Carville Blows Up On MSNBC Anchor: Our Democracy Is Under Assault By Comey, The KGB And Republicans

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Believing he had it made in the shade for another 4-8 years, longtime Clinton attack-dog James "Snakehead" Carville finally lost his shit in an interview with MSNBC of all people. Carville started slow but gained steam as the interviewer continued saying offensive things to him like "back in July democrats praised Jim Comey". Carville sensed he'd lost his mojo to a tie-wearing upstart who apparently didn't know, or worse, care who he was. In times like these Carville reverts to his USMC training to intimidate the upstart by showing his teeth and snarling cajun huffs and grunts.


Then Carville, who once got knocked out by Hunter S. Thompson in an Aspen bar for stealing his drink, started sputtering and squawking that the GOP was in cahoots with the KGB and the FBI. Sensing he was dealing with a crazy person the interviewer seemed wary...this was supposed to be a friendly interview. But the interviewer wasn't backing down and stood his ground. He continued grilling the ugliest man on earth to the point Carville started attacking him between rants about the trifecta of evil he believes is behind the Comey inquiry.

When they were finally out of time, Carville sensed he'd finally gained the upper hand and stared at the camera, refusing to acknowledge the interviewer's thanks for being there. It was as if Snakehead knew he'd soon have to find a new way to make a living without the Clinton paychecks coming in and didn't like it one little bit.

Carville Melts Down: Asserts FBI, GOP, and KGB in Cahoots

If ever there were a classic case of "methinks the lady doth protest too much" this is it.

IOW, a total admission of guilt as far as I am concerned. It's all about the KGB don't you know? LOL.
If ever there were a classic case of "methinks the lady doth protest too much" this is it.

IOW, a total admission of guilt as far as I am concerned. It's all about the KGB don't you know? LOL.

Snakehead's been with them since the beginning when the scheme was they'd both be president. Seems the second half will never be played now.
If ever there were a classic case of "methinks the lady doth protest too much" this is it.

IOW, a total admission of guilt as far as I am concerned. It's all about the KGB don't you know? LOL.

Snakehead's been with them since the beginning when the scheme was they'd both be president. Seems the second half will never be played now.

Tough to keep up with all the people I'm supposed to hate anymore, thank god the nation has folk like you.
Liberal exclusion.

Sounds like you're following him to me.
LOL! Liberal Exclusion. I didn't even know what to say because I get tired all your lib crap so I just made that up. Don't even know what it means, and now, somehow, you've been "reported".

Ok, well, just say "liberal" and then string some words together after that, we'll pretend you made sense.
Clearly you can't even understand a simple explanation. I already said it didn't make sense.

Maybe now that you've been reported they'll make you a moderator.
Liberal exclusion.

Sounds like you're following him to me.
LOL! Liberal Exclusion. I didn't even know what to say because I get tired all your lib crap so I just made that up. Don't even know what it means, and now, somehow, you've been "reported".

Ok, well, just say "liberal" and then string some words together after that, we'll pretend you made sense.
Clearly you can't even understand a simple explanation. I already said it didn't make sense.

Maybe now that you've been reported they'll make you a moderator.

So many cry babies, so little time.
Liberal exclusion.

Sounds like you're following him to me.
LOL! Liberal Exclusion. I didn't even know what to say because I get tired all your lib crap so I just made that up. Don't even know what it means, and now, somehow, you've been "reported".

Ok, well, just say "liberal" and then string some words together after that, we'll pretend you made sense.
Clearly you can't even understand a simple explanation. I already said it didn't make sense.

Maybe now that you've been reported they'll make you a moderator.

So many cry babies, so little time.
Being a liberal, I'm sure you know when to "report" someone.
Nope.. Fresh out of patience. Just closing this. Not much to discuss about Carville after 3 or 4 pages anyways.

Go fight in Badlands..
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