Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Look at Zim, does he look like a guy who was innocent? Why lie to judge about the money? Why say the killing was god's plan? Why gain a hundred pounds? Why follow the kid in the first place? What's he doing with the gun after being told no guns when doing the NW job? What had the kid done that he saw that was so bad that the kid had to be caught... hands in pockets? Really? Hoodie black boy... follow and apprehend? Talk about "racial" profiling.
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why kgrill keeps opening her blowhole on a topic like this is a mystery. She "claims" to be a chritian as well but has no prob w/ a 28 yr old gunning down an unarmed teenager :clap2:

KG appears to have "issues" of some sort. To paraphrase one of the Tappet Bros. (of NPR's Car Talk) she only finds out what she is thinking after she has posted it. :D
Yup, I was right. Ilar is dismissed.

Fakey, you are never right. You are just a liar.

By the way, when ARE you going to admit that you have always been a venal, petty, lowlife, motherfucking, cocksucking, liberal Democratic?

You must realize by now that nobody with a brain buys your bullshit about how you are a "Republican."


Fakey remains a void. Fakey, you truly are worthless. Fact.
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why kgrill keeps opening her blowhole on a topic like this is a mystery. She "claims" to be a chritian as well but has no prob w/ a 28 yr old gunning down an unarmed teenager :clap2:

KG appears to have "issues" of some sort. To paraphrase one of the Tappet Bros. (of NPR's Car Talk) she only finds out what she is thinking after she has posted it. :D

LOL when Liberals are getting pasted on a thread, the do one of four things, they

A) Bring race into the argument to divert away from their failure,

B) Attack their opponent's religious beliefs,

C) Throw a hissy fit and then ad hom their opponent, for want of an actual argument,


D) Argue abortion.
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Yup, I was right. Ilar is dismissed.

Fakey, you are never right. You are just a liar.

By the way, when ARE you going to admit that you have always been a venal, petty, lowlife, motherfucking, cocksucking, liberal Democratic?

You must realize by now that nobody with a brain buys your bullshit about how you are a "Republican."


Fakey remains a void. Fakey, you truly are worthless. Fact.

Considering the source, Jake, that might even be a backhanded compliment! :D
why kgrill keeps opening her blowhole on a topic like this is a mystery. She "claims" to be a chritian as well but has no prob w/ a 28 yr old gunning down an unarmed teenager :clap2:

KG appears to have "issues" of some sort. To paraphrase one of the Tappet Bros. (of NPR's Car Talk) she only finds out what she is thinking after she has posted it. :D

she should stick w/ trying to run other woman's lives in the abortion sub-forum. She brings nothing to this topic of an armed 28 yr old thug gunning down an unarmed, teenager.
Yup, I was right. Ilar is dismissed.

Fakey, you are never right. You are just a liar.

By the way, when ARE you going to admit that you have always been a venal, petty, lowlife, motherfucking, cocksucking, liberal Democratic?

You must realize by now that nobody with a brain buys your bullshit about how you are a "Republican."


Fakey remains a void. Fakey, you truly are worthless. Fact.

Considering the source, Jake, that might even be a backhanded compliment! :D

Fakey knows already that he is dishonest about who and what he is.

He doesn't need your assistance.


Are you one of the utter imbeciles who actually credit that obvious far left liberal's fake posturing?

I even tried to get a one on one totally on the level discussion going with Fakey.

He ran away.

He's not just a completely obvious fraud; he's a total pussy as well.

And it is confirmed.
[MENTION=29060]Truthseeker420[/MENTION] - I can't find your post re: witnesses, I'll find it after dirtbikes and Sunday bbq.

Your witnesses are screwed up and please see 1st Frye hearing for reference to 2nd eyewitness. It's on YouTube.

We will see when that old thing called evidence and witness testimony comes out.

Off that topic - I'll bet you my bottom rep they "changed" because of Black Panther hit, Dept. of Justice/FBI investigation, POTUS saying vic could have been his son, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, rioting, cop cars shot up, guys in hoodies jumped a guy to "prove a point", Spike Stupid Lee tweeting wrong address to a zillion followers and people showing up to a wrong house. NBC editing the original call to include "race" and setting the fire.

That's some major peer pressure right there on their personal lives.
yep, facts like Trayvon calling his girlfriend and saying that some strange fat kid was following him prior to the struggle, are merely inconveniences to their getting their agenda across.

A law abiding citizen would have called the police. He didnt because he planned on taking the law into his own hands. Turned out to be a bad choice.

Not according to a righty reactionary thug earlier today on the Board who insisted he had the right to follow and confront anyone in public.

So you are saying TM should not have defended himself, the black man should cower before the lighter-skinned man. Really?

Well as the neighbor hood watch captain or any concerned citizen,yeah you have that right.
No the black man shouldnt have assaulted GZ. He would be alive today had he called the police.
I did nothing of the sort, kg. I told you to shut the fuck up, and you did for a very long time. That was smart of you.


Now THAT ^^ sounds like a threat, lol.

I promise you, nothing you have ever said has ever caused me to "shut the fuck up". Loon.

:lol: You are the loon, my sweet. And now I will read you as always and chuckle when you act like an idiot. You are entertainment guaranteed.

Ironic post is ironic, especially considering who thanked it.
A law abiding citizen would have called the police. He didnt because he planned on taking the law into his own hands. Turned out to be a bad choice.

Not according to a righty reactionary thug earlier today on the Board who insisted he had the right to follow and confront anyone in public.

So you are saying TM should not have defended himself, the black man should cower before the lighter-skinned man. Really?

Well as the neighbor hood watch captain or any concerned citizen,yeah you have that right.
No the black man shouldnt have assaulted GZ. He would be alive today had he called the police.

Black teenager call the cops on a white guy chasing him? ROFL

Now THAT ^^ sounds like a threat, lol.

I promise you, nothing you have ever said has ever caused me to "shut the fuck up". Loon.

:lol: You are the loon, my sweet. And now I will read you as always and chuckle when you act like an idiot. You are entertainment guaranteed.

she's an TRANSPARENT, rw, kool aid drinking :alcoholic: loon just like stephie :thup: :lol:

"an" transparent.... and we should somehow be influenced by you? pfft.

Now THAT ^^ sounds like a threat, lol.

I promise you, nothing you have ever said has ever caused me to "shut the fuck up". Loon.

:lol: You are the loon, my sweet. And now I will read you as always and chuckle when you act like an idiot. You are entertainment guaranteed.

Ironic post is ironic, especially considering who thanked it.

I think I told him to shut up, and I think he's the one who ended up with the muzzle on.
I even tried to get a one on one totally on the level discussion going with Fakey.

He ran away.

He's not just a completely obvious fraud; he's a total pussy as well.

And it is confirmed.

Seems like nobody wants to talk to me either.

But YOU don't run away.

Besides, unlike Fakey, you don't claim to be one thing when you are obviously very much the opposite.
:lol: You are the loon, my sweet. And now I will read you as always and chuckle when you act like an idiot. You are entertainment guaranteed.

What's entertaining is how you never come to a thread with an argument? "My sweet"? This ain't the fucking Wizard of Oz, Starkiev.

Comrade Templar, why should I ever post a thread when you guys post threads that have to be shown to hackery at its best and nothing but no integrity at its worst.

You are reactionary thugs, and you are treated as you should be.

That's not what he was talking about, but since you brought it up....

Jake has been a member at USMB since 8/10/09. In nearly 4 years, he has started one thread, a flame directed at Neotrotsky. As you might expect, it was an utter failure and Jake was owned on so many levels. I believe, at the time, TDM told him he didn't NEED him to start any more threads and Jake took it as an order from the police. He has complied and has stayed in his vehicle since.

Yup 3 years and 10 months and THIS is Jake's only original contribution to the board. It is currently 25 posts in length. 14 of those were after I resurrected it this past April.
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