Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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I understand that you have a need to be contrary. But try doing so from the sane side of the discussion. Instead of trying to drag people like me.....who has raised three kids and mentored hundreds....into a seminar about the responsibilities of parents.......why not take on one of the assholes who think Zimmerman made just the right moves that night?

Why? Because I do not think Zimmerman was in the wrong.

Are you now telling me that it is your honest feeling that Martins parents are responsible for his death while Zimmerman has no such responsibility?

You were not just taking that position as a means of generating a discussion for fun? You meant it?

Where were they?
No idea. He said he tripped.. maybe he tripped and fell. Maybe they wrestled around and he his head hit a rock. Maybe it was self inflicted. Maybe he got them before he even called into the dispatcher. All I know for sure is that GZ has already shown he's ready willing and able to lie. His lying about the money to the Judge ... yeah I won't forget that. I wonder if the prosecution will be able to tell the jury about that. My gut says don't trust anything GZ says. I'll believe the stuff GZ says for which there is physical proof.

No you wont. You just denied a shitload of physical evidence.
Then tried to come up with ridiculous reasons as to how GZ got injured.
You're a complete flake....

Do you have a link to physical evidence that TM harmed GZ? Do you know what "no idea" means? I have not seen a speck of evidence that TM was killing GZ, nothing. You are speculating that GZ's story is gold. Show me..

Whoops,well you got a free like out that. You have one guy all beat to shit,and another with cuts on his knuckles. You have a witness who said TM was on top of GZ. You have ballistic evidence that supports that as well.
I are a complete Flake without an honest bone in your body. Or a complete retard. I could see either.
11,000 posts and you don't even have a thousand rep points. I think it is YOU who is pegged.
No idea. He said he tripped.. maybe he tripped and fell. Maybe they wrestled around and he his head hit a rock. Maybe it was self inflicted. Maybe he got them before he even called into the dispatcher. All I know for sure is that GZ has already shown he's ready willing and able to lie. His lying about the money to the Judge ... yeah I won't forget that. I wonder if the prosecution will be able to tell the jury about that. My gut says don't trust anything GZ says. I'll believe the stuff GZ says for which there is physical proof.

No you wont. You just denied a shitload of physical evidence.
Then tried to come up with ridiculous reasons as to how GZ got injured.
You're a complete flake....

Do you have a link to physical evidence that TM harmed GZ? Do you know what "no idea" means? I have not seen a speck of evidence that TM was killing GZ, nothing. You are speculating that GZ's story is gold. Show me..

Not taking sides here. But it seems an objective person would go find it instead of asking to be shown. He had were taken within minutes (3) of the conflict by a neighbor that witnessed it in part.

It is baffling to me how so many can be completely one sided in this case. I am speaking to both sides of the argument.
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11,000 posts and you don't even have a thousand rep points. I think it is YOU who is pegged.

Rep points? You care about rep points?

That is funny too.

Looks like your whining got some posts removed. WTG!

What don't you get about 'get back on topic?'

As far as I am concerned....the topic of this thread is now you and how you have been so lame as to whine to mods and get my pointed, interesting words erased from the board.

Isn't that an interesting topic?
Rep points? You care about rep points?

That is funny too.

Looks like your whining got some posts removed. WTG!

What don't you get about 'get back on topic?'

As far as I am concerned....the topic of this thread is now you and how you have been so lame as to whine to mods and get my pointed, interesting words erased from the board.

Isn't that an interesting topic?

There are some things you just don't get to say here.

And clearly, you think that someone other than parents should be and are responsible for minor children. Well, here's a flash. There is a reason that some kids don't find themselves in this kid of spot. Because their parents gave a damn and took responsibility. If li'l Trayvon had been the shooter, people like you would be whining, 'he should have had counseling.' That has been the tired refrain in every school shooting. Most of them WERE already getting what counseling the schools and community had available. The bottom line is that parents are responsible for their minor children. Sorry you don't like that. But that's how it is.

And you are wrong about the topic of this thread. Test your theory if you don't believe me.
Florida only requires 12 jurors in capitol cases.

Are they seeking the death penalty?

Personally, I dont think it was wise to let them pick a 12 woman jury. At least one jury should be a man.

I am all for women, but i dont think a jury of all women would represent a jury of my peers well.

I think it was a poor pick for the defense.
Well, Zimmerman has his peers covered. Five whites and a Hispanic. Poor martin.
What don't you get about 'get back on topic?'

As far as I am concerned....the topic of this thread is now you and how you have been so lame as to whine to mods and get my pointed, interesting words erased from the board.

Isn't that an interesting topic?

There are some things you just don't get to say here.

And clearly, you think that someone other than parents should be and are responsible for minor children. Well, here's a flash. There is a reason that some kids don't find themselves in this kid of spot. Because their parents gave a damn and took responsibility. If li'l Trayvon had been the shooter, people like you would be whining, 'he should have had counseling.' That has been the tired refrain in every school shooting. Most of them WERE already getting what counseling the schools and community had available. The bottom line is that parents are responsible for their minor children. Sorry you don't like that. But that's how it is.

And you are wrong about the topic of this thread. Test your theory if you don't believe me.

Your opinion on this is retarded.

What do you mean test my theory? What are you going to do? Cry some more? Try to get me banned? You sorry little loser, you. You JUST brought it back to you, BTW. You are a genius!
Interesting first day. Prosecution did very well, defense was holding its own dick.

However, early innings. I remember that Martinez in the Arias case got his ass handed to him on cross on defense. Jodi and one of her friends make him looking like a stumbling idiot, you know, like a Yurt or an Ernie S. Then later in the trial, M came back and nailed the case down for the prosecution.

That still can happen for the defense.
11,000 posts and you don't even have a thousand rep points. I think it is YOU who is pegged.

Rep points? You care about rep points?

That is funny too.

Looks like your whining got some posts removed. WTG!

Isn't it funny how she cares about rep points. It's sad really. But hey, she is going to NEG!!!!!!!!! You. :)

Your rep isn't turned off. Hmmmm........... If you don't care about it have it turned off. LL should as well. Or you are both hypocrites. Now, I remind you the topic of the thread is the Zimmerman case and you have been admonished by staff to get back on topic. You might want to show them at least that much respect.
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