Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
With all due respect, because I realize so many now are blaming the prosecution, I fault the jury.

And here is why. Please bear with me. The jury is comprised of individuals who actually beleive that they have to be standing over the body of the deceased as a murderer is killing said victim.

Because nothing else would be real to them.

A jury these days are 12 people who do anything and everything that is not for real.

These are people/individuals who have no basis in reality. Their lives are twitter.

Herein lies a jury. In Florida. La la land.

One of the jurors doesn't own a computer and many of them are over 50, so... yeah... not exactly the social media generation here.

Stop blaming the jury. The prosecution over-charged and couldn't meet their burden. This is very obvious, or at least it should be.
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I believe these are alternate jurors who agreed to make a statement at a later date. Hope it works out for them.

I hope the best for them also...sad to even imagine that one of them would pay the ultimate price for doing their civic duty...

Such is the world we live in; absolutely disgusting...

Why aren't all of them releasing their names? Are they not proud of their decision?
What's the problem here?

Surely they are rejoicing at reaching this verdict freeing this woman. Why would they be ashamed of their verdict?

The problem is that there are a lot of idiots in the world that would like nothing better than to "off them" for no other reason than to make a name for themselves...don't be naive.
As much as I think she is guilty, I think the jury came up with the right verdict based on the evidence presented. Too often juries convict innocent people because they ignore the evidence and go with their gut feeling. The prosecution should have waited to see if they could gather anymore evidence and try her at a later time. Funny thing about cases like this; eventually people say things that bring out the truth. Had they waited, they may have been able to come up with enough evidence to actually get a conviction. Since the jury came back with such a quick verdict, it's obvious there wasn't much doubt in any jurors mind as to their decision.

That's bullshit. The evidence proved her guilt. The jury got it wrong. They must have had ear plugs in.

I do not agree at all. They should have waited and gathered more evidence.
I believe these are alternate jurors who agreed to make a statement at a later date. Hope it works out for them.

I hope the best for them also...sad to even imagine that one of them would pay the ultimate price for doing their civic duty...

Such is the world we live in; absolutely disgusting...

Why aren't all of them releasing their names? Are they not proud of their decision?
What's the problem here?

Surely they are rejoicing at reaching this verdict freeing this woman. Why would they be ashamed of their verdict?

Because they know there are people like you and even worse out there that cant control their emmotions and they dont want to risk harm to themselves or their families? Not saying you would but the display your puttin on now is the exact thing they shouldnt have to deal with.
I dont doubt some will make money off this case, most notably her lawyer and his future career. Having said that it does not change the innept job the prosecution did.

With all due respect, because I realize so many now are blaming the prosecution, I fault the jury.

And here is why. Please bear with me. The jury is comprised of individuals who actually beleive that they have to be standing over the body of the deceased as a murderer is killing said victim.

Because nothing else would be real to them.

A jury these days are 12 people who do anything and everything that is not for real.

These are people/individuals who have no basis in reality. Their lives are twitter.

Herein lies a jury. In Florida. La la land.

They haven't said a word of why they came to their decision. So how in the world do you know they "believe they had to be standing over the body...?" All they have done is exactly what the State asked of them; to render their opinion on Ms. Anthony's guilt or innocence. Leave them be...

Hell no. And why should I leave them alone. Here comes the game. What part of you make a decision and then others respond to your decision don't you get?

This time round, I really want to know who they all are. They'll all be on tv shows up and coming.

So that makes them fair game. This is a far cry from the jury on OJ's trial. And every single jury member for OJ should have been nuked for the bs decision they made.

I want answers on how they reached their decision.

And I deserve that.

So does Caylee. Most importantly, I think Caylee with the duct tape over her mouth, Caylee deserves an answer on how they reached their verdict.
With all due respect, because I realize so many now are blaming the prosecution, I fault the jury.

And here is why. Please bear with me. The jury is comprised of individuals who actually beleive that they have to be standing over the body of the deceased as a murderer is killing said victim.

Because nothing else would be real to them.

A jury these days are 12 people who do anything and everything that is not for real.

These are people/individuals who have no basis in reality. Their lives are twitter.

Herein lies a jury. In Florida. La la land.

They haven't said a word of why they came to their decision. So how in the world do you know they "believe they had to be standing over the body...?" All they have done is exactly what the State asked of them; to render their opinion on Ms. Anthony's guilt or innocence. Leave them be...

Hell no. And why should I leave them alone. Here comes the game. What part of you make a decision and then others respond to your decision don't you get?

This time round, I really want to know who they all are. They'll all be on tv shows up and coming.

So that makes them fair game. This is a far cry from the jury on OJ's trial. And every single jury member for OJ should have been nuked for the bs decision they made.

I want answers on how they reached their decision.

And I deserve that.

So does Caylee. Most importantly, I think Caylee with the duct tape over her mouth, Caylee deserves an answer on how they reached their verdict.

Since I don't agree with your opinion, why don't you give me your name and address so I can come over, burn your house down, kick your dog, then flog you in front of your neighbors.

Take a valium; you don't deserve a damn thing. Which is exactly why the Judge didn't release information about the jury.
I agree with the verdict and ill tell you why its right.

The prosecutor insisted the method of murder was suffocation by duct tape. Yet NO ONE could announce much less prove the cause of death.

I wasn't there to hear all the evidence the jury did but trying to insist on a weapon that caused the death without being able to prove a cause of death is nothing but contridictory.

I don't know and never will the depth to which she was involved but then again unlike some of you I know my idea about her guilt or innocence is irrelevant. The only relevant thoughts on guilt were the 12 that found her not guilty.

Our justice system worked as it was designed too.

I love and adore murder. I follow cases just because I adore death and justice. This one is a no brainer that the mother did it.

I want to bazooka barf at this moment. This is a sad day. A mother looked into her babys eyes and duct taped her mouth shut. A mother. And then she killed her.

This is OJ redux. And the jury is going to be on every tv show tomorrow. This has nothing to do with justice.

It has everything to do with 12 pukes who want to make a fortune at the expense of a childs death.

The fact that you follow murder cases is irrelevant to this case. Each case is unique and presents its own challenges to the prosecution to prove guilt. This prosecutor did not, its just that simple. We dont comprimise our civil liberties to suit our emotions of the moment.

And your assertion that 12 complete strangers conspired to let a guilty person go free just for the sake of making a few thousand bucks at the risk of themselves being imprisoned is obsurd to say the least.

Not to mention just plain scary. Like we don't have enough to worry about. Now people cannot even feel safe doing their civil duty. Those posts about the jury are disgusting.
I am finding it humorous watching everyone flop around. Reading this thread was so entertaining I had to join. The prosection did not prove their case period. The jurors did their job. Ashton is so embarassed he just announced he's retiring.
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I hope the best for them also...sad to even imagine that one of them would pay the ultimate price for doing their civic duty...

Such is the world we live in; absolutely disgusting...

Why aren't all of them releasing their names? Are they not proud of their decision?
What's the problem here?

Surely they are rejoicing at reaching this verdict freeing this woman. Why would they be ashamed of their verdict?

Because they know there are people like you and even worse out there that cant control their emmotions and they dont want to risk harm to themselves or their families? Not saying you would but the display your puttin on now is the exact thing they shouldnt have to deal with.

I'm no "hang em high" chick. Over the years I have become an avid anti death penalty person after all the screw ups I have witnessed. I just pray to God we haven't killed too many innocent men and women over the years.

But I do know my murders. And I know them well. It's a weird obsession of mine. Freely admitted.

This mother killed her child. For me there is no doubt. Many reasons. Studied the case till blue in the face.

On the other hand I will fight to the death to defend David Westerfield who I believe was railroaded. Nor Bane and Hera for Whipple.

Bogus and bullshit all the way.
Oh come on the jury wasn't stupid. I do not understand blaming a jury because the prosecution messed up. They should have waited, someone would have slipped up and given them concrete evidence. Now, she can never be convicted.

Break it down. She was convicted of lying.

Now why?

She knew the baby was dead - she admitted it only after the body being discovered.
- so why sit in jail for three years?
- George hid it? - no proof, only OS bs and again why sit in jail for three years
- abuse, again only OS bs

I don't give this bunch the benefit of doubt. OS are not evidence.
I'm gonna throw a thought out there... kinda crazy but considering this case it fits right in.

Grampa actually was molesting his own children. Then he carried this deviant behavior over to his grand daughter. She is getting to the age where communication becomes possible. Grandpa decides he cant risk it and either drowns her or whatever. Being an ex cop he knows what to do to clean things up and leave no clues behind. Says nothing and hopes it will forever be a missing child case. I mean before he knew his grand daughter was dead he tries to kill himself. Tells his mistress things that could implicate him. Denys knowing how he buried 4 or 5 family pets. Which started when Casey was a small child and exactly resembles how Kaley was found. Maybe the duct tape migrated from the bag to the body during decomposition. Maybe the tape was used to hold an already decomposed body together to be transported more than once.
Are we supposed to believe someone who told such stupid end easily disprovable lies (Casey) could completely clean a crime up to the point that the best labs in the country couldnt find any forensic evidence? I dont see it....
Something is definitely wrong but there is no proof to pin it to 1 person.
This is a great example of why you should innocent until proven guilty. While I think she "probably" killed her child-I don't know that-and neither does anybody here. Only Casey knows that.

However the constitution was followed properly. She had every right-just like any of us have-to have a fair trial, and a jury of her peers, and the right to plead the 5th (which isn't designed to protect guilty).

The prosecution had all circumstantial evidence, in a criminal case you need to remove all reasonable doubt. It's the prosecution's job to prove the defendant guilty-NOT the defense's job to find the defendant innocent. It's the law of the land. Is it perfect? No. Is it the best process for a fair, and realistic trial? Yes (in my opinion).

In the end I support the decision of the jury-regardless of the way they ruled. It's the way it should be.

I wish more juries ruled as this one. Maybe then we would have many less innocent people behind bars. While juries can never all get it right, it really is up to the prosecution to prove guilt, not for the defense to prove innocence, and this is where people who are upset about this decision just don't get it. If I, or anyone here, were ever charged with a crime that we did not commit, we certainly would want the prosecution to have to actually prove our guilt before being convicted. That is the right of every American. Unfortunately, many juries have gotten away from that; maybe they never really were that good at following rules to begin with, I don't know. But jurors need to understand their role. It's to determine guilt based on actual evidence, not the prevailing thought of the media and the rest of society.

So those who believe that there was evidence presented even if it were circumstantial, we're what? Stupid? Anti American? Had I been in that Jury room i would have been voting Guilty. I have no doubt that this bitch caused the death of her daughter, And I got that from the evidence presented.
Oh come on the jury wasn't stupid. I do not understand blaming a jury because the prosecution messed up. They should have waited, someone would have slipped up and given them concrete evidence. Now, she can never be convicted.

Break it down. She was convicted of lying.

Now why?

She knew the baby was dead - she admitted it only after the body being discovered.
- so why sit in jail for three years?
- George hid it? - no proof, only OS bs and again why sit in jail for three years
- abuse, again only OS bs

I don't give this bunch the benefit of doubt. OS are not evidence.

I do not think it went down that way at all. I do not believe people cover up accidents and make them look like murder. It doesn't make any sense. I think Casey either murdered Caylee to get at her parents or she died in an accident where Casey was extremely neglectful. The prosecution comes up with this fairytale about how Casey killed her because she wanted to party. Why would that be a good motive? She could have ditched Caylee on her parents and partied all she wanted. That is certainly a lot easier especially for someone who is self-centered. Why make things difficult for yourself? I truthfully believe if prosecutors had been patient, Casey would eventually have been convicted. I think the media hype made them think they had to bring charges right away or be crucified. It is a shame it turned out this way.
They haven't said a word of why they came to their decision. So how in the world do you know they "believe they had to be standing over the body...?" All they have done is exactly what the State asked of them; to render their opinion on Ms. Anthony's guilt or innocence. Leave them be...

Hell no. And why should I leave them alone. Here comes the game. What part of you make a decision and then others respond to your decision don't you get?

This time round, I really want to know who they all are. They'll all be on tv shows up and coming.

So that makes them fair game. This is a far cry from the jury on OJ's trial. And every single jury member for OJ should have been nuked for the bs decision they made.

I want answers on how they reached their decision.

And I deserve that.

So does Caylee. Most importantly, I think Caylee with the duct tape over her mouth, Caylee deserves an answer on how they reached their verdict.

Since I don't agree with your opinion, why don't you give me your name and address so I can come over, burn your house down, kick your dog, then flog you in front of your neighbors.

Take a valium; you don't deserve a damn thing. Which is exactly why the Judge didn't release information about the jury.

Edited. No need to post your address on here. ~elvis.

I'm real.

I am not a figment of anyones imagination on the net. I am real.

By all means come by. I will welcome you. I have no fear because I am real. Now flogging me in front of my neighbors would really mean you have to get by one dog called Duke and then past my Ruby Starr (she's a catahoula and pissed off at the best of times) but by all means come by.
I am finding it humorous watching everyone flop around. Reading this thread was so entertaining I had to join. The prosection did not prove their case period. The jurors did their job. Ashton is so embarassed he just announced he's retiring.

His unprofessional snickering at closing didn't help.
Ya gotta remember....the jury had no access to stuff WE had access to.
tinydancer...the net is full of nutbars. You need to edit your address out.

Oh, and if anyone ever kicked my dog, I would kill them where they stood.

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