Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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I never heard this one before. Holy shit.

"This one" lol

Is this the NBC edited edition?

The FBI did an even more slowed version and in that one he is clearly saying: "Fing Cold".

Whether he said it or not has nothing to do with self defense. This is a race card tactic that if the prosecution wants to play it they will be very disappointed in the outcome. The racism needs to end. Its all about the confrontation...who did what first...who was doing what in their own self defense and which side sells it to the jury the best.

This other stuff just muddies the waters and is designed to get the jury to cast their vote for issues other than the evidence.

Pulling the race card unsubstantiated is racism in itself.

FBI link please.
Which, since he confessed to first degree murder, this should be.

Prove that claim, please.

:link: :link: :link: :link:

Oh, don't be so damn obtuse. Every single link about the crime says he confessed to carrying a loaded gun when he went out that night and to stalking Travon.

Read the facts of the case and quit whining that you need someone to hold your hand.

Links or gtfo. You know how it works here. Lets go, hotshot.

:drillsergeant: :drillsergeant: :drillsergeant:
Charges against him were dismissed.

See...people can be arrested and charged...and then released and charges dropped. That's what happens when the DA determines no crime was committed..
I think the government is out of control when politics tells the judges what to do, or frightens them into ignoring right and wrong. It's wrong to incarcerate a man who defended himself from what was getting to be lethal blows from someone who jumped him. He was out there trying to prevent thugs like Martin from stealing jewelry and goods out of people's house for drug money to feed his need.

If you're black and murder your wife, it's like being in the middle east, and justice goes south.

If you're acting like a black hoodlum in a neighborhood that has had break-ins and a neighborhood watch guy asks you some questions and you jump him and get shot for it, throw away the self-defense laws that have been in place for hundreds of years, it's all about revenge, get a judge to go along with you, and you can have it.

Sound familiar?

Trayvon Martin's community wants KKK laws back with them slapping the horse underneath the guy they just affixed a noose to a tree for.
the cops even told him "do not follow him, just let us know where he is" & GZ apparently disregarded the cops because he wanted to play Hero.

I'd say manslaughter & at least 2 yrs prison, if not more.
It doesn't matter what the cops told him, the bottom line is that Travon attacked him and he has the right to defend himself.

Time will tell whether:

1. Zimmerman was attacked without reason, or even attacked at all, and
2, Zimmerman's "right" to defend himself with deadly force was as all-inclusive as you think.

If you get a "no" to either, "Herr" Zimmerman might become "Inmate" Zimmerman. Who knows, if Zimmerman did what his detractors think he did, the world might be better off with him permanently out of circulation.
The idiot reactionaries simply reactionary along. The idiot lefties do the same. They are, to borrow a good if misdirected phrase, irrelevant assholes, Ernie S. and IlarMeilyr chief among them.

The judge and jury will be the ultimate weight on this matter. I trust this jury and its eventual. judgment.

Not according to recent polls.
Charges against him were dismissed.

See...people can be arrested and charged...and then released and charges dropped. That's what happens when the DA determines no crime was committed..

Zimmerman pled guilty to resisting arrest and I believe the woman never showed up for the domestic violence hearing( I wonder if she is alive)

You wonder if she's alive? Nope no prejudice here, well, at least none not explained by the cannabis induced haze.

WHY would someone call themselves "truthseeker" and then include a drug culture code word for marijuana? Seems to me that one interested in finding the truth would want to be unimpaired.
I think the government is out of control when politics tells the judges what to do, or frightens them into ignoring right and wrong. It's wrong to incarcerate a man who defended himself from what was getting to be lethal blows from someone who jumped him. He was out there trying to prevent thugs like Martin from stealing jewelry and goods out of people's house for drug money to feed his need.

If you're black and murder your wife, it's like being in the middle east, and justice goes south.

If you're acting like a black hoodlum in a neighborhood that has had break-ins and a neighborhood watch guy asks you some questions and you jump him and get shot for it, throw away the self-defense laws that have been in place for hundreds of years, it's all about revenge, get a judge to go along with you, and you can have it.
Sound familiar?

Trayvon Martin's community wants KKK laws back with them slapping the horse underneath the guy they just affixed a noose to a tree for.

Acting like a black hoodlum? Walking home from the store with ice tea and a packet of Skittles is acting like a black hoodlum? Wow. Unbelieveable. I guess just being a black teenager, no matter what you are doing, is 'acting like a black hoodlum.' Is this really 2013? Because this kind of stuff feels more like 1953.

As well, the neighborhood watch person did not identify himself and he did not ask Trayvon any questions.
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You have to be the dumbest dishonest hack to hear anything more than "cold."

Oh wait. It's liesucker. Of course he's a dishonest stupid lying hack.

It's that cannabis induced haze he lives in...

It's not "cold." The word definitely ends with an "s". This isn't good. We know he calls them "assholes" right before this. Not good for Zimmerman at all.
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I think the government is out of control when politics tells the judges what to do, or frightens them into ignoring right and wrong. It's wrong to incarcerate a man who defended himself from what was getting to be lethal blows from someone who jumped him. He was out there trying to prevent thugs like Martin from stealing jewelry and goods out of people's house for drug money to feed his need.

If you're black and murder your wife, it's like being in the middle east, and justice goes south.

If you're acting like a black hoodlum in a neighborhood that has had break-ins and a neighborhood watch guy asks you some questions and you jump him and get shot for it, throw away the self-defense laws that have been in place for hundreds of years, it's all about revenge, get a judge to go along with you, and you can have it.
Sound familiar?

Trayvon Martin's community wants KKK laws back with them slapping the horse underneath the guy they just affixed a noose to a tree for.

Acting like a black hoodlum? Walking home from the store with ice tea and a packet of Skittles is acting like a black hoodlum? Wow. Unbelieveable. I guess just being a black teenager, no matter what you are doing, is 'acting like a black hoodlum.' Is this really 2013? Because this kind of stuff feels more like 1953.

As well, the neighborhood watch person did not identify himself and he did not ask Trayvon any questions.

Sadly, for many, simply being a black teenager means one is potentially a ‘criminal,’ and may be justifiably treated as a suspect.
Charges against him were dismissed.

See...people can be arrested and charged...and then released and charges dropped. That's what happens when the DA determines no crime was committed..

Zimmerman pled guilty to resisting arrest and I believe the woman never showed up for the domestic violence hearing( I wonder if she is alive)

You wonder if she's alive? Nope no prejudice here, well, at least none not explained by the cannabis induced haze.

WHY would someone call themselves "truthseeker" and then include a drug culture code word for marijuana? Seems to me that one interested in finding the truth would want to be unimpaired.

Just a joke..I'm sure she is alive.
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