Carville: Ted Cruz "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in 30 years"

the worst enemy of our government is a united citizenry.

They know that as long as they can keep us divided along party lines, they win, we lose. A divided citizenry plays right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Time has proven that. Greed, egos, power, influence, self-service, and climbing the political ladder at all cost, is what politics is all about.

If the above wasn't true, we wouldn't be in the sad shameful state that we're presently in. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people.

You are using our government in the abstract here. Government in the abstract has no horse in the race, It doesn't care which way it all goes, it is merely a tool we the citizenry use. You may doubt what I say, but your words: "They know ... keep us divided ... party lines, they win, we lose"

climbing the political ladder at all costs would be what a particular politician does, not the abstraction that is our government

you keep ranting about this 'will of the people' we have representative government and if you hate that you hate this nations system of government. You may not be aware of it but you are an anti federalist.
I disagree. We'll agree to disagree with each other, which is fine. I respect your opinion, and your right to express it. Obviously we see this differently, again, it's fine. It would take pages to fully explain the workings, and how each affects our daily lives, our nation, and the over all socioeconomic situation in this country. The government is made up of politicians, you can't separate the two, they're one and the same. The government is the whole of the politicians which make it up. "The Washington Brotherhood" is a collective term meaning all of those that govern and/or influences the process. When speaking of the government, it is generally thought of as those that make up government. And, their actions, or inactions, determines how we're governed. We live by what is engineered and enacted by the government. Who engineers, and who enacts? Who passes legislation? Who writes bills? Who votes on legislation? Who decides our foreign policies, our foreign trade agreements, and our laws?

It ( government ) is a collective term meaning those that govern. Who governs? Politicians govern. Where do our laws come from? You can't separate government from politicians, they are one and the same.
You cannot disagree with you using our government in the abstract and be taken credibly and seriously. There is nothing wrong with using abstractions. There is something wrong with using abstractions and not realizing or acknowledging you are.

an example: You mention "our government ... They know ... keep us divided ... party lines, they win, we lose" as if the individuals, the parties, and the people who donate or are in the parties are all party to (forgive the joke) a grand conspiracy.

The parties are NOT the government.

The government is a bureaucratic entity. People in the government are NOT the government

We live in a federalist republic with a form of government that is a representative democracy. You appear not to like that. It's okay. You are entitled to dislike your system of government and even your nation
Lipstick on a pig

And America voted for GW Bush twice, but only once for his pa.. That is so telling.
W was one of the most likeable candidates of our generation. Type of guy you would like to have a beer with

Clinton was much more likeable than daddy Bush

Cruz? Even his own party doesn't like him
They have a love hate relationship with Ted. Cruz is very likeable. It's true. Go back with search engines. The Ted Cruz courting the radical right is unlikeable, but candidates and campaigns evolve. It's an amazing transformation to me every time I see it.

Cruz has a likeability factor in line with Nixons
Nixon was elected twice, second time in a landslide.
60.7% of the actual vote

Turnout 55.2%

Electoral vote 520 17
States carried 49 1 + DC (Massachusetts) :clap2:

suppress the vote, use the Southern strategy, Divide the Nation, Use fear and intimidation and shred the US Constitution, Watergate scandal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
can you imagine a cruz/warren debate? it will be like Godzilla VS Barney.
Warren is not as good a debater. She'd probably be eaten alive
thats one reason she wont run, they will all rip her to shreds in debates.

She makes a very good US Senator. She can do much good in the Senate. If she runs for President she will be doing her state a disservice. She can run to push the progressive agenda, but ,...
James Carville is the one who ran Bill Clinton's (D-AR) successful campaign for President in 1992, orchestrating attacks on women, concealing Clinton's philandering, and presenting Clinton as a "New Democrat" despite the old, tired schemes Clinton actually tried to put in place once he was elected.
Say what you will about Carville, but he obviously knows how to evaluate a candidate and point out his strengths and weaknesses.

And recently he heaped major praise on Republican Ted Cruz, calling him "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years".

And this from a Democrat whose party depends absolutely upon appearance and image of a candidate, to be successful.

Cruz's only real handicap is that he was born in Canada, and is not a natural born citizen. His mother was born in Wilmington, Delaware, and his father in Cuba, who later became a naturalized American citizen.

It's easy to see why the rest of the Democrat party has been attacking Cruz more than all other Republican candidates combined, calling him "crazy" and all the usual names. They are clearly more worried about Cruz than any other present candidate. How much longer will it be before the Democrats start producing women who swear on a stack of Bibles that Cruz harassed them or had affairs with them?


James Carville Heaps Praise On Ted Cruz 8216 Most Talented And Fearless 8217 GOP Politician Of Last 30 Years Mediaite

James Carville Heaps Praise On Ted Cruz: ‘Most Talented And Fearless’ GOP Politician Of Last 30 Years

by Meenal Vamburkar | 12:50 pm, May 5th, 2013

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is polarizing, to say the least. While the likes of Joe Scarborough have found Cruz to be a lying jerk, the senator received praise on Sunday from an unlikely suspect: James Carville. On This Week, Carville (a former Democratic strategist) said he disagreed with Cruz — but nonetheless showered him with praise.

“I think he is the most talented and fearless Republican politician I’ve seen in the last 30 years,” Carville asserted emphatically, as the panel discussed Cruz’s reported presidential aspirations. “I further think that he is going to run for president, and he is going to create something.”

That’s not to say Cruz would win, Carville noted, but “this guy has no fear. He just keeps plowing ahead. He is going to be something to watch.”

“I don’t agree with,” he added elsewhere in the segment, but: “This guy is something.” And “more talented than all of the other guys.”
Seems Carville wants to see Cruz run for president, and lose.
James Carville is the one who ran Bill Clinton's (D-AR) successful campaign for President in 1992, orchestrating attacks on women, concealing Clinton's philandering, and presenting Clinton as a "New Democrat" despite the old, tired schemes Clinton actually tried to put in place once he was elected.
Say what you will about Carville, but he obviously knows how to evaluate a candidate and point out his strengths and weaknesses.

And recently he heaped major praise on Republican Ted Cruz, calling him "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years".

And this from a Democrat whose party depends absolutely upon appearance and image of a candidate, to be successful.

Cruz's only real handicap is that he was born in Canada, and is not a natural born citizen. His mother was born in Wilmington, Delaware, and his father in Cuba, who later became a naturalized American citizen.

It's easy to see why the rest of the Democrat party has been attacking Cruz more than all other Republican candidates combined, calling him "crazy" and all the usual names. They are clearly more worried about Cruz than any other present candidate. How much longer will it be before the Democrats start producing women who swear on a stack of Bibles that Cruz harassed them or had affairs with them?


James Carville Heaps Praise On Ted Cruz 8216 Most Talented And Fearless 8217 GOP Politician Of Last 30 Years Mediaite

James Carville Heaps Praise On Ted Cruz: ‘Most Talented And Fearless’ GOP Politician Of Last 30 Years

by Meenal Vamburkar | 12:50 pm, May 5th, 2013

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is polarizing, to say the least. While the likes of Joe Scarborough have found Cruz to be a lying jerk, the senator received praise on Sunday from an unlikely suspect: James Carville. On This Week, Carville (a former Democratic strategist) said he disagreed with Cruz — but nonetheless showered him with praise.

“I think he is the most talented and fearless Republican politician I’ve seen in the last 30 years,” Carville asserted emphatically, as the panel discussed Cruz’s reported presidential aspirations. “I further think that he is going to run for president, and he is going to create something.”

That’s not to say Cruz would win, Carville noted, but “this guy has no fear. He just keeps plowing ahead. He is going to be something to watch.”

“I don’t agree with,” he added elsewhere in the segment, but: “This guy is something.” And “more talented than all of the other guys.”
Seems Carville wants to see Cruz run for president, and lose.
How the eff would you know WHAT HE WANTS? :cuckoo:

Of course being a political operative Carville might enjoy the battle. Of course Carville would favor a Democrat over Cruz (unless the Dem was a pure nut/threat). But what you say seems to be, just isn't
Love him or hate him, most of the time Cruz is the smartest man in the room
Now there's a scary thought.
Then our educational system has failed all of us. :lol:
Why? You think smart people must agree with you?

that is very very dumb
Quit being dumb, dante. If Cruz is the smartest man in the room, we are all in trouble. But he is not.

Most everyone that knows him agrees with Dante. Stop playing the partisan hack game. It's very unattractive this far out from election day
dante, you are sure telling everyone what the think and that it is wrong.

Have you taken a wrong prescription measure or have imbibed too much today?

You are very irritable and not making a whole lot of sense.
Political affiliation
Warren voted as a Republican for many years saying, "I was a Republican because I thought that those were the people who best supported markets".[16] She states that in 1995 she began to vote Democratic because she no longer believed that to be true, but she says that she has voted for both parties because she believed that neither party should dominate
Love him or hate him, most of the time Cruz is the smartest man in the room
Now there's a scary thought.
Then our educational system has failed all of us. :lol:
Why? You think smart people must agree with you?

that is very very dumb
Quit being dumb, dante. If Cruz is the smartest man in the room, we are all in trouble. But he is not.

Most everyone that knows him agrees with Dante. Stop playing the partisan hack game. It's very unattractive this far out from election day

You are being very unattractive, Dante, and not making much sense. So get another drink and shut down the computer. You are looking stupid.
dante, you are sure telling everyone what the think and that it is wrong.

Have you taken a wrong prescription measure or have imbibed too much today?

You are very irritable and not making a whole lot of sense.
the level of debate needs to be brought up to a higher level than you are used to dragging it down to.\

clarity and honesty, and intelligent positions -- step up your game
Dante, you are mumbling incoherently,

ADDENDA: and I am sure that your foul mouth response will demonstrate it. So off to purgatory for you tonight.
Last edited:
James Carville is the one who ran Bill Clinton's (D-AR) successful campaign for President in 1992, orchestrating attacks on women, concealing Clinton's philandering, and presenting Clinton as a "New Democrat" despite the old, tired schemes Clinton actually tried to put in place once he was elected.
Say what you will about Carville, but he obviously knows how to evaluate a candidate and point out his strengths and weaknesses.

And recently he heaped major praise on Republican Ted Cruz, calling him "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years".

And this from a Democrat whose party depends absolutely upon appearance and image of a candidate, to be successful.

Cruz's only real handicap is that he was born in Canada, and is not a natural born citizen. His mother was born in Wilmington, Delaware, and his father in Cuba, who later became a naturalized American citizen.

It's easy to see why the rest of the Democrat party has been attacking Cruz more than all other Republican candidates combined, calling him "crazy" and all the usual names. They are clearly more worried about Cruz than any other present candidate. How much longer will it be before the Democrats start producing women who swear on a stack of Bibles that Cruz harassed them or had affairs with them?


James Carville Heaps Praise On Ted Cruz 8216 Most Talented And Fearless 8217 GOP Politician Of Last 30 Years Mediaite

James Carville Heaps Praise On Ted Cruz: ‘Most Talented And Fearless’ GOP Politician Of Last 30 Years

by Meenal Vamburkar | 12:50 pm, May 5th, 2013

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is polarizing, to say the least. While the likes of Joe Scarborough have found Cruz to be a lying jerk, the senator received praise on Sunday from an unlikely suspect: James Carville. On This Week, Carville (a former Democratic strategist) said he disagreed with Cruz — but nonetheless showered him with praise.

“I think he is the most talented and fearless Republican politician I’ve seen in the last 30 years,” Carville asserted emphatically, as the panel discussed Cruz’s reported presidential aspirations. “I further think that he is going to run for president, and he is going to create something.”

That’s not to say Cruz would win, Carville noted, but “this guy has no fear. He just keeps plowing ahead. He is going to be something to watch.”

“I don’t agree with,” he added elsewhere in the segment, but: “This guy is something.” And “more talented than all of the other guys.”
Seems Carville wants to see Cruz run for president, and lose.
James Carville is the one who ran Bill Clinton's (D-AR) successful campaign for President in 1992, orchestrating attacks on women, concealing Clinton's philandering, and presenting Clinton as a "New Democrat" despite the old, tired schemes Clinton actually tried to put in place once he was elected.
Say what you will about Carville, but he obviously knows how to evaluate a candidate and point out his strengths and weaknesses.

And recently he heaped major praise on Republican Ted Cruz, calling him "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years".

And this from a Democrat whose party depends absolutely upon appearance and image of a candidate, to be successful.

Cruz's only real handicap is that he was born in Canada, and is not a natural born citizen. His mother was born in Wilmington, Delaware, and his father in Cuba, who later became a naturalized American citizen.

It's easy to see why the rest of the Democrat party has been attacking Cruz more than all other Republican candidates combined, calling him "crazy" and all the usual names. They are clearly more worried about Cruz than any other present candidate. How much longer will it be before the Democrats start producing women who swear on a stack of Bibles that Cruz harassed them or had affairs with them?


James Carville Heaps Praise On Ted Cruz 8216 Most Talented And Fearless 8217 GOP Politician Of Last 30 Years Mediaite

James Carville Heaps Praise On Ted Cruz: ‘Most Talented And Fearless’ GOP Politician Of Last 30 Years

by Meenal Vamburkar | 12:50 pm, May 5th, 2013

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is polarizing, to say the least. While the likes of Joe Scarborough have found Cruz to be a lying jerk, the senator received praise on Sunday from an unlikely suspect: James Carville. On This Week, Carville (a former Democratic strategist) said he disagreed with Cruz — but nonetheless showered him with praise.

“I think he is the most talented and fearless Republican politician I’ve seen in the last 30 years,” Carville asserted emphatically, as the panel discussed Cruz’s reported presidential aspirations. “I further think that he is going to run for president, and he is going to create something.”

That’s not to say Cruz would win, Carville noted, but “this guy has no fear. He just keeps plowing ahead. He is going to be something to watch.”

“I don’t agree with,” he added elsewhere in the segment, but: “This guy is something.” And “more talented than all of the other guys.”
Seems Carville wants to see Cruz run for president, and lose.
asking for a link here? are you channeling what's her name?
Lipstick on a pig

And America voted for GW Bush twice, but only once for his pa.. That is so telling.
W was one of the most likeable candidates of our generation. Type of guy you would like to have a beer with

Clinton was much more likeable than daddy Bush

Cruz? Even his own party doesn't like him
They have a love hate relationship with Ted. Cruz is very likeable. It's true. Go back with search engines. The Ted Cruz courting the radical right is unlikeable, but candidates and campaigns evolve. It's an amazing transformation to me every time I see it.

Cruz has a likeability factor in line with Nixons
Nixon was elected twice, second time in a landslide.
Very true.....and let's look at who he ran against

Hubert Humphrey, not exactly dynamic ...especially with Walacetaking the south
George McGovern......someone who scared the heck out of people
And America voted for GW Bush twice, but only once for his pa.. That is so telling.
W was one of the most likeable candidates of our generation. Type of guy you would like to have a beer with

Clinton was much more likeable than daddy Bush

Cruz? Even his own party doesn't like him
They have a love hate relationship with Ted. Cruz is very likeable. It's true. Go back with search engines. The Ted Cruz courting the radical right is unlikeable, but candidates and campaigns evolve. It's an amazing transformation to me every time I see it.

Cruz has a likeability factor in line with Nixons
Nixon was elected twice, second time in a landslide.
Very true.....and let's look at who he ran against

Hubert Humphrey, not exactly dynamic ...especially with Walacetaking the south
George McGovern......someone who scared the heck out of people
Humphrey was a very dynamic candidate, probably more than Nixon.
McGovern got his ass kicked despite running as an anti war candidate.

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