Carville: Ted Cruz "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in 30 years"

OP said:
James Carville is the one who ran Bill Clinton's (D-AR) successful campaign for President in 1992, orchestrating attacks on women, concealing Clinton's philandering, and presenting Clinton as a "New Democrat" despite the old, tired schemes Clinton actually tried to put in place once he was elected.
Say what you will about Carville, but he obviously knows how to evaluate a candidate and point out his strengths and weaknesses.
And recently he heaped major praise on Republican Ted Cruz, calling him "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years".

Erm, that isn't actually saying much. Just saying...
You don't think Cruz is "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years"

I bet you cannot give a reasoned and credible response if you think he is not
Cruz' biggest drawback as a politician is that he is not likeable
again, too subjective.

think about, all he needs is a make over. It's so very American.

To be serious, if he could create a crisis or get people to feel a crisis is here, he could walk right in. People would demand a leader like him.
We are no different than any other nation.

Lipstick on a pig
OP said:
James Carville is the one who ran Bill Clinton's (D-AR) successful campaign for President in 1992, orchestrating attacks on women, concealing Clinton's philandering, and presenting Clinton as a "New Democrat" despite the old, tired schemes Clinton actually tried to put in place once he was elected.
Say what you will about Carville, but he obviously knows how to evaluate a candidate and point out his strengths and weaknesses.
And recently he heaped major praise on Republican Ted Cruz, calling him "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years".

Erm, that isn't actually saying much. Just saying...
You don't think Cruz is "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years"

I bet you cannot give a reasoned and credible response if you think he is not
Cruz' biggest drawback as a politician is that he is not likeable
again, too subjective.

think about, all he needs is a make over. It's so very American.

To be serious, if he could create a crisis or get people to feel a crisis is here, he could walk right in. People would demand a leader like him.
We are no different than any other nation.

Then again anyone that believes Obama is a leader is truly not connected to reality

:cuckoo: Dante didn't vote for Obama in 2008 in either race
OP said:
James Carville is the one who ran Bill Clinton's (D-AR) successful campaign for President in 1992, orchestrating attacks on women, concealing Clinton's philandering, and presenting Clinton as a "New Democrat" despite the old, tired schemes Clinton actually tried to put in place once he was elected.
Say what you will about Carville, but he obviously knows how to evaluate a candidate and point out his strengths and weaknesses.
And recently he heaped major praise on Republican Ted Cruz, calling him "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years".

Erm, that isn't actually saying much. Just saying...
You don't think Cruz is "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years"

I bet you cannot give a reasoned and credible response if you think he is not
Cruz' biggest drawback as a politician is that he is not likeable
again, too subjective.

think about, all he needs is a make over. It's so very American.

To be serious, if he could create a crisis or get people to feel a crisis is here, he could walk right in. People would demand a leader like him.
We are no different than any other nation.

Lipstick on a pig

And America voted for GW Bush twice, but only once for his pa.. That is so telling.
Chris Matthews has already declared himself as a racist as he seems to have been bashing Cruz for quite some time. Guess Chrissy hates Hispanics and Blacks now.
and when either Cruz or Walker wins, both are gonna have one hell of an brutal dilemma picking a VP.
why? because you say so?

this could be fun: explain your reasoning

well it might be, yes, generally the winner chooses the next one in line. thats what we have to wait and see. Will Walker Choose Cruz? Will Cruz choose Walker or Rand Paul? so long as we have a White Hispanic on the ticket, its all that matters.
Erm, that isn't actually saying much. Just saying...
You don't think Cruz is "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years"

I bet you cannot give a reasoned and credible response if you think he is not
Cruz' biggest drawback as a politician is that he is not likeable
again, too subjective.

think about, all he needs is a make over. It's so very American.

To be serious, if he could create a crisis or get people to feel a crisis is here, he could walk right in. People would demand a leader like him.
We are no different than any other nation.

Lipstick on a pig

And America voted for GW Bush twice, but only once for his pa.. That is so telling.
W was one of the most likeable candidates of our generation. Type of guy you would like to have a beer with

Clinton was much more likeable than daddy Bush

Cruz? Even his own party doesn't like him
You don't think Cruz is "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years"

I bet you cannot give a reasoned and credible response if you think he is not
Cruz' biggest drawback as a politician is that he is not likeable
again, too subjective.

think about, all he needs is a make over. It's so very American.

To be serious, if he could create a crisis or get people to feel a crisis is here, he could walk right in. People would demand a leader like him.
We are no different than any other nation.

Lipstick on a pig

And America voted for GW Bush twice, but only once for his pa.. That is so telling.
W was one of the most likeable candidates of our generation. Type of guy you would like to have a beer with

Clinton was much more likeable than daddy Bush

Cruz? Even his own party doesn't like him
They have a love hate relationship with Ted. Cruz is very likeable. It's true. Go back with search engines. The Ted Cruz courting the radical right is unlikeable, but candidates and campaigns evolve. It's an amazing transformation to me every time I see it.
Cruz' biggest drawback as a politician is that he is not likeable
again, too subjective.

think about, all he needs is a make over. It's so very American.

To be serious, if he could create a crisis or get people to feel a crisis is here, he could walk right in. People would demand a leader like him.
We are no different than any other nation.

Lipstick on a pig

And America voted for GW Bush twice, but only once for his pa.. That is so telling.
W was one of the most likeable candidates of our generation. Type of guy you would like to have a beer with

Clinton was much more likeable than daddy Bush

Cruz? Even his own party doesn't like him
They have a love hate relationship with Ted. Cruz is very likeable. It's true. Go back with search engines. The Ted Cruz courting the radical right is unlikeable, but candidates and campaigns evolve. It's an amazing transformation to me every time I see it.

Cruz has a likeability factor in line with Nixons
I thought that you'd like that. Thanks. -------- P.S. ---- Was there something there that wasn't the truth? Did I lie?
the idea that politics as usual, the dr feel good shit we get spoon fed from campaigns and media is killing us, is only part of the problem. I always blame the electorate. Popular democracy
BRAVO !!!!! EXCELLENT !!!! -- The light finally came on. Yes, I agree with you 110%. You are absolutely correct. The voters continue to do the exact same thing, election after election, yet expect a different outcome. Go figure. The voters are responsible for what we're seeing and experiencing now in this once great nation. They have swallowed hook, line, and sinker, every single word spewed from the mouths of professional politicians. And, look where its gotten us. They continue to play the game, yet expect a different result. Remember, the worst enemy of our government is a united citizenry. They know that as long as they can keep us divided along party lines, they win, we lose. A divided citizenry plays right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Time has proven that. Greed, egos, power, influence, self-service, and climbing the political ladder at all cost, is what politics is all about.

If the above wasn't true, we wouldn't be in the sad shameful state that we're presently in. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Professional politicians are puppets, dancing to the tunes played by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. They are where they're at because of the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Come election day, the candidates have been selected for us. We're asked to vote for the ones that the wealthy, the powerful, and influential have placed on the ballots. Why did the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place those names on the ballots? The answer is simple. Look at the financial institutions, Wall Street, corporations, defense contractors, and high dollar donors. I think if you do, you'll be able to answer that question yourself. It doesn't take an MIT graduate, nor a Philadelphia lawyer to figure it out.

The problem is, is that people don't agree, that's why we aren't unified. If I have to agree to become liberal to be unified, I really don't think that's much of a choice.

EXACTLY CORRECT !!! You just won top prize. Take a bow. -------- We should never accept being labeled anything other than being labeled Americans for America, period. No one should be labeled a Republican, a Democrat, a Liberal, a Conservative, an Independent, a Right Wing, A Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America, period. The division is ruining this once great nation. We're so divided, that we've become sheep following the shepherd. We're passive, gullible, and submissive peasants. We're fed crumbs and expected to be so thankful and appreciative. We've lost control of this nation. We don't control government, government controls us. Why ??? It's because we have allowed it by playing their game. The game is rigged in their favor. Our voices have been silenced by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. They control government, not John Q. Public.

The choice you have is to no longer play their game, to refuse to surrender your voice, and a choose to help this nation, and a choice not to aid and abet those that never represent you. What if every voter were to write-in a candidate of their choice on election day? Wouldn't that send a very strong message? How many elections would pass before professional politicians got the message? We can make our voices heard. We can send a very strong message that we're not going to play their game any longer. Or, we can continue what we're doing, and then spend all of time complaining and watching this nation turn into a third world economy. No one is going to hand us fair, equal, and just representation. We have to demand it, and make it happen. We have stand up and be counted. We have to refuse to vote for those that are in the pockets of the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Write-in a candidate and see how long it take for the message to reach professional politicians.
again, too subjective.

think about, all he needs is a make over. It's so very American.

To be serious, if he could create a crisis or get people to feel a crisis is here, he could walk right in. People would demand a leader like him.
We are no different than any other nation.

Lipstick on a pig

And America voted for GW Bush twice, but only once for his pa.. That is so telling.
W was one of the most likeable candidates of our generation. Type of guy you would like to have a beer with

Clinton was much more likeable than daddy Bush

Cruz? Even his own party doesn't like him
They have a love hate relationship with Ted. Cruz is very likeable. It's true. Go back with search engines. The Ted Cruz courting the radical right is unlikeable, but candidates and campaigns evolve. It's an amazing transformation to me every time I see it.

Cruz has a likeability factor in line with Nixons
Likeability is a subjective feeling that can be easily manipulated. It is but one consideration in positioning a candidate. One.

Cruz has balls and people like that. Ted Cruz Doesn t Disavow SCF Call to Defund NRSC

Cruz can be a considerable threat to others given the right alignment of the stars. :laugh2: I agree with much you would say about him, but...

The GOP would back Cruz in a minute if it looked like he would beat the presumptive/elected Democratic nominee. The GOP in 2012 backed Romney, not always the most favored in many of the primaries. Cruz is likeable when ideology and partisan bs is put aside, and that is what makes him even more dangerous than I can stress
the worst enemy of our government is a united citizenry.

They know that as long as they can keep us divided along party lines, they win, we lose. A divided citizenry plays right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Time has proven that. Greed, egos, power, influence, self-service, and climbing the political ladder at all cost, is what politics is all about.

If the above wasn't true, we wouldn't be in the sad shameful state that we're presently in. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people.

You are using our government in the abstract here. Government in the abstract has no horse in the race, It doesn't care which way it all goes, it is merely a tool we the citizenry use. You may doubt what I say, but your words: "They know ... keep us divided ... party lines, they win, we lose"

climbing the political ladder at all costs would be what a particular politician does, not the abstraction that is our government

you keep ranting about this 'will of the people' we have representative government and if you hate that you hate this nations system of government. You may not be aware of it but you are an anti federalist.
Cruz did such a great job in shutting down the government with no exit strategy once Obama didn't cave

You think Cruz cared about an exit strategy? Love him or hate him, most of the time Cruz is the smartest man in the room

Cruz definitely thinks he is the smartest person in the room. Politically, he is a moron with no ability to work with others
If he needs to work with others he will

You cannot deny he is one of the smartest of the lot. I disagree with most everything he stands for, but I will not deny reality
People like Cruz only succeed when things are going to shit. With the economy starting to warm up, Cruz has less and less things to legitimately whine about. He's a professional whiner and pessimist. A top drawer demagogue.

Like with Obama in 2008.

Wouldn't having a partisan icon from the "other side" saying something like this be considered a backhanded compliment, and maybe wishful thinking?

Carville has a reputation for speaking his mind. He did it during the Kerry campaign and I was with some people in that campaign and saw them go into denial mode over Carville's honesty.

Carville was being honest. Many of us agree with him
People like Cruz only succeed when things are going to shit. With the economy starting to warm up, Cruz has less and less things to legitimately whine about. He's a professional whiner and pessimist. A top drawer demagogue.

Like with Obama in 2008.
thank you Bush/Cheney for making it easy for any Democrat to just walk into office in 2008
the worst enemy of our government is a united citizenry.

They know that as long as they can keep us divided along party lines, they win, we lose. A divided citizenry plays right into the hands of those hell-bent on our destruction. Time has proven that. Greed, egos, power, influence, self-service, and climbing the political ladder at all cost, is what politics is all about.

If the above wasn't true, we wouldn't be in the sad shameful state that we're presently in. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people.

You are using our government in the abstract here. Government in the abstract has no horse in the race, It doesn't care which way it all goes, it is merely a tool we the citizenry use. You may doubt what I say, but your words: "They know ... keep us divided ... party lines, they win, we lose"

climbing the political ladder at all costs would be what a particular politician does, not the abstraction that is our government

you keep ranting about this 'will of the people' we have representative government and if you hate that you hate this nations system of government. You may not be aware of it but you are an anti federalist.
I disagree. We'll agree to disagree with each other, which is fine. I respect your opinion, and your right to express it. Obviously we see this differently, again, it's fine. It would take pages to fully explain the workings, and how each affects our daily lives, our nation, and the over all socioeconomic situation in this country. The government is made up of politicians, you can't separate the two, they're one and the same. The government is the whole of the politicians which make it up. "The Washington Brotherhood" is a collective term meaning all of those that govern and/or influences the process. When speaking of the government, it is generally thought of as those that make up government. And, their actions, or inactions, determines how we're governed. We live by what is engineered and enacted by the government. Who engineers, and who enacts? Who passes legislation? Who writes bills? Who votes on legislation? Who decides our foreign policies, our foreign trade agreements, and our laws?

It ( government ) is a collective term meaning those that govern. Who governs? Politicians govern. Where do our laws come from? You can't separate government from politicians, they are one and the same.
again, too subjective.

think about, all he needs is a make over. It's so very American.

To be serious, if he could create a crisis or get people to feel a crisis is here, he could walk right in. People would demand a leader like him.
We are no different than any other nation.

Lipstick on a pig

And America voted for GW Bush twice, but only once for his pa.. That is so telling.
W was one of the most likeable candidates of our generation. Type of guy you would like to have a beer with

Clinton was much more likeable than daddy Bush

Cruz? Even his own party doesn't like him
They have a love hate relationship with Ted. Cruz is very likeable. It's true. Go back with search engines. The Ted Cruz courting the radical right is unlikeable, but candidates and campaigns evolve. It's an amazing transformation to me every time I see it.

Cruz has a likeability factor in line with Nixons
Nixon was elected twice, second time in a landslide.

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