Carville: Ted Cruz "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in 30 years"

W was one of the most likeable candidates of our generation. Type of guy you would like to have a beer with

Clinton was much more likeable than daddy Bush

Cruz? Even his own party doesn't like him
They have a love hate relationship with Ted. Cruz is very likeable. It's true. Go back with search engines. The Ted Cruz courting the radical right is unlikeable, but candidates and campaigns evolve. It's an amazing transformation to me every time I see it.

Cruz has a likeability factor in line with Nixons
Nixon was elected twice, second time in a landslide.
Very true.....and let's look at who he ran against

Hubert Humphrey, not exactly dynamic ...especially with Walacetaking the south
George McGovern......someone who scared the heck out of people
Humphrey was a very dynamic candidate, probably more than Nixon.
McGovern got his ass kicked despite running as an anti war candidate.
Was George McGovern doomed to lose in 1972 - The Washington Post

Ray Fair's model, which relies mainly on economic factors, missed in 1972 by 3.3 points, one of its biggest errors ever, while Robert Erikson, Michael MacKuen and James Stimson's "Macro Polity" model, which looks at where the electorate sits in terms of partisanship and ideological beliefs, predicted that McGovern would do about two points better than he did. Hibbs's model also underestimated Nixon's vote share by about two points.

But McGovern's loss has been robbed of its context over the years. The fundamentals were extremely bad for a challenger. He was in for a drubbing even if he had done everything right.
People like Cruz only succeed when things are going to shit. With the economy starting to warm up, Cruz has less and less things to legitimately whine about. He's a professional whiner and pessimist. A top drawer demagogue.
Wow, you really don't know anything. Stop listening to the propaganda and wake the f*ck. up.

Things are getting REALLY REALLY BAD.

When folks stop looking for jobs, when the prices of commodities drop because factories stop taking orders, when there is no demand for energy. . . . etc.

And you think things are starting to "warm up?" Things are starting to freeze over chump. When all else fails, that's when the elites take everyone to war. Or else they infiltrate terrorist organizations, check what's going on, and allow massive terrorist attacks to take place. . . .

Oh wait. . . .
People like Cruz only succeed when things are going to shit. With the economy starting to warm up, Cruz has less and less things to legitimately whine about. He's a professional whiner and pessimist. A top drawer demagogue.

I agree! However, after two years of a Republican-controlled Congress, he should have lots to whine about in 2016.
Erm, that isn't actually saying much. Just saying...
You don't think Cruz is "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years"

I bet you cannot give a reasoned and credible response if you think he is not
Cruz' biggest drawback as a politician is that he is not likeable
again, too subjective.

think about, all he needs is a make over. It's so very American.

To be serious, if he could create a crisis or get people to feel a crisis is here, he could walk right in. People would demand a leader like him.
We are no different than any other nation.

Lipstick on a pig

And America voted for GW Bush twice, but only once for his pa.. That is so telling.

Only if you actually believe that it's who votes that determines elections and not who counts the votes that determine them.
Cruz may want to run it remains to be seen whether or not the right-wing Filthy rich who select the candidates who get to ride in the GOTP's clown car will give him the money to run. The middle class and the poor certainly won't.
Cruz may want to run it remains to be seen whether or not the right-wing Filthy rich who select the candidates who get to ride in the GOTP's clown car will give him the money to run. The middle class and the poor certainly won't.

omg, stuff a sock in it and go vote for those FILTHY RICH, Progressive/Democrats

snip: Seven out of ten richest in Congress? DEMOCRATS

Meet the top 10 richest members of Congress

all of it here:
Meet the top 10 richest members of Congress - Yahoo News
Cruz may want to run it remains to be seen whether or not the right-wing Filthy rich who select the candidates who get to ride in the GOTP's clown car will give him the money to run. The middle class and the poor certainly won't.

oopsi, I guess you'll have to add Liberals on to your talking points and wail over . Those Filthy rich left LEFT wingers for the Democrat party:

Liberal Billionaires Top Donor List in 2014

Tom Steyer / AP
BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
January 11, 2015 4:36 pm
The Politico list of the top political donors in the year 2014 was dominated by liberal billionaires, with Tom Steyer leading the pack.
Ken Vogel reports:

Democrats spent much of the 2014 campaign castigating Republican big money, but, it turns out, their side actually finished ahead among the biggest donors of 2014 – at least among those whose contributions were disclosed.

The 100 biggest donors of 2014 gave nearly $174 million to Democrats, compared to more than $140 million to Republicans, according to a POLITICO analysis of reports filed with the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service.

Donors who gave mostly or exclusively to Democrats held down 52 of the top 100 spots, including that of the biggest by far – retired San Francisco hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer, who spent $74 million helping Democratic candidates and groups.

ALL of it here:
Liberal Billionaires Top Donor List in 2014 Washington Free Beacon
It was funny watching Carville call Cruz the smartest Republican he's seen in 30 years with Jim DeMint sitting on the panel.

This was Carville's way of taking a shot at all the other GOP hopefuls.
You don't think Cruz is "the most talented and fearless Republican politician in the last 30 years"

I bet you cannot give a reasoned and credible response if you think he is not
Cruz' biggest drawback as a politician is that he is not likeable
again, too subjective.

think about, all he needs is a make over. It's so very American.

To be serious, if he could create a crisis or get people to feel a crisis is here, he could walk right in. People would demand a leader like him.
We are no different than any other nation.

Lipstick on a pig

And America voted for GW Bush twice, but only once for his pa.. That is so telling.

Only if you actually believe that it's who votes that determines elections and not who counts the votes that determine them.


Wheres my tin foil hat?

This guy on the internet is talking about fixed elections again!
Cruz may want to run it remains to be seen whether or not the right-wing Filthy rich who select the candidates who get to ride in the GOTP's clown car will give him the money to run. The middle class and the poor certainly won't.

omg, stuff a sock in it and go vote for those FILTHY RICH, Progressive/Democrats

snip: Seven out of ten richest in Congress? DEMOCRATS

Meet the top 10 richest members of Congress

all of it here:
Meet the top 10 richest members of Congress - Yahoo News

Sep 7, 2014 - The richest members of Congress

The 50 Richest won’t set new standards for diversity. All are white. Women comprise 18 percent. There were 20 Democrats and 30 Republicans.

Roll Call s 50 Richest Members of Congress
Cruz may want to run it remains to be seen whether or not the right-wing Filthy rich who select the candidates who get to ride in the GOTP's clown car will give him the money to run. The middle class and the poor certainly won't.

oopsi, I guess you'll have to add Liberals on to your talking points and wail over . Those Filthy rich left LEFT wingers for the Democrat party:

Liberal Billionaires Top Donor List in 2014

Tom Steyer / AP
BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
January 11, 2015 4:36 pm
The Politico list of the top political donors in the year 2014 was dominated by liberal billionaires, with Tom Steyer leading the pack.
Ken Vogel reports:

Democrats spent much of the 2014 campaign castigating Republican big money, but, it turns out, their side actually finished ahead among the biggest donors of 2014 – at least among those whose contributions were disclosed.

The 100 biggest donors of 2014 gave nearly $174 million to Democrats, compared to more than $140 million to Republicans, according to a POLITICO analysis of reports filed with the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service.

Donors who gave mostly or exclusively to Democrats held down 52 of the top 100 spots, including that of the biggest by far – retired San Francisco hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer, who spent $74 million helping Democratic candidates and groups.

ALL of it here:
Liberal Billionaires Top Donor List in 2014 Washington Free Beacon


The real story of the election’s campaign finance chapter was not which side had more resources, but that such a large chunk of the cost was paid for by a small group of ultra-wealthy donors using outside groups to bury voters with an avalanche of spending. Both sides had plenty of support from outside spenders, but Republican and conservative outside groups outpaced the spending of Democratic and liberal ones.

Money Won on Tuesday But Rules of the Game Changed OpenSecrets Blog

Koch-backed political network, built to shield donors, raised $400 million in 2012 elections

Koch-backed political network built to shield donors raised 400 million in 2012 elections - The Washington Post

Outside spending is ruled by a few wealthy donors

As shown in the table of top spenders below, nonparty outside spending is largely the domain of a small, wealthy class of donors. In contrast to the party committees, which receive large portions of their contributions from small donations of $200 or less, most of the big-spending super PACs (which, unlike dark-money groups, must report their donors) get virtually none of their money from such small donors. Four of the five highest spending super PACs all received less than one-tenth of one percent of their contributions from donors of $200 or less. The exception, Freedom Partners Action Fund, received slightly more than one-tenth of one percent from small donors.


Outside Spending and Dark Money in Toss-Up Senate Races Post-Election Update Brennan Center for Justice

The most expensive midterms in history could see one of the lowest turnouts in years. Voting numbers will likely dip below the 40 percent mark of both 2006 and 2010. This despite a record estimate of $4 billion in spending. One quarter of that money, some $1 billion, will come from anonymous, so-called dark money groups.

The Priciest Midterms Ever Brought to You by Dark Money and Election Finance Out of Control Democracy Now

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