Carville to Dems: Stop obsessing over Trump, Trump is gone, he's dead, he's a scared, frightened, pathetic old man, & not a threat to Democrats

let's talk policy. POLICY: forget the crooked orangeman, talk policy!

Thing is, policy is dead. Both sides like to show why the other should not be in power. Negative speech for negative voting. The FPTP is outdated and leads to negativity. Until this changes, Trump is great for the Dems because he's so easy to attack,
The D's are more concerned with the millions of Little Trumpsters. Carvile is partially correct- Trump himself will be leaving the scene- but the Trumpsters will remain. And Policy is the key for anyone to win those votes.

If the Democrats were smart, they'd steer their politics toward the center on the key issues like Abortion, Gay Marriage and DADT.

And away for the extremism that makes them poison to Americans.

Guys like Brandon need to realize the LGBT, environmentalist Whackos and Feminazis aren't going anywhere. They don't have a choice on where to go- they certainly aren't going to vote for the Republican Party.

Take these votes for granted, and instead go out for the centrist vote.

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