Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Lesseee here..

child missing.. mom says nothing

grandma keeps asking mom keeps lying and blowing her off

mom is non stop lying and non stop partying.

when grandma calls the police,, mom goes into overdrive in the lying department.. makes up a job makes up a fantasy nanny..

poor innocent little mom.. don't we feel sorry for her

chloroform,, neck breaking, and spleen ruptureing investigated on the home computer. grandma lies and says it was she, grandma is a liar too and it is proven.

body is found with duct tape, duct tape that is rare, no manufactured anymore and indigenious to the family home.

wow,, poor mom

31 days baby is missing and momma is partying and doing the butt grind and leading mom on a wild goose chase with one lie right after another that baby is in disney, baby is in busch gardens, baby is spending the night at the nannies house,,

yep,, that bitch is an innoncent and pure as the driven snow.

I wonder how it is that the jury blew off all this information as if it were nothing?? cause they would have to to find her not guilty on all charges.
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I have no doubt that this Bitch killed her daughter. I don't care what the jury said, they were wrong. How can she not be guilty? How did someone who stated that they couldn't judge anyone end up on a jury?

Casey Anthony is not a smart person, she is a pathological liar and she will eventually tell on herself. When she does can they possibly try her for something else?

She can't be tried for the same thing twice, if she goes before a trial again it will probably be for something else not even remotely tied to her daughters death, like OJ Simpson did.
Kill your Baby,Party out,and take some slutty Facebook Photos! It's the American Way. So WTG America! Your future looks very bright. :(
whats frightening, is, she can have another child anytime she wants.

I thought about that for a while before posting it and am wondering, how friggin loony this world is and how truly screwed that is.
As much as I think she is guilty, I think the jury came up with the right verdict based on the evidence presented. Too often juries convict innocent people because they ignore the evidence and go with their gut feeling. The prosecution should have waited to see if they could gather anymore evidence and try her at a later time. Funny thing about cases like this; eventually people say things that bring out the truth. Had they waited, they may have been able to come up with enough evidence to actually get a conviction. Since the jury came back with such a quick verdict, it's obvious there wasn't much doubt in any jurors mind as to their decision.

That's bullshit. The evidence proved her guilt. The jury got it wrong. They must have had ear plugs in.
I imagine the father is about to be arrested. Since they kept pointing the finger at him as a form of defense.

I don't get how a kid can be missing 30 days b4 she's reported missing, then found with duct tape on her face and the mother gets a walk.

Me either.

And don't forget..........very fucking few mothers go out and start partying every night when their child goes missing.

You are correct but alot of people have been telling me that means nothing and people grieve in different ways.

Yes but at that point it was still a "missing" child, not grieving. Or maybe instead of a home phone number she had her daughter memorize that of every bar in town.
In closing , to all you nancys of the world , i was right , you all were wrong , if i pissed you off , awesome ! I hope you all choke on your bullshit ! Whiners , cryers , babies , and sore losers . Close minded assholes with no intelligence or common sense . I hope you all have horrible lives and suffer with great pain when you die . The world doesnt need scumbags like you and would be a far better place if your kind was exterminated . As of this time im deleting my profile and leaving you all to stroke each others dick in defeat . So to all the piece of shit eating nancys , fuck you !!!!!! My job is done here . I now leave you to console each other . ( suck , suck , stroke , stroke . ) morons .
In closing , to all you nancys of the world , i was right , you all were wrong , if i pissed you off , awesome ! I hope you all choke on your bullshit ! Whiners , cryers , babies , and sore losers . Close minded assholes with no intelligence or common sense . I hope you all have horrible lives and suffer with great pain when you die . The world doesnt need scumbags like you and would be a far better place if your kind was exterminated . As of this time im deleting my profile and leaving you all to stroke each others dick in defeat . So to all the piece of shit eating nancys , fuck you !!!!!! My job is done here . I now leave you to console each other . ( suck , suck , stroke , stroke . ) morons .

whats frightening, is, she can have another child anytime she wants.

I thought about that for a while before posting it and am wondering, how friggin loony this world is and how truly screwed that is.

Within 5 years she will be married with children.

That kind of marriage is still illegal in Florida.

Sliwa's take was really good.

Think about it. Jury member #4 put any number in there is going to write a novel about being on the jury.

The system is now so seriously fucked up that someone wants to pull an OJ moment. And the morons on the jury rather than thinking about the child want to be "stars" in a movie.

I want to vomit.
It is better one hundred guilty persons should escape than that one innocent person should suffer.

The prosecution bears the burden and they didn't do their job. Simple as that.
In closing , to all you nancys of the world , i was right , you all were wrong , if i pissed you off , awesome ! I hope you all choke on your bullshit ! Whiners , cryers , babies , and sore losers . Close minded assholes with no intelligence or common sense . I hope you all have horrible lives and suffer with great pain when you die . The world doesnt need scumbags like you and would be a far better place if your kind was exterminated . As of this time im deleting my profile and leaving you all to stroke each others dick in defeat . So to all the piece of shit eating nancys , fuck you !!!!!! My job is done here . I now leave you to console each other . ( suck , suck , stroke , stroke . ) morons .

Have a nice life! Don't choke on Casey's smegma!

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