Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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>>> "no just help me". He wanted him to pull Martin off.

Still does not sound like a guy who thought he was about to die. Maybe a guy pinned to the ground but not a guy about to die.

So how did GZ get all his injuries?

No idea. He said he tripped.. maybe he tripped and fell. Maybe they wrestled around and he his head hit a rock. Maybe it was self inflicted. Maybe he got them before he even called into the dispatcher. All I know for sure is that GZ has already shown he's ready willing and able to lie. His lying about the money to the Judge ... yeah I won't forget that. I wonder if the prosecution will be able to tell the jury about that. My gut says don't trust anything GZ says. I'll believe the stuff GZ says for which there is physical proof.

No you wont. You just denied a shitload of physical evidence.
Then tried to come up with ridiculous reasons as to how GZ got injured.
You're a complete flake....

I will now say several things that are 100% truthful. You will not believe me. We will then continue to insult each other.....until you give up out of embarrassment.

I have no interest in ThinkProgress and can count on one hand the number of times I have visited their website of my own volition.

I have no idea what you are talking about with wanting this dude lynched. I am opposed to the death penalty. I do not want him lynched.

I have expressed my opinion that, by law, this man is innocent until proven otherwise. I maintain that opinion to this moment.

Do I think the kid would be alive if he never met Zimmerman? Yep.
Do I think Zimmerman wishes he never followed the kid? Yep

Am I generally disgusted by the STRONG desire on the part of almost every nutter here to defend Zimmerman? Yep.

Now....fuck off.

I dont undersatnd this shit lone loser....He is so fucking guilty its pathetic....No one can justify what that guy did.... US guys dont get in a fucking fist fight when we are PACKiNG a fucking gun.....and stalking someone...

What? Are you high? What do you think I said that you don't understand?

Yup party time dude off of work for a week and a half... got me nice ounce of the good just be quite ok... sssssh all this internet talk of pot got me thinking.... I am so fucking high right now off of one joint... I am hungry...logging off....
Nonsense. If GZ had put TM in fear of his life or limb by following him and making when the weapon visible, and TM then assaulted GZ, GZ is in the wrong if he shot TM.

Thank God you are not GZ's lawyers. He would get the death penalty for crossing the street with you guys defending him.

I gotta say,thats the most twisted logic I have ever heard.

I don't think so. You wouldn't recognize twisted logic if it kicked you in the backside.

If you think thats a valid train of thought,you have shit for brains as well.
Perhaps if he were referring to Trayvon specifically, maybe the "punks" and "assholes" comments would hold more weight. That does not prove he was profiling him. The link the prosecution tried to draw with the August phone call did not prove it either. You should listen to how the question was worded. He was asked, "Do these words pervade a sense of hostility to you, Mr. Knoffke?" Not "Did Mr. Zimmerman pervade a sense of hostility to you, Mr. Knoffke?"

The wording of the question is deceptive. I caught on to it fairly easily.

Did you catch on? Did you really? Are you sure?

Let's test that... why would someone simultaneously believe those words used by GZ were hostile words, but that he did not think that GZ was angry at the suspect when he said them?

How could that be?

Hint, why would the dispatcher justify, in his mind, hostility toward someone of of another race?
So how did GZ get all his injuries?

No idea. He said he tripped.. maybe he tripped and fell. Maybe they wrestled around and he his head hit a rock. Maybe it was self inflicted. Maybe he got them before he even called into the dispatcher. All I know for sure is that GZ has already shown he's ready willing and able to lie. His lying about the money to the Judge ... yeah I won't forget that. I wonder if the prosecution will be able to tell the jury about that. My gut says don't trust anything GZ says. I'll believe the stuff GZ says for which there is physical proof.

No you wont. You just denied a shitload of physical evidence.
Then tried to come up with ridiculous reasons as to how GZ got injured.
You're a complete flake....

Do you have a link to physical evidence that TM harmed GZ? Do you know what "no idea" means? I have not seen a speck of evidence that TM was killing GZ, nothing. You are speculating that GZ's story is gold. Show me..
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Why wasn't there any blood on Travon's hands, Zimmerman said Travon covered up his nose and mouth with his hands. His nose and mouth were bloody. You all are really grasping at straws here.
Had you taken a moment to read the entire report, you would realize that you are. I was only trying to break it to you gently. ;)

Zimmerman lied many times and tried several stories, you may be able to convince your coffee clatch that Zimmerman was correct in the actions he took but the real world differs.
Nobody ever discusses politics at coffee clatches, educational and charity meetings that I attend.

Your fabrications are understandable, however, considering you do not read neutral news that favors neither side, one of which I listed, others of which may have been too dry for your tastes which demonstrate early on his story was constant, namely the police on the beat who answered 911 calls, arriving at the scene following the shooting.
My apologies. I was doing that to draw you out of hiding. He was asked if the words "fucking punks" and "assholes" pervaded a sense of hostility, not if Zimmerman was hostile. I see the little trick they used. The link and the logic are flawed.

Apologies, dude... them's fighting words where I come from. I don't need no stinkin applogy! heh..

To the trick.. either way, the words used pervaded a sense of hostility. Whether or not the emotion of anger/hate was heard by the dispatcher isn't really important. The prosecution needs to show state of mind. The words GJ used were not exactly calm and indifferent words. Further, the followup that had him calling 911 for the stuff getting stolen in the other incident, again with the black guys.. The prosecution is ticking off the stuff they have to show that GJ was vigilante. Wish we could see the reactions of the jury to see if they picked up on the same thing.


You previously said that you did not contend the dispatchers testimony was invalid, yet you are dismissing it summarily here. Perhaps if he were referring to Trayvon specifically, maybe the "punks" and "assholes" comments would hold more weight. That does not prove he was profiling him. The link the prosecution tried to draw with the August phone call did not prove it either. You should listen to how the question was worded. He was asked, "Do these words pervade a sense of hostility to you, Mr. Knoffke?" Not "Did Mr. Zimmerman pervade a sense of hostility to you, Mr. Knoffke?"

The wording of the question is deceptive. I caught on to it fairly easily.

Teenagers in general provoke a lot of ire just because they exist. I have raised two, and I know. I always worked adult psychiatry because I just didn't want to deal with the antics of teenagers all day. Raising my own was challenge enough. But I made sure they weren't out carousing around unsupervised, and you know what. That pretty much prevents someone from wrongfully or even rightfully accusing or shooting them. Why does no one ask, 'where were the parents?' It is a valid question.

Just because a child no longer wears diapers doesn't mean he/she can be safely chucked out into the streets. Raising children requires total commitment. Raising children requires total commitment even if you get left holding the bag with the death of your spouse. Raising children is no game for sissies, or for the selfish, or impatient.
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hell if it was me I would just hop in my 4x4 and run his ass a rodent... no need to fight...unless I wanted to fight him.

That's what the prosecution said about it. Zimmerman didn't have to kill him, he wanted to.

Why wasn't there any blood on Travon's hands, Zimmerman said Travon covered up his nose and mouth with his hands. His nose and mouth were bloody. You all are really grasping at straws here.
Had you taken a moment to read the entire report, you would realize that you are. I was only trying to break it to you gently. ;)

Zimmerman lied many times and tried several stories, you may be able to convince your coffee clatch that Zimmerman was correct in the actions he took but the real world differs.

OMG!~ I love it when someone who has never dealt with 'the real world' starts talking about 'the real world.' Man, that's just freakin' funny.
Very strange post. Are you OK?

Every leftist in the forum wants to lynch Zimmerman - facts and evidence be damned. Since you generally reflect only what is on ThinkProgress, I'm trying to figure out what the angle of the radical left is in wanting this guy lynched? Is it that the left has decided that you hate Hispanics, so you want Zimmerman to go down? Is it because your Messiah® said that if he had a son, that son would be a gangbanger like Trayvon? I'm just trying to figure out why the radical left has a dog in this fight?


I will now say several things that are 100% truthful. You will not believe me. We will then continue to insult each other.....until you give up out of embarrassment.

I have no interest in ThinkProgress and can count on one hand the number of times I have visited their website of my own volition.

I have no idea what you are talking about with wanting this dude lynched. I am opposed to the death penalty. I do not want him lynched.

I have expressed my opinion that, by law, this man is innocent until proven otherwise. I maintain that opinion to this moment.

Do I think the kid would be alive if he never met Zimmerman? Yep.
Do I think Zimmerman wishes he never followed the kid? Yep

Am I generally disgusted by the STRONG desire on the part of almost every nutter here to defend Zimmerman? Yep.

Now....fuck off.

No worries. The Great State of Florida is putting on an all out, 70k for a f around expert never to be called to testify, full scale, no expense barred show for the lynchers.
Apologies, dude... them's fighting words where I come from. I don't need no stinkin applogy! heh..

To the trick.. either way, the words used pervaded a sense of hostility. Whether or not the emotion of anger/hate was heard by the dispatcher isn't really important. The prosecution needs to show state of mind. The words GJ used were not exactly calm and indifferent words. Further, the followup that had him calling 911 for the stuff getting stolen in the other incident, again with the black guys.. The prosecution is ticking off the stuff they have to show that GJ was vigilante. Wish we could see the reactions of the jury to see if they picked up on the same thing.


You previously said that you did not contend the dispatchers testimony was invalid, yet you are dismissing it summarily here. Perhaps if he were referring to Trayvon specifically, maybe the "punks" and "assholes" comments would hold more weight. That does not prove he was profiling him. The link the prosecution tried to draw with the August phone call did not prove it either. You should listen to how the question was worded. He was asked, "Do these words pervade a sense of hostility to you, Mr. Knoffke?" Not "Did Mr. Zimmerman pervade a sense of hostility to you, Mr. Knoffke?"

The wording of the question is deceptive. I caught on to it fairly easily.

Teenagers in general provoke a lot of ire just because they exist. I have raised two, and I know. I always worked adult psychiatry because I just didn't want to deal with the antics of teenagers all day. Raising my own was challenge enough. But I made sure they weren't out carousing around unsupervised, and you know what. That pretty much prevents someone from wrongfully or even rightfully accusing or shooting them. Why does no one ask, 'where were the parents?' It is a valid question.

Just because a child no longer wears diapers doesn't mean he/she can be safely chucked out into the streets. Raising children requires total commitment. Raising children requires total commitment even if you get left holding the bag with the death of your spouse. Raising children is no game for sissies, or for the selfish, or impatient.

You will deny this, but you just effectively blamed the kid's parents for the fact that Zimmernan shot him dead. Outstanding!
You previously said that you did not contend the dispatchers testimony was invalid, yet you are dismissing it summarily here. Perhaps if he were referring to Trayvon specifically, maybe the "punks" and "assholes" comments would hold more weight. That does not prove he was profiling him. The link the prosecution tried to draw with the August phone call did not prove it either. You should listen to how the question was worded. He was asked, "Do these words pervade a sense of hostility to you, Mr. Knoffke?" Not "Did Mr. Zimmerman pervade a sense of hostility to you, Mr. Knoffke?"

The wording of the question is deceptive. I caught on to it fairly easily.

Teenagers in general provoke a lot of ire just because they exist. I have raised two, and I know. I always worked adult psychiatry because I just didn't want to deal with the antics of teenagers all day. Raising my own was challenge enough. But I made sure they weren't out carousing around unsupervised, and you know what. That pretty much prevents someone from wrongfully or even rightfully accusing or shooting them. Why does no one ask, 'where were the parents?' It is a valid question.

Just because a child no longer wears diapers doesn't mean he/she can be safely chucked out into the streets. Raising children requires total commitment. Raising children requires total commitment even if you get left holding the bag with the death of your spouse. Raising children is no game for sissies, or for the selfish, or impatient.

You will deny this, but you just effectively blamed the kid's parents for the fact that Zimmernan shot him dead. Outstanding!

I hate to break it to you LL, but parents are responsible for their minor children. If it had been my child, I would have felt responsible.
Teenagers in general provoke a lot of ire just because they exist. I have raised two, and I know. I always worked adult psychiatry because I just didn't want to deal with the antics of teenagers all day. Raising my own was challenge enough. But I made sure they weren't out carousing around unsupervised, and you know what. That pretty much prevents someone from wrongfully or even rightfully accusing or shooting them. Why does no one ask, 'where were the parents?' It is a valid question.

Just because a child no longer wears diapers doesn't mean he/she can be safely chucked out into the streets. Raising children requires total commitment. Raising children requires total commitment even if you get left holding the bag with the death of your spouse. Raising children is no game for sissies, or for the selfish, or impatient.

You will deny this, but you just effectively blamed the kid's parents for the fact that Zimmernan shot him dead. Outstanding!

I hate to break it to you LL, but parents are responsible for their minor children. If it had been my child, I would have felt responsible.

I understand that you have a need to be contrary. But try doing so from the sane side of the discussion. Instead of trying to drag people like me.....who has raised three kids and mentored hundreds....into a seminar about the responsibilities of parents.......why not take on one of the assholes who think Zimmerman made just the right moves that night?
You will deny this, but you just effectively blamed the kid's parents for the fact that Zimmernan shot him dead. Outstanding!

I hate to break it to you LL, but parents are responsible for their minor children. If it had been my child, I would have felt responsible.

I understand that you have a need to be contrary. But try doing so from the sane side of the discussion. Instead of trying to drag people like me.....who has raised three kids and mentored hundreds....into a seminar about the responsibilities of parents.......why not take on one of the assholes who think Zimmerman made just the right moves that night?

Why? Because I do not think Zimmerman was in the wrong.
I hate to break it to you LL, but parents are responsible for their minor children. If it had been my child, I would have felt responsible.

I understand that you have a need to be contrary. But try doing so from the sane side of the discussion. Instead of trying to drag people like me.....who has raised three kids and mentored hundreds....into a seminar about the responsibilities of parents.......why not take on one of the assholes who think Zimmerman made just the right moves that night?

Why? Because I do not think Zimmerman was in the wrong.

Are you now telling me that it is your honest feeling that Martins parents are responsible for his death while Zimmerman has no such responsibility?

You were not just taking that position as a means of generating a discussion for fun? You meant it?
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