Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Makes me want to vomit. How many young mothers out there see this now as a chance to get rid of their kids?

now come on JimH52, did people see rowe vs wade as a chance to get rid of unwanted pregnancies?

This trial & late term abortion brings new meaning to the phrase "I brought you into this world & I can easily take you out" Are we moving towards the termination option up until the child becomes an adult?

No gloating; no immediate comment for all the folks who were so damned sure of themselves, except to say a rush to judgment based mainly on media hype is always risky.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Jerry, just remember. It's not a lie... if you believe it...‬‏[/ame]
Makes me want to vomit. How many young mothers out there see this now as a chance to get rid of their kids?

now come on JimH52, did people see rowe vs wade as a chance to get rid of unwanted pregnancies?

This trial & late term abortion brings new meaning to the phrase "I brought you into this world & I can easily take you out" Are we moving towards the termination option up until the child becomes an adult?

Please go away. There are so many threads on USMB regarding abortion, go there.
I agree with the verdict and ill tell you why its right.

The prosecutor insisted the method of murder was suffocation by duct tape. Yet NO ONE could announce much less prove the cause of death.

I wasn't there to hear all the evidence the jury did but trying to insist on a weapon that caused the death without being able to prove a cause of death is nothing but contridictory.

I don't know and never will the depth to which she was involved but then again unlike some of you I know my idea about her guilt or innocence is irrelevant. The only relevant thoughts on guilt were the 12 that found her not guilty.

Our justice system worked as it was designed too.

The jury will now make millions by giving this verdict.

I hope they all go to hell. And quickly. Because their avarice up ended justice for a child.

They are pigs.

At the very least stupid.

Aye carumba. You can see where this is going. Good Morning America tomorrow and all the rest.

I so want to bazooka barf.

And I'm all for innocence and not hang them high. I brought up this crazy pathologist that we had up here who was convicting innocent people left right and center, tearing peoples lives apart, tearing families apart with his false accusations.

And imprisoning innocent people. This man was a maniac. So it's not like I want to see everyone hung high. Au contraire.

This jury got this wrong on this baby.And they will pay a price up and coming in the media.
It was a proper decision, based on what I saw of the evidence. Everything that happened was equally consistent with a theory that the child died accidentally and what happened after that was Casey Anthony trying to distance herself from the death because it happened under circumstances where she felt they would try to blame her.
She was found innocent on the murder charge. Think all they got her on was lying to police and bad checks.

Kinda funny you can go 30 days without reporting your child is missing and a Jury doesn't think you might have known what happened to her??

The State put on a hell of a case but it was all circumstantial. Guess the jury wan't buying it.

Too bad no one spared a thought for that little 2yr old.


Your quote says it all:

"Kinda funny you can go 30 days without reporting your child is missing and a Jury doesn't think you might have known what happened to her??"

That should've nailed the bitch for at least manslaughter.

Forgive me, slight peeve on my part: It's common to say: "Kinda funny".......followed by something gruesome.

Instead of "kinda funny", I prefer to use "kinda peculiar"......or something like that in the gruesome kinda cases.

And I tend to use "kinda stupid" to describe you.


WOWZER !!! It's obvious that as one of my bruised and battered LIEberrhoid victims you're still hurting from my squashing you like the contemptible bug that you are.

Whine, arsehole, whine.......
I agree with the verdict and ill tell you why its right.

The prosecutor insisted the method of murder was suffocation by duct tape. Yet NO ONE could announce much less prove the cause of death.

I wasn't there to hear all the evidence the jury did but trying to insist on a weapon that caused the death without being able to prove a cause of death is nothing but contridictory.

I don't know and never will the depth to which she was involved but then again unlike some of you I know my idea about her guilt or innocence is irrelevant. The only relevant thoughts on guilt were the 12 that found her not guilty.

Our justice system worked as it was designed too.

I love and adore murder. I follow cases just because I adore death and justice. This one is a no brainer that the mother did it.

I want to bazooka barf at this moment. This is a sad day. A mother looked into her babys eyes and duct taped her mouth shut. A mother. And then she killed her.

This is OJ redux. And the jury is going to be on every tv show tomorrow. This has nothing to do with justice.

It has everything to do with 12 pukes who want to make a fortune at the expense of a childs death.

The fact that you follow murder cases is irrelevant to this case. Each case is unique and presents its own challenges to the prosecution to prove guilt. This prosecutor did not, its just that simple. We dont comprimise our civil liberties to suit our emotions of the moment.

And your assertion that 12 complete strangers conspired to let a guilty person go free just for the sake of making a few thousand bucks at the risk of themselves being imprisoned is obsurd to say the least.
There was no worthwhile defense in this case. The prosecution just didn't make theirs. There wasn't enough evidence for a guilty verdict. Every shred of evidence was rife with doubt.
now come on JimH52, did people see rowe vs wade as a chance to get rid of unwanted pregnancies?

This trial & late term abortion brings new meaning to the phrase "I brought you into this world & I can easily take you out" Are we moving towards the termination option up until the child becomes an adult?

Please go away. There are so many threads on USMB regarding abortion, go there.

For the life of me, I can't remember what czar. Don't think it was Sunstein, but one of them was really truly a believer that a child wasn't really a child till they were two years old.


So therefore you could do what you want to said "thing" because it really wasn't a human.

You have to remember what crazies they are.
The evidence is there as much as it has been in other high profile cases.
Where the Prosecution put the emphasis and built its case could've been a problem.
That and a lack of common sense.
I agree with the verdict and ill tell you why its right.

The prosecutor insisted the method of murder was suffocation by duct tape. Yet NO ONE could announce much less prove the cause of death.

I wasn't there to hear all the evidence the jury did but trying to insist on a weapon that caused the death without being able to prove a cause of death is nothing but contridictory.

I don't know and never will the depth to which she was involved but then again unlike some of you I know my idea about her guilt or innocence is irrelevant. The only relevant thoughts on guilt were the 12 that found her not guilty.

Our justice system worked as it was designed too.

I love and adore murder. I follow cases just because I adore death and justice. This one is a no brainer that the mother did it.

I want to bazooka barf at this moment. This is a sad day. A mother looked into her babys eyes and duct taped her mouth shut. A mother. And then she killed her.

This is OJ redux. And the jury is going to be on every tv show tomorrow. This has nothing to do with justice.

It has everything to do with 12 pukes who want to make a fortune at the expense of a childs death.
I think the jury didn't appear in a press conference after the verdict because many wished to remain unidentifiable, I know if I were one of those jurors who ruled in her favor, I'd not be wanting to show my tail anywhere, so I don't know if I agree with you on the jury being on any shows too soon, at least the ones w/ not guilty verdict. They might be booed off the set.
It's pretty evident that she was the one who killed her child, nobody acts the way she did after losing a dear beloved member of a family. Most family members of the deceased would be bereaved, not her though.
She'll be looking over her shoulder for quite some time though, because alot of people would probably love the chance to get a shot at her. She's made many enemies, I think.
You're right about the OJ redux though, I agree with you on that.
The only winner today was our Constitution. Most likely Anthony was guilty but the State did not prove that guilt in the eyes of the jury. Therefore, she is "not guilty". In the end, God will be the judge.

So many didnt agree with this when OJ was found innocent. Weird huh.

The difference was that in the OJ case, the jury ignored the evidence. In this case, there was no evidence, or at least not nearly enough to convict.
The only winner today was our Constitution. Most likely Anthony was guilty but the State did not prove that guilt in the eyes of the jury. Therefore, she is "not guilty". In the end, God will be the judge.

So many didnt agree with this when OJ was found innocent. Weird huh.

The difference was that in the OJ case, the jury ignored the evidence. In this case, there was no evidence, or at least not nearly enough to convict.

The Jury did not ignore evidence in the OJ trial. I watched it. What the press was reporting each day bore no resemble4nce to what actually happened that day in Court. The Defense trashed every point the incompetent prosecutors threw out.
She'll be picked up for some random DUI and drug arrests and eventually OD in a roach motel somewhere.
I agree with the verdict and ill tell you why its right.

The prosecutor insisted the method of murder was suffocation by duct tape. Yet NO ONE could announce much less prove the cause of death.

I wasn't there to hear all the evidence the jury did but trying to insist on a weapon that caused the death without being able to prove a cause of death is nothing but contridictory.

I don't know and never will the depth to which she was involved but then again unlike some of you I know my idea about her guilt or innocence is irrelevant. The only relevant thoughts on guilt were the 12 that found her not guilty.

Our justice system worked as it was designed too.

I love and adore murder. I follow cases just because I adore death and justice. This one is a no brainer that the mother did it.

I want to bazooka barf at this moment. This is a sad day. A mother looked into her babys eyes and duct taped her mouth shut. A mother. And then she killed her.

This is OJ redux. And the jury is going to be on every tv show tomorrow. This has nothing to do with justice.

It has everything to do with 12 pukes who want to make a fortune at the expense of a childs death.

The fact that you follow murder cases is irrelevant to this case. Each case is unique and presents its own challenges to the prosecution to prove guilt. This prosecutor did not, its just that simple. We dont comprimise our civil liberties to suit our emotions of the moment.

And your assertion that 12 complete strangers conspired to let a guilty person go free just for the sake of making a few thousand bucks at the risk of themselves being imprisoned is obsurd to say the least.


watch up and coming

what I do know in life is promo and how to make a buck. there are some on that jury who have already signed deals. I can smell it. whether you like it or not. sorry. this is what I used to do for a living.

back to whether or not the prosecutor proved the case, how on this bloody planet do you find a woman absolutely guilty of lying over and over to authorities but innocent of any and all other charges?

this defies logic. but then this is florida is it not? this is the same america who found OJ innocent correct? because they didn't believe DNA evidence at the time?

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I remember that one.:lol:
This is a great example of why you should innocent until proven guilty. While I think she "probably" killed her child-I don't know that-and neither does anybody here. Only Casey knows that.

However the constitution was followed properly. She had every right-just like any of us have-to have a fair trial, and a jury of her peers, and the right to plead the 5th (which isn't designed to protect guilty).

The prosecution had all circumstantial evidence, in a criminal case you need to remove all reasonable doubt. It's the prosecution's job to prove the defendant guilty-NOT the defense's job to find the defendant innocent. It's the law of the land. Is it perfect? No. Is it the best process for a fair, and realistic trial? Yes (in my opinion).

In the end I support the decision of the jury-regardless of the way they ruled. It's the way it should be.

I wish more juries ruled as this one. Maybe then we would have many less innocent people behind bars. While juries can never all get it right, it really is up to the prosecution to prove guilt, not for the defense to prove innocence, and this is where people who are upset about this decision just don't get it. If I, or anyone here, were ever charged with a crime that we did not commit, we certainly would want the prosecution to have to actually prove our guilt before being convicted. That is the right of every American. Unfortunately, many juries have gotten away from that; maybe they never really were that good at following rules to begin with, I don't know. But jurors need to understand their role. It's to determine guilt based on actual evidence, not the prevailing thought of the media and the rest of society.

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