSNBC anchor Monday afternoon.

"This is in effect an attempt to hijack an election," Carville said. "It ought to be called for what it is." Carville on Comey, KGB and Republicans acting "in concert":

CARVILLE: He was acting in concert and coordination with the House Republicans. End of story. He gave a letter to them. They gave it to FOX News. Also, we have this extraordinary case of the KGB being involved in this race and selectively leaking things from the Clinton campaign that they hacked.

So American democracy is really under attack here. And the question is how are we and in particular and how are Democrats going to respond to this. We have to understand this is really, really quite extraordinary. And it would seem to me that the FBI shouldn't be getting rolled by the House Republicans and that's what happened here. There is nothing going on and in the meantime we do know that our democracy is under assault by the KGB. To me, that's something we ought to be talking about. And people have to decide do we want our country for ourselves with the people in charge or are we going to elect the the KGB and the House Republicans to decide this election.


Vipers hàng out together!

The "Rajun Cajun" is always good for a few laughs.
The American alt right fascists are trying to drag the country into their depravity. There will be a reckoning. They, like thehawk, will blame their victims for all of their problems.

You sound like Nostradamus. A guy who nobody took serious when he was alive, but 500 years latter he gets credit for predicting everything. So rest well, you'll be sorta famous in 500 years.
The American alt right fascists are trying to drag the country into their depravity. There will be a reckoning. They, like thehawk, will blame their victims for all of their problems.

You often take a break from integrity and honest analysis don't you?

The least you could have done was start with the Obama administration and the mainstream media and press if you are going to talk about depravity and victims.
tur, you are an alt right fascist catholic, much like the ones that sold out France and Rumania in the 1940s in order to support the fascists in Italy and Germany.

Integrity is not a word that characterizes you.

Blaming a catholic for the sins of his ancestors is like assuming all mormons are polygamist. Do you really want to do that?
You sound like Nostradamus. A guy who nobody took serious when he was alive, but 500 years latter he gets credit for predicting everything. So rest well, you'll be sorta famous in 500 years.
Yeah, Jake Starkey might be a genius some day; I read about that in DC Comix, "Bizzarro World" I think they called it.
The American alt right fascists are trying to drag the country into their depravity. There will be a reckoning. They, like thehawk, will blame their victims for all of their problems.

You often take a break from integrity and honest analysis don't you?

The least you could have done was start with the Obama administration and the mainstream media and press if you are going to talk about depravity and victims.
tur, you are an alt right fascist catholic, much like the ones that sold out France and Rumania in the 1940s in order to support the fascists in Italy and Germany.

Integrity is not a word that characterizes you.
Blaming a catholic for the sins of his ancestors is like assuming all mormons are polygamist. Do you really want to do that?
I mentioned a particular group of far right fascist Catholics during WWII, which is a correct assessment. In no way is it blaming all Catholics, anymore than blaming all Mormons for polygamists. You have a good mind but it is unfed right at the moment. Do be careful as you study or you will end up like JB dancing on the head of a pin.
The American alt right fascists are trying to drag the country into their depravity. There will be a reckoning. They, like thehawk, will blame their victims for all of their problems.

Maybe next time don't nominate a candidate who is the subject of an active FBI Investigation. She's now the subject of three separate investigations.
Next time don't nominate a crooked infantile businessman with no self control who is in bed with alt right fascism.
The American alt right fascists are trying to drag the country into their depravity. There will be a reckoning. They, like thehawk, will blame their victims for all of their problems.

You often take a break from integrity and honest analysis don't you?

The least you could have done was start with the Obama administration and the mainstream media and press if you are going to talk about depravity and victims.
tur, you are an alt right fascist catholic, much like the ones that sold out France and Rumania in the 1940s in order to support the fascists in Italy and Germany.

Integrity is not a word that characterizes you.
You have lost it, can you say president Trump?
The American alt right fascists are trying to drag the country into their depravity. There will be a reckoning. They, like thehawk, will blame their victims for all of their problems.

You often take a break from integrity and honest analysis don't you?

The least you could have done was start with the Obama administration and the mainstream media and press if you are going to talk about depravity and victims.
tur, you are an alt right fascist catholic, much like the ones that sold out France and Rumania in the 1940s in order to support the fascists in Italy and Germany. Integrity is not a word that characterizes you.
You have lost it, can you say president Trump?
Awareness of reality does not characterize you, either.
The American alt right fascists are trying to drag the country into their depravity. There will be a reckoning. They, like thehawk, will blame their victims for all of their problems.

You often take a break from integrity and honest analysis don't you?

The least you could have done was start with the Obama administration and the mainstream media and press if you are going to talk about depravity and victims.
tur, you are an alt right fascist catholic, much like the ones that sold out France and Rumania in the 1940s in order to support the fascists in Italy and Germany. Integrity is not a word that characterizes you.
You have lost it, can you say president Trump?
Awareness of reality does not characterize you, either.
President Trump!
The spinbots must have internals that are telling them that Hildabeest is going to get her fat ass kicked.
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